Knowledge is power, Opportunity to share Knowledge, has been given to students of SRM – IHM Trichy. The event was organized by JMC Trichy, dated on 21 February 2024 in topic of “Technology – Driven Hospitality and Tourism Sector: Navigating New Trends in Employability and Entrepreneurship” a student from Ist Year B.Sc. Miss. Jayavarshani B, Institute of Hotel Management, SRM Trichy has presented her knowledge in the 8Th National Conference, on the topic of “Artificial Intelligence in the Hospitality Industry”. Her Paper was appreciated by the dignitaries and published. Printed: ISBN No. 978-81-964847-5-0, also 20 number of students from SRM has also participated in the National level conference,harmonized by Mr. M.D.Ragulkannan Assistant Professor SRM University.