The Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli celebrated CALLISTA’ 23, an intramural fest on 14th February 2023 for the freshers to exhibit their talents. The Director of Trichy campus Dr. N. Malmurugan presided over the function and dwelt upon the importance of cultural activities in the student life. A two minute silence was observed as a tribute to the Indian Soldiers of Pulwama Attack. The function started with the Welcome address by Mr.Sivasubbramanyan, II CSE, the FLA President. Dr. C. ShanmugaPriya, Fine Arts and Literary Association (FLA)Faculty Coordinator presented the FLA report and introduced the office bearers of the student council. There were competitions in Skit, Music and Dance of the freshers. The performances were judged by the Director, Dr. N. Malmurugan and the Campus Life Coordinator, Mrs.Manimegalai. The winners and runners were given away the shields and certificates by the Director. Mr.AshrarulHaq, the student of II CSE AIML delivered the Vote of thanks.