- Assistant Professor and Head (Cyber Security)
- deebalar@srmist.edu.in
- deebalakshmi.r@ist.srmtrichy.edu.in
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Specialization/ Major areas of Research
Networking, Cloud Computing, Distributed System and Artificial Intelligence.
Courses Handled
Data Structures, Computer Networks, Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Programming for Problem Solving using C and Python.
Degree Organization/Institution Specialization Year of Passing
Ph.D Sathaybama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai Computer Science and Engineering 2020
PG Anna university , Chennai Computer Science and Engineering 2008
UG Anna university , Chennai Electronics and Communication Engineering 2006
- A. Daniel , R. Deebalakshmi , R. Thilagavathy , T. Kohilakanagalakshmi , S. Janakiraman and Balamurugan Balusamy , (2023), “Optimal feature selection for malware detection in cyber physical systems using graph convolutional network”, International Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering, 108 (2023) 108689, (Web of Science, Impact Factor -3.4).
- Deebalakshmi R and Jyothi V.L (2019), “Smart routing based on network traffic classification techniques and considerations”, International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, Inderscience, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp 222-236 (Scopus Indexed , Impact Factor -0.24).
- Deebalakshmi R and Jyothi V.L (2019), “Load Balancing in Cloud Data centre by Intelligent Routing with Traffic Classification using Structure Optimized Neural Network”, Caribbean Journal of Science, University of Puerto Rico, Volume 53, Issue 1, pp 88-99 (Web of Science, Impact Factor -0.2).
- Kittappa Thiagarajan, Justin Gnana Dhas Jospin Jeya and Ramalingam Deebalakshmi (2019), “Methodical gain knowledge on categorizing 1-hop and 2–hop set of connections”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 2112, Issue 1, pp 020089 (Scopus Indexed).
- Deebalakshmi R and Jyothi V.L (2018), “Intelligent Packet Delivery in Router using Structure Optimized Neural Network”, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES), Volume 10, Issue 2, pp 545-553 (Scopus Indexed, Impact Factor -0.24).
- Deebalakshmi R and Jyothi V.L (2017), “Important Flows Forwarding in Router using Structure Optimized Neural Network”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, Special Issue:12, pp 431-483. (Scopus indexed, Impact Factor -0.22)
- Deebalakshmi R and Jyothi V.L (2014), “Important Flows Forwarding in Router using Flows Categorization and Traffic Information”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 9, Issue 24, pp 27393-27402 (Scopus Indexed, Impact Factor -1.86).
List of International Conferences
- Deebalakshmi R and Jyothi V.L (2016), “A Survey of Classification Algorithms for Network Traffic.”, in IEEE Second International Conference On Science Technology Engineering & Management –ICONSTEM 2016.
- Deebalakshmi R and Jyothi V.L (2014), “Important Flows Forwarding in Router using Flows Categorization and Traffic Information.”, in International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) VIT University Vellore .
- Thilagavathy R, Deebalakshmi R, Jayasankari S and Nivedita (2023), “Enhancing the Performance of Cloud Environment by a Novel Three stage Task Scheduling Policy.”, 3rd International Conference on Advances in Communication Technology and Computer Engineering- (ICACTCE23) held in Bolton, UK, February 24-25, 2023.
- Sangavi G, Kalaivani K, Velammal Kavitha.A and Deebalakshmi R(2015) “Preventing False Data Injection Attacks using Profile Based Secure Clustering Mechanism in Wireless Sensor Network”
- Deebalakshmi R, Gautham(2015) “ Eliminating the selfish and malicious node in DTN” National Conference on Emerging Trends in electronics and Communication Engineering(NCETECE-15), April 6-7,2015. Organized by New Prince Shri Bhavani college of engineering and technology.
- Nithisha J, Deebalakshmi R(2014) “ Intelligent Forwarding in Router using clustering of flows and traffic characteristics” National Conference on Information Science and Engineering(NCISE)”,Dec-18,2015. Organized by AVIT.
- R.Deebalakshmi, V.L. Jyothi,(2014)“Network Flow Measurement and Routing using Flow-group Priority “ National Conference on Information Assurance and Management(NCIAM-14), March 26-27,2014. Organized by Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry.
- R.Deebalakshmi, Dr.V.L. Jyothi,(2014)“Intelligent routing using Network Traffic Measurement “national conference in computational intelligence and high performance computing-2014.(NCCIHPC-14) 12th &13th Feb 2014,Organised by SRM University, Chennai.
- Deebalakshmi R,“ (2014)A Virtual Multi channel approach for Improving the delay Performance “national conference in computational intelligence and high performance computing-2014.(NCCIHPC-14) Feb 2014, St.Joseph college of Engineering.
- Deebalakshmi R”(2008)Secure and more reliable data communication in mobile Adhoc networks”, national conference in computational intelligence-2008.(NCCI-08)3rd & 4th March2008, Organised by Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology.
- Deebalakshmi R”(2008)A Frame work for more reliable data communication in mobile Adhoc networks”, national conference in computational information-2008.(NCCI-08)3rd & 4th Feb2008, Organised by Bharath University.
Scientific Books Published
- R Deebalakshmi “Computer Organization and Architecture.” Notion Press, Chennai. ISBN:979-888869865-5 on Feb 2023
Scientific Book Chapter
- R Thilagavathy, T Veeramani, R Deebalakshmi, B Sundaravadivazhagan. “Computational Intelligence in Medical Decision Making and Diagnosis.” Chapter 13 Data Mining Approaches on EHR System a Survey. eBook ISBN9781003309451 on March 2023.
2 Published
- Patent Application No.202341002106, “System for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Using Machine Learning” Published on 20.01.2023.
- Patent Application No.202341049441, “An Intelligent System for Weather Monitoring and Natural Disasters Prevention Using Internet of Things” Published on 01.09.2023.
- Produced 100% Result in Computer Architecture, Multicore Architecture, Total Quality Management and Software Quality Assurance, Fundamentals of computer and Programming.
- Received Best Teacher Award for the year 2009-2010 and 2011-2012 at Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai.
- Participated in INSA Sponsored Five Days FDP on “Cyber Security in Post Quantum” at VIT, Chennai, during Nov 14th to 18th 2022.
- Participated in Five Days FDP on “Cloud Practitioner (AWS) at SRM Institute of Science and Technology with ICT Academy, during March 20th to 25th 2023.
- Participated in “The Guinness World Record Attempt- Largest Organ Donation Awareness Programme” Organized by Transplant Authority of Tamil Nadu, Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, 24th October 2018.
- Participated in two days Faculty Development Program on “Introduction to Python Programming” conducted by ICT Academy on 29th and 30th October 2018 at Sri Sairam Institute of Technology, Chennai.
- Participated in “Refined Versions of Basic Sciences and Their Uplifting Effects on Society (RVBS – 2018)” National workshop at Jeppiaar Engineering College, from 6th to 13th August 2018.
- Training Programme on “Reverse Engineering” conducted by SRIORAX Info Solution Pvt. Ltd., organized by Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai during 08th to 19th January 2018
- Participated in two days Faculty Development Program on “Designing Research Projects, Proposal Writing, Grants and Funding Agencies” on 26th and 27th April 2018 at Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai.
- Participated in two days Faculty Development Program on “Creative Thinking” conducted by ICT Academy on 27th and 28th April 2018 at Jayagovind HarigopalbAgarwal Agarsen College, Chennai.
- Participated in one day workshop on “Current Trends on IOT & Its Applications” at Jeppiaar Engineering College, on 21st February 2018.
- Industrial Training Programme in “3D Printer, 2D Printer and Software’s” at Retech Solutions Pvt Ltd, Chennai during 28th , 29th July 2018
- Participated in three days workshop on “Big Data and Analytics” at Jeppiaar Engineering College, during 20th to 22nd December 2017.
- Participated in Centre for Faculty Development Anna University, Seven days Faculty Development Training Programme on “Distributed Systems” at MIT, Chennai, during 27th to 1st Dec and 18 & 19 Dec 2015.
- Participated in Anna University Sponsored Seven Days FDTP on “Theory of Computation” at Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, during 04th May to 10th May 2015.
- Participated in Anna University Sponsored Seven Days FDTP on “Compiler Design” at Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, during 22nd to 29th January 2016.
- Participated in Three days Faculty Development Program on “Quality System Accreditation – OBE, NBA, NAAC” at Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, from 21st to 23rd December 2016.
- Participated in Computer Society of India, Chennai Chapter, One Day Workshop on “Avoiding Risks of Plagiarism in Research Publication” held on 3rd May 2014.
- Participated in AICTE Sponsored Two-Week FDTP on “Recent Trends in Big Data Analytics and its Research Issues ” at MNM Jain Engineering College, Chennai, during 20th November to 3rd December 2017.
- Participated in Desiya Chinthanai Kazhagam, Two Days Seminar on “Role of Intellectuals in Nation Building” at Dhanalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, during 18th to 19th November 2017.
- Participated in Knowledge Partners, One Day Workshop on “Attitude Reengineering and out of box Thinking”, at Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, held on 19th July 2014.
- Participated in One Day Workshop on “Mat lab and Analytics”, at Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, held on 1st August 2014.
- Participated in One Day FDP on “Teaching Methodology for Engineering Students”, at Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai held on 8st March 2014.
- Participated in One Day Workshop on “The Magic of Believing in Yourself”, at Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai held on 7th January 2016.
- Participated in One Day Workshop on “Data Integration and Management using Informatica”, at Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai held on 24th March 2017.
- Participated in Three Days FDP on “Recent Trends in IOT”, at Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, during 24th to 26th November 2016.
- Organized one-day Workshop on “Advances in Python Programming” at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Trichy, on March 27th 2023.
- Organized one-day Workshop on “Network Cables, Devices and Structures” at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Trichy, on February 28th 2023.
- Organized one-day Special Lecture on “Process Synchronization, Identification and Prevention Techniques in Deadlocks” at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Trichy, on February 21st 2023.
- Organized one-day Special Lecture on “High Performance Computing” at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Trichy, on February 13th 2023.
- Organized one-day Codathon Context for II Year B.Tech. Students at SRM Institute of Science and Technology with CCC Hyderabad, on December 30th 2022.
- Organized one-day Workshop on “PC Trouble Shooting” at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Trichy, on December 3rd 2022.
- Organized 3 days’ Workshop on “Cloud Computing with AWS” at Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, from 10th to 12th September 2018.
- Organized and Participated in One-day workshop on “Moodle Learning Management System” at Jeppiaar Engineering College, Chennai, held on 3rd April 2019.
Training Received
- Attend Faculty Development Program on Design Thinking at Intellect School of Designing Thinking at Sirucheri IT Park Chennai, Organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology Chennai on June 2023.
- Attend Faculty Development Program on Universal Human Values at SRM Institute of Science and Technology Chennai, Organized by AICTE on May 2023.
- Attended Microsoft Faculty Development Program on AI-102 Designing and Implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution. Organized by ICT Academy along with Honeywell, on December 27th to 30th 2021.
- Attended Training Program on the project-based experiential learning program (Naalaiya Thiran). Organized by IBM, Anna University and ICT Academy on August 2022.
- Academic Experience: 13 Years
- Industry Experience: 1 year as Freelancer in ICT Academy
- Research Experience: 3 Years
- IEI (The Institution of Engineers (India) )– Life Membership