Dr.R. Suresh
- Assistant Professor
- sureshr3@srmist.edu.in
- suresh.r@ist.srmtrichy.edu.in
Department of Mathematics
Total Experience (includes Teaching, Industry & Research)
17.5 Years
Specialization/ Major areas of Research
Fuzzy Sets
Courses Handled
Probability and queueing theory, Random processes, Matrix and differential calculus, Transforms and partial differential equations, Discrete mathematics
Degree Organization/Institution Specialization Year of Passing
Ph.D Periyar E.V.R College, Trichy / Bharathidasan University Mathematics
(Complex Fuzzy Sets)2017
PG-M.Phil National College, Trichy Mathematics 2006
PG-M.Sc National College, Trichy Mathematics 2004
UG-B.Sc National College, Trichy Mathematics 2002
Paper Presented In International level Conference: 09
- Presented a paper entitled “Advanced Fuzzy Filter in image noise reduction” in International level conference of the Mathematical society, Banaras Hindu University on Recent trends in Mathematical and computational sciences during 03.02.2023 – 05.02.2023
- Presented a paper in Web-International Conference entitled “Complex Analysis and Differential Geometry Revisiting” on 29.06.2020 – 30.06.2020 conducted by SKBU University, West Bengal, India.
- Presented a paper in “International conference on Mathematics and Computation” on 19.02.2020 at Jamal Mohamed college ,Trichy, India.
- Presented a paper in “International conference on Mathematics and Computation” on 11.12.2017 at Jamal Mohamed college ,Trichy, India.
- Presented a paper in “International Conference on Advances in Science, Mathematics, English and Its Applications” on 08.05.2015 at E.G.S Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, India.
- Presented a paper in “International Conference on Mathematics and its Application” on 15.12.2014 – 17.12.2014 at University College of Engineering, Villupuram,India.
- Presented a paper in “International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Sciences” on 20.03.2014-23.03.2014 at Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh, India(Outside Tamilnadu).
- Presented a paper in “International conference on Mathematics and Computation” on 13.02.2014 – 14.02.2014 at Jamal Mohamed college ,Trichy, India.
- Presented a paper in “International conference on Mathematics and Computation” on 22.01.2015 – 23.01.2015 at Jamal Mohamed college ,Trichy, India.
Paper Presented In National Level Conferences: 05
- Presented a paper in National Conference on “Recent Trends in Science and Green Communication (NCRTSGC’16)” at Kings College of Engineering, Thanjavur on 27.12.2016.
- Presented a paper in 19th ISTE Convention for Staff members from engineering college, TN & P Section Dr. NGP college of engineering and Technology on 02.12.2016-03.12.2016(Activity Based Learning Approaches in Engineering Mathematics Enhancing Problem Solving Skills)
- Presented a paper in UGC sponsored National Seminar entitled “Fuzzy Techniques In Image Processing” at Kongu Engineering College on 19.04.2013 and 20.04.2013.
- Presented a paper in UGC sponsored National Seminar entitled “’The Strategic Role of Mathematical and Statistical Models’” at A.D.M College, Nagapattinam on 04.07.2013 and 05.07.2013.
- Presented a paper in UGC sponsored National Seminar entitled “Applications of Graph Theory” at S.R.C College, Trichy on 18.12.2012,19.12.2012
Journal Publications
- On Regular Complex Neutrosophic Graphs, Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics,2279-087X,Vol.15, No.:1,pp.No.: 97-104, 2017.
- Overview of Extended Theoretical Concepts of Complex Fuzzy Sets,International Journal of Scientific Research and Development,2321-0613,Vol.:5,Issue:9,PP.No.:620-623,2017
- Theory of Complex Fuzzy Soft Set and its Applications,International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology,2349-6010,Vol.: 3,No.10, pp. no: 13 – 18,2017
- Energy of a complex fuzzy graph,International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Applications, 0973-9424,Vol.:10,Issue:01,pp.: 243-248,2016
- Extended Theoretical Concept of Complex Fuzzy Sets By Complex Fuzzy Soft Hypergroup, Complex Fuzzy Soft Hyperring,International Journal of Research Granthaalayah,2350-0530,Vol.:4,No.:7, pp.: 62-69,2016
- Introduction of Complex Fuzzy Soft Hypergroup, Complex Fuzzy Soft Hyperring and Complex fuzzy soft Hyperideal, International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Science.,1312–7586,Vol.:11,No.:8, pp.:359 – 366,2016
- Complex Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic, International Conference on Mathematical methods and Computation 0973-0303,Special Issue 2015
- Entropy and δ Equalities of Complex Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 0973-4562,Vol.:10,No.:51, 2015
- Parameterized Soft Complex Fuzzy Sets,Journal of Progressive Research in Mathematics,2395-0218,Vol.:4, Issue:02,June,2015
- Soft Complex Fuzzy Set,Mathematical Sciences,2278-8697,Vol:3 ,Issue:1,2014
- Multivariate time series prediction using complex fuzzy sets, International Conference on Mathematical methods and Computation,0973-0303,Special Issue 2014
- Complex Neuro fuzzy system using complex fuzzy sets and update the parameters by PSO-GA and RLSE Method,International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology,2277-3754,Vol:3,Issue1,July 2013
- Adaptive Neuro complex fuzzy inferential system using complex fuzzy sets,Impact Journal of science and Technology,,0973-8290,Vol.7,No:2,pages 23-34,20131.
- Applications of complex fuzzy sets, JP Journal of Applied Mathematics,2249-2305,Vol.6,No:1&2,pp.5-22,2013
- Qualified Tamilnadu State Eligibility Test (TNSET) in the year 2018.
- 5-day FDP on “Palo Alto Cyber Security Foundation” by ICT-Academy at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur from 28.08.2023-01.09.2023.
- 5-day UHV-1 –(Online FDP) by AICTE from 21.08.2023-25.08.2023.
- 6-Day International online FDP on “Mathematics in Real Applied and Computational Domains” from 03.07.2023 – 08.07.2023, organized by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
- 15-day international FDP “Frontiers of Mathematics”, organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram from 05.07.2023 to 19.07.2023.
- Participated Five day Short Term Training Programme on Design of experiments for Engineers organized by Jai shriram Engineering college, Tirupur from 17.10.22 – 21.10.22
- Participated in five day online Faculty Development Program on “Applications of Mathematics in Applied Sciences and Engineering” jointly organized by GMR Institute of Technology-Rajam & National Institute of Technology-Warangal from 30th January – 03rd February, 2023
- Attended Short term course at IIT-Madras entitled “Mathematical Epidemiology” from 7.12.19-14.12.19
- Attended FDP at NIT-Calicut entitled ”Decision Making in a Fuzzy Environment” from 01.06.2009 -05.06.2009
- Attended seminar on “SME’s & Innovations present scenario in IPR” on 26.10.2009 at Hotel Sangam, Trichy by Kings college of Engineering,IPR-Cell.
- Attended Workshop of Mission 10X-Teaching and Learning Methods from 23.08.2010 – 27.08.2010 at SASTRA UNIVERSITY, Thanjavur
- Attended seminar on “Discrete Mathematics and its Applications” on 27.02.2012 at Periyar Maniammai University, Thanjavur
- Attended FDP on “Transforms and Partial Differential Equations” at UCE-Villupuram from 20.06.2013 – 26.06.2013
- Attended FDP on “Art of Counseling” at Kings College of Engineering on 27.12.13 & 28.12.2013
- Attended 2day FDP on “ Orientation programme of Bridge Course in Mathematics” at Anna University, Chennai on 18.06.2014-19.06.2014
- Attended 1 day National Workshop on “Effective Document Preparation using LATEX for Researchers” at IFET College of Engineering, Villupuram on 27.06.2015.
- Attended and presented a paper on “ National Symposium on Emerging Trends in Innovations in Academic Research” at Bharathidasan University, Trichy on 21.05.2016.
- Attended FDP on “Numerical Methods and it Applications” at S.R.M University, Chennai on 4.11.2016 and 5.11.2016
- Attended TEQIP sponsored seminar on “ Effective way of Teaching Mathematics to Engineering Students” at Thiagarajar College of Engineering on 28.01.2017
- Attended more than 100 Mathematics webinar and 20 online FDP during April 2020 to June2021(Online mode)
- Organzing Secretary of e-National Conference on Advancements of Science and Humanites (e-NCASH2020) on 13.07.2020 at Kings college of engineering, Thanjavur
- Organizing Secretary of Webinar on “Mathematics – A key technology” on 29.05.2020 at Kings college of engineering, Thanjavur
- Organizing Secretary of National Science day competition on March 2021 at Kings college of engineering, Thanjavur
- Organizing Secretary of Science Expo’ on 28.02.2022 at Kings college of engineering, Thanjavur
Academic Experience: 17 Years and 6 Months
- Current position: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli campus from 28.06.2023 to till date.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai from 19.09.2022 – 24.06.2023
- Assistant Professor , Department of Mathematics, Kings College of Engineering, Thanjavur from 30.03.2006 – 17.09.2022
Industry Experience:
Research Experience: Doing Ph.D as Part time in October 2012- November 2017 at Periyar E.V.R College, Bharathidasan University, Trichy.
- Life Membership in ISTE – LM57952 – From 2008
- Membership in IAENG-International Association of Engineers – 334709 -From 2023