Elite World Record Seed Ball Festival

The Faculty of Engineering and Technology of SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappallli was a part in the Elite World Record event organized by SRM IST, Tiruchirappalli on 18th November named “Vidhai Pandhu Thiruvizha” of making 7 lakhs seed balls by 3200 students in 2 hours. The institute was conferred with the Elite World Record Award for achieving the target successfully by the Coordinator of Elite World Record Ms.Architha in the presence of Sub-Collector/Assistant Commissioner of Tiruchirappalli Corporation- Srirangam Zone Shri S. Vaidyanathan and Shri. Diary Saha, Station Head, Hello FM 106.4 Tiruchirappalli.


TVS Motors Campus Drive

Congratulations to Ms.Nandini Katkam of IV CSE, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirapalli Campus for having been selected for TVS Motors Ltd. with an