- Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Total Experience (includes Teaching, Industry & Research)
Total – 15 Years
Teaching – 15 Years
Research – 0 Years
Industry – 02Year
Specialization/ Major areas of Research
Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems
Courses Handled
Sensors and Transducers Digital Logic Fundamentals
Degree Organization/Institution Specialization Year of Passing
Ph.D Anna University, Chennai Power electronics and Renewable Energy Submitted Synopsis and Going to submit thesis soon
PG Jayaram college of Engg. And Technology, Anna university, Tiruchirapalli Applied Electronics 2011
UG Govt. College of Engineering, Periyar University, Salem EEE 2005
Diploma Thiagarajar Polytechnic, DOTE, Chennai EEE 1996
BOOKs : Published for UG Students ( For Anna University Regulation 2021)
- R.Srinivasan, Book titled “ Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering” The Charulatha Publications & IT Solutions , Chennai, ISSn No: 978-93-93479-85-3 published in March 2022 for Ist Year Civil Students.
- R.Srinivasan, Dr. B.Gopinath Book titled “Digital Principles and Computer Organization”, The Charulatha Publications & IT Solutions , Chennai, ISSn No: 978-93-95211-23-9 published on August 2022 for IInd Year CSE Students.
- R.Srinivasan, Dr. B.Gopinath, R.Saravanan and R.RubanRaja Book titled “Digital Logic Circuits”, The Charulatha Publications & IT Solutions , Chennai, ISSn No: 978-93-95211-24-6published on August 2022 for IInd Year EEE Students.
- R.Srinivasan, N.Manikandan Book Titled “ Linear Integrated Circuits” , The Charulatha Publications & IT Solutions , Chennai, ISSn No: 978-81-19056-05-7Pubished on December 2022 for IInd EEE Students.
- R.Srinivasan, Dr.B.Gopinath and Dr.G.Nithyakalyani Book Titled “ Linear Integrated Circuits” , The Charulatha Publications & IT Solutions , Chennai, ISSn No: 978-81-19056-05-8 Pubished on December 2022 for IInd ECE Students.
JOURNALS: (International-06, National-0, under review-01)
- R.Srinivasan, R.Priya, V.Vaishnavi, & S.Nathiya, 2021, “Conversion of Sound Energy into Electrical Energy”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Comuunication and Technology, Issn No:2581-9429, Vol.5, Issue.1, May 2021
- R.Srinivasa & Arulmozhiyal.R, 2021, “Advanced Power Quality Control Of Ultracapacitor Connected Solar Energy System Instead Of Dc Link In Distribution Level”, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Print Issn no: 1582-4594., Published by “Faculty of Electrical and Power Engineering, University of Politechnica, Timisoara, Romania”, Vol. 21, no.1 /2021 published on 12.06.2021 (Annexure-I)
- R.Srinivasan, Arulmozhiyal.R & Yogaselvi.M, 2020, “Superior Power Quality Enhancement In Distribution Level Interconnected Solar Energy System Controlled By Ultracapacitor”, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Print Issn no: 1582-4594., Published by “Faculty of Electrical and Power Engineering, University of Politechnica, Timisoara, Romania”, Volume 20/2020 – Edition : 2 , pp.302-309 Published on 09.03.2020 (Annexure-I)
- R.Srinivasan, S.Gokulpriya, M.Manju, S.Santhiya & R.Swetha, 2020, “Smart Irrigation System with Monitoring of Co2 Level and position of the plant using IoT”, International Journal of Advanced research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Issn No.2278-8875, Vol.9, Issue.4, Apr 2020
- R.Srinivasan & Arulmozhiyal.R, 2017, ‘Power quality improvements in distribution level interconnection of renewable resources controlled by DSP and ultracapacitor link’, Ecology, Environment and Conservation, Print ISSN-0971765X, Volume 23, Sept. Suppl. Issue 2017; PP. 262-265 (Annexure-I)
- R.Srinivasan, Arulmozhiyal.R & Yogaselvi.M, 2014, ‘Standalone hybrid wind-solar power generation system applying advanced power control techniques’, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (IJAREEIE- ISRA Impact Factor is 1.686)”, Volume 3, Special Issue 2, April 2014;PP 112-117
CONFERENCES: (International-2, National-02)
- R.Srinivasan, Dr.R.Arulmozhiyal and M.yogaselvi “Standalone Hybrid Solar-Wind Power Generation System applying Dump Power Control Techniques”, International RIE’14 @ sri Subramaniya College of Engineering and Technology, Palani
- R.Srinivasan, Dr.R.Arulmozhiyal and M.yogaselvi “Standalone Hybrid Solar-Wind Power Generation System applying Advanced Control Techniques”, International Conference PCIE’14 @ Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai
- In My Subject (Digital Principles and Computer Organization) the students produced 100% result in Nov 2022 Anna University Examination @ Vivekanandha College of Technology for Women, Namakkal
- In My Subject (Digital Principles and Computer Organization) the students produced 100% result in Nov 2020 Anna University Examination @ Vivekanandha College of Technology for Women, Namakkal
- In My Subject (Electrical Machines I) the students produced 100% result in Apr 2013 Anna University Examination @ Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal
- In My Subject (Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Sources) the students produced 100% result in Nov 2012 Anna University Examination @ Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women, Namakkal
- In my subject (Generation, Transmission and Switchgear) one students got ninety nine and the same students got the State first rank in Nov 2007 End Semester Examinations @ PGP Polytechnic College, Namakkal
- In my subject (Electrical Machine–II) Six students got centum and among them two students got the State fifth and One student got State tenth rank in April 2007 End Semester Examinations @ PGP Polytechnic College, Namakkal
- In my subject (Electrical Machine–I) two students got centum and the same students got the State first and fifth rank in Nov 2006 End Semester Examinations @ PGP Polytechnic College, Namakkal
- I have trained more than 800 students in the trade of Electrician, Electrical wiring and Repair and Maintenance of Home Appliances, Motor rewinding, Plumbing and Wiring and Etc., as short term course @ Community Polytechnic (MHRD Scheme) , Thiagarajar Polytechnic College,Salem
S.No. Title of the Achievement Recognized by Year of Award
1 I have trained around 800 students in the trade of Electrician, Electrical wiring and Repair and Maintenance of Home Appliances, Motor rewinding, Plumbing and Wiring and Etc., as short term course Community Polytechnic, (Sponsored by MHRD) Thiagarajar Polytechnic College, Salem Aug 1998 to
May 2002
2 In my subject (Electrical Machine–I) two students got centum and the same students got the State first and fifth rank PGP College, Namakkal Nov2006
Board exam
3 In my subject (Electrical Machine–II) Six students got centum and among them two students got the state fifth and One student got State tenth rank PGP College, Namakkal Apr 2007
Board exam
4 In my subject (Generation and Transmission , Switchgear) one students got ninety nine and the same students got the State first rank PGP College, Namakkal Nov2007
Board exam
5 In my subject (Power electronics for Renewable Energy Sources) the students got the 100% result Vivekanandha College of
Engineering for Women, TiruchengodeNov 2012
Anna Univ. Exam
6 In my subject (Electrical Machine–I) the students got the 100% result Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women,
TiruchengodeApr 2013
Anna Univ. Exam
7 In My Subject (Digital Principles and Computer Organization) the students produced 100% result Vivekanandha College of Technology for Women,
TiruchengodeNov 2020 Anna Univ. Exam
8 In My Subject (Digital Principles and Computer Organization) the students produced 85% result Vivekanandha College of Technology for Women,
TiruchengodeNov 2021 Anna Univ. Exam
9 In My Subject (Digital Principles and Computer Organization) the students produced 100% result Vivekanandha College of Technology for Women,
TiruchengodeNov 2022 Anna Univ. Exam
- Webinar organized on the title “Careers in Top Emerging Technologies” on 29.12.2020 by G.Soundharya, CEO, First Income Solutions, Chennai conducted for benefit of the students and 107 students participated in the session.
- Webinar organized on the title “Creating Ready Engineers” on 31.12.2020 by Er.A.Gowthaman, Senior Manager (Project), Chennai Petroleum Corporation Ltd, Chennai conducted EEE department students and 105 students participated in the session.
- Webinar organized on the title “Power Quality Issues and Modern Methods for Power Quality Enhancement” on 08.01.2021 by Dr.SubramanyaSarma, Ramachandra College of Engineering, Eluru, Andhra Pradesh conducted for benefit of the students and 100 students participated in the program.
- Webinar organized on the title “Project Development using Arduino Programming” on 20.01.21by Mr.M.S.KalyanaSundaram, AAA Engg College, Sivakasi conducted for benefit of the students and 85 students participated in the webinar.
- Webinar organized on the title “Distributed Generation Systems and Microgrid Architectures” on 23.01.2021 by Dr.S.Jayalakshmi, Ramachandra College of Engineering, Eluru, Andhra Pradesh conducted for benefit of the students and 86 students participated in the session.
- Webinar organized on the title “Modern Renewable Energy Harvesting Scenario in Power Sectors” on 26.02.2021 by Dr.B.Gopinath, Prof. & Head presented the session for benefit of the participants in association with the Institution of Engineers (India) – Salem local chapter and 92 participants are participated in the session.
- Participated in two weeks AICTE On-line FDP titled “Sustainable Energy and Smart Grid” on 18.12.2020 to 29.12.2020 by Gandhi Institute of Technology (GIFT), Bhubaneswar
- Participated in one week FDP titled “Electrical and Computer Engineering” on 02.01.2021 to 06.01.2021 by National Institute 0f Technology, Raipur
- Participated in one week FDP titled “Energy Audit in Process Industries – A Practical Approach” on 07.01.2021 to 13.01.2021 by Kalasalingam academy of Research and Education, Krishnankoil.
- Participated in One-day webinar titled “Modern Renewable Energy Harvesting Scenario in Power Sectors” on 02.21 by Institution of Engineers Salem local Chapter, Salem
- Participated in 5 day FDP titled “Idea Geneartion Methods” from 09.21 to 24.09.21 by ICT Academy
- Participated in One-day webinar titled “Grid Modernization Technological Advancement Beyond Smart Grid” on 12.21 by SRM TRP Engineering College, Trichy
- Participated in 5 days FDP titled “Recent Advancements in Green and Sustainable Energy Resources” from 06.2020 to 03.07.2020 by Paavai Engineering College, Namakkal.
- Participated in 5 days FDP titled “Role of IoT, Embedded, Electric Vehicle & Power Electronic Converters for Smart World” from 05.2020 to 22.05.2020 by St.Joseph College of Engineering, Chennai.
- Participated in 4 days FDP titled “Research, Funding Projects & IPR” from 05.2020 to 10.05.2020 by K. C. College of Engineering & Management Studies & Research, Thane
Academic Experience:
- Working as Assistant Professor from 01.08.2023 – Till Date at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli Campus.
- Worked as Assistant Professor from 21.01.2019 – 12.07.2023 at Vivekanandha College of Technology for women, Namakkal.
- Worked as Assistant Professor and Head / EEE from 10.03.2016- 18.12.2018 at SRG Engineering College, Namakkal.
- Worked as Assistant Professor and Head / EEE from 30.06.2014- 29.02.2016 at OAS Institute of Management and Technology, Trichy.
- Worked as Assistant Professor from 28.06.2013 – 19.06.2014 at Vivekanandha College of Engineering for women, Namakkal.
- Worked as Assistant Professor from 14.06.2012 – 15.05.2013 at King College of Technology, Namakkal.
- Worked as Lecturer from 02.06.2011 – 12.06.2012 at SSM College of Engineering, Namakkal.
- Worked as Lecturer from 15.05.2006 – 30.04.2009 at PGP Polytechnic College, Namakkal.
- Life Member in IAENG