The Department of Clinical Psychology, College of Allied Health Science, SRM Institute Science & Technology, Tiruchirappalli campus has organized an awareness program on “World Suicide Prevention Day” with the theme of “Create Hope through Action” on 14.09.2023 at lecture hall-6, Medical College.
The objective of the program was to raise awareness among our student community about how can we create hope for Suicide intention persons by conducting poster presentation, drawing, puzzles, short film, and debate to disseminate the knowledge to the community level.
As part of this event 300 students have taken a pledge to raise awareness of suicide in my community.
At the end of the program, We had a debate on whether Social media has influenced or prevented the Suicide intention. Dr. Anitha, Assistant Professor from Department of Tamil, Headed the debate. 8 students actively participated and delivered their views and opinions.
Finally, best posters, drawing and puzzle finders were awarded with mementos and certificates.