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Residential Boot Camp

‘Residential Boot Camp’ is being arranged for the III year students of Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli Campus from 3/7/2023 to 13/3/2023. Residential Boot Camp, a fully residential program, provides an intensive training to the students to get placed in leading product and serviced based companies. 50 students got selected for this program based on merit. As it is a residential program, all the students should stay in their respective hostels. Food & Accommodation will be provided for these 10 days at free of cost.

Every day, the program starts at 6.30 am with a yoga session, followed by technical sessions from 9 am to 4.30 pm. In the evening, sport activities are conducted in the ground till 7 pm. The technical sessions comprise of various events including Hackathon, Quizzes, Puzzles and Fun games. Special sessions like motivational talks, collaboration and leadership, and team building are also conducted. Technical sessions with hands-on training are conducted in labs. Group assignments related to problem solving in IT are given to students in the evening. All the above activities have been designed for the overall development of students to bring creativity, so to make them to think out of box.

Implementation of New Value-Added Courses for B.Tech. Students

The training division has implemented a new Value-added Course curriculum for I / II / III year B.Tech. students of our institution. 3 hours per week with a total course duration of 48 hours was added to the regular time-table in order to enhance the Aptitude, Verbal Ability and Technical skills of the students. This new training curriculum came into effect from 09.09.2024. 

Company-specific training for Info Edge (India) Limited

Company-specific training for Info Edge (India) Limited, an Indian technology holding company which owns, operates and invests in internet-led businesses was delivered to shortlisted students of II MBA on 14th September 2024. 

Accenture and TCS-specific Training

Accenture and TCS-specific training were delivered to final year B.Tech. and MCA students on 23rd September 2024. 

Case-Study Based Group Discussions and Interview Skills Enhancement

All students of II MBA were offered a special full-day training on Case-Study Based Group Discussions and Interview Skills enhancement on 3rd and 4th October 2024. 

Introductory session on Quantitative, Logical and Numerical Abilities

Based on the request of our II MBA students, a special introductory session on Quantitative, Logical and Numerical abilities were offered to the students on 4th October 2024. 

Advanced Aptitude Training

Advanced Aptitude training was offered to II MBA students by Connect from 07.10.2024 to 10.10.2024. 

Training on Advanced Technical Concepts and Hands-on Practice

Training on advanced technical concepts and hands-on practice was offered to students of Faculty of Science and Humanities from 07.10.2024 to 10.10.2024. 

Virtual session on Interview Preparation

A virtual session on Interview Preparation was offered to final year students of Engineering and Technology by CCC on 07.10.2024. 

Technical Training

The training division of SRMIST organised technical training for II MCA students. The training was offered by CCC on 09.10.2024. 

Infosys-Specific Aptitude and Verbal Ability Training

The training division of SRMIST organised Infosys-specific Aptitude and Verbal Ability training for final year students of Engineering and Technology on 14.10.2024. 

Personal Interview Mock for TCS

The training division of SRMIST organised Personal Interview Mock for TCS shortlisted students simulating real-time scenarios on 05.11.2024 and 06.11.2024. Students were evaluated based on common interview questions, organisational awareness and job description.