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Science & Humanities

Take student experience to the next level

We can’t predict, but we can ensure that our students will be the most knowledgeable of leaders, that they will make a difference, and that they will creatively and skillfully guide the next century of progress and excellence.

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    • Research Scholars

Dr.D.Francis Xavier Christopher, 

Dean- Faculty of Science and Humanities

Faculty of Engineering and Technology 

SRMIST Tiruchirappalli

Dean's Message

“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think “– Albert Einstein.

I am deeply honoured and privileged to welcome you all to " Faculty of Science and Humanities of SRM Institute of Technology “, the temple of learning. Our mission is to provide a proficient teaching and learning experience on top of research to augment the intellectual, social, and spiritual growth of all stakeholders.

Our aim to accord students a cutting edge will optimistically expand their knowledge of advanced transformations in the emerging competitive and technical world. Our strive for students’ Integrated development will not only aid them in knowledge generation, skills acquisition, and attitude development but transform them to become responsible citizens as well with paragons of virtue. We aspire to lead students towards academic excellence steering them holistically towards emotional, social, and spiritual growth in a relaxed and sheltered environment. The extensive dimensions of our institution will endow each student to be treated as a unique individual.

Apart from academics, students are encouraged to make the best opportune of the dynamic enrichment programmes and engage themselves in extracurricular activities including sports, drama, music, debating, leadership, and an extensive array of other special interest clubs. We spare no efforts to guarantee students gain access to numerous existing training opportunities and exciting innovations for their personal and professional development.

SRMIST is a home to a critical mass of research-active staff of the highest calibre, working across an array of domains. Our institution will draw on its extensive, ever-expanding network of partners and collaborators both within the international higher education community and in the broader world.

I look forward to welcoming you to ensure the best international standard of education and personal development for every child.


To emerge as a world class university in creating and disseminating knowledge, and providing students a unique learning experience in science, technology, medicine, management, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the world and betterment of mankind.


  • TO MOVE UP through international alliances and collaborative initiatives to achieve global excellence
  • TO ACCOMPLISH A PROCESS to advance knowledge in a rigorous academic and research environment
  • TO ATTRACT AND BUILD PEOPLE in a rewarding and inspiring environment by fostering freedom, empowerment, creativity, and innovation