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SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli have taken various research initiatives to mobilize the available knowledge resources for research and also, to come up strongly with innovative solutions.

Faculty and students are actively involved in research, as the university is

  • Committed to fostering and furthering research excellence
  • Specially focused on emerging areas of greate potential like Nanotechnology, Bioengineering, Energy, Environment, Materials and Embedded systems among others
  • Actively involved in a research projects that have nation building and public cause at their heart like for instance rural   healthcare, among others.


  • Serve as a platform for strong interdisciplinary collaborations and knowledge sharing.
  • Publish research findings in high quality journals of international repute.
  • Create scientifically profound human resources for academic & industrial research.
  • Promote industrial collaborations involving active and mutually beneficial R & D projects.

Academic Research

SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli organizes Conferences, Seminars and Workshops periodically. These activities and forums help expose young minds to the latest innovations and scientific trends, thereby generating an interest in research.

Students are also encouraged to take up innovative, socially relevant research projects. Such projects are funded by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli.


Funded Research

SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli facilitates research pursuits of our faculty members, scholars and students at scale and it is the impact. There is a dedicated focus on ensuring funding is in place so that research projects and studies progress satisfactorily. Incentives in the form of awards and prizes are given out to those demonstrating excellence in research. Each department of SRMIST, Tiruchirappalli has the flexibility, freedom and encouragement to pursue various grants and funding from Government, Industry and Multilateral organizations. It is due to this prevalent culture of research that SRMIST, Tiruchirappalli enjoys the credibility as a committed and competent institution.