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B.Tech Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

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  • ThonEvents
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  • Research Scholars


Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulations of human intelligence in robots that have been trained to think and act like humans. The phrase can also refer to any machine that demonstrates human-like characteristics like learning and problem-solving. Artificial intelligence’s finest feature is its ability to reason and take actions that have the best possibility of reaching a certain goal. Machine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence that relates to the concept of computer programs learning from and adapting to new data without the assistance of humans. Deep learning algorithms allow for this autonomous learning by absorbing large volumes of unstructured data, including text, photos, and video.

After two decades of Google, social media, and widespread smartphone use, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be the next Big Thing in technology transformation. Artificial intelligence has found a particular place in people’s homes and daily lives as Smart Home Assistants and smart cities. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are becoming increasingly important in fields such as health care, agriculture, manufacturing, and defense. Amazon Echo and Google Home are popular smart home devices that allow you to perform a range of tasks simply by speaking to them. 

Program Objectives (PO)

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Program Educational Objectives (PEO)
