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Biomedical Engineering

Take student experience to the next level

SRMIST, Tiruchirappalli is one of the few institutions in India that offers a B.Tech. programme in Biomedical Engineering. Biomedical engineering is a consortium of biologists and engineers collaborating to develop medical devices, healthcare technologies, and services that benefit humanity. The department, since its inception, has actively participated in diversified research and teaching and has grown to become one of the best institutions in the country for the program.

  • Branch- specific Electives
  • Open Electives
  • Industrial Electives
  • Minor Courses
  • Value added Courses

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  • Faculty
  • Facilities
  • Industrial Connectivity
  • MoU
  • Industrial Visit
  • Professional Activities

    • Workshop
    • Guest Lectures
    • Conferences
    • Faculty Development Programmes
    • Webinar
    • Seminars
    • ThonEvents
    • Value Added Programme
    • Project Expo


  • Implement Science and Engineering principles in the broad area of Medical Instrumentation
  • Improve Healthcare delivery to humans in association with physicians and surgeons
  • Translate Biomedical Engineering research into applications that will advance and improve Healthcare


  • Built on a strong foundation of Basic Science and Engineering, the mission is to educate students in diverse fields of Biomedical Engineering
  • Work towards state-of-the-art Biomedical Engineering research and development through an interdisciplinary curriculum.
  • Apply knowledge about design in the development of enabling technologies for the improvement of human health.
  • Promote Biomedical Engineering research with ethics in the development of novel and innovative technologies.
  • Achieve academic excellence and stay research driven to match national and international standards.


The institution maintains a computerized central library spanning 720 sq m, which is accessible to students. The library caters to the needs of both students and faculties, with a collection of over 15,000 books. Additionally, it subscribes to 80 specialized national journals and reputed newspapers for their benefit. The central library serves as a valuable resource for students to expand their knowledge and expertise.


The department includes Smart Classrooms, equipped with audio-visual facilities that enable instructors to deliver engaging lectures and presentations. Smart Classrooms are part of a digital initiative that is rapidly transforming the way teachers teach and students learn.

Smart Classrooms