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Computing Technologies

Take student experience to the next level

The Department of Computing Technologies (CTECH) fosters the future of computing world. The Mission of the Department is to advance, evolve, and enhance Computer Science and Engineering fundamentals to build the intellectual capital of society. The CTECH Department endeavors to be an important regional, national, and international resource center for the development of computing and its applications. The Department is excelling by keeping up with recent trends and evidence of exponential and exhilarating growth. The students are exposed to a variety of opportunities, such as in-plant training, internships and workshops during the course of the study.

The department is wide-open to enormously prospective activities such as hackathons, industry-based joint-project development, the semester-abroad Programme, the faculty development program, the NSS, etc., on a regular basis. The International Conference on the Internet of Things is an iconic event being hosted for the fourth consecutive year for the benefit of the research fraternity with a focus on Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Branch- specific Electives
  • Open Electives
  • Industrial Electives
  • Minor Courses
  • Value added Courses

Know More

  • Faculty
  • Facilities
  • Industrial Connectivity
  • MoU
  • Industrial Visit
  • Professional Activities

    • Workshop
    • Guest Lectures
    • Conferences
    • Faculty Development Programmes
    • Webinar
    • Seminars
    • ThonEvents
    • Value Added Programme
    • Project Expo


To become a world-class department in imparting high-quality knowledge and providing students with a unique learning and research experience in Computer Science and Engineering.


  • To impart knowledge in cutting edge technologies on part with industrial standards.
  • To collaborate with renowned academic institutions in research and development.
  • To instill societal and ethical responsibilities in all professional activities.

Meet our Faculty


The institution maintains a computerized central library spanning 720 sq m, which is accessible to students. The library caters to the needs of both students and faculties, with a collection of over 15,000 books. Additionally, it subscribes to 80 specialized national journals and reputed newspapers for their benefit. The central library serves as a valuable resource for students to expand their knowledge and expertise.


The department includes Smart Classrooms, equipped with audio-visual facilities that enable instructors to deliver engaging lectures and presentations. Smart Classrooms are part of a digital initiative that is rapidly transforming the way teachers teach and students learn.

Smart Classrooms

  • 24x7 Optical fibre communication which provides 1Gbps Internet Connectivity (both wired and wi-fi).
  • 256 Nos. of Lenovo Think Centre Desktop computers with Intel i7-12700F, 12th Gen. processors 3.60Ghz, 1 TB HDD, 16 GB DDR4 RAM, 22’ Monitor.
  • 36 Nos. of NVIDIA RTX 3060 GPU powered Workstations.

Hardware for Computing

  • Microsoft Campus Agreement for 200 User Licenses.
  • Microsoft Windows Operating System 11 GGS.
  • Ubuntu OS.

Software for Computing
