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Controller of Examinations

Warm Welcome to the Controller of examinations.

You will find information connected to the university examinations for all the Programmes offered at the SRMIST

Dr. K. Gunasekaran


   Phone : 044 - 27417201, 47437500

Controller Of Examinations

The Controller of Examinations is responsible for preparing and scheduling the university examinations for all the courses offered at the SRMIST. CoE also coordinates the central evaluation of answer scripts, the publication of results, and the issue of Grade cards, Transcripts, Provisional Certificates, Degree certificates, Migration certificates, and Duplicate certificates.

In addition, we provide genuineness and verification services to various stakeholders such as Government entities, Educational institutions, Corporate bodies, and Private verification agencies. We also arrange for pre-and post-auditing of question papers and answer booklets by both internal and external subject experts as well as maintain records related to examinations.

About Us

We ensure a seamless student experience

Students at SRM Institute of Science and Technology can access recent examination time tables, exam instructions, exam results, and other announcements regarding recent examinations.

  • Registration and enrolment of courses 
  • Admission to examinations  
  • Examination time table        
  • Issue and collection of examination application forms & payment of examination fees. 
  • Detention/cancellation of candidature for appearing in the examination
  • Printing and issue of hall tickets
  • Collection of internal assessment marks for the theory / practical/ purely internal courses and external assessment marks practical / clinical examinations.
  • Appointment of examiners (external/internal) for examinations
  • Conduct of theory examinations
  • Conduct of practical / clinical examinations
  • Special arrangements for amanuensis / scribes
  • Evaluation of answer booklets
  • Punishment for use of unfair means
  • Declaration and publication of result
  • Review / revaluation / retotalling of answer scripts
  • Printing and distribution of Grade cards /Transcripts / Mark sheets / Degree certificates / various certificates
  • Conduction of the annual convocation
  • Printing and distribution of Grade cards /Transcripts / Mark sheets / Degree certificates / various certificates
  • Addressing on grievances


Students can view their result for the university examinations. The results published on website are for immediate information to the examinees. To view the  examinations results the below mentioned URLs can be referred


Examination Instruction

These are the instructions to students appearing for the university / end semester examinations 

Examination Instruction

Students can view their result for the university examinations. The results published on website are for immediate information to the examinees. To view the examinations results the below mentioned URLs can be referred

        Examination Time tables

Examination Results Portal

Fee Payment

Senior students are directed to log in to the SRM IST Student Portal in order to pay the tuition fees for the academic year. All relevant information regarding the fees will be regularly updated and made available to students through the ‘Fee Payment’ menu in the Student Portal.


Hall Ticket

Students at SRM Institute of Science and Technology can access recent examination time tables, exam instructions, exam results, and other announcements regarding recent examinations.

Application Forms For Exams

Students at SRM Institute of Science and Technology can access recent examination time tables, exam instructions, exam results, and other announcements regarding recent examinations.

Applications & Certifications

The certificate requisition portal for the students/alumni to apply and get their transcript/attested copies/duplicate certificate and grade sheets/migration certificate in a convenient manner. The students /alumnus are authorized to use this portal. Unauthorized usage will be taken seriously. Students/alumni are requested to read and follow the instructions given in the application forms available in the certificate requisition portal before proceeding to apply

Final year students Photo upload for Degree certificate printing

e-Sanad is an online submission/verification of documents with an ultimate object to extend contact less, cashless, faceless and paperless document attestation service for apostille and normal attestation to applicants in India.

e-Sanad-Document Verification / Attestation / Apostille Service

The certificate requisition portal for the students/alumni to apply and get their transcript/attested copies/duplicate certificate and grade sheets/migration certificate in a convenient manner. The students /alumnus are authorized to use this portal. Unauthorized usage will be taken seriously. Students/alumni are requested to read and follow the instructions given in the application forms available in the certificate requisition portal before proceeding to apply

Certificate Verification

For Universities, Colleges, agencies etc., who wants to verify the certificates issued by SRMIST. Online web service is open for Universities, Institutions, Employers, Placement Consultancies and other Organizations without any cost. This service is available for those who have graduated after May 2012. 

VFS Global Docswallet

DigiLocker NAD

Get to know everything about the rules of conversion of CGPA into percentage as well as access to the National Academic Depository (NAD) also known as DigiLocker NAD. You are welcome to take a look at the celebration of our graduating students as part of the latest edition of our Convocation.

DigiLocker NAD: The National Academic Depository (NAD) is a 24×7 online repository of all academic awards such as certificates, diplomas, degrees, mark sheets, etc.

CGPA To Percentage

Get to know everything about the rules of conversion of CGPA into percentage


The convocation is an important occasion that commemorates the academic accomplishments of graduating students. It is a formal event during which degrees, diplomas, and other academic honors are granted to students who have successfully finished their studies at SRMIST.

Examination Policy

Get In Touch

                             Office Of The Controller Of Examinations - Helpdesk

14th Floor, University Building, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur - 603203

+91 - 44 - 27417225