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December 9, 2024

The School of Computing, Department of CSE with Specialization in Block Chain, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli organized a five-day workshop on "Drone Assembling and Programming" from November 11 to 15, 2024. Supported by resource persons from Jet Aerospace, Kerala, this workshop aimed to equip participants with practical skills in UAV technologies, from basic drone assembly to programming and calibration. This workshop aimed to equip participants with hands-on skills in drone technology, covering areas from fundamental drone concepts to advanced programming and career prospects. The event attracted a diverse group of students from various Institutions, all eager to delve into UAV technologies.

The workshop began with an inauguration ceremony, where Dr. S. Kanaga Suba Raja delivered the Welcome Address. He greeted the distinguished guests, resource persons, and participants, expressing gratitude to the organizing team and emphasizing the workshop's potential impact on participants' technical skills in UAV technology.

Following the welcome address, Dr. N. Sambandam, Executive Director of SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli, delivered the Presidential Address. He highlighted the transformative potential of UAV technology in sectors like agriculture, defense, and logistics, encouraging participants to leverage the skills they would gain over the course of the workshop.

Dr. R. Jagadeesh Kannan, Dean (E&T) at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli, gave the Felicitation Address, applauding the collaboration with Jet Aerospace, Kerala, and its experts. He underscored the importance of hands-on learning and encouraged participants to explore the many career pathways in UAV technology.

Ms. Gayathri N, Accountable Manager at Jet Aerospace, Kerala, delivered the Special Address. She shared insights into Jet Aerospace's contributions to the UAV industry, discussing the evolving applications of drone technology and encouraging participants to consider UAVs as a powerful tool for innovation. She also thanked the organizers for the opportunity to be part of this knowledge-sharing initiative.

Workshop Sessions

Day 1: UAV/Drone Basics, Glider Fabrication, Balancing, and Testing

Date: November 11, 2024

The first day introduced participants to the basics of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), focusing on different drone types, flight dynamics, and the principles of aerodynamics. Participants then engaged in a hands-on session on glider fabrication, where they learned to build a simple glider from scratch. This was followed by balancing and testing exercises, giving them insights into the factors that affect flight stability and control.

Day 2: Drone Simulator, Configurations, FPV Systems, and Application Sensors

Date: November 12, 2024

The second day was dedicated to familiarizing participants with drone simulators, allowing them to practice flight control and navigation virtually. Sessions covered different drone configurations, such as quadcopters and hexacopters, and an introduction to First Person View (FPV) systems. Additionally, participants learned about various sensors used in drones, such as GPS, LIDAR, and thermal cameras, which enhance functionality for specific applications like surveying and environmental monitoring.

Day 3: Drone Avionics Components and Assembly

Date: November 13, 2024

On Day 3, participants delved into the avionics components critical for drone operation, including motors, ESCs (Electronic Speed Controllers), propellers, and power distribution systems. The hands-on session focused on assembling these components into a functioning drone. The facilitators emphasized the importance of correct wiring, secure component installation, and efficient energy management.

Day 4: Programming Calibrations, Flight Controller Setup, and Testing

Date: November 14, 2024

The fourth day introduced participants to programming and calibrating the flight controller, a core component for drone stabilization and movement. After an in-depth calibration session, participants tested their assembled drones and practiced flight maneuvers. Drone Simulator training was also provided for participants to practice advanced flying techniques in a controlled environment.

Day 5: Intelligent Mode Features and Career Opportunities

Date: November 15, 2024

The final day explored intelligent modes such as GPS hold, return-to-home, and follow-me functionalities, showcasing the automation potential in drones. An informative session was held on career opportunities in the drone industry, covering fields like aerial photography, surveillance, delivery services, and agricultural mapping.

Valedictory Function

The workshop concluded with a valedictory function on the fifth day. Dr. N. Sethuraman, Chief Director of SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli and Ramapuram campus, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. He distributed certificates to all participants, acknowledging their successful completion of the workshop. He also presented mementos to the resource persons from Jet Aerospace, Kerala, as a token of appreciation for their expertise and dedication throughout the sessions.

The event concluded with a Vote of Thanks by Dr.N.Saranya, expressing gratitude to the organizers, resource persons, and participants for their contributions to making the workshop a success. The ceremony ended on a patriotic note with the National Anthem, bringing the workshop to a respectful and memorable close.

February 28, 2025
The Department of Computer Science and Applications, Faculty of Science and Humanities ,SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli proudly invites you all.
February 20, 2025
The Department of Mathematics of SRMIST - FSH conducted *Ramanujan Math Fest 2024 on 19th December 2024. Dr. M. Sivaji, Head and Assistant Professor of Mathematics, E &T, SRMIST, Trichy participated as the Chief Guest and the events conducted such as Math Rangoli Competition,Quicker Solving Challenge,Math Master Marathon. 100+ Students Participated in various Competitions and 20+ Students won Prizes and Certificates.
February 20, 2025
The Faculty of Science and Humanities organized a workshop on "IOT and its Applications" on December 19, 2024, from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM. Ms. S. Muthumari, IOT developer was the resource person and provided a comprehensive overview of the Internet of Things (IOT) and its diverse applications in various domains. Totally 78 students from computer science department were benefitted.
February 20, 2025
The Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRMIST, Tiruchirappalli, organized NPTEL Awareness Workshop on 18.12.2024 Time: 10.00 AM-12.00 Noon. the Mr.Shib Sankar Das, Senior Manager , NPTEL, IIT Madras delivered an insightful presentation on the basics and importance of NPTEL Course in the current academic year. His presentation covered key concepts such as Enrollment ®gistration, Certificate & credit transfer, Mentor -mentee roles and NPTEL Star.
February 20, 2025
Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRMIST, Tiruchirappalli conducted a Career Guidance Programme held on February 14, 2025 and the guest speaker, Dr. Jayaprakash Gandhi, Career Analyst for sharing the invaluable insights on career choices, industry trends, and future opportunities. His words have truly ignited the passion in our students to chase their dreams with confidence.
February 20, 2025
The Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRMIST, Tiruchirappalli, organized the "Common Admission Test (CAT) Awareness Programme on 10th February 2025. Mr. C.S. Mani, Director T.I.M.E Institute. Trichy was the Resource Person. He addressed the students to crack MBA in top B schools and an overall understanding for preparation of the entrance exams. He pointed out CAT exam is the gateway to top business schools, including IIMs and other leading institutes.107 students were benefited from the session. 
February 20, 2025
The Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRMIST, Tiruchirappalli hosted "INSIGHTS 2K25 – A Career Guidance Programme" on 5th February 2025 to empower students with global career insights.Chief Guest: Mr. Sony Akkara, International Certified Career Coach & Executive Director, Eazy Link Academy, Coimbatore, shared expert strategies and practical tools for navigating international career opportunities. 500+ students participated and benefited from this enriching session.
February 20, 2025
The Department of Business Administration Organized a One day International Seminar entitled _"Re-designing Management and Organizations in the New Paradigm,"_on January 28, 2025. Dr.M.Babu,Professor and Director i/c Bharathidasan School of Management ,Bharathidasan University – Tiruchirappalli, highlighted the Seminar Insights such as Adapting Management to meet 21st Century Challenges, Transforming Organization for Sustainability and Growth and Leading through Complexity and innovation . And also he covered the area of rapid pace of technological advancement leads the business to constantly innovate and incorporate new digital tools.
February 20, 2025
NSS unit of Faculty Science and Humanities, SRMIST, Tiruchirappalli Organized a Road Safety Awareness Programme on 29th January, Wednesday.The Chief Guest and the resource Person of the event Mr.R.Poonmudi, Managing Director, Tamilnadu State Transport Corporation of Kumbakonam region address the students and he emphasizes on the following  Road safety is the prevention and protection of road accidents by using all the road safety measures. How to stay safe on the road by following traffic rules and best practices Accidents can be prevented by adhering to traffic safety regulations. Driving within posted speed limits and obeying traffic signals are crucial. It is to secure people while traveling on the roads. It is to make safe all the road users such as pedestrians, two-wheelers, four-wheelers, multi-wheelers, and other transport vehicle.
February 20, 2025
The Women Empowerment Cell and Staff Welfare Committee organized the BLISS BASH event on October 08th, 2024 at the IST Seminar Hall Fourth Floor Hall, to promote women's empowerment and improve staff welfare through a variety of engaging activities such as Melody Match Game and Chill Fest Game. FSH faculties were participated enthusiastically, with several engaging in friendly competition. Feedback indicated that everyone enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere.
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