Essential Employability Skills

The Day 12 of the Summer Engagement Program on “Essential employability skills” was held on 6thJuly 2023 at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli through online mode aimed to know the skills of a candidate who have to become an ideal candidate for a company. The event served as a platform to get a brief knowledge about employability skills and the various aspects one should have to get employed in a reputed company, the aspects included communication skills, attention to detail, problem-solving skills, leadership, teamwork, and many more.The program “Essential EmployabilitySkills” started with a welcome speech given by Ramya K, student of II year CSE, Cyber Security. She gave a brief introduction about resourcepersonDr. B. Rajesh, Assistant Professor – SRMIST

Following the welcome speech, Dr. B. Rajesh started the session with the basics of employability skills,then he explained what employability skill is in brief. He also explained about the other employability skills namely inter personalskills, intra personal skills, stress management and how to deal with them.

Finally,   The session was fruitful for students. At last Ramya K student of II year CSE Cyber Security, SRM IST, Tiruchirappalli proposed the vote of thanks.

Patent Drafting

SRM Institute of Hotel Management organized a seminar on “Patent Drafting” for all faculty members of SRM IST, Tiruchirappalli, arranged by the Maverick, a student’s


INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY CELEBRATION Date: 22.06.24 Venue: Manitham Trust, Trichy College of Occupational Therapy, SRMIST, Tiruchirapalli Campus, celebrated International Day of Yoga 2024 with the