Admissions open for 2025 Apply Now
Computer Applications
Biometrics, Pattern Matching, Digital Image
Processing, Security, Deep Learning,
Artificial Intelligence (AI) , Machine Learning
course handled
Java Programming, Web Technology
(VB.NET & ASP.NET), Software Engineering, Data Structures and Algorithm, Client / Server Technology, Linux and Shell Programming, Computer Graphics, RDBMS, Advanced Operating Systems,
Mobile Application Development, Mobile Computing, Programming using C, Python Programming, Visualization Concepts, Web
Development using Angular JS and Mongo, Machine Learning for Data Science, Programming Languages for Business Decisions (Python & R) etc.
1.Published a research paper entitled “Performance Evaluation of Filters in Noise Removal of Fingerprint Image”, in Proceedings of ICECT-2011, 3rd International Conference on Electronics and Computer Technology, Vol.1, pp: 117-123, ISBN: 978-1-4244-8677-9, 2011, published by IEEE, and also in IEEE Xplore.
2. Published a research paper entitled “Cancelable Biometric Template Generation of Protection Schemes: a Review” in Proceedings of ICECT -2011, 3rd
International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology, Vol. 5, pp. 15-20, E-ISBN: 978-1-4244-8679-3, 2011, published by IEEE, and also in IEEE Xplore.
3. Published a research paper entitled “Noise Elimination in Fingerprint Images using Median Filter”, Int. Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications, Vol. 02, Issue:06, pp:950-955, 2011.
4. Published a research paper entitled “Noise Suppression Scheme using Median Filer in Gray and Binary Images” in an International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 26– No.1, pp. 49-57, 2011. Impact Factor: 0.814.
5. Published a research paper entitled “Frequency Domain Enhancement Filters for Fingerprint Images: A Performance Evaluation” in CIIT International Journal of Digital Image Processing, Vol.3, No. 16, 2011. Impact Factor: 0.652.
6. Published a research paper entitled “Frequency Domain Enhancement algorithm based on Log-Gabor Filter in FFT Domain” in European Journal of Scientific Research, Vol. 74, No. 4, pp. 563-573, 2012. Indexed by Scopus, Elsevier Bibliographic Database, Compendex and Monitored by SCI, H-Index 9. Source Normalized
Impact Factor: 0.01, SCImago Journal Rank: 0.071.
7. Published a research paper entitled, “Novel Complex Conjugate-Phase Transform Techniques for Cancelable and Irrevocable Biometric Template Generation for Fingerprints” in IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Volume 9, Issue 4, No. 2, pp: 426-436, July 2012. Indexed by: Elsevier Compendex, and being evaluated by Thomson Reuters, Impact Factor: 0.242.
8. Published a research paper entitled “A Novel Technique for Cancelable and irrevocable Biometric template generation for Fingerprints” in Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: Graphics and Vision, Online: ISSN: 0975-4172,
Print ISSN: 0975-4350, Vol. 13, No 6-F (2013).
9. Published a paper entitled, “Novel Shift-Phase Transformation Approach in Cancelable and Irrevocable Biometric Template Generation for Fingerprints”, in an International Journal of Computer Applications, volume 89 (20) 2014, Impact Factor: 0.814.
10. Published a paper entitled, “Log-Gabor Orientation with Run-Length Code based Fingerprint Feature Extraction Technique”, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: Graphics and Vision, Online: ISSN: 0975-4172, Print ISSN: 0975- 4350, Vol. 14(4), 2014.
11. Published a paper entitled, “Software Refactoring Technique for Code Clone Detection of Static and Dynamic Website. International journal of Computer Application, volume 107, 2014.
12. Published a research paper entitled, “Secured file storage and retrieval in cloud using cryptography with secret key, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) Volume 4 Issue 4, April 2015.
13. Published a research paper entitled “Enhanced Blowfish Algorithm for Image Encryption and Decryption with Supplementary Key”, International Journal of Computer Applications, July-16, 146(5): 41.
14. An Empirical Analysis of Frequency Domain High Pass Filters on Various Types of Noises, CiiT International Journal of Digital Image Processing, Vol. 10, Issue 1, 2018, IF: 0.652.
15. Image Noise and Filtering Techniques – a Survey, CiiT International Journal of Digital Image Processing, Vol. 10, Issue 1, 2018, IF: 0.652.
16. An analysis of Biometric Transformative Schemes, CiiT International Journal of
Biometrics and Bioinformatics, Vol. 10, Issue 1, 2018, IF:0.361
17. K. Kanagalakshmi, Archana, An Empirical Analysis of Filtering Techniques on
Fingerprint Images, Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, ISSN:1931-
1940, Vol.9 (12) (UGC Approved). IF:4.655.
18. K. Kanagalakshmi, K. Lakshmi Priya, Comparative Analysis of Cancelable
Biometric and Fusion Techniques, Int. J. of Computer
Science and Engineering, ISSN 3247-2693 (E).
19. K. Kanagalakshmi and Shenbagavadivu, S, Frequency Domain Enhancement Filters
: A Survey, Int. J. of Computer Sciences and Engineering, ISSN 3247-2693 (E),2019.
20. K. Kanagalakshmi, Fingerprint Minutia Identification Using RLC Method, Int. J. of
Computer Sciences and Engineering, ISSN 3247-2693 (E).
21. K. Kanagalakshmi and Joycy K Antony, A Review on Cancelable Biometrics,
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.7, Special Issue.2, Jan 2019 E-ISSN:
22. K. Kanagalakshmi and K. Lakshmi Priya, Multimodal Transpose Rotation Mobius
Transformation Based Cancellable Template Generation Technique, International
Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) ISSN: 2249 – 8958,
Volume-9 Issue-2, December, 2019, UGC CARE List and Scopus indexed(SJR:
0.104, SNIP 0.336)., 2019.
23. K. Kanagalakshmi and Joycy K Antony, Fingerprint Template Protections through
Various Pattern Transformation Approaches: A Review, Int. J. of Computer Science
and Engineering, Vol.-7, Issue-10, Oct 2019 E-ISSN: 2347-2693. UGC CARE, 2019.
24. K. Kanagalakshmi and Aneega Jose Mangalam, Message Dissemination Using
Vehicle To Vehicle Communication Protocols In Vanets, International journal of
analytical and experimental modal analysis, Scopus indexed, SFI:6.9, UGC Care
List, ISSN NO: 0886-9367, Volume XII, Issue I, January/2020, Page No:478., 2020.
25. K. Kanagalakshmi and N. P. Shiju, Review of Various Fusion Techniques for Multi-
model Biometrics Systems, Sustainable Humanosphere, 2020, 16 (1), 1352-1361, Scopus Indexed, 2020.
26. K. Kanagalakshmi, Dr. M.Kokilamani, and C. Balakumar, Data Encryption
Technique Based On DNA Cryptography, Journal of Information and Computational
Science, ISSN: 1548-7741, Volume 10 Issue 4 – 2020, p- 471-48, Scopus Indexed.
27. K. Kanagalakshmi, Dr. M.Kokilamani, and C. Balakumar, Exploration on Various
Protocol Models in Emergency Data Transmission Services, Journal of Xi’an Shiyou
University, Natural Science Edition, ISSN : 1673-064X, VOLUME 16 ISSUE 8, pp:
50-54. Scopus Indexed, 2020.
28. K. Kanagalakshmi and Joycy K Antony, T2FRF filter: An effective algorithm for the
restoration of fingerprint images, International Journal of Image and Graphics ,
World Scientific Publisher, Web of Science & Scopus Indexed Manuscript ID:
IJIG-D-21-00077R1, (CiteScore: 1.1, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP):
0.938, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.19), Vol. 23, No. 1, 2350004,2023.
29. K. Kanagalakshmi and Joycy K Antony, Fingerprint Template Protection using SNL
Approach Based Pattern Transformation, International Journal of Biometrics,
InderSience, Scopus Indexed & Web of Science, (CiteScore: 1.5, (SNIP): 0.437,
(SJR): 0.217),2023.
30. K. Kanagalakshmi and Joycy K Antony, CIKX Transform Based Fingerprint Template
Generation And Protection Using Tanimoto Similarity Measure. (Accepted).
31. K. Kanagalakshmi and Joycy K Antony, A cancellable and irrevocable approach for
fingerprint Template Protection using optimal iterative solubility algorithm and
secure point base, Biomedical engineering-Applications, Basis and communications,
World Scientific Publisher, Scopus Indexed, (CiteScore: 1.4, (SNIP): 0.938,
(SJR): 0.19) IF:0.241, 35(1), 2250049 ,2023.
32. K. Kanagalakshmi and K. Lakshmi Priya, Generation of Cancellable Template in
Multimodal Biometrics Using Polar Decomposition with Mod-Eigen Technique, Journal of
Telmatique, Web of Science(WoS), Vol. 21. No.1, 2022.
33. K. Kanagalakshmi and K. Lakshmi Priya, Multimodal Cancelable template generation using
affine cover space Euler transformation, Adalya Journal, 2024.
34. K. Kanagalakshmi and H. Bhargath Nisha, Analysis of Lung Cancer Prediction over
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, International Journal of Pharmaceutical
Negative Results, Scopus Indexed, Web of Science, SCI, Vol. 13, Spl. Issue: 10, 2022.
35. K. Kanagalakshmi and H. Bhargath Nisha, A Robust Framework for Lung Cancer Prediction Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Advanced Image Processing Techniques, International Journal of Intelligent Systems And Applications In Engineering , 12(21s), 2372-2384 , 2147-6799,Scopus, (2024),
36. K. Kanagalaksmi , S. Senthil Kumar etal., Development of Hybrid Cognitive
Security Managers on Improved Multilayer CFA Feed Forward Neural Network to
Improve the Security on Wireless Networks, International Journal of Computer
Networks and Applications (IJCNA), 11(3), 290-303 (2024), 10.22247/ijcna/2024/18,
EverScience Publications , Scopus.
37. A Hybrid Improved Unequal Secure Cluster based Distributed Routing Protocol with
Quantum Key Distribution to Improve the Performance Measures in Wireless Body
Sensor Network, International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications
(IJCNA), 11(4), August,290-303 (2024), DOI: 10.22247/ijcna/2024/26, EverScience
Publications, Scopus.
1. Presented a paper on “Web- A Media to Bring the World into Home “in an International Conference held at Annamalai University, Chithambaram (In Tamil Dept.) in 2007.
2. Presented a Paper on “Design Strategy for Low Power Crypto Systems” in an International conference held at P.G.S.R. Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore on 30th September 2008.
Presented a paper on “ICT In SME Sector For Flexible Business Network “organized by Dept. of Commerce with Computer Applications on March 6th 2010 at Vidyasagar College of Arts and Science, Udumalpet.
1. Participated in a State Level Work shop on “Emerging Trends in Information Technology” held at Holy Cross College, Trichy –2000.
2. Participated in a State Level Seminar on “Eco- A Friendly Tourism” – The Need of the Hour held at A.P.A. College for Women, Palani.
3. Participated in a State Level Seminar on “E-Resources- A Tool for Global Knowledge” held at A.P.A. College for Women, Palani on 09/03/2007
4. Participated in UGC sponsored workshop on Basic Science Courses Choice Based Credit System on 12/07/2008 held at Bharathiar University.
5. Participated in a State Level Seminar on “Software Testing” organized by Department of Computer Science, on 6th March 2010 at Vidyasagar College, Udumalpet.
6. Participated in a State Level Seminar on “ Image Processing and
Applications on 06/01/2011 held at Vidyasagar College, Udumalpet.
1. Attended a one-day Orientation course conducted by Vidyasagar College of Arts and Science, in the year 2007.
2. Attended a Faculty Development Programme on “Innovative Teaching and Learning Methods” organized by Vidyasagar College of Arts and Science, in the year 2008.
3. Attended a Faculty Development Programme on “ Quality Education” on 20th September 2008 organised by Vidyasagar College of Arts and Science, Udumalpet.
4. Attended a FDP on “Stress Management and Job Involvement” on 14.02.2010 organised by Vidyasagar College of Arts and Science, Udumalpet.
5. Participated in Alan Turing Centenary - FDP on Art of computing” on 07.12.2012 & 08.12.2012 held in PSG College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
6. Participated in a National Level Faculty Development Programme held at Kongunadu Arts and Science College,coimbatore on 17/08/2013.
7. Participated in ICTACT bridge on “Envisioning the Future Technology” held at Coimbatore on 26/06/2013.
8. Participated in a National Level Faculty Development Programme held at Sree Narayana Guru College, Coimbatore on 16/08/2014, organized by IQAC.
9. Participated in a one day National Level Seminar on “IQAC the Pathfinder in Post Accreditation Period” held at PKR Arts College for Women, Copichettypalayam, on 10/10/2014 organized by IQAC.
10. Participated in UCG-Sponsored One day Workshop on “Promotion of Quality Education in Higher Educational Institutions” held on 22/01/2015, organized by UGC Academic Staff College, Bharathiar Universit y, Coimbatore.
11. Participated in a one day National Level Seminar on “IQAC the Pathfinder
in Post Accreditation Period” held at PKR Arts College for Women,
Copichettypalayam, on 10/10/2014 organized by IQAC.
12. Participated in a one day National Level Faculty Development Programme on
“Quality Enhancement in Higher Education” held at Sree Ramu
College,Pollachi, on 26/09/2015, organized by IQAC.
13. Participated in a Faculty Development Programme on “Team Building”
held on 01/08/2015 in Vidyasagar College of Arts and Science,
14. Participated in a Faculty Development Programme “Class Room Management”
on 29th August, 2015 in Vidyasagar College of Arts and Science, Udumalpet.
15. Participated in a Faculty Development Programme "Class Room
Communication" on 17th October, 2015 in Vidyasagar College of Arts and
Science, Udumalpet.
16. Participated in a Faculty Development Programme on “Methodology for
Communication” for the Staff Members on 5th November, 2015 in Vidyasagar
College of Arts and Science, Udumalpet.
17. Participated in a Faculty Development Programme on “Sense of Belongingness”
held on 19/01/2016 in Vidyasagar College of Arts and Science, Udumalpet.
18. Participated in a Faculty Development Programme on “Personal Effectiveness
for Institutional Growth” held on 06/02/2016 in Vidyasagar College of Arts and
Science, Udumalpet.
19. Participated in a Faculty Development Programme on “Human Development is
Nation Development” held on 05/03/2016 in Kumaraguru College of Technology
in association with Vivekananda Kendra Coimbatore.
20. Participated in a Faculty Development Programme in “Hadoop” , held at PSG College of Arts and Science College, Coimbatore organized by ICT Academy of
Tamilnadu on in February 2017.
21. Participated in a Faculty Development Programme in “Advanced Leadership
Qualities” , held at Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore organized by
ICT Academy of Tamilnadu in July 2017
22. Participated in a an FDP on “ Swayam Mooc” held at Bharathiar University. 2018
23. Participated in a an FDP on “ Swayam Mooc – Video Lesson Making” held at Sankara College, 2019.
24. Participated in Online FDP and Spoken Tutorial Training on Python 3.4.3 organised by Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, and training sponsored by IIT Bombay on 01/03/2020.
25. Participated in a 5-day online FDP on “ Neural Networks and Deep learning using Python” from 1st June to 5th June 2020 organized by School of Computing and Information Technology, Reva University, Bangalore.
26. Participated in 7-days online FDP on “ Ground Breaking Technologies” from 1/06/2020 to 07/06/2020 organised by Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai.
27. Dr. K. Kanagalakshmi, Head, CS & CA, has participated in a
Professional Development Programme organised by the Presidency University, Bangalore in digital platform on 26th February 2022
28. Participated in 5 days Faculty Development Programme “ Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence” organized by the Madurai Kamaraj university under Naan Mudhalvan Scheme in association with Infosys from 24.07.2023 to 28.07.2023.
29. Participated in the One week Short Term Course Conducted by NIT, Rurkela December, 2023.
30. Participated in a one week FDP, Conductedy NIT, Rurkela, January ,2024.
31. Participated in 8 Days FDP on “NEP” organized by Bharathidasan University, Trichy July, 2024.
32. Participated in 2 Weeks Professional Development programme organised 2Week International Virtual Professional Development Programme on “ Demystifying Generative AI Use Cases and Applications” from 08.08.2024 to 22.08.2024, organized by CSI and SRMIST, Ramapuram.
33. Participated in a 3 Days FDP cum Wokshop on “ML and DL – using Matlab” from 28.08.2024 to 0.08.2024 at SRMIST,Trichy.
34. Participated in One week FDP on “Deep Learning for Engineering Applications” organized by NITTTR, Rurkelah, from 02-09-2024 -06.09.2024.
Teaching Experience : 23 Years 4 Months
Research Experience : 20 Years
Administrative Experience : 18 Years
Current Position: Associate Professor and Head, CA/SRMIST
Previous Positions:
SRM institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST) Tiruchirappalli Campus , Deemed to be University (Formerly SRM University) SRM Nagar, Trichy-Chennai highway, Near Samayapuram Trichy - 621105, Tamilnadu , India.
1800 202 4565
Academic courses
Academic courses