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Computer Applications
+91 9443737978
Image Processing & Data Mining
course handled
Data Mining and Warehousing, Relational Database Management Systems, Communication Networks, Programming in C, C++, Java, Python, Management Information Systems, Software Project Management & Quality Assurance, Data Science, Deep Learning, Machine Learning.
List of International Conferences
Presented a paper titles, “An Overview on Data Security and its attacks in Today’s World “, in the International Conference on Recent Innovations in Information Technology on 17th February 2023 by Department of Information Technology, Dr.Umayal Ramanathan College for Women, Karaikudi.
Presented a paper titled, “A Novel Characterization of the Fake News in Twitter Networks”, in the International and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics, (Co-Sponsored by IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity) on 27th & 28th January 2023 by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, BNMIT Bengaluru, India
Presented a paper titled, “Training Community Unknown Enrolment System for Biomedical Images”, in the 1st International Conference on Communication, Security and Artificial Intelligence (ICCSAI-2022) (Co-Sponsored by IEEE UP SECTION) on 23rd & 24th December 2022 by School of Computer and Engineering, Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh, India
Participated in the International Virtual Conference on "The Nexus of Life, Language and Literature" on 3rd, 4th & 5th October 2020 at Annai Veilankanni's College for Women, Chennai.
Participated in the International Conference on "Paleoclimate Changes(ICPC-2020) on virtual platform" on 9th & 10th July 2020 at Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai.
Presented a paper titled, “An Analysis on Reversible Data Hiding Scheme in Encrypted Images for Information Security”, in the 3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research Trends in Arts, Science, Engineering & Technology (ICMRTASET-2019) on 29th December 2019 by DK International Research Foundation, Perambalur.
Presented a paper titled, “An Comparative Analysis of Image Inpainting Algorithms”, in the International Conference on Asian International Conference on Advances: Strategic Innovations and Emerging Perspectives for Global Business in Engineering and Social Sciences on 9th February 2018 at Sri Ganesh School of Business Management, Salem.
Presented a paper titled, “Dynamic Block Based Encoding Scheme for Data Hiding Using Image Features”, in the International Conference on Cutting Edge Technologies in Computing and Communications on 10th & 11th January 2018 at Sriram Engineering College, Chennai.
Presented a paper titled, “A Review on the smart Health Card System using IOT”, in the International Conference on Internet of Things on 15th September 2017 at Kodaikanal Christian College, Kodaikanal.
Presented a paper titled, “De-Noising of MR Brain Tumor Images by Using Noise Filtering Techniques”, in the International Multidisciplinary Conference on Information Science, Management Research and Social Science on 24th February 2017 at Alpha Arts and Science College, Chennai.
Presented a paper titled, “Data Hiding using LSB Algorithm”, in the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology on 08th April 2016 at Dr.Navalar Nedunchezhiyan College of Engineering, Tholudur.
Presented a paper titled, “Optimization of Fractional Motion Estimation based Complexity Reduction”, in the International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Multimedia Signal Processing on 9th and 10th January 2015 at Annamalai University, Chidambaram.
List of National Conferences
Presented a paper titled, “A Survey on Image Steganography Types and Hiding Techniques” in the National Conference on Cutting Edge Technologies in Computing and Communications (NCCETCC ‘20) on 6th March 2020 at Sri Ram Engineering College, Chennai
Presented a paper titled, “Analysis on Data Hiding Technology by using Image Processing Methods”, in the National Conference on Cutting Edge Technologies in Computing and Communications (NCCETCC'19) on 27th February 2019 at Sriram Engineering College, Chennai.
Presented a paper titled, “Analysis on Data Hiding Technology by using Image Processing Methods”, in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical, Computational Techniques and its Applications(RTMCTA-18) on 28th February 2018 at Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur.
Presented a paper titled, “An Literature Survey on Data Mining Techniques and concepts”, in the National Conference on Advanced Bio-Metric Trends on 9th March 2018 at Arul Anandar College, Madurai.
Presented a paper titled, “A Survey on Image steganography concepts and techniques”, in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing on 13th & 14th March 2017 at Alagappa University, Karaikudi.
Presented a paper titled, “An Analysis on steganography for Data Hiding”, in the National Conference on Cutting Edge Technologies in Computing & Bioinformatics (NCCETCC'17) on 10th March 2017 at Sriram Engineering College, Chennai.
Presented a paper titled, “Cloud Computing and Security issues in the Cloud”, in the National Level Conference on Impact of Digitalization in Future on 3rd March 2017 at Arul Anandar College, Madurai.
Presented a paper titled, “De-Noising of Synthetic Aperture Radar Sea Ice Images using Serpentine Forward Backward Filter”, in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Computational Techniques on 12th April 2016 at Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur. ISBN NO.: 9788193050224
Presented a paper titled, “An Impression on Significant Task in Data Mining System”, in the National Conference on Cutting Edge Technologies in Computing & Bioinformatics on 24th March 2016 at Sriram Engineering College, Chennai.
Presented a paper titled, “Enhanced Load Balancing and Security in: A media Cloud Computing Middleware for Content Management”, in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Advanced Computing on 27th February 2015 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts & Science for women, Perambalur.
Presented a paper titled, “Performance Comparison of Median Based Filters with Synthetic Aperture Radar Images”, in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Applications and Communication on 7th March 2014 at Nehru College of Management, Coimbatore. ISBN No. :9788190919708
Presented a paper titled, “A Overview on Supervised & Unsupervised Image Classification Algorithm for Satellite Images”, in the National Conference on Emerging Computer Technology on 23rd September 2014 at Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.
Presented a paper titled, “Privacy Preserving & Data Dynamics for Storage Security in Cloud Computing”, in the National Conference on Spring Framework & Oracle Database on 12th February 2013 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts & Science for women, Perambalur.
Presented a paper titled, “Dynamic Fragmentation and Replication Allocation in Data Grid”, in the National Conference on High Performance Computing on 31st March 2012 at Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur.
Presented a paper titled, “Knowledge Acquisition for Classification Expert Systems”, in the National Conference on Networks, Information, Knowledge, Computing and Ontology on 16th March 2012 at A.V.C. College of Engineering, Mayiladuthurai.
Presented a paper titled, “Data Mining and Warehousing”, in the National Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies on 17th February 2012 at Vivekanandha College of Arts & Science for Women, Tiruchengode.
Participated in the National Conference on Innovation in IT on 5th & 6th March 2010 at Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur.
Participated in the National Conference on Advanced Computing on 26th September 2008 at Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur.
Participated in the National Conference on Recent Innovations in Information Technology on 20th February 2008 at Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur.
Book Chapters
Book Chapter Published by Chitradevi B, “Artificial Intelligence”, Chapter 1, March 2023, Published by SK Research Group of Companies, Madurai. ISBN: 978-9395341-62-2
Book Chapter Published by Chitradevi B, “Statistical analysis of Network Intrusion Detection System”, Recent Trends in Intelligent Automation and Computing Techniques, Chapter 4, December 2022, Dipti Press OPC Pvt Ltd, Chennai. ISBN 978-93-94639-07-2
Book Chapter Published by Chitradevi B, Thinaharan N and Vasanthi M, “Data Hiding using Least Significant Bit Steganography in Digital Images”, Statistical
Approaches on Multidisciplinary Research, Chapter 17, January 2017, Surragh Publishers, India. ISBN: 978.93.86537.29.4
Chitradevi B, “IoT based energy efficient MAC protocol for Leo satellite constellations”, published on 14th October 2022, App. No. 202241053859
Chitradevi B, “Hyb-Droid: A Hybrid Framework for Android Malware Detection”, published on 5th August 2022, App. No. 202241043164
Chitradevi B, “A System and Method of Modeling and Analysis Botnet Propagation in Social Internet of Things”, published on 13th May 2022, App. No. 202241022208
Chitradevi B, “A Method of Data Set Generation for Breach Detection in Internet-Of Things and Industrial-Internet-Of-Things Systems”, published on 21st January 2022, App. No. 202241000477 A
Chitradevi B, “System for Energy Management Through Software Defined Network or Network Function Virtualization Architectures”, published on 01st October 2021, App. No. 202141043601 A
Best Teaching and Research Excellence by SK Research Group of Companies and Senthalir Human Development Trust on 5th September 2023.
Recevied as a Executive Head and Advisor of SKRGC, Madurai from July 2022.
Membership of International Association of Engineers – Member Number 293342.
SKRGC Publication Member from 2019 to till date served as Reviewer for the International Journal of Computer Science ISSN: 2348-6600.
Editorial Board Member for International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies, (IJRRAS): ISSN: 2349-4891.
Reviewer for the International Journal of Computer Science ISSN: 2348-6600.
Editorial Reviewer for the International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) | UGC and ISSN Approved - E-ISSN 2348-1269
Member of Referral/Review management system of the esteemed International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research (ISSN : 2455-2631)
Excellence Teaching in Higher Education Award by Sakaya Charitable Trust, recognized by NITI AAYOG Government of India – 5th June 2022.
Member in Senthalir Human Development Organizations, NGO - Member Number: SENTHALIRNGO -13- 2022.
Best Senior Faculty Award by DK International Research Foundation on December 2019.
Annual Member of DK International Research Foundation from 2019.
Adjudicator for World Record in Jetlee Books of Records from 2019.
Received Best Women Faculty Award by DK International Research Foundation on December 2018.
Coordinator in JETLEE Books of Records from June 2017.
World record on Reading Books & Reading the World Record Books, by Jetlee Books of Records on 23rd April 2017.
Awarded to participate in the Official Attempt to Guinness World Records & India Book of Records on 10th August 2016 at Roever Technical Campus , Perambalur.
Received Best Social Service & Best Education Service awarded by The Social Guide Trust, Perambalur at Roever College, Perambalur on 2nd March 2015.
Special Editor in Nugarvor Vazhikatti Magazine from January 2015.
Member in NIRF, NHERC, IQAC & Member in Board of Studies
Admission coordinator for Vridhachalam Area
Handling Classes for UG, PG and M.Phil. Computer Science.
Guiding the UG, PG and M.Phil. Students for their Curriculum Projects in various universities.
Acting as a Resource person for various colleges & Producing 100 % results.
Obtained Guideship Approval for M.Phil. Computer Science from Periyar University, Bharathidasan University, Alagappa University and PRIST University.
Producing more than 38 M.Phil. Scholars.
Arranged Inter-Collegiate Level Computer Carnivals
Periodically conducted Association activities
Presented a paper titles, “An Overview on Data Security and its attacks in Today’s World “, in the International Conference on Recent Innovations in Information Technology on 17th February 2023 by Department of Information Technology, Dr.Umayal Ramanathan College for Women, Karaikudi.
Presented a paper titled, “A Novel Characterization of the Fake News in Twitter Networks”, in the International and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics, (Co-Sponsored by IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity) on 27th & 28th January 2023 by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, BNMIT Bengaluru, India
Presented a paper titled, “Training Community Unknown Enrolment System for Biomedical Images”, in the 1st International Conference on Communication, Security and Artificial Intelligence (ICCSAI-2022) (Co-Sponsored by IEEE UP SECTION) on 23rd & 24th December 2022 by School of Computer and Engineering, Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh, India
Participated in the International Virtual Conference on "The Nexus of Life, Language and Literature" on 3rd, 4th & 5th October 2020 at Annai Veilankanni's College for Women, Chennai.
Participated in the International Conference on "Paleoclimate Changes(ICPC-2020) on virtual platform" on 9th & 10th July 2020 at Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai.
Presented a paper titled, “An Analysis on Reversible Data Hiding Scheme in Encrypted Images for Information Security”, in the 3rd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research Trends in Arts, Science, Engineering & Technology (ICMRTASET-2019) on 29th December 2019 by DK International Research Foundation, Perambalur.
Presented a paper titled, “An Comparative Analysis of Image Inpainting Algorithms”, in the International Conference on Asian International Conference on Advances: Strategic Innovations and Emerging Perspectives for Global Business in Engineering and Social Sciences on 9th February 2018 at Sri Ganesh School of Business Management, Salem.
Presented a paper titled, “Dynamic Block Based Encoding Scheme for Data Hiding Using Image Features”, in the International Conference on Cutting Edge Technologies in Computing and Communications on 10th & 11th January 2018 at Sriram Engineering College, Chennai.
Presented a paper titled, “A Review on the smart Health Card System using IOT”, in the International Conference on Internet of Things on 15th September 2017 at Kodaikanal Christian College, Kodaikanal.
Presented a paper titled, “De-Noising of MR Brain Tumor Images by Using Noise Filtering Techniques”, in the International Multidisciplinary Conference on Information Science, Management Research and Social Science on 24th February 2017 at Alpha Arts and Science College, Chennai.
Presented a paper titled, “Data Hiding using LSB Algorithm”, in the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering & Technology on 08th April 2016 at Dr.Navalar Nedunchezhiyan College of Engineering, Tholudur.
Presented a paper titled, “Optimization of Fractional Motion Estimation based Complexity Reduction”, in the International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Multimedia Signal Processing on 9th and 10th January 2015 at Annamalai University, Chidambaram.
Presented a paper titled, “A Survey on Image Steganography Types and Hiding Techniques” in the National Conference on Cutting Edge Technologies in Computing and Communications (NCCETCC ‘20) on 6th March 2020 at Sri Ram Engineering College, Chennai
Presented a paper titled, “Analysis on Data Hiding Technology by using Image Processing Methods”, in the National Conference on Cutting Edge Technologies in Computing and Communications (NCCETCC'19) on 27th February 2019 at Sriram Engineering College, Chennai.
Presented a paper titled, “Analysis on Data Hiding Technology by using Image Processing Methods”, in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical, Computational Techniques and its Applications(RTMCTA-18) on 28th February 2018 at Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur.
Presented a paper titled, “An Literature Survey on Data Mining Techniques and concepts”, in the National Conference on Advanced Bio-Metric Trends on 9th March 2018 at Arul Anandar College, Madurai.
Presented a paper titled, “A Survey on Image steganography concepts and techniques”, in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing on 13th & 14th March 2017 at Alagappa University, Karaikudi.
Presented a paper titled, “An Analysis on steganography for Data Hiding”, in the National Conference on Cutting Edge Technologies in Computing & Bioinformatics (NCCETCC'17) on 10th March 2017 at Sriram Engineering College, Chennai.
Presented a paper titled, “Cloud Computing and Security issues in the Cloud”, in the National Level Conference on Impact of Digitalization in Future on 3rd March 2017 at Arul Anandar College, Madurai.
Presented a paper titled, “Data Hiding using Least Significant Bit Steganography in Digital Images”, in the National Conference on Role and Applications of Statistics in Multi-Disciplinary Research on 7th October 2016 at Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur.
Presented a paper titled, “De-Noising of Synthetic Aperture Radar Sea Ice Images using Serpentine Forward Backward Filter”, in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Computational Techniques on 12th April 2016 at Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur. ISBN NO.: 9788193050224
Presented a paper titled, “An Impression on Significant Task in Data Mining System”, in the National Conference on Cutting Edge Technologies in Computing & Bioinformatics on 24th March 2016 at Sriram Engineering College, Chennai.
Presented a paper titled, “Enhanced Load Balancing and Security in: A media Cloud Computing Middleware for Content Management”, in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Advanced Computing on 27th February 2015 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts & Science for women, Perambalur.
Presented a paper titled, “Performance Comparison of Median Based Filters with Synthetic Aperture Radar Images”, in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Computer Applications and Communication on 7th March 2014 at Nehru College of Management, Coimbatore. ISBN No. :9788190919708
Presented a paper titled, “A Overview on Supervised & Unsupervised Image Classification Algorithm for Satellite Images”, in the National Conference on Emerging Computer Technology on 23rd September 2014 at Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.
Presented a paper titled, “Privacy Preserving & Data Dynamics for Storage Security in Cloud Computing”, in the National Conference on Spring Framework & Oracle Database on 12th February 2013 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts & Science for women, Perambalur.
Presented a paper titled, “Dynamic Fragmentation and Replication Allocation in Data Grid”, in the National Conference on High Performance Computing on 31st March 2012 at Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur.
Presented a paper titled, “Knowledge Acquisition for Classification Expert Systems”, in the National Conference on Networks, Information, Knowledge, Computing and Ontology on 16th March 2012 at A.V.C. College of Engineering, Mayiladuthurai.
Presented a paper titled, “Data Mining and Warehousing”, in the National Conference on Advanced Computing Technologies on 17th February 2012 at Vivekanandha College of Arts & Science for Women, Tiruchengode.
Participated in the National Conference on Innovation in IT on 5th & 6th March 2010 at Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur.
Participated in the National Conference on Advanced Computing on 26th September 2008 at Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur.
Participated in the National Conference on Recent Innovations in Information Technology on 20th February 2008 at Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur.
Participated in the One-Day International Seminar on “Research Areas in Data analytics and Security” on 19th December 2022 organized by PG Department of Data Science & B.Voc. Software Development, Holy Cross College(Autonomous), Trichy.
Participated in the One-Day International Seminar on “Robotics & Machine Learning” in virtual mode on 24th September 2021 organized by Department of Computer Applications, AIMAN College, Trichy.
Participated in the One-Day International Seminar on “DevOps Tools for Cloud Technologies” on 20th March 2018 at Srinivasan College of Arts & Science, Perambalur.
Participated in the Two-Day International Seminar on “Recent Trends in Computer Applications” on 21st and 22nd September 2017 at Thiruvalluvar University Model Constituent College of Arts and Science, Tittagudi.
Participated in a One Day National Virtual Seminar Session on “Value Engineering and Design Thinking for Product and Process” on 15th March 2023 at Vidya Jothi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad under AICTE-DCP Scheme.
Participated in a One Day National Seminar on “Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology” on 11th February 2023 at A.V.P. College of Arts and Science, Tirupur.
Participated in NAAC Sponsored – Two days National Level Seminar on “Role of NAAC with NEP as a Quality Tool for Higher Education” organized by IQAC, Sri Ranganathar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 16th and 17th December 2022.
Participated in a Two Days National Seminar on “Impact of NEP 2020 in Higher Education Institutions of Rural Sector” organized by IQAC of Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts & Science for Women(A), Perambalur on 2nd September 2022 and 3rd September 2022.
Presented a paper titled, “An Literature Survey on Data Mining Techniques and Concepts” in the National Seminar on Recent Trends in Mathematical, Computational Techniques and its Applications on 28rd February at Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur.
Presented a paper titled, “An Brief Introduction to Data Mining and its Techniques” in the National Seminar on Dependable Systems and Networks on 23rd February 2018 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women, Perambalur.
Presented a paper titled, “An Ensemble based Classification Approach for Medical Images” in the National Seminar on Recent Trends on Distributed Computing and Networking on 20th February 2017 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts and Science for Women, Perambalur.
Presented a paper titled, “A Survey on Image Segmentation Algorithm for Different types of Images” in the National Seminar on Smart Approaches in Computing Technologies and its Applications on 12th September 2014 at Dr.R.V.Arts and Science College, Coimbatore.
Presented a paper titled, “Cloud Computing” in the National Seminar on Computational Finance & Cloud Computing on 29th February 2012 at Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College of Arts & Science for women, Perambalur.
Presented a paper titled, “A Introductory study on basic Image Processing Concepts and Signals” in the one Day state level seminar on Big Data Analytics on 18th February 2017 at Pavai Arts and Science College, Salem.
Attended One Day International Level Workshop on “Security Intelligence” at Jawaharlal Nehru College for Women, Ulundurpet on 07th August 2018.
Attended One Day National Level Workshop on “Research Methods and Data Analysis using SPSS” at Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur on 18th March 2016.
Attended One Day National Level Workshop on “Research in Data Mining using WEKA TOOL” at Roever College of Engineering & Technology, Perambalur on 13th August 2014.
Attended One Day Workshop on “Web Application Development using PHP with MySQL” at Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur on 26th February 2018.
Attended One Day Workshop on “LATEX-A Type Setting Tools” at Thanthai Hans Roever College, Perambalur on 07th February 2018.
Attended One Day Workshop on “Infrastructure Services” at Roever Engineering College, Perambalur on 22nd March 2017.
Attended One Day Workshop on “Recent Issues in Computer Sciences and Applications – A Research Perspective” at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur on 29th January 2015.
Attended One Day Workshop on “Android Applications for Mobile” at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College, Melmaruvathur on 12th March 2014.
Attended one-day International Webinar on “Cloud Computing” organized by Department of Computer Science, Sri Sarada Mahavidhyalayam Arts and Science College for Women, Ulundurpet on 25th September 2021.
Attended one-day International Webinar on “Cloud Computing” organized by Department of Commerce, Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore on 19th June 2021.
Attended two days International Webinar on “Emerging trends in Computer Science and Applications” organized by Department of Computer Applications, Srinivasan College of Arts & Science, Perambalur on 26th June 2021.
Attended one-day International Webinar on “Emerging trends in Computer Science and Applications” organized by Department of Computer Applications, Srinivasan College of Arts & Science, Perambalur on 26th June 2021.
Attended UGC-sponsored Webinar on “Professional Ethics for Teachers” organized by Human Resource Development Centre, Bharathidasan University, Trichy on 16th August 2021.
Attended UGC-sponsored Webinar on “NEP 2020: Perspectives and Prospects” organized by Human Resource Development Centre, Bharathidasan University, Trichy on 18th August 2021.
Attended UGC-sponsored Webinar on “MOOCs Development & Delivery” organized by Human Resource Development Centre, Bharathidasan University, Trichy on 16th August 2021.
Attended UGC-sponsored Webinar on “Professional Ethics for Teachers” organized by Human Resource Development Centre, Bharathidasan University, Trichy on 26th August 2021.
Attended UGC-sponsored Webinar on “Academic Leadership” organized by Human Resource Development Centre, Bharathidasan University, Trichy on 24th August 2021.
Attended UGC-sponsored Webinar on “Research and Publication Ethics” organized by Human Resource Development Centre, Bharathidasan University, Trichy on 28th August 2021.
Attended UGC-sponsored Webinar on “Artificial Intelligence” organized by Human Resource Development Centre, Bharathidasan University, Trichy on 31th August 2021.
Academic Experience: 20 Years
Research Experience: 15 Years (Guided M.Phil. Scholars)
Assistant Editor in “The Scientific Temper Journal” (Web of Science).
Membership of “International Association of Engineers” – Member Number 293342
SKRGC Publication Member from 2019 to till date served as Reviewer for the “International Journal of Computer Science”, ISSN: 2348-6600.
Editorial Board Member for “International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies”, (IJRRAS): ISSN: 2349-4891.
Reviewer for the “International Journal of Computer Science”, ISSN: 2348-6600.
Member of Referral/Review management system of the esteemed “International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research” (ISSN : 2455-2631)
Member in “Senthalir Human Development Organizations”, NGO - Member Number: SENTHALIRNGO -13- 2022.
Annual Member of “DK International Research Foundation” from 2019.
Coordinator in “JETLEE Books of Records” from June 2017.
Special Editor in “Nugarvor Vazhikatti” Magazine from January 2015.
SRM institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST) Tiruchirappalli Campus , Deemed to be University (Formerly SRM University) SRM Nagar, Trichy-Chennai highway, Near Samayapuram Trichy - 621105, Tamilnadu , India.
1800 202 4565
Academic courses
Academic courses