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Dr.A.Vijayan MSc., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor


97900 50568

Total Experience 

Biodiversity conservation / Micro flora/ Nanoparticles

12 years 5 months

course handled

Area Of interest

Microbiology / CSSD / Value Education/ Computational Biology

  • Publication details

    Natarajan Sisubalan, Shalini Ramadoss, Muniraj Gnanaraj, Arumugam Vijayan, Karthikeyan Chandrasekaran, Sivamaruthi Bhagavathi Sundaram, Chaiyasut Chaiyavat, Varaprasad Kokkarachedu.Eco-Friendly Synthesis of MgO Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications: Advances, Challenges, and Future Prospects. Nanoparticles in Modern Antimicrobial and Antiviral Applications. Springer International Publishing. 201-226. 

    Shankar Nisha Nandhini, Natarajan Sisubalan., Arumugam Vijayan., Chandrasekaran Karthikeyan., Muniraj Gnanaraj., Daniel Andrew M. Gideon., Thomas Jebastin., Kokkarachedu Varaprasad., Rotimi Sadiku. 2023. Recent advances in green synthesized nanoparticles for bactericidal and wound healing applications. Heliyon. 9(2): e13128.

    E. Elanthamilan, E., Sriram, B., Rajkumar, S., Dhaneshwaran, C., N. Nagaraj, N., Princy Merlin, J., Vijayan, A and Sea-Fue Wang. 2018. Couroupita guianansis dead flower derived porous activated carbon as efficient supercapacitor electrode material. Materials Research Bulletin, S0025540818330162–. doi:10.1016/j.materresbull.2018.12.028.

    Vijayan, A. 2018. Phytochemical Analysis of Elaeocarpus blascoi Weibel using Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectroscopy. Journal of Natural Products and Resources. 3(2): 125–129.

    Vivekraj, P., Vinotha, S., Vijayan, A., Anand Gideon, V. 2017. Preliminary Phytochemical Screening and GC-MS Analysis of Methanolic Extract of Turnera subulata Smith (Passifloraceae). The Journal of Phytopharmacology. 6(3): 174-177.

    Vijayan.A, Santhakumar. S, Vivekraj.P and Kalavathy. S. 2015. Parasitism of host trees by the Loranthaceae in the region of Sitheri Hills (Eastern Ghats), Tamil Nadu, India. Bull. Env.Pharmacol. Life Sci., 4(3):104-109.


    Vijayan, A., Vivekraj, P. and Kalavathy, S. 2015. A report of the stem parasitic plant Dendrophthoe falcata (L.f) Ettingsh. (Loranthaceae) from the associates with trees along roadsides in Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India. International Journal of Institutional Pharmacy and Life sciences. 5(2): 92-100.

    Vivekraj, P., Vijayan, A., Anand Gideon, V. and Muthuselvan, D. 2015. Phytochemical profiling of Abutilon hirtum (Lam.) Sweet. Leaf extracts using GC-MS analysis. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research. 4(3): 1270 – 1275.

    Vijayan, A., Sudhakar, J.V. and Sebastian Rajasekaran, C. 2010.Rediscovery of Elaeocarpus blascoi Weibel (Elaeocarpaceae) from Palni hills of Western Ghats, Tamilnadu. Journal Econ. Taxon. Bot. 35(103): 618 – 620.

    Vijayan, A and Sebastian Rajasekaran, C. 2010. An efficient invitro plantlets regeneration of Elaeocarpus blascoi Weibel – an endangered tree in Palni hills at Kodaikanal, India. Online journal of Biotechnology Research. 2(2): 54 – 59.

    Vijayan, A and Sebastian Rajasekaran, C. 2010. Invitro callus induction and shoot regeneration of Ipomoea coccinea L. (Red morning glory)- A important medicinal plant. Online journal of Biotechnology Research. 1(4): 156-160.

    Vijayan, A., Blasco, F. and Sebastian Rajasekaran, C. 2010. Gene Bank: HM066938.1 Elaeocarpus blascoi Weibel: tRNA - Leu (trnL) gene, partial sequence; plastid. NCBI Gene Bank. 02 June, 2010.

    Vijayan, A and Sebastian Rajasekaran, C. 2010. Pharmacognostic investigations on Elaeocarpus blascoi Weibel leaves. Inter. journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences. 1(3): 1-9.

    Sneka, C., Gnanaraj, M., Sisubalan, N., Vijayan, A., Muneeshwaran, T., Rajadurai, M., and Jebastin, T. Chlorella sp., SG 1 small subunit ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequences., NCBI, National Library of Medicine. Gen bank ID : OP818091.1.

    International and National Conferences:

    National Conference:

    Recent advances in Structural biology, National College (Autonomous), Tiruchirapalli, 4 – 5th November, 2022.

    International Conference:

    Research trends, strategies and technical advancements in biological and biomedical sciences for sustainability (RTSTA’22), Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College, Trichy, 14 -15 Dec, 22.

    Environmental Management and sustainable development, PG Department of Environmental Science, Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Trichy 24/01/23

    Scientific Books Published

    Arumugam Vijayan, Shalini Ramadoss, Natarajan Sisubalan, Muniraj Gnanaraj, Karthikeyan Chandrasekaran, Varaprasad Kokkarachedu. Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications. Nanoparticles in Modern Antimicrobial and Antiviral Applications. Springer International Publishing175-200.

    Karthikeyan Chandrasekaran, Varaprasad Kokkarachedu, Natarajan Sisubalan, Arumugam Vijayan, P Hendry Moses, P Edison Raj Godwin, C Kelvin Adaikalam, S Gowri, J Jason Mathews, AS Haja Hameed, J Ebenezar. Exploring the Medical Applications of SnO2 Nanomaterials: Antimicrobial, Antiviral, and Anticancer Therapies. Nanoparticles in Modern Antimicrobial and Antiviral Applications. Springer International Publishing. 227-242.

    Varaprasad Kokkarachedu, Karthikeyan Chandrasekaran, Natarajan Sisubalan, Tippabattini Jayaramudu, Arumugam Vijayan, Rotimi Sadiku. SiO2-Based Nanomaterials as Antibacterial and Antiviral Agents: Potential Applications. Nanoparticles in Modern Antimicrobial and Antiviral Applications. Springer International Publishing. 65-95. 

    Muniraj Gnanaraj, Natarajan Sisubalan, T Jebastin, Arumugam Vijayan, T Muneeshwaran, R Manikandan. Gold Nanoparticles as Antibacterial and Antiviral Agents: Biomedical Applications and Theranostic Potential. Nanoparticles in Modern Antimicrobial and Antiviral Applications. Springer International Publishing. 19-45.


    1 Filed, 1 Published

    Patent Application No. 202341077742, “Advanced Computational Model for Nanofluid Viscosity Forecasting” filed on 15.11.2023 and published on 12/12/2023, by Dr. Manjula M. Hanchinal, Dr.A.Vijayan, Dr. M.Sivaji, Dr.CArun kumar

  • Awards and Achievements

    Guest Speaker in the title on “Artificial intelligence in Biology” at Srimed Andavan Arts and Science College, Tiruchirappalli on 30th September2024. 

    Resource Person: Bothi hybrid International multidisciplinary conference on “Innovative issues and approaches in social science arts and science” held at Srinivasan college of arts and science, Perambalur, TN, India on 24 August 2024. 

    Chairperson to one day national level seminar on “Traditional medicine and home remedies (TMHR-2-23)” on 28 December,2024. 

    Resource Person: “Biodiversity and Conservation” nature awareness programme at SRM IST, Tiruchirappalli on 24 November 2023.

    Young Research Fellow award: Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship (RGNF) UGC  (University Grants Commission), New Delhi- 2006 - 2011.

    Guest Speaker in the title on “Parasitic Plants (It’s not easy being not green)” at Srimed Andavan Arts and Science College, Tiruchirappalli on 22th August 2024. 

    Best poster presentation award: “Invitro Conservation of Elaeocarpus blascoi Weibel - a endangered plant in Palni hills (Western Ghats), India”, on “Traditional medicine and home remedies on 28 December,2024. 

    Research Award: Rabindra Ratna Puraskar-2024, Ratna Puraskar National Committee, ECS and Veyil Foundation recognized by Govt. Of India, MIME and Ministry of Corporate affairs.

    Best Teacher Award 2024: National College (Autonomous), Trichy, Big Learn and Kanmalai Trust, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India

    Dynamic Professor Award 2024: Certificate of World Record 2024, USA book of World Record, USA and India. 

    Best of Honour Award 2024: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Sewa Ratna Samman 2024, Sahara Charitable Trust, Regd. By Govt. of India. 

    International Best Teacher Award 2023: International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation, IMRF Institute of Higher Education and Research , Vijayawada, AP, India 05th October, 2023.

    Best Organizer, INNOVOPEST’24: 10000 students involved in witnessing project expo with 333 panel project displays in a single venue was set by SRM IST Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India. Magnificent Book of World Records, USA. 

    Steward of the Program: Jetlee Book of Records, Tamilnadu, India, INNOVOPEST’24: 10000 students involved in witnessing project expo with 333 panel project displays in a single venue was set by SRM IST Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India. 

    Exclusive global Honor Award- 2024:  World Environmental day 05th June 2024, Worthy Wellness’s Trust, India.

    Organizer (Steward): Elite World Record 2023: The most participants involved in making seed balls within 2 hours (single venue) 1 crore seeds, SRM IST, Tiruchirappalli.   

  • Workshops / Seminars

    International Conference

    • Paper Presented in the International conference on “Molecular basis of cancer and prevention” held on 07 and 08th February 2024, PRIST, Thanjavur, TN, India.
    • Paper Presented in the International conference on “Scientific writing for advancement in career SWAC-2023 organized by Bishop Heber College, TN, India on 06 july 2023. ”
    • Paper presented in the international conference on “Inspiring microbiome for the future generation” (IMFG-2024) organizes by Sengamala Thayaar educational trust women’s college, Mannargudi, TN, India. In association with Microbiologists society, India and IQAC on 26 and 27 February 2024. 
    • Paper Presented in the International conference on “Research trends, strategies and technical advancement in biological sciences for sustainability RTSTA’22” on 14 and 15 December 2022.
    • Paper Presented in the “International conference on Future challenges of Micrboes in Environment (ICFCME-2023)” organized by Jamal Mohamed college (A), Tiruchirappalli in association with Microbiologists society, India held on 23 February 2023.
    • Paper Presented in the “International conference on “Environmental Management and Sustainable Development” organized by Holy cross college (A), Tiruchirappalli on 24 January 2023. 
    • Paper Presented in the “International conference on “Interdisciplinary approaches in biological sciences for innovative research” ICIBIR-2024 on 27 September 2024. 


    • To participated national conference on “Recent advances in structural Biology” held on 4 and 5th November 2022 at National college (A), Tiruchirappalli. 


    • To participated in the workshop on “Homology modelling and molecular docking analysis” at CADD lab Bishop Heber college, Trichy on 29th February 2024. 
    • Participated in the “Indo-US workshop on medical and industrial microbiology” by Sathyabama institute of science and technology, Chennai on 24 and 25 October 2024. 
    • Workshop on “Genomics and Bioinformatics”. 19 -20 Sep. 2003. Department of Bioinformatics, Karpagam Arts and Science College, Coimbatore – 641 021.
    • State level workshop on “Advanced techniques in molecular biology”. 24-29 Apr. 2006. Department of Biotechnology, Sri Kaliswari College, Sivakasi.
    • Workshop on “Indian herbal drugs scenario – problems and perspectives”. 12 Mar. 2008. Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmacy, Periyar College of Pharmaceutical Sciences for Girls, Tiruchirappalli – 620 021.
    • Workshop on “Scientific validation of traditional herbal medicine”, sponsored by ICMR. 16- 17 Dec. 2009. Department of Botany, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore – 641 046.
    • One day state level workshop on “Plant Taxonomy”. 26 Feb 2014. Department of Botany, St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli – 620 002.
    • One day Click – Workshop on Photography” 2016. 17 Sep. 2016. Rotary club of Tiruchirappalli Elite, Tiruchirappalli.
    • Vijayan, A., Sebastian Rajasekaran, C., Vivekraj, P., and Anand Gideon, V. 2017. Conservation and possible reintroduction of an endangered plant: a case study of Elaeocarpus blascoi Weibel in Palni hills (Western Ghats), India. 4th IBC (4th Indian Biodiversity Congress, 10-12, March, 2017, Pondicherry University, Puducherry).


    • Participated in the National seminar on “Climate change and Biodiversity” on 9 August 2023 organized by Vimala College (A), Thrissur, Kerala supported by DBT STAR college scheme, Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of science and technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi. 
    • Paper presented One day national level seminar on “Traditional madicne and home remidies (TMHR’2023)” held at Srimed AndavanArts and Science college, Trichy.
    • UGC two days state level seminar on “Human rights education and evolving a suitable curriculum for Colleges”. 25- 25 Mar. 2000. Department of English, National College, Tiruchirapalli – 620 001.
    • Seminar on “Micro Galaxy’ 2003” (an intercollegiate programme on microbes), Srimad Andavan Arts and Science College, Tiruchirapalli – 620 005.
    • Seminar on “Global energy crisis – Hazards and Solutions”. 11 Jan. 2010. Avni energy solutions Pvt Ltd., Bangalore and Department of Env. Sci., and EXNORA, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Tiruchirapalli – 620 017.
    • Seminar on Climatic cha(lle)nge! Mitigating strategies !! Feb. 2010. Department of Botany, The Madura College (Autonomous), Madurai – 625 011.
    • Two days national seminar on Role of plant systematics in biodiversity and its conservation. 4 - 5 Mar. 2014. UGC, New Delhi in collaboration with Kerala state Biodiversity Board and Sree Narayana College, Cherthana.

    National Webinar:

    • Emerging Biotechnological Interventions in Municipal and Industrial solid waste management (EBIMISM-22), Department of Biotechnology, School of Bioengineering, SRM Institute of Science of Technology, Kattankulathur, Tamilnadu association with Tamilnadu Integrated Waste management Association (TIWM), 14 -15, November 2022.


    • International Faculty Professional Development Program (Virtual), SRM, Institute of Science of Technology, Ramapuram, 10 Oct, 2022 to 17 Oct, 2022.
    • Participate National level virtual FDP on “Emerging trends in Plant sciences” from 4 to 11 march 2024 organized by Bishop Heber College (A), Tiruchirappalli, TN, India. 

    Certificate of Completion

    • EBSCO Information Services, training on EBSCO Medical and Health Databases, 14/07/2023. 
    • The Wonder of Bird’ 2024 has completed the course on 13th may 2024.

    Programme Organized

    • HOT FTC (National level hands on faculty training program in field taxonomy and conservation), The Anglade Institute of Natural History and Sacred Heart College, Shenbaganur, Kodaikanal. 18-20, October, 2018.
    • Bood donate Camp 2024  for Allied Health Science, SRMIST, Trichy campus on 28 February . 2024.
    • Gender Sensitization - 2023: Allied Health Science, SRMIST, Trichy campus on 11 October, 2023. 
    • World Rabies Day-24 (Outreach Awareness Program, Perambalur Dt) –CAHS on 27.09.2024
    • World Diabetes Day-2024 (Medical Camp) –College Allied Health Science, SRMIST, Trichy campus and Thirukattupalli village awareness program, 17 November 2024 . 

  • Work Experience

    Academic Experience:

    Assistant Professor, Faculty in Medicine & Health Sciences SRM, Institute of Science and Tech. Tiruchirappalli Campus, Trichy, 06 Oct 2022 - at present

    Assistant Professor, Department of Botany, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous) Tiruchirappalli, 12 Sep 2016 -05 Oct 2022

    Assistant Professor, Urumu Dhanalakshmi College, Trichy, 04 July 2016 - 11 Sep. 2016

    Biology Teacher, Chellammal Matric Hr. Sec. School Crawford, Tiruchirappalli, Jan, 2012 - May, 2013.

    Biology Teacher, Jessy Matriculation School, Trichy. 2012 -2013. 

    Lecturer, Part time faculty, Nivetida academy –NEET Med. Entrance, 2011-2015.

    Med.Coder &Trainer, Omega Medical coding academy, 05 Mar 2015 - 28 Jun 2016. 

    Industry Experience:

    Production Manager, Lion dates, Tirchirappalli - 2010 -2011

    Research Experience:

    Project fellow, Arboretum project , UGC, Bishop Heber College, Trichy. 2002 - 2004

    Project fellow, Endangered species Project, 2005 - 2006

    Senior Research Fellow, FRLHT, Bangalore, 2011 - 2012

  • Memberships


  • Funded Projects
