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Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences
85269 83804
Medical Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Metagenomics
course handled
Area Of interest
Medical Microbiology ( Bacteriology, Immunology, Mycology, Virology and Parasitology) for UG and PG MHS Students
Ramya R and Rajesh Kannan V. Comparison study of Microplastics on Sea and table Salts, in International Conference on Future Challenges of Microbes in Environment (ICFCME - 2023) on 23th Feb. 2023, organized by Jamal Mohamed College, Trichy.
Participated in ‘National Level Training Programme on Thesis Writing: From Copper strip to Gold Bar’ on 30th Oct.-3rd Nov. 2017, organized by Department of English, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.
Participated in ‘National Seminar cum workshop on Microbial omics: From genome to proteome’ on 24-26th Feb. 2016, organized by Bioinformatics Facility and Department of Biotechnology, Alagappa University, Karaikudi.
Participated in a national seminar on ‘Genome and Protein Engineering’ on 12th Feb. 2016, organized by Department of Environmental Biotechnology, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.
Participated in ‘Workshop and training on sequence analysis an molecular simulation’ on 20-23rd Jan. 2016 organized by Department of Biotechnology, Anna University, Chennai.
Participated in ‘Awareness cum training programme on Shodhganaga ETD Database’ on 6th Nov. 2015, at Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.
Participated in National workshop on ‘High Performance Liquid Phase Separation Technique’ on 23rd Jan. 2015, organized by Department of Marine Biotechnology, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.
Programme Organized
World AIDS Day- 2022 for Allied Health Science, SRMIST, Trichy campus on 01 December. 2022.
Organized Breast Feeding Day to Physician Assistant -CAHS
World Diabetes Day-23 (Medical Camp) –CAHS on 26.11.24
World Technician Day-24 –CAHS 0n 13.03.24
World Microbiome Day-24-CAHS on 05.07.24
World Rabies Day-24 (Outreach Awareness Program) –CAHS on 27.09.2024
International Guest lecture by Dr.Kumeresan Ramanathan 0n 09.10.24
FDP attended
Attended one week faculty development programme on “blended learning: concepts and tools” organized by teaching learning centre, ramanujan college university of delhi.05-11, December, 2022.
Attended 10 days faculty development programme on “A step-by-step Guide to write a good research Paper” organized by Faculty of commerce-parul University- Gujarat,Sant Hirdaram Girl College Bhopal,Research Foundation of India-CARE.20-29, December, 2022.
Attended One week faculty development programme on “Advanced Functional Materials: Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development” organized by SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli.28th February-09, March, 2023.
Attended one week faculty development programme on “ Intellectual Property Rights” organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Trichy campus .May 08th -13th , May, 2023.
Attended Five days faculty development programme on “ Innovative Teachning Stratigies and Tools in the Digital Age” organized by Institution Innovation Council .May 20th -02, June, 2023.
Participated five days in the Sixth Short-Term Capacity Building Programme on Research Ecosystem and Technology conducted by AIU- Avinashilingam Institute – Academic & Administrative Development Centre and Research and Development Cell from 28/08/2023 to 01/09/2023.
Participated Six days in the International Virtual Faculty Development Programme on “AI for Educators: A Six days Faculty Development Journey” conducted by Department of Software Engineering at Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology, Vallam, Thanjavur from 18/03/2024 to 23/03/2024.
Sucessfully completed Four Weeks Faculty Development Programme on Introduction to Professional Scientific Communication from Jan/2024 to Feb/2024.
Participated in the Professional Development Programme on “ICT for Teaching and Learning” Conducted by National Institute of Technical teachers training and Research , Chennai. From 10/06/2024 to 14/06/2024.
Academic Experience:
Guest Faculty - Microbiology :
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 620024
August 2019- October 2022
Assistant Professor - Microbiology
SRM Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli Campus
November 2022- Till date
Research Experience:
University Research Fellow - Microbiology
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 620024
March, 2016- January,2019
SRM institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST) Tiruchirappalli Campus , Deemed to be University (Formerly SRM University) SRM Nagar, Trichy-Chennai highway, Near Samayapuram Trichy - 621105, Tamilnadu , India.
1800 202 4565
Academic courses
Academic courses