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Dr.R. Ramya MSc., Ph.D., Microbiology

Assistant Professor

Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences

85269 83804

Total Experience 

Medical Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Metagenomics

8 Years

course handled

Area Of interest

Medical Microbiology ( Bacteriology, Immunology, Mycology, Virology and Parasitology) for UG and PG MHS Students

  • Publication details

    • Ramya R, Manikandan A, Sangeeetha Devi R, Rajesh Kannan V (2017) Standardization of biopolymer production from seaweed associative bacteria. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 102: 550-564 (IF: 8.03).
    • Ramya R, Akila K. Sangeeetha Devi R, Rajesh Kannan V (2018) Analysis of Plastic Degrading Marine Bacterial (Bacillus aryabhattai VRKPV15 and Bacillus cereus VRKPK25) Probiotic properties under in vitro condition. International Journal of Medicobiological Research, 1(9): 464-474.
    • Ramya R, Madhubala V, Rajesh Kannan V (2018) Analysis of biopolymer efficacy against Xanthomonas causing bacterial blight disease in cowpea under nursery experiment. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, 5(11): 619-633.
    • Sangeetha Devi R, Ramya R, Kannan K, Robert Antony A,  Rajesh Kannan V (2019) Investigation of biodegradation potentials of high density polyethylene degrading marine bacteria isolated from the coastal regions of Tamil Nadu, India. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 138: 549-560 (IF: 5.553).
    • Manikandan A, Akila V, Sukeetha SD, Ramya R, Rajesh Kannan V, Ayyasamy PM, Rajakumar S (2020) Antimicrobial activity of green seaweed Ulva Sp. Against pathogenic microorganisms. Journal of Information and Computational Science. 10(4), 769- 780.
    • Manikandan A, Sangeetha Devi R, Ramya R, Kannan K, Rajakumar S, Rajesh Kannan V (2020) Biodegradation of triclosan by Pseudomonas putida RBL8 from cosmetics contaminated sites. Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research. 12(6), 446- 460.
    • Kalyanasundaram P, Ramya R, Rajendran K, Nazir Ahamed SB, Mukil Sukitha P and Rajesh Kannan V. (2022). Increasing Incidence of Mucormycosis: A Systemic Review of Case Reports. Clinical Case Reports International. 6(1328). (IF- 0.285).
    • Kayalvizhi R, Ramya R, Ragaranjani R, Rajesh Kannan V. (2022).Investigation of microplastic accumulation in Rastrelliger kanagurta fish gut and microplastic degradation behaviour of existing gut bacteria Pseudomonas sp. Archieves of Microbiology. (IF:2.55)
    • Gunasekaran, Prabakaran; Immanuel David, Charles; Suresh, Shanmugam; Ramanagul, Karthick; Rajendran, Ramya; Velraj, G; Velu, Rajesh Kannan; Prabhu, Jeyaraj; Nandhakumar, Raju. (2022). Positional isomeric symmetric dipodal receptors dangled with rotatable binding scaffolds: fluorescent sensing of silver ions and sequential detection of L-histidine and their multifarious applications. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. (IF: 5.895).
    • G.Prabakaran, C.Immanuel David, S. Prince Makarios Paul, R. Ramya A.Abiram, V Rajesh Kannan J.Prabhu, R. Nandhakumar. 2022. Bis naphthalene derived dual functional chemosensor: Specific signalling for Al3+ and Fe3+ ions with on-the-spot detection, bio-imaging, and logic gate applications. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry. (IF: 5.141).
    • Kayalvizhi R, Ramya R, Roshin Peter, Mukil sukitha p, Shahana begum NA, Parvatham K, Rajesh Kannan V. (2023). Validation of Microplastics Accumulation on Edible Fruits and Vegetables. Biological Forum- An International Journal.15(1): 348-355.
    • Shahanaz Begum Nazir Ahmed, Ramya Rajendran, Kayalvizhi Rajendran, Parvatham Kalyana sundaram and Rajesh Kannan Velu. (2023). Unexplored metabolomics role in Santalum album L. rhizosphere for soil fertility. YMER || ISSN : 0044-0477. V(22). 533-546.
    • Lavanya, Ramya Rajendiran. (2024). Letter to the Editor: Comment on Knowledge levels of stroke among hypertensive and diabetic patients in a tertiary hospital. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience. 1532-2653. V(128).I.F=1.9.
    • Ramya Rajendiran, Murali Santhoshkumar. (2024). Letter to the editor: Comment on Anti-cancer potential of casein and its derivatives: novel strategies for cancer treatment. Medical Oncology. (2024) 41:234. I.F=2.8.
    • Xinghui Liu, Kuppusamy Sathishkumar, Huichao Zhang, Kuldeep K Saxena, Fuchun Zhang, Saraschandra Naraginti, Anbarasu, Ramya Rajendiran, Aruliah Rajasekar, Xiang Guo. Frontiers in environmental cleanup: Recent advances in remediation of emerging pollutants from soil and water. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances 16 (2024) 100461. (I.F=5.4).
    • T. JohnyDathees, G. Narmatha, G. Prabakaran, V. Ramya, S. Abisha Nanc, A. Abiram, R. Ramya, V. RajeshKannan, Abdulrahman. Almansour, RajSuresh Kumar, R. Nandhakumar. Harnessing uryl linked quinoline-naphthalene fluorescent chemosensor: Applications in detection of hazardous silver ions, latent-fingerprint, real sample analysis, live cell imaging and corrosion inhibition. Journal of Molecular Liquids. V(414), Part B,2024, 126240. (IF=5.3).


    • Reviewing the manuscript “How Peptides from Venomous and Poisonous Animals Can Be Used to Treat Oral Cancer: Possible Mechanisms of Action”. Natural Prodcut research. September, 2024.

  • Awards and Achievements

    • Got best oral presentation award in the International Conference on “Inspiring microbiome for the future Generation from Sengamala Thayaar Educational Trust Women's College, on 26th February, 2024.
    • Acted as Chairperson to oral online presentation on the International Conference on Microbiological Research: Current Challenges and Future Prospectives (ICMR-CCFP-2024) on 09-11 January,2024.
    • Acted as a Guest Speaker in the title on “ Bioplastics: right solution to Plastic Pollution” in Two days National Seminar on “Sustainable Future through Microbial Innovations” at Government Arts and Scince College, Kozhinjampara, Kerala on 13th October, 2023
    • Acted as a Guest Speaker to the National Seminar on “Plastic Pollution Management: Future Prospectives and Challenges” at Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College (Autonomous) Sivakasi on 3rd March, 2023.
    • University 2nd Rank in B.Sc., & M.Sc., graduation and awarded from Bharathidasan University. 
    • All India 7th Rank in DMLT Course

  • Workshops / Seminars

    Ramya R and Rajesh Kannan V. Comparison study of Microplastics on Sea and table Salts, in International Conference on Future Challenges of Microbes in Environment (ICFCME - 2023) on 23th Feb. 2023, organized by Jamal Mohamed College, Trichy.

    Participated in ‘National Level Training Programme on Thesis Writing: From Copper strip to Gold Bar’ on 30th Oct.-3rd Nov. 2017, organized by Department of English, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.

    Participated in ‘National Seminar cum workshop on Microbial omics: From genome to proteome’ on 24-26th Feb. 2016, organized by Bioinformatics Facility and Department of Biotechnology, Alagappa University, Karaikudi.

    Participated in a national seminar on ‘Genome and Protein Engineering’ on 12th Feb. 2016, organized by Department of Environmental Biotechnology, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.

    Participated in ‘Workshop and training on sequence analysis an molecular simulation’ on 20-23rd Jan. 2016 organized by Department of Biotechnology, Anna University, Chennai.

    Participated in ‘Awareness cum training programme on Shodhganaga ETD Database’ on 6th Nov. 2015, at Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.

    Participated in National workshop on ‘High Performance Liquid Phase Separation Technique’ on 23rd Jan. 2015, organized by Department of Marine Biotechnology, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli.

    Programme Organized

    World AIDS Day- 2022 for Allied Health Science, SRMIST, Trichy campus on 01 December. 2022.

    Organized Breast Feeding Day to Physician Assistant -CAHS

    World Diabetes Day-23 (Medical Camp) –CAHS on 26.11.24

    World Technician Day-24 –CAHS 0n 13.03.24

    World Microbiome Day-24-CAHS on 05.07.24

    World Rabies Day-24 (Outreach Awareness Program) –CAHS on 27.09.2024

    International Guest lecture by Dr.Kumeresan Ramanathan 0n 09.10.24

    FDP attended

    Attended one week faculty development programme on “blended learning: concepts and tools” organized by teaching learning centre, ramanujan college university of delhi.05-11, December, 2022.

    Attended 10 days faculty development programme on “A step-by-step Guide to write a good research Paper” organized by Faculty of commerce-parul University- Gujarat,Sant Hirdaram Girl College Bhopal,Research Foundation of India-CARE.20-29, December, 2022.

    Attended One week faculty development programme on “Advanced Functional Materials: Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development” organized by SRM TRP Engineering College, Tiruchirappalli.28th February-09, March, 2023.

    Attended one week faculty development programme on “ Intellectual Property Rights” organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Trichy campus .May 08th -13th , May, 2023.

    Attended Five days faculty development programme on “ Innovative Teachning Stratigies and Tools in the Digital Age” organized by Institution Innovation Council .May 20th -02, June, 2023.

    Participated five days in the Sixth Short-Term Capacity Building Programme on Research Ecosystem and Technology conducted by AIU- Avinashilingam Institute – Academic & Administrative Development Centre and Research and Development Cell from 28/08/2023 to 01/09/2023.

    Participated Six days in the International Virtual Faculty Development Programme on “AI for Educators: A Six days Faculty Development Journey” conducted by Department of Software Engineering at Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology, Vallam, Thanjavur from 18/03/2024 to 23/03/2024.

    Sucessfully completed Four Weeks Faculty Development Programme on Introduction to Professional Scientific Communication from Jan/2024 to Feb/2024.

    Participated in the Professional Development Programme on “ICT for Teaching and Learning” Conducted by National Institute of Technical teachers training and Research , Chennai. From 10/06/2024 to 14/06/2024. 

  • Work Experience

    Academic Experience:

    Guest Faculty - Microbiology :

    Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 620024 

    August 2019- October 2022

    Assistant Professor - Microbiology

    SRM Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli Campus 

    November 2022- Till date

    Research Experience: 

    University Research Fellow - Microbiology

    Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli – 620024 

    March, 2016- January,2019

  • Memberships


  • Funded Projects
