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Dr.M.Maria Leena

Assistant Professor



Total Experience 

Area of intrest

♦ Nanotechnology 

♦ Biomaterials 

♦ Micro & nano delivery systems 

♦ Nanocomposite scaffolds & tissue engineering 

♦ 3D printing

♦ Food bioactives / flavours stability & bioavailability improvement 

♦ Nano sensors for food quality 

♦ Edible coatings and food packaging

♦ Nano membranes and filtration

♦ Bioprocessing 

14 years 6 months

course handled

  • Bioprocessing 
  • Biochemistry
  • Nanobiotechnology
  • Biomedical Nanotechnology
  • Computational Biology 

 Education Details

  • Publication details

    Research / Review Papers

    • M. Maria Leena, T. Anukiruthika, J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Co-delivery of curcumin and resveratrol through electrosprayed core-shell nanoparticles in 3D printed hydrogel, Food Hydrocolloid, 124(A), 107200, 2022 DOI: 10.1016/j.foodhyd.2021.107200 (IF 10.7)

    • Kavimughil*; M. Maria Leena*, J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, 3D printed MCT oleogel as a co-delivery carrier for curcumin and resveratrol, Biomaterials, 287, 121616, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.biomaterials.2022.121616 (IF 14; *Equal authorship)

    • M. Maria Leena, Yoha K.S, Moses J.A, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Edible coating with resveratrol loaded electrospun zein nanofibers with enhanced bioaccessibility, Food Bioscience, 36, 100669, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.fbio.2020.100669. (Impact Factor (IF): 5.2)  

    • M. Maria Leena, M. Gover Antoniraj, Moses J.A, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Three fluid nozzle Spray Drying for Co-encapsulation of Curcumin and Resveratrol and controlled release, Journal of drug delivery science and technology, 57, 101678, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.jddst.2020.101678. (IF: 5)

    • M. Maria Leena, Gnana Silvia M., K. Vinitha, Moses J.A, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Synergistic potential of nutraceuticals: mechanisms and prospects for futuristic medicine, Food & Function, 11, 9317, 2020, DOI: 10.1039/D0FO02041A (IF 6.1)

    • M. Maria Leena, Yoha K.S, Moses J.A, C. 
    • Anandharamakrishnan, Electrospun nanofibrous membrane for filtration of coconut neera, Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering, 6 (24), 1-10, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s41204-021-00116-1

    • D Subhasri, M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Factors affecting the fate of nanoencapsulates post administration, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 2023, (IF 10.2)

    • Logesh D., Muhammed Shijas V., M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Advances in microfluidic systems for the delivery of nutraceutical ingredients, Trends in Food Science and Technology, 116, 501-524, 2021, Doi: 10.1016/j.tifs.2021.07.011 (IF 15.3)

    • Shubham Nimbkar, M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Microfluidic Assessment of Nutritional Biomarkers: Concepts, Approaches and Advances, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, Dec 11;1-15, 2022, doi: 10.1080/10408398.2022.2150597 (IF 10.2).

    • Shubham Nimbkar, M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Development of Iron-vitamin Multilayer Encapsulates Using 3 Fluid Nozzle Spray Drying, Food Chemistry, V406, 135035, 2023, (IF 8.8)

    • Shubham Nimbkar, M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Medium chain triglycerides (MCT): State-of-the-art on chemistry, synthesis, health benefits and applications in food industry, Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety, 21(2), 843-867, 2022, DOI: 10.1111/1541-4337.12926M (IF 14.8)

    • Shubham Nimbkar, M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, A modified 3-fluid nozzle spray drying approach for co-encapsulation of iron and folic acid, Chemical papers, 77, 4019–4032, 2023, (IF 2.2)

    • V. Amal Nath, Vijayakumar Raja, M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Co-electrospun-electrosprayed ethyl cellulose - gelatin nanocomposite pH-sensitive membrane for food quality applications, Food Chemistry, 394, 133420, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.133420 (IF. 8.8)

    • M. Kavimughil, M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Effect of material composition and 3D printing temperature on hot-melt extrusion of ethyl cellulose based MCT oil oleogel, Journal of Food Engineering, 329, 111055, 2022, DOI: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2022.111055 (IF 5.5)

    • D Subhasri, Sayantani Dutta, M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Gastronomy: An Extended Platform for Customized Nutrition, Future Foods, 100147, 2022. (IF 5.7)

    • Thirukumaran R, Shubham Nimbkar, Mahalakshmi L, Maria Leena M., J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Impact of different emulsification techniques on the stability of coconut milk, Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 100608, 2023: DOI: 10.1016/j.jafr.2023.100608 (IF 3.8)

    • Mahalakshmi L., Dharani R., M. Maria Leena, J. A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishanan, Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized Using Ocimum basilicum Seed Extract, Letters in Applied NanoBioScience, 11, 2, 3411-3420, 2022, DOI: 10.33263/LIANBS112.34113420

    • K. Vinitha, M. Maria Leena, Moses J.A, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Size-dependent enhancement in salt perception: spraying approaches to reduce sodium content in foods, Powder Technology, 378, 237-245, 2021, DOI:/10.1016/j.powtec.2020.09.079. (IF 5.2)

    • L. Mahalakshmi, M. Maria Leena, Moses J.A., C. Anandharamakrishnan, Micro and nano encapsulation of β-Carotene in zein protein: size dependent release and absorption behavior, Food & Function, 11, 1647-1660, 2020 DOI: 10.1039/C9FO02088H, IF 6.1)

    • M.G. Antoniraj, M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Cross-linked chitosan microparticles preparation by modified three fluid nozzle spray drying approach, Intrernational Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 147, 1268-1277, 2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.09.254. (IF 8.2)

    • S. Kalpana, S.R. Priyadarshini, M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Intelligent packaging: Trends and applications in food systems, Trends Food Sci. Technol. 93, 145–157, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.tifs.2019.09.008. (IF 15.3)

    • S.K. V. Bharathi, M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Zein based anti‐browning cling wraps for fresh cut apple slices, International journal of food science and technology, 55, 3, 1238-1245, 2019. DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.14401. (IF 3.3)

    • S.K.V. Bharathi, M. Maria Leena, Moses J.A., C. Anandharamakrishnan, Nanofibre-based bilayer biopolymer films: enhancement of antioxidant activity and potential for food packaging application, International Journal of food science and technology, 55, 4, 1477-1484, 2020, DOI: 10.1111/ijfs.14492. (IF 3.3) 

    • Sivakamasundari, S. K., Anu Bhushani, J., M. Maria Leena, Moses, J A., Anandharamakrishnan, Formulation and characterization of β carotene loaded solid lipid nanoparticles, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 1–9, September, 2019. DOI:10.1111/jfpp.14212. (IF 2.5)

    • Jayan, H., M. Maria Leena, Sundari, S. S., Moses, J. A., & Anandharamakrishnan, C. Improvement of bioavailability for resveratrol through encapsulation in zein using electrospraying technique. Journal of Functional Foods, 57: 417-424, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/J.JFF.2019.04.007. (IF 5.6)

    • Thanushree, P., Kathiravan, T., M. Maria Leena, Moses, J.A., & Anandharamakrishnan, C. Influence of different hydrocolloids on dispersion of sweet basil seeds (Ocimum basilicum) in fruit-flavoured beverages, Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology, 11(1): 37-43, 2019. DOI: 10.17508/ CJFST.2019.11.1.05 

    • M. Maria Leena, Deepti Rana, Thomas J. Webster, and Murugan Ramalingam. Accelerated Synthesis of Biomimetic Nano Hydroxyapatite Using Simulated Body Fluid, Materials Chemistry and Physics 180: 166–72, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2016.05.060 (IF 4.6)

    • Deepti Rana, M. Maria Leena, Manasseh Nithyananth, Renu Pasricha, Geetha Manivasagam, and Murugan Ramalingam. Control of Stem Cell Fate and Function by Polymer Nanofibers. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 16 (9): 9015–21, 2016. DOI:10.1166/jnn.2016.12735 (IF 1.354)

    • Deepti Rana, Keerthana Ramasamy, M. Maria Leena, Constanza Jiménez, Javier Campos, Paula Ibarra, Ziyad S. Haidar, and Murugan Ramalingam. Surface Functionalization of Nanobiomaterials for Application in Stem Cell Culture, Tissue Engineering, and Regenerative Medicine. Biotechnology Progress 32 (3): 554–67, 2016. DOI: 10.1002/btpr.2262. (IF 2.9)

    National Publications

    • M. Kavimughil, M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan. In vitro digestion study of bioactives infused Oleogel, The Pharma Innovation, 10 (10), 214102146, 2021, ISSN Online: 2277-7695, Print ISSN: 2349-8242, NAAS RATING: 5.23, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.98

    • C. Drishya, M. Maria Leena, JA Moses, C Anandharamakrishnan. Preparation of emulsion for nutrient delivery using 3D printed microfluidic chips. Pharma Innovation, 10(2):490-494, 2021. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2021.v10.i2g.5710 

    • SKV Bharathi, M. Maria Leena, JA Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Chitosan based bionanocomposite for packaging of fresh-cut fruits, Trends in Biosciences 11(43): 2018.

    Proceedings/General articles

    • K.S Bharath, M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses and C. Anandharamakrishnan, “Green synthesis of Metal Nanoparticles Using Spices”, Spinco Biotech Cutting Edge, Volume 6, Issue 11 (March), 42-45, 2017.

    • Maria Leena M, Kiran Kashampur, Kalpana S, Shubham Kumar, Moses J.A., Anandharamakrishnan C, Electrospraying assisted by pressurized air as a high-throughput process to produce protective coating on foods, In proceedings of National seminar on Food Processing and Preservation: Biochemical Principles, Quality & Safety (FPP-2019), FPRE 404, pp. 148-150. ISBN 978-81-940785. 

    • Maha Lakshmai L, M. Maria Leena, JA Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Antimicrobial and Antioxidant activity of silver nanoparticle synthesized from Ocimum basilicum seed extract, In proceedings of National seminar on Food Processing and Preservation: Biochemical Principles, Quality & Safety (FPP-2019), FSAS 702, pp. 258-260. ISBN 978-81-940785.

    Book Chapters

    • M Gnana Silvia, M Maria Leena, Vimala SK Bharathi, JA Moses, C Anandharamakrishnan, Minimal Processing and Edible Coating, In Emerging Technologies for the Food Industry, Vol 1, Ch 3 , PP 85-129, 2024, Edited By C. Anandharamakrishnan, Jeyan Arthur Moses, Apple Academic Press, ISBN9781003413592 

    • Srinivasan Krishnamoorthy, M. Maria Leena, J. A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Approaches for Improved Delivery of Nutrients, In Emerging Technologies for the Food Industry, Vol 3, Ch 6, PP 157-187, Edited By C. Anandharamakrishnan, Jeyan Arthur Moses, Apple Academic Press, ISBN 9781003413660

    • Sherin M. Joseph, C. Drishya, Anand Babu Perumal, M. Maria Leena, J. A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Micro- and Nano-Fluidics in Food Engineering, in Emerging Technologies for the Food Industry, Vol 3, Ch 17, PP 189-222,  Edited By C. Anandharamakrishnan, Jeyan Arthur Moses, Apple Academic Press, ISBN 9781003413660

    • M. Maria Leena, Mahalakshmi L., Moses J.A., Anandharamakrishnan C. Nanoencapsulation of nutraceutical ingredients, In Biopolymer-Based Formulations: Biomedical and Food Applications, Kunal Pal, Indranil Banerjee, Preetam Sarkar, Doman Kim, Win-Ping Deng, Navneet Kumar Dubey, Kaustav Majumder (Ed.), Ch 14, PP 311-352, Jan 2020. ISBN: 9780128168974, United States, Elsevier.  

    • M. Maria Leena, K.S. Yoha, J.A. Moses, & C. Anandharamakrishnan, Electrospraying and Spinning Techniques: Fabrication and Its Potential Applications, In Food Nanotechnology: Principles and Applications, edited by C. Anandharamakrishnan and S. Parthasarathi, Contemporary Food Engineering Series- edited by Da-Wen Sun. Ch -9, pp. 187-216, 2019. Taylor & Francis Group.

    • M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses, & C. Anandharamakrishnan, Ethical and Regulatory Issues in Applications of Nanotechnology in Food - Food Nanotechnology: Principles and Applications, edited by C. Anandharamakrishnan and S. Parthasarathi, Contemporary Food Engineering Series- edited by Da-Wen Sun. Ch-5, pp. 67-94, 2019. Taylor & Francis Group

    • M. Maria Leena, Gnana Silvia M, Moses J.A., Anandharamakrishnan C, Nanofiber integrated hydrogel as nanocomposites for tissue engineering, In Bionanocomposites in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, edited by Dr. Shakeel Ahmed and Annu Tomer, 2021, Ch-6, 119-148, ISBN: 9780128212806, Woodhead Publishing, Elsevier;

    • Preethi R., M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses, & C. Anandharamakrishnan, Fabrication of Nanomaterials - Food Nanotechnology: Principles and Applications, edited by C. Anandharamakrishnan and S. Parthasarathi, Contemporary Food Engineering Series- edited by Da-Wen Sun. Ch- 6, pp. 95-124, 2019. Taylor & Francis Group.

    • M. Maria Leena, Bharathi SKV, Moses JA, C. Anandharamakrishnan. Potential applications of Nanofibers in beverage industry. In Nanoengineering in the Beverage Industry (Vol 20: The Science of Beverages). Alexandru Grumezescu, Alina-Maria Holban (Ed.). Ch-11, pp 333-368, 2019. ISBN: 9780128166772, ISBN: 9780128172841, Elsevier, Academic press. 

    • Preethi, R., M. Maria Leena, Moses, J.A., C. Anandharamakrishnan. Biopolymer nanocomposites and its application in food processing, In Green Nanomaterials: Processing, Properties, and Applications, Shakeel Ahmed and Wazed Ali (Eds.), Ch-12 , pp. 283-318, 2020. ISBN 978-981-15-3560-4, 978-981-15-3559-8 Springer Nature.

    • Yoha K.S., Maria Leena M., Moses J.A. and C. Anandharamakrishnan. Properties of food packaging biocomposites and its impact on environment, In Composites for Environmental Engineering, Shakeel Ahmed Saif Ali Chaudhry (Eds.). Ch-11, pp. 347- 381, 2019. ISBN10 1119555299, Wiley-Scrivener Publishers.

    • M. Maria Leena, Yoha K.S., Moses J.A. and C. Anandharamakrishnan, Nanofibers in food application, In Innovation in food nanotechnology, Innovative Food Processing Technologies: A Comprehensive Review, Knoerzer, K., Muthukumarappan, K. (Eds.), vol. 3, pp. 634–650, 2021. ISBN 9780128157817, Elsevier. 

    • Preethi, R., M. Maria Leena, Moses, J.A., C. Anandharamakrishnan. Toxicology accepts of nanomaterials, In Innovation in food nanotechnology, Innovative Food Processing Technologies: A Comprehensive Review, Knoerzer, K., Muthukumarappan, K. (Eds.), vol. 3, pp. 756–774, 2021. ISBN 9780128157817, Elsevier. 

    • M.N. Lavanya, M. Maria Leena, Moses, J.A., C. Anandharamakrishnan. Nanoaerosols and its applications, In Innovation in food nanotechnology, Innovative Food Processing Technologies: A Comprehensive Review, Knoerzer, K., Muthukumarappan, K. (Eds.), vol. 3, pp. 666–687, 2021. ISBN 9780128157817, Elsevier. 

    • Sivakamasundari, S. K., M. Maria Leena, Moses, J.A., C. Anandharamakrishnan. Solid Lipid Nanoparticles: Formulation and Applications in Food Bioactive Delivery, In Innovation in food nanotechnology, Innovative Food Processing Technologies: A Comprehensive Review, Knoerzer, K., Muthukumarappan, K. (Eds.), vol. 3, pp. 580–604, 2021, ISBN 9780128157817, Elsevier. 

    • Shanthamma S., M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Potential applications of nanosensors in the food supply chain, In Food Engineering innovations across the Food Supply Chain, edited by Pablo Juliano Kai Knoerzer Jayantha Sellahewa Minh Nguyen Roman Buckow, Ch 26, 2021, ISBN 9780128212929

    • M. Kavimughil, M. Maria Leena, Moses J.A., Anandharamakrishnan C., Electrospinning and Electrospraying for Nutraceutical Delivery System Development, In Industrial Application of Functional Foods, Ingredients and Nutraceuticals, published by Elsevier, 2023, Ch-9, PP 279-323;; ISBN 978-0-12-824312-1; Academic Press 

    • M. Maria Leena, A. Barade, D. Rana, C. Dhand, S. Ramakrishna, and M. Ramalingam. Nanofiber Composites in Biomolecular Delivery. In Nanofiber Composites for Biomedical Applications, Ch-9, pp. 225–52, 2017.  ISBN: 9780081002087, 9780081001738, Woodhead Publishing.

    • Rana, Deepti, Keerthana Ramasamy, Maria Leena, Renu Pasricha, Geetha Manivasagam, and Murugan Ramalingam. Surface Functionalization of Biomaterials.” Biology and Engineering of Stem Cell Niches, (Ed.) Ajaykumar Vishwakarma and Jeffrey M. Karp, Ch-21, pp. 331–343, 2017. ISBN 978-0-12-802734-9, Academic Press.

    • Deepti Rana, Minal Thacker, Maria Leena, and Murugan Ramalingam. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in Scaffold-Based Tissue Engineering. In Tissue Engineering for Artificial Organs, Ed., by Anwarul Hasan, Ch-4, pp. 111–42, 2017., ISBN 9783527338634, Weinheim, Germany: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

    Papers presented in conferences

    Oral presentation at International conferences 

    • M. Maria Leena, JA Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Co-delivery of curcumin and resveratrol in zein nanostructures integrated in 3D printed gelatin: Formulation, printability, stability and in vitro gastrointestinal studies, at 15th International Hydrocolloids Conference organized by Elsevier at Melbourne, Australia during 2nd – 5th March 2020.

    • M. Maria Leena, JA Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, 3D printed hydrogel electrospun nanofiber composite as a 3D scaffold for soft tissue engineering, at Manufacturing with Advanced Materials session of Advanced Materials Web Congress organized by International Association of Advanced Materials, Sweden on 2nd October 2020.

    • Maria Leena M, JA Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, Resveratrol loaded PCL-PEG nanofiber incorporated in chitosan hydrogel as multifunctional nanocomposites for skin tissue engineering, at International Conference on Multifunctional and hybrid materials for chemical process organized by Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, during 9th - 11th September 2019.

    Poster presentation 

    • M. Maria Leena, J.A. Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, 3D printed Nutraceutical Loaded Oleogel, Food Improved by Research, Science & Technology (FIRST®) organized by IFT during July 19-21, 2021.  

    • M. Maria Leena, Moses J.A. and C. Anandharamakrishnan, “Development of 3D printed gelatin hydrogels integrated with PCL nanofibers” at National conference on emerging techniques in food processing held at IIFPT, Thanjavur on 28th June, 2019.

    • Maria Leena M, JA Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, “Nanofiber/hydrogel composites as resveratrol and curcumin co-delivery systems” at national seminar on Nutraceutical and functional foods at IIFPT, Thanjavur on 30th January, 2019.

    • Maria Leena M, JA Moses, C. Anandharamakrishnan, “Co-delivery of curcumin and resveratrol using novel core shell” at the 8th International Food Convention (IFCoN) at CSIR-CFTRI, Mysore during 12th to 15th December 2018.

    • M. Maria Leena., J.A. Moses, & C. Anandharamakrishnan, “Nanoencapsulation of resveratrol using zein nanofibers and its effect on controlled release” at the 19th IUFoST world congress of food science and technology at CIDCO Convention & Exhibition Centre, Navi Mumbai during 23rd to 27th October 2018 

    • Maria Leena M, J.A. Moses & C. Anandharamakrishnan, “Electrospun nanofiber mats as potential transdermal delivery system for resveratrol” at International Conference On Recent Advances in Food Processing Technology (iCRAFPT’18) organized by IIFPT, Thanjavur during 17th to 19th August 2018.

    • Maria Leena M, J.A. Moses & C. Anandharamakrishnan, “Controlled Resveratrol delivery system using Nanofibers’’ Presented 26th Indian Convention of Food Scientists and Technologists on Food and Nutrition Challenges: Role of Food Science and Technology held at CSIR-IICT, Hyderabad, during 7th to 9th, December, 2017.

  • Awards and Achievements

    • International Travel grant from SERB in the year 2020
    • Travel grant from INSA-Centre for Cooperation in S & T among Developing Societies (CCSTDS) in the year 2020.
    • Selected Poster Award at the 19th IUFoST world congress of food science and technology during 23rd to 27th October 2018.
    • Best Poster Award at the International Conference On Recent Advances in Food Processing Technology (iCRAFPT’18) organized by IIFPT, Thanjavur during 17th to 19th August 2018.
    • Best poster Award at 28th Indian Convention of Food Scientists and Technologists held at Mysuru during 20th - 22nd, Jan, 2022.
    • 2nd prize in technical quiz (Food processing) conducted at National seminar on Food Processing and Preservation: Biochemical Principles, Quality & Safety (FPP-2019) at Annamalai university, Chidambaram, during 22-23rd March, 2019.
    • Received Bravo award from Infosys Pvt Ltd., for prominent and committed services.

  • Workshops / Seminars

    FDP/ Professional Training

    Industrial Faculty development program, Biocon Biologics Private Limited during 17-28 June, 2024 in Bangalore, KA, India.

    Short-Term Course on Emerging Trends of Multidisciplinary Research in Fluid Mechanics, NIT Rourkela (25-29 Sept 2023)

    ATAL-Faculty Development program “Recent trends in “Nonthermal Processing: Prospects and Challenges” (elementary- online) organized by IIFPT during 4th to 8th Oct 2021. 

    Hands-on X-ray diffraction application training organized by Malvern Panalytical during 9th–13th December 2019 at Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology, Thanjavur.

    Theory and Hands-on Training in Mammalian cell culture, during June 14th -16th, 2018 at SASTRA university, Thanjavur. 

    Technical talks delivered 

    “Bioavailability of Micronutrients” at the stakeholders meet on fortified rice Kernals held on 18th Dec 2023 at CSIR-NIIST 

    “Curcumin loaded oleogel in treating colon cancer” at UK – India webinar on include, invest, accelerate women in research on 8th Mar 2024 

    “Spray drying of foods” at the Online training program on “Spray, Freeze and spray-freeze drying of foods” organized by Computational modelling and nanoscale processing unit, NIFTEM-T on 8th Jul 2022.

    “3D & 4D Printing-Concepts and types” at One-day online workshop on Food 3D & 4D food printing organized by CMNSP, NIFTEM-T on 18th Mar 2022.

     “3D Printing-Concepts and types” at One-day online workshop on Food 3D & 4D printing organized by CMNSP, NIFTEM-T on 6th Jan 2022.

    “Ultrastructural Analysis of Food Grains Using Advanced Analytical Techniques (SEM/TEM/AFM/XRD/XPS/DSC/TGA)” at the workshop on Processing storage and Value Addition of grains Sponsored by SERB, Gov of India, Organized by IIFPT during 22nd – 30th July 2021. 

    “Spray drying”, at the Online training program on “Drying techniques for food ingredients encapsulation” organized by Computational modelling and nanoscale processing unit, IIFPT on 26th Feb 2021.

    “Electrohydrodymanic drying”, at the Online training program on “Drying techniques for food ingredients encapsulation” organized by Computational modelling and nanoscale processing unit, IIFPT on 26th Feb 2021.

    “Micro and Nanoencapsulation of nutraceutical ingredients: Challenges (safety and regulation) and Prospects”, at the Online training program on Micro and Nanoencapsulation of nutraceutical ingredients organized by Computational modelling and nanoscale processing unit, IIFPT on 27th Nov 2020.

    “Food Nanotechnology: Challenges and Prospects”, at the Online training program on Introduction to food nanotechnolgy organized by Computational modelling and nanoscale processing unit, IIFPT on 13th Nov 2020.

    “Packaging and labelling requirement for functional Beverage” in the Entreprenurship development training for manufacturing functional beverage from fruits and vegetables, funded by Tamilnadu state council for science and technology organized by IIFPT during 12th – 14th February, 2019.

  • Work Experience


  • Memberships

    • Life member of Association of Food Scientists and Technologist (AFST), India
    • Member of The International Nanoscience Community (TINC) 
    • International Association of Engineers 
    • Member of Indian Association of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 

  • Funded Projects

    Project Title: “Development of Nanofiber integrated Hydrogel as 3D scaffold for skin tissue growth” 

    Funded by DST: Women Scientist –A; 

    Total Funding: 25.90 lakhs: 

    Duration: April 2017- June 2020).