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Dr. M. Jayapriya 

Assistant Professor



Total Experience 

Area of intrest

  • Nanobiotechnology
  • Biomaterial synthesis 
  • Biosensors
  • Wastewater treatment
  • Bioapplications
8 years 6 months

course handled

  • Genetic Engineering 
  • Computational Biology
  • Biochemistry

 Education Details

  • Publication details

    Jayapriya, M, Arulmozhi, M & Balraj, B 2018, ‘Fabrication and characterisation of silver nanoparticles using bract extract of Musa paradisiaca for its synergistic combating effect on phytopathogens, free radical scavenging activity, and catalytic efficiency, IET Nanobiotechnology, vol. 13, no.2, pp. 134-143, ISSN:1751-8741. (IF–1.925.)

    Jayapriya Maruthai, Krithikadevi Ramachandran, Arulmozhi Muthukumarasamy, Siva Chidambaram, Mounir Gaidi, Kais Daoudi, “Bio fabrication of 2D MgO/Ag nanocomposite for effective environmental utilization in antibacterial, anti-oxidant and catalytic applications”, Surfaces and Interfaces, Volume 30, June 2022, 10192 (IF:5.7)

    Jayapriya, M, Arulmozhi, M & Balraj, B 2018, ‘Optical, biological and catalytic properties of ZnO/MgO nanocomposites derived via Musa paradisiaca bract extract’, Ceramics International, vol. 44, no.11, pp 13152-13160. (IF – 5.1)

    Jayapriya, M, Dhanasekaran, D, Arulmozhi, M,Nandhakumar, E, Senthilkumar, N & Sureshkumar, K 2019, ‘Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Piper longum catkin extract irradiated by sunlight: antibacterial and catalytic activity’ Research on chemical intermediate vol. 45, pp 3617–3631. (IF – 2.8)

    Jayapriya, M, Premkumar, K, Arulmozhi, M & Karthikeyan, K 2019, ‘One-step biological synthesis of cauliflower like Ag/MgO nanocomposite with antibacterial, anticancer, and catalytic activity towards anthropogenic pollutants’ Research on chemical intermediate vol. 46, pp. 1771–1788. (IF – 2.8) 

    Jayapriya, M, Arulmozhi, M, 2021 ‘Beta vulgaris peel extract mediated synthesis of Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite: Characterization, evaluation of antibacterial and catalytic degradation of textile dyes-an electron relay effect Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Communications vol 128 pp.108529 (IF-4.4).

    E.Gomathi, Jayapriya, M, Arulmozhi, M, 2021 ‘Environmental benign synthesis of tin oxide (SnO2) nanoparticles using Actinidia deliciosa (Kiwi) peel extract with enhanced catalytic properties’. Journal of Inorganic Chemistry Communications vol 130, pp 108670. (IF-4.4)

    MK Valsakumari, NK Anushkannan, M Anusuya, Santhosh Kumar Chinnaiyan, Barun Haldar, M Jayapriya, Krithikadevi Ramachandran 2022 ‘Biomolecules and microwaves directed fabrication of Ag/CeO2 nanocomposite: a versatile candidate for the degradation of textile dye mixtures and antibacterial studies’ Research on chemical intermediate Volume 48, pages 5169–5186 (IF-2.8)

    Dr. Gomathi Elumalai, Dr. Jayapriya Maruthai, Dr. Kuberan Jayaraman, Dr. Krithikadevi Ramachandran, Dr. Kouthaman Mathiyalagan 2022 ‘Basella alba Leaves-Assisted Eco-Fabrication of Ag/ZnO Nanocomposites for Anti-Bactericidal Activity and Catalytic Degradation of Anthropogenic Pollutants’ Chemical Engineering and Technology Volume 46,  Issue 2 (IF - 2.495)

    Scientific Books Published

    Book Chapters Published

    R. T. V. Vimala, G. Rajivgandhi, S. Sridharan, M. Jayapriya, G. Ramachandran, C. Chenthis Kanisha, N. Manoharan & Wen-Jun Li “Biosynthesis and characterization of Gold Nanoparticles from Actinobacteria” Methods in Actinobacteriology Springer Protocols Handbooks. Humana, New York, NY.

    Pradosh Kumar Sharma, Kalaivaani, S. Gopakumar, T. Ch. Anil Kumar, Shubhajit Halder, M. Jayapriya “Cost-Effective-Mediated Fabrication of ZnO Nanomaterials and Its Multifaceted Perspective toward Energy Storage and Environmental Applications” 2023 Materials for Sustainable Energy Storage at the Nanoscale

  • Awards and Achievements

    • Outstanding Research Award 2023 “Certificate of Recognition” from Anna University, Chennai in appreciation of publishing research in Q1 journal during the course of Ph.D degree under the Faculty of Technology

  • Workshops / Seminars

    International and National Conferences:

    Faculty Development Programme (FDP) Attended

    Participated in TEQIP II sponsored two weeks Faculty Development Programme on “Advanced Technologies for Societal Applications (ATSA, 16)” organized by the department of Petrochemical Technology, Anna University, BIT campus, Trichy from 6th June to 19th June 2016 .

    Participated in TEQIP II sponsored two weeks Faculty Development Programme on “Research Methodology” organized by the department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, BIT campus, Trichy from 30th and 31st March 2017. 

    Participated in TEQIP-II sponsored course on “Conceptual Mechanisms of Transport operations in chemical and biochemical processes” organized by the department of chemical engineering National Institute of Technology, Trichy from 22nd August to 27th August 2016.

    Seminars / Workshops / Conferences Attended 

    Participated and presented an article entitled “Evaluation of invitro AntiDandruff Activity with the aid of Green Synthesized Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles” in TEQIP-II sponsored International conference on “Trends and innovations in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Technlogies” organized by Departments of Petrochemical Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology and Mathematics, Anna university, BIT Campus, Trichy from 2nd to 4th February 2017. 

    Participated and presented an article entitled“Green synthesis of Ag/TiO2 nanocomposits using Beta vulgaris Peel extract and its catalytic activity” in SERB sponsored International conference on Biomass, Fuels and Chemicals organized by Annamalai University, Chidambaram from 12th and 13 th September 2019. 

    Participated in National commission for women and TEQIP-III Sponsored seminar on “Women in Science and Technology-Breaking the glass ceiling” organized by National Institute of Technology, Trichy, from 18th March to 23rd March 2019. 

     Participated in National conference sponsored by Indian Association of Applied Microbiologists and Microplexes on “Hidden Treasures of the Microbial World” organized by Bharathidasan University,Trichy from 24th and 25th September 2010. 

    Participated in National workshop on “Drug Discovery and Development” organized by Bharathidasan University, Trichy from 2nd and 25th November 2011. 

    Participated in National conference on “Diabetes Mellitus and Cancer” organized by Annamalai University, Chidambaram on 7th December 2011.

    Workshop and conference organized

    Organized TEQIP II sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Nano Technology Applications in Engineering and Technology” held at Department of Petrochemical Technology, BIT, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli-24.during 06-19 May 2016.

    Organized an IOCL sponsored National Conference on “ Emerging Trends in Chemical and Petrochemical Technology” held at Department of Petrochemical Technology, BIT, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli-24.during 10-11 March 2016. 

    Organized TEQIP II sponsored Two weeks Faculty Development Programme on “Advanced Technologies for Societal Applications” held at Department of Petrochemical Technology, BIT, Anna University, Tiruchirappalli-24.during 6-19 June 2016. 

    Organized TEQIP-II sponsored International Conference on “Trends and Innovations in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Technologies- TICPT”, held and organized by Departments of Petrochemical Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology and Mathematics, Anna university, BIT Campus, Trichy from 2nd to 4th February 2017. 

    Organized Two days TEQIP II Sponsored national level Industrial Workshop on "PETROFUSION'17" in the Department of Petrochemical Technology, Anna University, Bharathidasan Institute of Technology Campus, Tiruchirappalli-620 024 on 09 & 10 January 2017.

  • Work Experience

    Academic Experience:

    Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli - 621105, Tamil Nadu, India (August2024 - till date)

    Assistant Professor, Department of Biotechnology, Pavendar Bharathidasan College of Engineering and Technology, Tamilnadu(Feb 2022- Jul 2024)

    Research Experience:

    Ph.D Full Time Research Scholar Department of Petrochemical Technology, Anna University,BIT Campus, Trichy-620024,Tamilnad,India (Feb 2016-April 2021)

  • Memberships


  • Funded Projects

    • Received a fund of Rs 7,500 May 2023 from Tamilnadu State council for Science and Technology for the Student Project Scheme Titled: Biological degradation of oil spills by Indigenous Actinobacteria from hydrocarbon contaminated soils.
    • Received a fund of Rs 10,000 March 2024 from Niral Thiruvizha 2024 for the Student Project Scheme Titled: Development of SERS based sensors for the detection of Mycotoxins