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Dr.M.Riswan Ahamed

Associate Professor


Total Experience 

Area of intErest

  • Polymers
  • Nano Composites
  • Ion-exchange Resins
  • Environmental and Biomedical Applications
13 Years 6 Months

courseS handled

  • Chemistry
  • Engineering Chemistry
  • Environmental studies
  • Environmental Science and Engineering

 Education Details

  • Publication details

    Azarudeen RS, Riswan Ahamed MA, Jeyakumar D, Burkanudeen AR, “An eco-friendly synthesis of a terpolymer resin: Characterization, and chelation ion-exchange property”, Iranian Polymer Journal, (IF: 3.1) 2009, 18(10), 821-832.

    Riswan Ahamed MA, Azarudeen RS, Karunakaran M, Burkanudeen AR, “Synthesis, characterization, metal ion binding capacities and applications of a terpolymer resin of anthranilic acid/salicylic acid/formaldehyde”, Iranian Polymer Journal, (IF: 3.1) 2010, 19(8), 635-646.

    Riswan Ahamed MA, Azarudeen RS, Jeyakumar D, Burkanudeen AR, “Terpolymer chelates: Synthesis, characterization, and biological applications”, International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials, (IF: 3.2) 2011, 60(2), 124-143.

    Azarudeen RS, Riswan Ahamed MA, Burkanudeen AR, “Chelating terpolymer resin: Synthesis, characterization and its ion-exchange properties”, Desalination, (IF: 9.9) 2011, 268, 90-96.

    Azarudeen RS, Riswan Ahamed MA, Burkanudeen AR, “Biological and thermal investigations of polychelates derived from a novel terpolymer ligand”, Journal of Polymer Research, (IF: 2.8) 2011, 18(6), 1331-1341.

    Burkanudeen AR, Azarudeen RS, Riswan Ahamed MA, Gurnule WB, “Kinetics of thermal decomposition and antimicrobial screening of terpolymer resins” Polymer Bulletin, (IF: 3.2) 2011, 67, 1553-1568.

    Riswan Ahamed MA, Burkanudeen AR, “Metal complexes of a novel terpolymer ligand: Synthesis, spectral, morphology, thermal degradation kinetics and antimicrobial screening”, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, (IF: 4.0) 2012, 22, 1046-1061.

    Riswan Ahamed MA, Jeyakumar D, Burkanudeen AR, “Removal of cations using ion-binding terpolymer involving 2-amino-6-nitro-benzothiazole and thiosemicarbazide with formaldehyde by batch equilibrium technique”, Journal of Hazardous Materials,(IF: 13.6) 2013, 248– 249, 59–68.

    Riswan Ahamed MA, Burkanudeen AR, “Thiazole-based novel terpolymer ligand and its transition metal complexes: Thermal and biological studies”, Advances in Polymer Technology, (IF: 3.1) 2013, 32(4), 21376.

    Azarudeen RS, Riswan Ahamed MA, Burkanudeen AR, “Transition metal complexes of a novel polymeric ligand: Thermal degradation kinetics and in vitro antibacterial applications”, Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers and Materials, (IF: 4.0) 2014, 24, 842–857.

    Riswan Ahamed MA, Azarudeen RS, Subha R, Burkanudeen AR, “Sorption behavior of ion-exchange terpolymer resin with environmental impact: synthesis, characterization and isotherm models”, Polymer Bulletin (IF: 3.2) 2014, 71(12), 3209-3235.

    Riswan Ahamed MA, Azarudeen RS, Prabu N, Burkanudeen AR, “In vitro bacterial screening and degradation kinetics of a terpolymer ligand and its transition metal complexes”, Advances in Polymer Technology, (IF: 3.1) 2014, 33(S1), 21460.

    Riswan Ahamed MA, Azarudeen RS, Mujafar Kani N, “Antimicrobial applications of transition metal complexes of benzothiazole based terpolymer: Synthesis, characterization and effect on bacterial and fungal strains”, Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications (IF: 3.8) 2014,  Article ID: 764085 (doi: 10.1155/2014/764085).

    Azarudeen RS, Riswan Ahamed MA, Prabu N, Mujafar Kani N, “Polymer-supported metal complexes as antibacterial agents: synthesis, characterization and thermal degradation kinetics” Applied Organometallic Chemistry (IF: 3.9) 2014, 28, 773-784.

    Riswan Ahamed MA, Burkanudeen AR, “Separation of metal ions by the influence of cation exchange terpolymer involving 2-amino-6-nitro-benzothiazole-ethylenediamine-formaldehyde”, Polymer International, (IF: 3.2) 2015, 64(1), 126-137.

    Azarudeen RS, Riswan Ahamed MA, Subha R, Burkanudeen AR, “Heavy and toxic metal ion removal by a novel polymeric ion-exchanger: synthesis, characterization, kinetics and equilibrium studies” Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology (IF: 3.4) 2015, 90, 2170-2179.

    Riswan Ahamed MA, Azarudeen RS, Prabu N, Burkanudeen AR, “Studies of retention and reusable capacities of melamine formaldehyde based terpolymer against some toxic metal ions by batch equilibrium method”, Separation Science and Technology (IF: 2.8) 2015, 50, 1925-1939.

    Burkanudeen AR, Riswan Ahamed MA, Azarudeen RS, Shabana Begum M, Gurnule WB, “Thermal degradation kinetics and antimicrobial studies of terpolymer resins”, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, (IF: 6.0) 2016, 9,  S296-S305.

    Azarudeen RS, Riswan Ahamed MA, Thirumarimurugan M, Prabu N, Jeyakumar D,  “Synthetic functionalized terpolymeric resin for the removal of hazardous metal ions: synthesis, characterization and batch separation analysis” Polymers for Advanced Technologies (IF: 3.4) 2016, 27(2), 235-244.

    Riswan Ahamed MA, Balasubramanian N, Azarudeen RS, Thirumarimurugan M, “Toxic metal ion removal by terpolymer ion-exchangers from aqueous environments: Synthesis, thermal degradation, batch separation, kinetic and isotherm studies”, Separation Science and Technology (IF: 2.8) 2018, 53(3), 513-526.

    Gouthaman A, Auslin Asir J, Gnanaprakasam A, Sivakumar VM, Thirumarimurugan M, Riswan Ahamed MA, Azarudeen RS, “Enhanced dye removal using polymeric nanocomposite through incorporation of Ag doped ZnO nanoparticles: Synthesis and characterization”, Journal of Hazardous Materials (IF: 13.6) 2019, 373, 493-503.  

    Muthukrishnaraj A, Al-Zahrani S.A, Al Otaibi A, Kalaivani S.S, Manikandan A, Balasubramanian N, Bilgrami A.L, Riswan Ahamed MA, Khan A, Asiri A.M, “Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of Cu2O Cabbage/RGO Nanocomposites under Visible Light Irradiation”, Polymers (5.0) 2021, 13, 1712.

    Sathish Kumar Selvam, S. Rubesh Ashok Kumar, Natarajan Balasubramanian, P. Senthil Kumar, Appusamy Muthukrishnaraj, Semmedu Selvaraj Kalaivani, Rajendran Vinayagam, Raja S. Azarudeen, Riswan Ahamed MA, Adhikesavan Harikrishnan, G.A Suganya Josephine, Gayathri Rangasamy, “Recent advancements in the environmental significance of the graphitic carbon nitride-based materials” Desalination and Water Treatment ( 2024.


    Riswan Ahamed M, Azarudeen R, Karunakaran M, Burkanudeen A, “A study on the quality of ground water in and around Ramanathapuram city”, Journal of Current World Environment, 2008, 3(1), 143-146.

    Azarudeen R, Riswan Ahamed M, Arun Kumar P, Prabu N, Jeyakumar D, Burkanudeen A, “Metal sorption studies of a terpolymer resin”, International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 2010, 1(1), 23-29.

    Riswan Ahamed M, Azarudeen R, Karunakaran M, Karikalan T, Manikandan R, Burkanudeen AR, “Cation exchange of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 2010, 1(1), 7-12.

    Burkanudeen A, Azarudeen R, Riswan Ahamed M, Ramesh P, Vijayan N, “Synthesis and analytical applications of a chelating resin”, International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, 2010, 1(1), 29-34.

    International and National Conferences:


    Presented a paper entitled “Microwave assisted synthesis and characterization of terpolymers” in International Conference on Frontier in Chemical Research (ICFCR-2008), Mangalore University, Mangalore, Karnataka, India, 29th– 31st December 2008.

    Presented a paper entitled “Lanthanide complexes of a terpolymer resin” in Polymer Congress, Polymer Science and Technology: Vision & Scenario (APA 2009), Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India, 17th– 20thDecember 2009.

    Presented a paper entitled “Novel terpolymer resin: Synthesis, characterization and its applications” in International Conference on Chemical and Engineering Applications (CCEA 2010) held at Nangyang Technological University, Singapore during 26th – 28th February 2010.

    Presented a paper entitled “Antimicrobial studies of terpolymer ligand and its metal complexes” in APA International Congress on Advances in Human Healthcare Systems (Healthcare India 2012) at Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India, 20th– 24th February 2012.

    Presented a paper entitled “Thiazole based terpolymer and its metal complexes: Thermal degradation and antibacterial studies” in 4thInternational Conference For Young Chemists 2013 (ICYC 2013) at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, 30th January – 01st February 2013.

    Presented a paper entitled “Terpolymer metal complexes: Synthesis, characterization, thermal degradation kinetics and antibacterial screening” in the International Symposium on Polymer Science & Technology(MACRO-2015) at Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS), Kolkata, India during 23rd – 26th January 2015.

    Chaired a session and presented a paper entitled “Pharmacological Applications of Thiazole Derived Terpolymer Metal Complexes“ in Fourth International Conference on Nanomedicine and Tissue Engineering (ICNT-2016) sponsored by DST(SERB), India held at Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala, India from 12–14th August 2016.

    Participated in the ”International Symposium on Nanomaterials for Clean Energy and Health Applications (ISNCHA 2017)” held at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India in collaboration with Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway during 6-8, December 2017.

    Participated in the “International Conference on Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences including Green Chemistry (MTCSGC 2018)” held at SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Chennai, India in association with ACT-Mumbai and Rasayan Journal of Chemistry, during 27th to 29th December 2018.

    Participated in the “International Conference on Advanced Materials for Clean Energy and Health Applications (AMCEHA - 2023)” organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India in collaboration with Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway and University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka held at Coimbatore Institute of Technology during 19th & 20th September 2023.


    Participated in UGC sponsored State level seminar on Emerging Trends in Chemistry, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India, 9th March 2006.

    Participated in seminar on Advanced Topics in Chemistry, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India, 13th – 14th March 2007.

    Participated in workshop on Thesis Writing and Scientific Paper Publishing, Science City, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, 3rd – 4th January 2008.

    Participated in seminar on Modern Techniques in Chemistry, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India, 5th – 6th March 2008.

    Participated in DST-FIST sponsored National seminar on Recent Advances in Physical Organic Chemistry, National College, Tiruchirappalli, TN, India, 11th – 12th March 2008.

    Participated in Academies sponsored two day lecture workshop on Frontiers in Chemistry, National College, Tiruchirappali, Tamil Nadu, India, 13th – 14th March 2009.

    Participated in National seminar on Nanotechnology for Energy and Environmental Applications 2009, Kalasalingam University, Krishnankoil, TN, India, 9th April 2009.

    Presented a paper entitled “Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of a new terpolymer chelates involving 8-hydroxyquinoline and anthranilic acid with formaldehyde” in the National conference in Emerging Areas of Chemistry, University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka, India, July 31st – August 1st, 2009.

    Presented a paper entitled “Electrical and thermal properties of polychelates” in UGC sponsored National conference on Pioneer Areas in Chemistry, Devangar Arts College, Aruppukkottai, Tamil Nadu, India, 16th – 17th January 2010.

    Presented a paper entitled “Polymer-metal complexes: synthesis, characterization and applications” in state level conference in Emerging Trends in Chemistry, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India, 9th – 10th March 2010.

    Participated and chaired a session in TEQIP – II sponsored National Conference on “Advancement in Materials Science (AMS 2014)” at Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, 26th& 27th September 2014.

    Participated in 3rd National Conference on “New Renaissance in Chemical Research (NCNRCR-2016)” organized by SRM University, Ramapuram campus, Chennai in association with Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC-South India) & Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), Mumbai on 19th August 2016.

    Participated in National Conference on “Advances in Innovative Materials for Energy & Environment (AIMEE - 2017)” organized by SRM University, Ramapuram campus, Chennai in association with Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), Mumbai on 13th October 2017.

    Participated in “National Conference on Recent Advances in Chemical Research (NCRACR-2019)” organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai in association with Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), Mumbai on 12th September 2019.

    Participated in the DAE-BRNS 5th “National Workshop on Materials Chemistry(NWMC- 2019)” held at Manipal University Jaipur, Rajasthan during Novermber 08-09, 2019 jointly organized by School of Basic Sciences, Manipal University Jaipur, Rajasthan and Society for Materials Chemistry, Chemistry Division, BARC, Mumbai.

  • Awards and Achievements

    Guest Editor, Advances in Chemistry, Hindawi Publications, USA.

    Guest Editor,  Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications (Special Issue: Heavy Metals in Environmental Hazard Assessment and Detoxification-EHAD), Hindawi Publications, USA.

  • Workshops / Seminars

    Participated in the faculty development programme on “Academic Empowerment of Faculty” held at SRIET, Coimbatore on 27th & 28th January 2016.

    Attended the teacher training workshops as part of “Royal Society of Chemistry Yusuf Hamied Inspirational Chemistry Programme” held at SRM University, Ramapuram campus, Chennai, India during 03rd & 04th February 2017.

    Attended a one day faculty development programme on “INSTRUCTONIC” trained by Focus Academy for Career Enhancement (FACE) held at SRM University, Ramapuram campus, Chennai, India on 29th June 2017.

    Attended a three days Regional Workshop on “Regional Based Pedagogical Tools (RBPT)” held from 7th to 9th September at SRM University, funded by DBT, Govt. of India and organized by Centre of Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education (Supported by MHRD, Govt. of India) in IISER, Pune. It was conducted by a team of facilitators who were trained by experts from the Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

    NPTEL-AICTE faculty development programme entitled “Nanotechnology in Agriculture” has successfully completed with jointly administered by IIT-Madras and All India Council for Technical Education-New Delhi during Aug-Oct 2019.

    Participated AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy online FDP on “Green Technology & Sustainability Engineering” at Coimbatore Institute of Technology (CIT), Coimbatore from 18-01-2021 to 22-01-2021.

  • Work Experience

    Academic Experience:

    ● Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science   

        and Technology, Tiruchirappalli Campus, Tiruchirappalli, (August 2023 to till 


    ● Assistant Professor (Sr.G.), Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai,(July 2016- July 2023)

    ● Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, SRIET, Coimbatore, (July 2015-July 2016).

    ● Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Oxford Engineering College, 

        Tiruchirappalli,(June 2011-June 2015).

  • Memberships

    1. Asian Polymer Association (APA), New Delhi, India. (Life Member - L341) (need Year)

    2. Asia Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engg. Society (APCBEES), Hong Kong. (Life Member -  201201) (need Year)

    3. Association of Chemistry Teachers (ACT), Mumbai, India. (Life Member - 1927) (need Year)

    4. Society for Advancement of Chemical Sciences and Education (SACSE), Chennai, India. (Life Member) (need Year)

    5. The Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Kolkata, India. (Annual Member (2017-18) -  A7168) 

  • Funded Projects
