Admissions open for 2025 Apply Now
Materials Science, Electrochemistry, Fuel cells, Solid electrolytes for Li & Na ion Batteries, Water Electrolysis, Energy Materials.
courseS handled
N. Prabu, P. Dineshkumar, “Dyeing and antimicrobial characteristics of untreated fabrics with natural herbal dyes”, Journal of Technology, (July 2024) (SCOPUS Indexed)
T Kesavan, ASR Sundhar, S Dharaneshwar, N Prabu, S Manickam, “N-Doped carbon nanosheets from biomass for ultra long-cycling and high energy density symmetric supercapacitors”, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, (May 2021) (SCOPUS, SCI Index IF 2.4)
T Kesavan, T Partheeban, M Vivekanantha, N Prabu, M Kundu, “Design of P-doped mesoporous carbon nitrides as high-performance anode materials for Li-ion battery”, ACS applied materials & interfaces (April 2020) (SCOPUS, SCI Index IF 10.3)
BT Jebaslinhepzybai, N Prabu, M Sasidharan, “Facile galvanic replacement method for porous Pd@ Pt nanoparticles as an efficient HER electrocatalyst”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, (April 2020) (SCOPUS, SCI Index IF 7.3)
RS Arul Saravanan, N Prabu, M Sasidharan, G Maduraiveeran, “Nitrogen-self doped activated carbon nanosheets derived from peanut shells for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction”, Applied Surface Science, (September 2019), (SCOPUS, SCI Index IF 7.15)
N Prabu, T Kesavan, G Maduraiveeran, M Sasidharan, “Bio-derived nanoporous activated carbon sheets as electrocatalyst for enhanced electrochemical water splitting”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (June 2019) (SCOPUS, SCI Index IF 7.3)
N. Prabu, D. Jeyakumar, G. Maduraiveeran, M. Sasidharan, “Surface roughened Pt decorated Pd nanoparticle as efficient electrocatalyst for direct alcohol fuel cell”, European journal of Inorganic Chemistry (December 2018), (SCOPUS, SCI Index IF 2.5)
N. Prabu, D. Jeyakumar, “Superior Electrocatalytic Performance of Au‐Pt Graded Nano‐Alloys Towards Alcohol Oxidation Reaction”, Chemistry Select, (November 2018) (SCOPUS, SCI Indexed IF 2.3)
R. Kalidoss, A. Sivanantharaja, D. Jeyakumar and N. Prabu* “Solid-State Planar Reference Electrode with Ion Selective Electrodes for clinical diagnoses”, IEEE Sensors, (January 2018) (SCOPUS, SCI Indexed IF 4.3)
R. S. Azarudeen, M. A. Riswan Ahamed, M. Thirumarimurugan, N. Prabu, D. Jeyakumar, “Synthetic functionalized terpolymeric resin for the removal of hazardous metal ions: synthesis, characterization and batch separation analysis”, Polymers for Advanced Technologies, (February 2016) (SCOPUS, SCI Indexed IF 2.9).
MA Riswan Ahamed, RS Azarudeen, N Prabu, AR Burkanudeen, “Studies of retention and reusable capacities of melamine formaldehyde based Terpolymer against some toxic metal ions by batch equilibrium method” Separation Science and Technology, (September 2015) (SCOPUS, SCI Indexed IF 2.5)
Raja S Azarudeen, Mohamed A Riswan Ahamed, N Prabu, N Mujafar Kani, “Polymer‐supported metal complexes as antibacterial agents: synthesis, characterization and thermal degradation kinetics” Applied Organometallic Chemistry, (October 2014) (SCOPUS, SCI Indexed IF 4.0)
N Ilayaraja, N Prabu, N Lakshminarasimhan, P Murugan, D Jeyakumar, “Au–Pt graded nano-alloy formation and its manifestation in small organics oxidation reaction” Journal of Materials Chemistry A (July 2013) (SCOPUS, SCI Indexed IF 14.5)
A Paulraj, P Natarajan, K Munnisamy, MK Nagoor, K Parimana Nattar, “Photoluminescence Efficiencies of Nanocrystalline versus Bulk Y2O3: Eu Phosphor—Revisited” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, (May 2011) (SCOPUS, SCI Indexed IF 4.1)
Arunkumar Paulraj, Prabu Natarajan, Kottaisamy Munnisamy, Mujafar Kani Nagoor, Kamaraj Parimana Nattar, Burkanudeen Abdulrazak, Jeyakumar Duraisamy “Reply to the Comment on “Photoluminescence Efficiencies of Nanocrystalline Versus Bulk Y2O3:Eu Phosphor—Revisited” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, (August 2011) (SCOPUS, SCI Indexed IF 4.1)
R Azarudeen, M Riswan Ahamed, P Arunkumar, N Prabu, D Jeyakumar, A Burkanudeen, “Metal Sorption Studies of a Novel Terpolymer Resin” International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, (July 2010) (SCI Indexed IF 0.36)
International and National Conferences:
N Prabu, M. Riswan Ahamed, D Jeyakumar. “Au-Pt graded nano alloy for glycerol and formic acid oxidation”, 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Science and Humanities, organised by Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai, on 18th & 19th July 2024.
LAGP as solid electrolyte for solid state Li ion Batteries & Pistachio shell derived carbon material for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction, ICONN-2023 organised by by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai at Kattankulathur campus, Chennai INDIA on 27th – 29th March 2023.
A Primitive Research Approach on Oil Pollution in Nature, ICEMST – 2023, organised by Srinivasan College of Arts and Science, Perambalur on 02nd & 03rd March 2023.
Extraction of Potato Starch and Synthesis of Bio-Plastic for Food Packaging, ICCST – 2020, organised by Srinivasan College of Arts and Science, Perambalur on 03rd & 04th February 2020.
Nitrogen-self doped activated carbon nanosheets derived from peanut shells for enhanced hydrogen evolution reaction, ICONN-2019 organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai at Kattankulathur campus, Chennai INDIA on January 28th to 30th 2019.
Solid-State Planar Reference Electrode with Ion Selective Electrodes for clinical diagnoses, ISNCHA-2017 organized by CIT - India and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway at CIT, Coimbatore INDIA, on December 6th – 8th 2017.
Al doped LAGP: – Synthesis, fabrication of thin ceramic membranes and their Electrochemical Characterisation, ISAEST-11 organized by SAEST and CSIR-CECRI at Kohinoor Asiana Hotel, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, on December 8th -10th 2016.
Au-Pt graded nano-alloy for Glycerol and Formic acid Oxidation Reaction, INDO-US workshop on Electro Catalytic Materials for fuel and biofuel cells (INDO-US ECM 2013) at BHU, Varanasi on Feb. 26-28, 2013.
Pt Decorated Au Nanomaterials for Methanol Oxidation Reaction, Conference on recent advances in Electrochemical Energy Materials and Devices, at IISC, Bangalore on July 24-26, 2012.
Pt Decorated Au nanoparticles synthesis characterization and Oxygen reduction Reaction, National Convention of Electrochemists (NCE-16), organized by SAEST, at P.S.G.R. Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore on December 15-16, 2011.
Fabrication of Solid State Reference electrode (SSRE) for Sensor Applications, N. Prabu, V. Sannasi, R. Kalidoss and D. Jeyakumar, National Convention of Electrochemists (NCE-15), organized by SAEST, at VIT, on February 18-19, 2010.
Scientific Books Published
N Prabu, D Jeyakumar. “Advances in Flexible and Printed Electronics: Materials, fabrication, and applications, 10th chapter, “Advancement in flexible screen printing electrodes for medical and environmental applications”, pp. 10-1 - 10-17. IOP, 2023. (Scopus Indexed).
● Best Presentation Award in NCE-16, on July 2012
● CSIR- Senior Research Fellow awarded by CSIR, INDIA on March 2012
● CSIR- Research Associate awarded by CSIR, INDIA on March 2018
Workshops seminar (Participated)
● Participated Lecture series on Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion: Materials, Processes and Applications by Prof. S. R. Narayan, Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute, University of Southern California, organized by ECS India Section, on Aug. 20-23, 2016.
● Participated Lecture series on Advances in Batteries and Supercapacitors by Prof. Doron Aurbach, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, organized by ECS India Section, at Kodaikanal on May 13-15 2014.
● Participated Lecture series on Electroanalytical Techniques by Prof. Daniel A. Scherson, Case Western Reserve University, USA, organized by ECS India Section, at Pondicherry on Jan 7th to 11th 2013.
Faculty Development Program (FDP)
● Five days Faculty Development Program on “EV Battery Management” organised by Naan Mudhalvan, TN Skill development, on 08th-11th & 17th January 2024.
● Five days Faculty Development Program on “Recent Trends in Chemistry” organised by Vellore Institute of Technology, (VIT-AP) Andhra Pradesh, on 19-23rd June 2023.
● Five days Faculty Development Program on “Digital Productivity and AI Fluency” organised by Naan Mudhalvan, TN Skill development, on 28-31st September 2023.
Workshops (Participated)
● Online Two Days Hands on Training workshop on Nanomaterials and Nanodevices using Nanodcal & Rescu Software, organised by IMPULSE Technologies, Haryana, on 18th & 19th July 2024.
Conference, Seminar Organized
● One day Seminar for the Association Inauguration special talk in Srinivasan College of Arts and Science, Perambalur on 03rd September 2023.
● International Conference in the name of “International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials Science and Technology – 2023 (ICEMST-2023), in Srinivasan College of Arts and Science, Perambalur on 02nd & 03rd March 2023.
● Online Webinar in the name of Emerging trends in Materials Science and Technology, in Srinivasan College of Arts and Science, Perambalur on 03rd August 2022.
● International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology (ICCST – 2020), in Srinivasan College of Arts and Science, Perambalur on 03rd & 04th February 2020.
Academic Experience:
● Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Srinivasan College of Arts and Science, Perambalur Tamil Nadu (Dec 2019 – March 2024)
● Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, School of Engineering and Technology, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu (March 2024 - June 2024)
● Assistant Professor, Division of Chemistry, School of Science, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRMIST, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu (Since June 18th 2024)
Industry Experience:
Research Experience:
● Junior Research Fellow (P), DST Sponsored Project in Functional Materials Division, CSIR-Central Electro Chemical Research Institute, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu (Feb 2009 - Feb 2012)
● Project Assistant/Research Associate, Ministry of Heavy Industries and Applied Materials Company, Bangalore sponsored project in Functional Materials Division, CSIR-CECRI, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu (March 2016 - Feb 2018)
● Post-Doctoral Fellow, ECPS Group, Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (March 2018 - Sep 2018)
● LIFE MEMBER, ECS india section, Electrochemical Society since 2013.
● AFFILIATE MEMBER in Royal Society of Chemistry, since 2019.
SRM institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST) Tiruchirappalli Campus , Deemed to be University (Formerly SRM University) SRM Nagar, Trichy-Chennai highway, Near Samayapuram Trichy - 621105, Tamilnadu , India.
1800 202 4565
Academic courses
Academic courses