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Accounting, Banking and Finance, Financial Management,and Research.
course handled
Area of intrest
“An analysis on consumers demand for fast moving consumer products in urban and rural market” –International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) P- ISSN: 2349-5138 journal No: 43602, impact factor: 5.75
“A study on consumers satisfaction towards online shopping with special focus on delivery of product” - international journal of research and analytical reviews (IJRAR) P- ISSN: 2349-5138 journal No: 43602, impact factor: 5.75
“Liquidity and profitability analysis of Ramco cements limited. Tamilnadu” in the international journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis IJAEMA journal, ISSN NO: 0886-9367,volume XI,issue IX,September-2019,impact factor: 6.3
“ Study of Non- performing asset in lakshmi vilas bank,ltd karur” in international journal of research in commerce, it and management, ISSN NO:2231-5756,volume no.9,issue no:11(November)
“Role of group dynamics in organization” in the international conference on “Issues and Challenges in HRD Management” at Sri sarada Niketan College of science for women.
“Profitability analysis of chettinad cement corporation limited” in journal of analysis and computation, JAC ISSN NO: 0973-2861,volume XII,issue I,jan-june 2019
“ Working capital management and profitability analysis of E.I.D PARRY LTD , in tamilnadu in the international journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, ISSN NO: 0886-9367,volume XI,issue VIII,impact factor : 6.3
“A comparative study on Equity Analysis of Banking Sector”- International Journal of Research and Instinct (INJRI) P-ISSN: 2348-2095, volume no. 2.
“Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research” - P- ISSN: 2395-5929 , volume no.3, issue no. 9 (September 2017) journal No: 45308, impact factor: 1.14
“Major Problems faced by Farmers in India during the New Agricultural Reforms” - International Journal of Finance and Economics ISSN: 1450-2887, issue no. 107 (March 2013).
“Factors Influencing the Customers to Purchase Green Marketing Products in Karur” -ISSN: 0971-1260, volume no.22, issue no. 14 (December 2019).
“A study of Non- performing asset in Karur Vysya bank Ltd, karur” -International Journal of Innovative Research in Management Studies (IJIRMS), volume no.4, issue no.3 (April 2019).
“Financial Performance Analysis of KCP Cement Limited, Tamilnadu”- Research Review International journal of Multidisciplinary, ISSN:2455-3085 (Online).
Journal Title : An Empirical Study on Women Investors'Awareness on Stock Market in Trichy District.
ISSN No. : 0974-0046
Date : Vol-84, 01 July - December:2023.
Journal Title : Factors Influencing Job Seekers Adoption of E-Recuirement Technology.
ISSN No. : 0971-5428
Date : Vol-07, December 2023,Quarterly.
Journal Title : Human Resource Management in Total Quality Management of Banking Sector in the Cuddalore District.
ISSN No. : 0971-5428
Date : Vol-07, December 2023, Quarterly
On 13.08.2023 received "Best Research Advisor Award" by Indian Academic Research Association at Chennai.
On 02.09.2023 received "Best Achiever Award" by ICP Academy, Coimbatore.
Guided more than 60 students in MBA.
Guided more than 25 students in M.Phil.
Awarded 5 candidates for Ph.D., at Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli.
M.Phil., Research Supervisor in Bharathidasan University
M.Phil., Research Supervisor in Madurai Kamaraj University.
Mphil., Research Supervisorin Tamil Nadu Open University.
MBA, Research supervisor in Alagappa University.
Ph.D Research Supervisor in Bharathidasan University.
External examiner for M.Phil., dissertation in Bharathidasan University
External examiner for M.Phil., dissertation in Alagappa University.
UG examiner in Bharathidasan University.
UG examiner in Govt. Arts College (Autonomous), Karur.
Acted as Ph.D External Examiner for the Ph.D. Public Viva-voce Examination
Mrs.A.Revathy- Passenger car users, perception vehicle security system- Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
Mr.S.Thangavel- Consumer's opinion, attitude and satisfaction towards purchase of selected household electronic products-Bharathiar University Coimbatore.
Mrs.O.Mathura- A study on the problem of coconut growers towards marketing of coconut within special reference to Coimbatore district,Bharathiar University, Coimbatore.
Mrs.M.Maheswari-Attitude and Satisfaction level of impulse buying behavior of working with special reference to select service sector in Coimbatore city-Hindusthan college of Arts and Science, Coimbatore.
NSS Programme officer during August 1, 2004 toAugust 1, 2007.
RRC Programme officer from June 1, 2005 to July 30, 2010.
SEBI – Resource person for Financial Awareness Programmes.
Resource person in conducting DBF (JAIIB) course.
Additional Chief Superintendent – Conducting University Examinations in Valluvar College of Science and Management, Karur
Chief Superintendent – Conducting University Examinations in Valluvar College of Science and Management.
Guided more than 60 students in MBA.
Guided more than 25 students in M.Phil.
Awarded 5 candidates for Ph.D., at Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli.
External examiner for M.Phil., dissertation in Bharathidasan University.
External examiner for M.Phil., dissertation in Alagappa University.
UG examiner in Bharathidasan University.
UG examiner in Govt. Arts College (Autonomous), Karur.
International Conference (Presented)
Ø An analysis on consumers demand for fast moving consumer products in urban and rural market” –International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) P- ISSN: 2349-5138 journal No: 43602, impact factor: 5.75
Ø “A study on consumers satisfaction towards online shopping with special focus on delivery of product” - international journal of research and analytical reviews (IJRAR) P- ISSN: 2349-5138 journal No: 43602, impact factor: 5.75
Ø “Liquidity and profitability analysis of Ramco cements limited. Tamilnadu” in the international journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis IJAEMA journal, ISSN NO: 0886-9367,volume XI,issue IX,September-2019,impact factor: 6.3
Ø “ Study of Non- performing asset in lakshmi vilas bank,ltd karur” in international journal of research in commerce, it and management, ISSN NO:2231-5756,volume no.9,issue no:11(November)
Ø “Role of group dynamics in organization” in the international conference on “Issues and Challenges in HRD Management” at Sri sarada Niketan College of science for women.
Ø “Profitability analysis of chettinad cement corporation limited” in journal of analysis and computation, JAC ISSN NO: 0973-2861,volume XII,issue I,jan-june 2019
Ø “ Working capital management and profitability analysis of E.I.D PARRY LTD , in tamilnadu in the international journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis, ISSN NO: 0886-9367,volume XI,issue VIII,impact factor : 6.3
Ø “A comparative study on Equity Analysis of Banking Sector”- International Journal of Research and Instinct (INJRI) P-ISSN: 2348-2095, volume no. 2.
Ø “Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research” - P- ISSN: 2395-5929 , volume no.3, issue no. 9 (September 2017) journal No: 45308, impact factor: 1.14
Ø “Major Problems faced by Farmers in India during the New Agricultural Reforms” - International Journal of Finance and Economics ISSN: 1450-2887, issue no. 107 (March 2013).
Ø “Factors Influencing the Customers to Purchase Green Marketing Products in Karur” -ISSN: 0971-1260, volume no.22, issue no. 14 (December 2019).
Ø “A study of Non- performing asset in Karur Vysya bank Ltd, karur” -International Journal of Innovative Research in Management Studies (IJIRMS), volume no.4, issue no.3 (April 2019).
Ø “Financial Performance Analysis of KCP Cement Limited, Tamilnadu”- Research Review International journal of Multidisciplinary, ISSN:2455-3085 (Online).
Ø Journal Title : An Empirical Study on Women Investors'Awareness on Stock Market in Trichy District.
ISSN No. : 0974-0046
Date : Vol-84, 01 July - December:2023.
Ø Journal Title : Factors Influencing Job Seekers Adoption of E-Recuirement Technology.
ISSN No. : 0971-5428
Date : Vol-07, December 2023,Quarterly.
Ø Journal Title : Human Resource Management in Total Quality Management of Banking Sector in the Cuddalore District.
ISSN No. : 0971-5428
Date : Vol-07, December 2023, Quarterly
Paper Presentation
Ø Presented a paper on “Statistics for the Future Challenges of Women” – A.D.M College for Women (Autonomous) Nagapattinam – 24 &25th July 2009.
Ø Presented a paper on “Institutional Investors in National Seminar on Recent Trends in Indian Capital Market” – 20th& 21st July 2007, A.D.M College Nagapattinam.
Ø Presented a paper on “Globalization and Women empowerment” in National
Seminar on 16th&17th April 2009 on“Welfare Impact ofGlobalization” – Arignar Anna Government College, Musiri.
Ø Presented a paper on The global Financial Crisis and its Impact on India – in National level Seminar, 7th Feb 2009, Navarasam Arts & Science College for Women, Erode.
Ø Presented a paper on services marketing in the national level conference on Management Avant-garde – on 20th March 2009 – Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College, Pollachi.
Ø Presented a paper on “ The global financial Meltown - Causes – Impact and Remedies” – in the National Seminar in Periyar University Salem on 25th&26th Feb, 2009.
Ø Presented a paper entitled Impact of Micro finance on Rural Development in the UGC National Level Seminar on 23rd and 24th August 2007, Tranquepar Bishop Manikam Lutheran College, Porayar, Nagapattinam.
Ø Presented a paper titled on “Micro Finance in India, A new Regulatory system in State Level Seminar on “Financial inclusion – A way of Equitable Growth” – In Jamal Mohammed College (Autonomous) Trichy.
Ø Presented a paper entitled Management practices for sustainable growth in one international conference in Annamalai University on 28th to 30thJuly, 2010.
Ø Participated in an AICTE Sponsored 2 Days National Level Seminar on “Marketting for Non-Marketable Manager”- Department of management studies in J.J.Group of Institutions, Trichy.
Ø Presented a paper titled “Impact of LPG in Indian Business scenario” conducted on 26th Feb 2011 in Annai Mathammal Sheela Engineering College, Namakkal.
Ø Presented the paper titled “Marketing on financial services in Banking sector” in the national level seminar in Kongu College of Arts and Science Karur on 20th March 2015.
Ø Presented a paper titled “A Comparative Study on Equity Analysis of Banking Sector” in the Two days National Seminar on “Impact and Impediments of Financial and Derivative Markets” held on 7th& 8th Oct, 2015
Lecturer and HOD of Commerce from 14/05/1999 TO 31/07/2010 in Kongu college of Arts and Science ,Karur,Tamilnadu.
Assistant Professor of Management studies from 02/08/2010 to 15/06/2012 in Gnanamani college of Technology,Pachal,Namakkal, Tamil Nadu.
Assistant Professor and HOD of Commerce from 22/06/2012 to 30/12/2020 inValluvar college of Science and Management ,Karur,Tamilnadu.
Principal from 31/12/2020 to 13/06/2023 in Sri Amaravathi college of Arts and Science ,Velliyanai,Karur,Tamilnadu.
Associate Professor of Commerce from 14/06/2024 to till date in Faculty of Sciences and Humanities, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai- Trichy Highway, Irungalur, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu.
SRM institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST) Tiruchirappalli Campus , Deemed to be University (Formerly SRM University) SRM Nagar, Trichy-Chennai highway, Near Samayapuram Trichy - 621105, Tamilnadu , India.
1800 202 4565
Academic courses
Academic courses