Admissions open for 2025 Apply Now
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Area of intrest
1. Advanced Company Accounting
2. Income Tax Law and Practice
3. Tax Procedure and Practice
4. Entrepreneurial Development
5. Business Research Methods
6. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
7. Business Management
8. Elements of Insurance
9. Banking Law and Practice
10. Audit and Assurance
11. Management Accounting
12. Corporate Accounting
1.A study on the Consumer Perception on media exposure for Organic Food Products.-International Journal of Management(Vol 11, Issue 12, Dec 2020, pp.3983-3991, Article ID:IJM_11_12_375)
2.A A study on the Consumer Perception on Buying Organic Food Products: International Journal of Management(Vol 11, Issue 11, Nov2020, pp.3467-3474, Article ID:IJM_11_11_336)
3.”The impact of organization culture on employee motivation and performance”-IPE Journal of management ,ISSN2249-9040,Volume 14,No 5,January-June 2024.
4. “ A Study on consumer satisfaction towards electric vehicles”-International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences”-ISSN:2347-4777 with IF=7.138 vol-20,issue-01,No.29,January-June:2024 Double-blind, peer-reviewed, Refereed & Open Access, UGC CARE Listed Journal .
5. “ A Study on Financial Performance of ITC Limited”-International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences”-ISSN:2347-4777 with IF=7.138 vol-20,issue-01,No.29,January-June:2024 Double-blind, peer-reviewed, Refereed & Open Access, UGC CARE Listed Journal .
6. “Impact of social media in digital marketing engagement: A Study of consumer Perception ”-International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences”-ISSN:2347-4777 with IF=7.138 vol-20,issue-01,No.29,January-June:2024 Double-blind, peer-reviewed, Refereed & Open Access, UGC CARE Listed Journal .
7. “Study on share market analysis in India”-International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences”-ISSN:2347-4777 with IF=7.138 vol-20,issue-01,No.29,January-June:2024 Double-blind,
8. “ A Study on consumer satisfaction towards soft drinks in Thiruvannamalai District”-International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences”-ISSN:2347-4777 with IF=7.138 vol-20,issue-01,No.29,January-June:2024 Double-blind, peer-reviewed, Refereed & Open Access, UGC CARE Listed Journal.
9. “ A Study on consumer perception towards food delivery app”-International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences”-ISSN:2347-4777 with IF=7.138 vol-20,issue-01,No.29,January-June:2024 Double-blind, peer-reviewed, Refereed & Open Access, UGC CARE Listed Journal .
10. “ A Study on consumer satisfaction towards Hybrid Cars Thanjavur”-International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences”-ISSN:2347-4777 with IF=7.138 vol-20,issue-01,No.29,January-June:2024 Double-blind, peer-reviewed, Refereed & Open Access, UGC CARE Listed Journal .
11. “ A Study on customer preference towards Nike shoe in Trichy District”-International Journal of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences”-ISSN:2347-4777 with IF=7.138 vol-20,issue-01,No.29,January-June:2024 Double-blind, peer-reviewed, Refereed & Open Access, UGC CARE Listed Journal .
1.Edited Book Chapter on Innovative and Sustainable Business Practices in Commerce and Management (ISBN No.978-81-967593-6-0) , research article titled “Tech Reshaping Finance : Trends in Financial Innovation”
2.Edited Book Navigating the Digital Landscape: A Guide to Management and Commerce in the 21st Century(ISBN: 978-81-19757-71-8) Chapter titled “ Digital Transformation in Government: Navigating the E-Government Landscape”
3.Edited Book Navigating the Digital Landscape: A Guide to Management and Commerce in the 21st Century(ISBN: 978-81-19757-71-8) Chapter titled “ Strategic Digital Story telling: Elevating Brand Narratives in the Digital Age”
4.Edited Book Green Solutions: A Hand book for Sustainable Business Strategies and Models (ISBN:978-81-971276-6-3) Chapter titled “ Eco-Friendly Retail Practices : Educating Consumers for Eco-Friendly Shopping Habits”
1.UK Patent, Design number: 6336264, Grant Date: 13th January 2024,, Smart Stress Detection Device.
2.UK Patent, Design Number: 6351446, Grant Date: 15th April 2024, Traffic Congestion Predictor Computing Device.
1. Tech fusion ventures:The Accelerated path to entrepreneurship Success (four weeks)- AMET university(29.01.24 to 23.2.24)
2. 7 days national level FDP on python- Star international foundation for research and education, Nammakkal. (19.3.24 to 25.3.24)
3.AI for educators: A six days faculty development journey-Periyar Maniammai institute of science and technology , Thanjavur (18.3.24 to 25.3.24)
4. The emerging trends in research and teaching technology (five days)
- St. Thomasa college of Arts and science, Chennai. (26.02.24 to 01.03.24)
5. FDP on Teaching Strategies-A Pedagogy- SRMIST- Ramapuram Campus(16.2.24 to 22.2.24)
FDP on Teaching Pedagogies- MAR Gregorious College, Chennai. (26.02.24 to 01.03.24)
6. FDP on “The Emerging Trends in Research and Teaching Technology”
-St.Thomsa College of Arts & Science, Chennai. (26.02.24 to 01.03.24)
7. Two-week FDP on Inculcating Entrepreneurial Values for Students- K.G.Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Telengana(04.03.24 to 16.03.24).
8. Two-week FDP on Inculcating Entrepreneurial Values for Students with special focus on “Innovation and Start-up Eco System”-
K.G.Reddy College of Engineering & Technology, Telengana(18.03.24 to 25.03.24)
9. . 7 days national level FDP on Essential Skills for Professional Development in Higher Education- Star international foundation for research and education, Nammakkal. (01.07.24 to 07.07.24)
SRM Institute of Science and Technology Assistant Professor in Commerce 01.11.2023 Till Date
CARE College of Arts & Science Assistant Professor in Commerce 01.01.2022 31.10.2023
Shrimati Indira Gandhi College , Trichy Assistant Professor in Commerce 01.07.2011 30.06.2019
Seethalakshmi Ramaswamy College, Trichy Assistant Professor in Commerce 22.08.2005 22.06.2009
Holy Cross College, Trichy Assistant Professor in Commerce 03.01.2005 13.04.2005
Mangayarkarasi College for Women ,Madurai Assistant Professor in Commerce 15.06.2001 22.12.2001
V.P.M.M. College,
Srivilliputhur Assistant Professor in Commerce 22.08.1998 16.08.1999
SRM institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST) Tiruchirappalli Campus , Deemed to be University (Formerly SRM University) SRM Nagar, Trichy-Chennai highway, Near Samayapuram Trichy - 621105, Tamilnadu , India.
1800 202 4565
Academic courses
Academic courses