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Computer Science and Engineering
Image processing, Bio medical Engineering, Optimization Techniques, Deep Learning
course handled
Programming Languages (C, C++, Java, Python, PHP, Web Programming), Software Testing, Computer Organization and Architecture, Distributed Systems.
Chitradevi D, “Hybrid Whale and Gray Wolf Deep Learning Optimization Prediction of Alzheimer’s Disease” Mathematics Biology, 2023, 11:5, 1136.
Chitradevi D and Prabha S., “MR Brain Screening using Optimization Techniques - A survey”. Current Medical Imaging. 2023, doi: 10.2174/1573405617666211126154101. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34825877.
Kaliraja C, Dr.Chitradevi D* and Sanju Rajan, “Predictive Analytics of Road Accidents using Machine Learning”, International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE 2022), Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida.
Sanjai Kumar, Chitradevi* and Sanju Rajan, “Stock Price Prediction using Deep Learning - LSTM (Long Short Term Memory),” International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE 2022), Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida.
Siva Surya M, Dr. Sathish Kumar M, Dr.Gandhimathi D, Chitradevi D and Sanjurajan R, “Student Placement Prediction using Supervised Machine Learning”, International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE 2022), Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida
Chitradevi D, “Academic Performance using Machine Learning: A Comprehensive and Systematic Review”, IEEE Conference on Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing (ICESIC -22), Vel Tech, 2022.
Chitradevi D, “Simulation of Machine Learning Techniques to Protect Academic Performance”, IEEE Conference on Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing (ICESIC -22), Vel Tech, 2022.
Chitradevi D, “Hybrid Whale and Grey Wolf deep learning optimisation algorithm for prediction of Alzheimer Disease”. Journal of Healthcare Engineering. 2022 (Got acceptance).
Chitradevi, D., Sanju Rajan, “Influencing factors towards COVID-19 through Air Pollution”, International Conference on Advances and Innovations in Recycling Engineering (AIR2021)”, UPES, Dehradun.
Prabha S, Sakthidasan and Chitradevi “Efficient Optimization based Thresholding Technique for Analysis of Alzheimer MR Images”, International Journal of NeuroScience, Taylor & Francis Online, Impact factor: 2.107, 2021,
Book Chapters
Chitradevi D, “Review on Imaging Features for COVID-19”, Book Chapter on Computational Modelling and Imaging for SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, Taylors and Fransis, CRC Press, July, 2021.
Books Published
Chitradevi D, “Object Oriented Programming using Java”, for Online Digital Learning MCA programme.
I have got an award of “Active Participation Award (SBC)” from Computer Society of India, 2023.
I have selected as a reviewer for “Microsoft CMT”, 2023
I have got “Certificate of Appreciation” from Hindustan Alumni Association, 2023.
I have selected as a reviewer for “Journal of Advanced Research Applied Science and Engineering Technology”, 2023
I have got “Best Teacher Award” form Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, 2022
I have selected as a reviewer for Scientific Reports, 2022.
I have selected as a reviewer for SN Computer Science Journal, 2022.
I have selected as a reviewer for Physical and Engineering Science in Medicine Journal, 2022.
I have selected as a “Peer Reviewer of The 12th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks” to be held in Xiamen, China during November 4-7, 2022.
I have selected as a “Peer Reviewer of The 3rd International Conference on Modern Management based on Big Data (MMBD2022)” to be held in Seoul, South Korea during 15-18 August 2022.
I have selected as a “Peer Reviewer of The 8th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining (FSDM 2022)” to be held in Xiamen, China during 4-7 November 2022.
I have got an award of “Active Participation Award (SBC)” from Computer Society of India, 2022.
Initiated to get “Best Supporting College Award” from Computer Society of India, 2022.
I have participated and got certification in “Grand Challenge Contest 2021” for the project titled “To design a low-cost Wireless Charger” conducted by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing Noida and ICEA under the project of Centre of Excellence (COE) for products Based on Li-ion Cells (Post-Cells).”
Attended two days’ workshop on “Empowering Professional Women” by Auuro Educational Services in Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science.
Attended one-day workshop on “Robotic Vision”
Attended 6 days training program on “Communication Empowerment” by Ebek
Attended 10 days’ workshop on “Big Data Analytics” by various IT industries in Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science.
Attended two days’ workshop on “Application Development Frameworks” at Kingston Engineering college, Vellore.
Faculty Development Program attended on “Communication and skills” held at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science.
Faculty Development Program attended on “Networking” held at KCG College of Engineering, Chennai.
Faculty Development Program attended on “Leadership, Communication and Assessment” held at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science.
Two days’ workshop on “Numerical Computation, Optimization of Functions and Differential Equation” at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science.
FDP on “Communication Empowerment Training Program” at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science
Attended three days’ workshop on “Advanced Java Technologies” (Organized for Infosys Campus Connect Team Members) at the Dhanalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai.
Two days’ workshop on “Python for the Web” in SSN Engineering College.
Attended “coding training program” in association with Codechef.
Faculty Development Program attended on “Rational Rose training” held at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science.
One-day workshop on “R” at Hindustan University, Chennai.
One-day workshop on “Android Applications” at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai.
One-day workshop on “Research Methodology” at Anna University, Chennai.
One-day workshop on “Brand Building” at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai.
Attended two days’ workshop on “Machine Intelligence” at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Chennai.
Sept’2006 to May 2023 Associate Professor Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science
Feb’2005 to June’2006 Lecturer Pavendar Bharathidasan College of Engineering
Jan’2004 to Aug’2006
(full time employee)
Feb’2005 to Aug’2006
(Part time employee) Software Programmer Techzone Software Solutions
Jan’2003 To Dec’2003 Software Programmer Jine Infotech
• Life member in Computer Society of India (CSI)
• One year member in IEEE
SRM institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST) Tiruchirappalli Campus , Deemed to be University (Formerly SRM University) SRM Nagar, Trichy-Chennai highway, Near Samayapuram Trichy - 621105, Tamilnadu , India.
1800 202 4565
Academic courses
Academic courses