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Computer Science and Engineering
Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Internet of Things
course handled
Compiler Design, Machine Learning , Big Data Analytics, Computer networks, Service Oriented Architecture, Python Programming
1. K. Kausalya, S. Kanaga Suba Raja (2023), "OTRN-DCN: An optimized transformer-based residual network with deep convolutional network for action recognition and multi-object tracking of adaptive segmentation using soccer sports video", International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing,
2. B. Chandra, S. Kanaga Suba Raja (2023), " Security In Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) Using Blockchain”, IETE Journal of Research,
3. M. Hema, S. Kanaga Suba Raja,(2023) "A Quantitative Approach to Minimize Energy Consumption in Cloud Data Centres using VM Consolidation Algorithm", KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 312-334, 2023. eISSN: 1976-7277. DOI: 10.3837/tiis.2023.02.002.
4. Sobini X. Pushpa,S. Kanaga Suba Raja, (2022) ‘ Enhanced ECC Based Authentication Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network with DoS Mitigation’, Cybernetics and Systems, ISSN 1087-6553. (IF: 1.061)
5. M. Hema, S. Kanaga Suba Raja, (2022) ‘An Efficient Framework for Utilizing Under Loaded Servers in Compute Cloud’, Computer Systems Science and Engineering, ISSN 0267-6192,(IF: 1.48). https://DOI:10.32604/csse.2023.024895
6. M.Vivekanandan ,S. Kanaga Suba Raja, (2022) ‘ Virtex-II Pro FPGA Based Smart Agricultural System’, Wireless Personal Communications, ISSN 0929-6212. Volume 125 Issue 1, pp 119–141. (IF: 1.061)
7. Sobini X. Pushpa,S. Kanaga Suba Raja, (2022) ‘ Elliptic Curve Cryptography Based Authentication Protocol Enabled with Optimized Neural Network Based DoS Mitigation’, Wireless Personal Communications, ISSN 0929-6212,Volume 124, Issue - 27, (IF: 1.061)
8. V.Balaji, S. Kanaga Suba Raja, (2021) ‘Recommendation Learning System Model for Children with Autism’, Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, ISSN 2326-005X, Volume 31, Issue - 2, DOI:10.32604/iasc.2022.020287. (IF: 1.63) 2326-005X
9. K.Valarmathi, S. Kanaga Suba Raja, (2021) ‘ Resource Utilization Prediction Technique in Cloud using Knowledge based Ensemble Random Forest with LSTM Model’, Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, ISSN 1063-293X, (IF: 1.03)
10. S. Kanaga Suba Raja, Bamila Virgin Louis.A (2021) ‘ A Review of Call Admission Control Schemes in Wireless Cellular Networks’, Wireless Personal Communications, ISSN 0929-6212, Volume 120, Issue - 4, pp. 3369 - 3388. (IF: 1.061)
11. Sathya A., S. Kanaga Suba Raja, (2021) ‘ Privacy Preservation‑Based Access Control Intelligence for Cloud Data Storage in Smart Healthcare Infrastructure’, Wireless Personal Communications, ISSN 0929-6212, Volume 118, Issue - 1, pp. 3595–3614. (IF: 1.061)
12. S. Kanaga Suba Raja, Bamila Virgin Louis (2021) ‘Optimal Resource Allocation in 5G System using Modified Lion Algorithm’, IET Communications, ISSN 1751-8636, Volume 15, Issue - 1, pp. 126–141. (IF: 1.66)
13. Usha Kiruthika,Thamarai Selvi Somasundaram, S. Kanaga Suba Raja, (2020) ‘Lifecycle Model of a Negotiation Agent: A Survey of Automated Negotiation Techniques’, Group Decision and Negotiation, ISSN 0926-2644, Volume 29, Issue - 6, pp. 1239–1262. (IF: 1.612)
14. T. Rajesh Kumar, G.R. Suresh, S. Kanaga Suba Raja, Karthikeyan C (2020) ‘Taylor-AMS features and deep convolutional neural network for converting nonaudible murmur to normal speech ’, International Journal of Computational Intelligence, ISSN: 1467-8640, Volume 36, Issue- 3, pp. 940- 963 1.196)
15. S. KanagaSubaRaja, S. Usha Kiruthika, (2015) ‘An Energy Efficient Method for Secure and Reliable Data Transmission in Wireless Body Area Networks Using RelAODV’, International Journal of Wireless Personal Communications, ISSN 0929-6212, Volume 83, N0. 4, pp. 2975-2997. (IF: 1.061)
1. S. Kanaga Suba Raja, Durai Arumugam S.S.L.,R. Praveenkumar,V. Balaji (2023), "An Intelligent Crop Recommendation System using Deep Learning", International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering,
2. Wenzhong Xu, Jun Meng, S. Kanaga Suba Raja, M. Padma Priya and M. Kiruthiga Devi (2022) ‘Artificial intelligence in constructing personalized and accurate feedback systems for students’, International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, ISSN 1793-9623,
3. S. Kanaga Suba Raja, C.J. Raman,S. UshaKiruthika (2021) ‘A Novel Fraud Detection Scheme for Credit Card Usage Employing Random Forest Algorithm Combined with Feedback Mechanism’,
Journal of Information Technology Management, (Special Issue: Big Data Analytics and Management in Internet of Things), ISSN 2008-5893, Volume 13, pp. 21-35. doi: 10.22059/jitm.2021.80615
4. S. Kanaga Suba Raja, A. Sathya,S. Karthikeyan,T. Janane (2021) ‘Multi cloud-based secure privacy preservation of hospital data in cloud computing’, International Journal of Cloud Computing (Inderscience Enterprises Ltd), ISSN 2043-9989, Volume 10, Issue – 1/2, pp. 101-111.
5. V. Balaji, S. Kanaga Suba Raja, S. Aparna, J. Haritha, M. Lakshmi Kanya (2019) ‘Smart Assistance for Asperger Syndrome using Raspberry Pi’, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN: 2278–3075, Volume 9, Issue - 1, pp. 2680-2683. https://DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.A4835.119119
6. S.Usha Kiruthika, S. Kanaga Suba Raja, V. Balaji, C.J.Raman, S. S. L. Durai Arumugam (2019) ‘Detection of Tuberculosis in Chest X-rays using U-Net Architecture’, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN: 2278–3075, Volume 9, Issue - 1, pp. 2514-2519.
7. S. Kanaga Suba Raja, M.Hema (2019) ‘An Optimal Algorithm to Improve Resource Utilization in Cloud Data Centre’, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume 9, Issue - 1, pp. 2184-2188. https://DOI: 10.35940/ijeat.A9704.109119
8. S.Usha Kiruthika, S.Kanaga Suba Raja , Jaichandran R, Priyadharshini C (2019) ‘Detection and Classification of Paddy Crop Disease using Deep Learning Techniques’, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume 8, Issue - 3, pp. 4353-4359. https://DOI:10.35940/ijrte.C5506.098319
9. Jaichandran R, Bagath Basha C, Shunmuganathan K.L, S. Kanaga Suba Raja (2019) ‘Sentiment Analysis of Movies on Social Media using R Studio’, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, ISSN: 2249 – 8958, Volume 8, Issue - 6, pp. 2171-2175.
10. Senthamizh Selvi.R , D.Sivakumar, Siva Sowmiya.S, Ramya.S , S. Kanaga Suba Raja (2019) ‘Face Recognition Using Haar - Cascade Classifier for Criminal Identification’, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume 7, Issue - 6S5, pp. 1871-1876.
11. T. Rajesh Kumar, G.R. Suresh, S. Kanaga Suba Raja (2017) ‘Conversion of Non Audible Murmur to Normal Speech Based on Full-Rank Gaussian Mixture Model’, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, ISSN: 1546-1955, Volume 14, Issue 12, pp. 01–06.
12. R. SenthamizhSelvi, G.R. Suresh, S. Kanaga Suba Raja (2017) ‘A New Hybridized Speech Enhancement Technique for Stationary and Non-Stationary Noisy Environments’, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, ISSN: 1546-1955, Volume 14, Issue 12, pp. 5934–5941.
13. S. Usha Kiruthika, S. KanagaSubaRaja, R. Jaichandran (2017) ‘IOT based Automation of Fish Farming’, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, ISSN: 1943-023X, Volume 09, Issue 1, pp. 50 - 57.
14. S. KanagaSubaRaja, V. Balaji, (2015) ‘Smart Robot for Disaster Detection Using Zigbee Technology’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 10, N0. 10, pp. 27311-27320.
15. S. KanagaSubaRaja, V. Balaji, (2015) ‘Autonomous Mobile Navigation Robot For Agricultural Purpose’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, Volume 10, N0. 10, pp. 27333-27341.
16. S. KanagaSubaRaja, C. Viswanathan, (2014) ‘Secured Smart Home Energy Monitoring System (SSHEMS) Using RASPBERRY PI’, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, E-ISSN 1817-3195, Volume 66, Issue 1.
17. S. KanagaSubaRaja, C. Viswanathan, (2014) ‘Congestion Prediction in Wireless Network Using Gene Expression Programming Technique’, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, E-ISSN 1817-3195, Volume 66, Issue 1.
18. S. KanagaSubaRaja, T. Jebarajan, (2012) ‘Reliable and Secured Data Transmission in Wireless Body Area Networks’, European Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 1450-216X, Volume 82, No.2, pp. 173-184.
1. S. Kanaga Suba Raja, B. Sandhiya, K. Kausalya, B. Ramya, S. Monish and R. Sai Raja Gopal, "IoT based Smart Door System for Monitoring Human Body Temperature and Face Mask Detection," 2023 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics (ACCAI), Chennai, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ACCAI58221.2023.10199273
2. S.KanagaSuba Raja, K. Kausalya, B. Chandra, M. V, M. S. G and H. A, "Deep Key Generation: End to End Encryption for Generic Communication," 2023 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics (ACCAI), Chennai, India, 2023, pp. 1-6, doi:
3. Kanaga Suba Raja.S, “Systematic Review of Deep Learning Models for Dental Images”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC-2023)DVD Part Number: CFP23K25-DVD; ISBN: 978-1-6654-6407-9.
4. Kanaga Suba Raja.S, “Recognition of Facial Stress System using Machine Learning with an Intelligent Alert System”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC-2023)DVD Part Number: CFP23K25-DVD; ISBN: 978-1-6654-6407-9.
5. Kanaga Suba Raja.S, “Prognosis of Stroke using Machine Learning Algorithms”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC-2023)DVD Part Number: CFP23K25-DVD; ISBN: 978-1-6654-6407-9.
6. Usha Kiruthika S, K. Kausalya, S. Kanaga Suba Raja, "Object Recognition in Soccer Sports Videos," 2022 Smart Technologies, Communication and Robotics (STCR), Sathyaman galam, India, 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/STCR55312.2022.10009543.
7. Sandhiya B, Usha Kiruthika S, S. Kanaga Suba Raja , "Deep Learning Framework for Brain Tumor Classification through Histopathological Image," 2022 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems (ICSES), 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICSES55317.2022.9914065.
8. S. Kanaga Suba Raja, Kumar R S, Balaji V and Usha Kiruthika S,(2022) Satellite Image Processing for Water Detection. ECS Transactions, 107(1),
9. S. Kanaga Suba Raja , B. Chandra, M. Rohit, R.Sriram Vignesh, (2022) Eyeball Movement Cursor Control Using OpenCV. ECS Transactions, 107(1), 10005.
10. S. Kanaga Suba Raja, K. Valarmathi, S. Deepthi Sri, S. Harishita, and V. Keerthanna. "Sepsis prediction using ensemble random forest." In AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 2405, no. 1, p. 030027. AIP Publishing LLC, 2022.
14. S. Kanaga Suba Raja, A. Bamila Virgin Louis and G. Arul Dalton, "Resource Allocation in Device to Device Communication using Dynamic Programming," 2021 International Conference on Emerging Smart Computing and Informatics (ESCI), 2021, pp. 780-785, doi: 10.1109/ESCI50559.2021.9396996.
15. U. Kiruthika, S. Kanaga Suba Raja, C. J. Raman and V. Balaji, "A Novel Fraud Detection Scheme for Credit Card Usage Employing Random Forest Algorithm Combined with Feedback Mechanism," 2020 International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS), 2020, doi: 10.1109/ICPECTS49113.2020.9337045.
16. L. Priya, A. Sathya and S. Kanaga Suba Raja, "Indian and English Language to Sign Language Translator- an Automated Portable Two Way Communicator for Bridging Normal and Deprived Ones," 2020 International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS), 2020, doi: 10.1109/ICPECTS49113.2020.9336983.
17. U. Kiruthika, S. Kanaga Suba Raja, V. Balaji and C. J. Raman, "E-Agriculture for Direct Marketing of Food Crops Using Chatbots," 2020 International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS), 2020, doi: 10.1109/ICPECTS49113.2020.9337024.
18. S. Kanaga Suba Raja, A. Sathya and L. Priya, "A Hybrid Data Access Control Using AES and RSA for Ensuring Privacy in Electronic Healthcare Records," 2020 International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS), 2020, doi: 10.1109/ICPECTS49113.2020.9337051.
19. T. R. Kumar, G. R. Suresh and S. Kanaga Suba Raja, "Conversion of Non-Audible Murmur to Normal Speech Based on FR-GMM using Non-Parallel Training Adaptation Method," 2019 International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS), 2019, pp. 97-103, doi: 10.1109/ISS1.2019.8908045.
20. R. S. Selvi, R. Kishore, G. R. Suresh and S. Kanaga Suba Raja, "Embedding data in audio signals using HSA-EMD algorithm," 2017 Third International Conference on Science Technology Engineering & Management (ICONSTEM), 2017, pp. 384-388, doi: 10.1109/ICONSTEM.2017.8261353.
21. S. Kanaga Suba Raja, R. Rishi, E. Sundaresan and V. Srijit, "Demand based crop recommender system for farmers," 2017 IEEE Technological Innovations in ICT for Agriculture and Rural Development (TIAR), 2017, pp. 194-199, doi: 10.1109/TIAR.2017.8273714.
1. Sandhiya, B., Kanaga Suba Raja, S. (2023). Multi-classification of Brain Tumor MRI Images Using Deep CNN Features and ML Classifiers. In: Kannan, R.J., Geetha, S., Sashikumar, S., Diver, C. (eds) International Virtual Conference on Industry 4.0. IVCI 2021. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1003. Springer, Singapore.
2. Kausalya, K., Kanaga Suba Raja, S. (2023). Athlete Action Recognition in Sports Video: A Survey. In: Kannan, R.J., Geetha, S., Sashikumar, S., Diver, C. (eds) International Virtual Conference on Industry 4.0. IVCI 2021. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1003. Springer, Singapore.
3. Murugan, S., Sampathkumar, A., S. Kanaga Suba Raja., Ramesh, S., Manikandan, R., Gupta, D. (2022). Autonomous Vehicle Assisted by Heads up Display (HUD) with Augmented Reality Based on Machine Learning Techniques. In: Hassanien, A.E., Gupta, D., Khanna, A., Slowik, A. (eds) Virtual and Augmented Reality for Automobile Industry: Innovation Vision and Applications. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control vol 412. Springer, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-030-94101-7.
4. C.J. Raman, S. Usha Kiruthika, L. Javid Ali, S. Kanaga Suba Raja (2021) “Blockchain Technology for Privacy and Security Issues and Challenges in IOT-Based Systems”, Chapter 10 in Blockchain for Information Security and Privacy, Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN: 9781003129486.
1. Title of Invention: A System and Method for Scheming Water Sustainability Index of Water Bodies through Satellite Imagery
Status Granted
Application Number 202041030656 A
Grant Date 18 April 2022
Inspiring Research Supervisor Award Madras Journal Series Pvt Ltd 2020
Innovative Technological Research and Dedicated Best Academician Award The society of Innovative Educationalist and Scientific Research Professional 2020
Outstanding Faculty in Computer Science and Engineering Venus International Foundation 2019
• Acted as a convenor for A 21Days Online International Faculty Development program on Data Science tools from 12th July to 1st August 2023.
• Acted as a convenor for A 15 Days Online International STTP on Empowering the Future: AI, Deep Learning and Machine Learning for Innovation and Transformation 2023.
• Acted as a convenor for A National workshop on Three Days DevOps Tools from 13th September to 15th September 2023.
• Acted as a convenor for Three Days Industry Academia Campus Connect with Agile Network from 12 November 2022 to 14 November 2022
• Acted as a convenor for Two days’ national workshop on Cyber Security Tools and Ethical hacking from 1st November 2022 to 2nd November 2022.
• Acted as a convenor for Two Weeks International Faculty Development Programme on Data Science Tools from 7th October to 20th October 2022.
• Acted as a convenor for Two Days’ International Virtual Conference on Machine Learning Applications in Applied Sciences and Mathematics (IVCMASM 2022) from 30th march to 31st march 2022.
• Acted as a convenor for National Level Technical Training Workshop for School and Polytechnic college students from 27th December to 1st January 2022.
• Acted as a convenor for Two Weeks International Faculty Development Programme on Technological insights on IoT, AI & DS from 18th August to 28th August.
• Acted as a convenor for International E- Conference on Information, Communication and Networking (EICICN 2021) from 09th April and 10th April 2021.
• Acted as a convenor for Two Days’ International E- Conference on Information, Communication and Networking (EICICN 2020) from 10th July and 11th July 2020.
• Acted as a convenor for A 8 days International Faculty Development Programme on Internet of Things from 18th July to 25th July 2020.
• Acted as a convenor for National Conference on Information, Communication and Networking (NCICN 2014) from 4 April 2014.
• Acted as a convenor for National Conference on Information, Communication and Networking (NCICN 2013) from 3 April 2013.
• Acted as a convenor for National Conference on Information, Communication and Networking (NCICN 2012) from 4 April 2012.
• Professor & Head -Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli(formerly known as SRM University), May 2023- till date
• Professor & Head - Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, Easwari Engineering College Chennai, (2021 – 2023)
• Associate Professor - Department of Information Technology, Easwari Engineering College Chennai, (2014 - 2021)
• Assistant Professor - Department of Information Technology, Easwari Engineering College Chennai, (2011-2014)
• Lecturer – Department of Computer Science and Engineering, The Indian Engineering College – Tirunelveli, Anna University, (2006 -2011)
• Research Experience: 10 Years
• Teaching Experience :18 Years
● Institution of Engineering and Technology - (IET)
● Member of Indian Society for Technical Education - (MISTE)
● International Associations of Computer Science and Information -
● Computer Science Teachers Association - (CSTA)
● International Association of Engineers - (IAENG)
● Institute of Advance Education and Research - (IAER)
● Indian Science Congress Association - (ISCA)
Funded Research Projects: (Worth – Rs 17,00,000)
• Fund received Rs. 17,00,000 from MSME Idea hackathon 1.0 for the project title “AI-based Vehicle Parking System for smart cities”.
SRM institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST) Tiruchirappalli Campus , Deemed to be University (Formerly SRM University) SRM Nagar, Trichy-Chennai highway, Near Samayapuram Trichy - 621105, Tamilnadu , India.
1800 202 4565
Academic courses
Academic courses