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Dr.S.Rahmath Nisha

Assistant Professor

Computer Science and Engineering


Total Experience 

Area of intErest

Machine Learning
20 years

course handled

  • Compiler Design

  • Thoery of Computation

  • Computer Architecture

  • Information Retrieval

  • Data Structures.

Education Details

  • Publication details

    1.Wilfred, C.B., Selvi, S., Sanjith, S., Rahmath Nisha, Kumar, P.R., Kumar, M.J.,”Enhancing The Reliability Of Intelligent Transport System Based On Vanet Optimal Clustering Using Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm”, Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association., 2023, 29(3), pp. 306–321.

    2. Rahmath Nisha, S., Muthurajkumar, S.,”Semantic Graph Based Convolutional Neural Network for Spam e-mail Classification in Cybercrime Applications”International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control., 2023, 18(1), 4478

    3. Anand, M., Antonidoss, A., Balamanigandan, R., Rahmath Nisha S... Gurunathan, K., Bharathiraja, N.”Resourceful Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network to Enhance Energy Utilization”Wireless Personal Communications, 2022, 127, pp. 7–8

    4. Rahmath Nisha, S., Anuradha, C.,”Measuring semantic similarity computation between terms using web documents “,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2014, 9(22), 

    pp. 6145–6149

    5. Rahmath Nisha, S., Nalini, C.”A brief study ofan approaches to green computing-the horizon of preserving pristine green”,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2014, 9(22), pp. 5748–5754.

    International Conferences:

    1. Rahmathnisha, S., Gurunathan, K., Swathi, D., Soolika, V., Shalini, P.” Traitors and missing person detection with face matching”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2023, 2822(1), 020257

    2. Swathi, D., Nisha, S.R., Rajeshram, V., Sowmiya, E., Subiksha, R.S.” Driver fatigue detection system based on eye based features extraction using deep learning algorithm”, AIP Conference ProceedingsThis link is disabled., 2023, 2822(1), 020211

    3. Rahmathnisha, S., Aarthi, M., Shyamala, C.,  Vallipriyadharshini, K., Raj, B.S.,”Intelligent Nutrition Assistant Application”, 12th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Computing, ICoAC 2023, 2023


    1  Published

    Patent Application No. 202341002610 A, “Smart Control System using IOT for Electric vehicle management” filed on 23.10.2018 and published on 17/02/2023, by R.K.Ragavapriya,T.Santhana Krishnan,Ponnarasi.N,S.Rahmath Nisha,T.Vijay Mani,C.Saravanan

  • Awards and Achievements

    Received awards for 100% results in university exams.

  • Workshops / Seminars


    1.   Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from 2nd January to 6th January 2023.

    2.   Online Advanced FDP on "Internet of Things and Human-Computer Interaction" from  08/11/2021 to 12/11/2021 at National Institute of Technology Goa.

    3.   Blockchain and its Security Perspectives " ,ATAL,from  06/12/2021 to 10/12/2021 at Indian Institute of Information Technology Guwahati.

    4.   FDP on Blockchain,ATAL, 22.June’20 to 26,June’20

    5.   FDP on “Awarness on Blockchain Technology” conducted by Jerusalem College of Engineering held from 10th Dec 2018 to 11th Dec 2018.

    6.   AICTE sponsored Two week FDP on Recent trends in “Big Data Analytics and its Research Issues” conducted by MNM Jain Engineering College from 20th Nov 2017  to 3rd Dec 2017.

    7.   FDP on “Grid and Cloud Computing” conducted by Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology from 8th June 2017 to 16th June 2017.

    8.  “One day workshop on Cloud Computing” conducted by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Tagore Engineering College on 22nd June 2016.

    9.   Workshop on  “Kani Tamil Pairravai” conducted by Department of Computer Science and Engineering , Tagore Engineering College on 08.03.2016.

    10. FDP on “Challenging Pedagogy in Current Scenario” conducted by Department of Management Studies , Tagore Engineering College on 29.01.2016.

    11. Workshop on “Ethical Hacking” conducted by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Tagore Engineering College on 29.12.2015.

    12. One day workshop on “Android” conducted by NARESH I Technologies at Tagore Engineering College on 23.1.13.

    13. Workshop on “Emotional Control for Women” on 12th March 2013 by Wemon Empowerment Cell, Tagore Engineering College.

    14. Seminar on “Service Oriented Architecture and Web Services” conducted by Tagore Engineering College on 4th February 2013.

    15. Workshop for teachers on “Mentoring”  conducted by Tagore Engineering College on 21st Nov 2008.

    16. FDP on “Object Oriented Analysis & Design” organized by Crescent Engineering College, Chennai during the 2nd Week of June 2007.

    17. FDP on “Computational Intelligence on System Automation & Communication” organized by Sri Manakula Vinayaka Engineering College, Pondicherry on 18th to 28th Dec 2006.

    18. Workshop on “Graphics & Multimedia” conducted by M.I.E.T Engineering college, Trichy on 29th Nov 2006.

    19. National Seminar on “Advanced Computing Technologies” conducted by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan College,Perambalur on 29.09.06.

    20. FDP on “Network programming and Management” conducted by M.A.M.C.E, Trichy during 04.12.06-16.12.06.

    21. FDP on “Instructional Design and Delivery” conducted by M.A.M.C.E ,Trichy from 13th to 18th June 2005 .

    Symposium and Conferences Conducted

    1. Acted as organizing committee member in National Conference on Recent Advances in Science, Engineering and Management (NCRASEM’18) ,Tagore Engineering College.

    2. Acted as organizing committee member in International Conference on Electrical Communications and Computing (ICECC’17), Tagore Engineering College.

    3. Acted as organizing committee member in National Conference on Recent Advances in Science, Engineering and Management (NCRASEM’15) ,Tagore Engineering College.

    4. Acted as organizing committee member in International Conference on Electrical Communications and Computing (ICECC’14), Tagore Engineering College.

    5. Acted as organizing committee member in National Conference on Advanced Computing conducted by Tagore Engineering College on 15th Mar 2013.

    6. Acted as organizing committee member in National Conference on Recent Innovations in Computing Technology (NCRICT’11),Tagore Engineering College.

    7. Acted as overall coordinator and Conducted National Level Technical Symposium “Elixir v3” in M.A.M College of Engineering.

    8. Acted as organizing committee member in “Women Empowerment Cell “ and organized various workshops and also involved in Flood relief work.

  • Work Experience

    Academic Experience:

    Assistant Professor,Department of Computer Science and Engineering,SRMIST,Trichy.(July 2024 to till date)

    Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,K.Ramakrishnan College of Technology,Trichy.(June 2019 to June 2024)

    Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,Tagore Engineering College,Chennai(June 2008 to May 2019)

    Lecturer, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,MAM College of Engineering,Trichy(June 2004 to May 2008)

  • Memberships

    Indian Society of Systems for Science & Engineering(ISSE)

  • Funded Projects
