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Ajey Prasaath K.B

Assistant Professor

Computer Science and Engineering


Total Experience 

Area of intErest

Machine Learning, Wireless Networks, IoT with Embedded Systems

11Years 6 Months

course handled

Python Programming, Embedded C Programming, Computer Architecture, Computer Networks, Fundamentals of Programming, Advanced Programming Practice, Digital System Design, Ad Hoc Networks, Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Education Details

  • Publication details

    K, Sethu Narayanan, Manu Prakash M, Vetrivelan P, and Ajeyprasaath KB. 2024. “Integrated VANETS and FANETS Driven Multimodal Smart Transportation System for Delivery.” IETE Journal of Research, November, 1–7. SCOPUS, SCIE, Q3 (Impact Factor 1.877). DOI: 10.1080/03772063.2024.2420741.

    K. B. Ajeyprasaath and P. Vetrivelan, "A hybrid machine learning approach for improvised qoe in video services over 5g wireless networks," Computers, Materials & Continua, vol. 78, no.3, pp. 3195–3213, 2024. SCOPUS, SCIE, Q2 (Impact Factor 3.1). DOI:

    K. B. Ajeyprasaath and P. Vetrivelan, "Machine learning based classifiers for qoe prediction framework in video streaming over 5g wireless networks," Computers, Materials & Continua, vol. 75, no.1, pp. 1919–1939, 2023. SCOPUS, SCIE, Q2 (Impact Factor 3.860). 


    Deepak, V. S., Ganapathi Sastrulu, K. S., Naidu, K. T., Pandu, V., & Ajeyprasaath, K. B. (2022). IoT-Based Remote Diagnosis and Therapeutic Telemedicine Governing System. IETE Journal of Research, 70(2), 1167–1178. SCOPUS, SCIE, Q3 (Impact Factor 1.877). DOI:

    Inamdar, R.; sundarr, K.; Khandelwal, D.; KB, Ajeyprasaath. Lips Reading Using 3D Convolution and LSTM. Preprints 2023, 2023120928. DOI:

    Prasath KB, Vijayakumar S, Prasath SK. “An Efficient Approach for Home Energy Management System”. International Journal of Engineering Science Inventio. 2013 Dec:49-58.

    International and National Conferences:

    S. Maganti, L. Kumar, V. Sandaka, KB. Ajeyprasaath and K. Kumba, "Automated panic response system using NFC Tag," 2024 3rd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence For Internet of Things (AIIoT), Vellore, India, 2024, pp. 1-6, SCOPUS. DOI:  10.1109/aiiot58432.2024.10574628

    G. Kumar, P. Vetrivelan, K. Kumba and K. Ajeyprasaath, "Estimating Remaining Useful Life and State of Health of EV Lithium Ion Batteries Using Sequential CNNs," 2023 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2023, pp. 1-6, SCOPUS. DOI: 10.1109/i-PACT58649.2023.10434881. 

    S. S. S. Yandamuri, J. Manjula, V. V. R, V. P and A. KB, "Remote Vital-Sign Monitoring for Heart-Attack Patients in Telemedicine," 2023 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies (i-PACT), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2023, pp. 1-7, SCOPUS. DOI: 10.1109/i-PACT58649.2023.10434346 

    Scientific Books Chapters:

    Ajeyprasaath, K.B., Vetrivelan, P. (2023). A QoE Framework for Video Services in 5G Networks with Supervised Machine Learning Approach. In: Singh, P., Singh, D., Tiwari, V., Misra, S. (eds) Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence Techniques for Data Engineering. MISP 2022. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 998. Springer, Singapore. SCOPUS. DOI:

    Ajeyprasaath, K.B., Vetrivelan, P., Chang, E., Gomathi, S. (2023). A Survey of QoE Framework for Video Services in 5G Networks. In: Subhashini, N., Ezra, M.A.G., Liaw, SK. (eds) Futuristic Communication and Network Technologies. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 966. Springer, Singapore. SCOPUS. DOI:

  • Awards and Achievements

    Patent Published titled “A Robotic Hand for Automation of Tasks” having application no. 202441087748

    Reviewer in SCI and Scopus indexed Journals (Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Computers, Materials & Continua, Journal of New Media, Computer Systems Science and Engineering)

  • Workshops / Seminars

    Participated in the SAP University Alliances Train the Trainer Workshop on “SAP S4HANA” from November 11 – 14, 2024 at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai India

    Participated in the SAP University Alliances Train the Trainer Workshop on “SAP HANA” from November 15 – 16, 2024 at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai India

    Participated in the in the FDP on Peripherals interfacing with 8051-Embedded C Programming: Hands on Session jointly organized by the School of Electronics Engineering and the Academic Staff College, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai from 12-February-2024 to 16-February-2024

    Participated in the AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on “Internet of Things” conducted by the National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research Chandigarh, India, April 15-19, 2020 (in Virtual Mode)

    Participated in the Webinar Series on “LaTex” conducted by the Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai, India, May 18-22, 2020 (in Virtual Mode)

    Successfully completed an 8 weeks NPTEL online certification Course on “Evolution of Air interface to wards 5G” (Elite Certification) from Feb-Apr 2020.

    Successfully completed a 12 weeks NPTEL online certification Course on “Introduction to Wireless and Cellular Communication” (Elite Certification) from Sep-Dec 2020.

    Participated in the Virtual Workshop on “SENSENUTS”- An IoT Wireless Sensor Network Platform conducted by the Vellore Institute of Technology Chennai, India, October 2021 (in Virtual Mode)

    (CENTRE FOR FACULTY DEVELOPMENT ANNAUNIVERSITY CHENNAI) Participated in faculty development training program on EC2402 optical communication and networking at Saveetha engineering college during June 2014(one week).

    (CENTRE FOR FACULTY DEVELOPMENT ANNAUNIVERSITY CHENNAI) Participated in faculty development training program on EC6402 communication theory at Kongu Nadu college of engineering during December 2016 (one week).

    Participated in two days National Level seminar on “Contemporary Research Avenues     in Embedded Systems and its applications using Soft computing” Organized by Einstein Engineering college.

  • Work Experience

    Academic Experience:

    Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering from 30-08-2024 to Till Date at SRMIST, Tiruchirappalli.

    Assistant Professor in the Department of SENSE from 06-09-2022 to 11.06.2024 (1.9 years) at VIT, Chennai.

    Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 03-06-13 to 03.01.2020 (6.7 years) at Annai mathammal sheela engineering college, Namakkal.

    Research Experience:

    Assistant Professor (Fellowship) in the Department of SENSE from 03-02-2020 to 05.09.2022 (2.7 years) at VIT, Chennai.

  • Memberships


  • Funded Projects
