Admissions open for 2025 Apply Now
Computer Science and Engineering
Deep Learning, Edge Computing, Computer Vision
course handled
Computer Architecture
System Software
Operating Systems
Deep Learning
Computer Vision
Pattern Recognition
Pervasive Computing
Data Structures
In SCI/WoS/Scopus Journals:
Balaji Ganesh R, Manish Kumar, "A Hybrid DNN Model for Travel Time Estimation from Spatio-Temporal Features", Sustainability, MDPI, 14, 21, 2022.
Balaji Ganesh R, Kumar, M. et al. State of art soft computing based simulation models for bearing capacity of pile foundation: A comparative study of hybrid ANNs and conventional models. Model. Earth Syst. Environ, 2022.
Balaji Ganesh R, Intelligent traffic analysis system for Indian road conditions. International Journal of Information Technology, Springer, 2021.
[4] Balaji Ganesh R, Appavu alias Balamurugan, “Road Traffic Surveillance System to classify the vehicles on Indian Roads in different climatic conditions”, Mobile Information Systems, IOS Press, United States, July 2018.
Balaji Ganesh R, Appavu alias Balamurugan, “A Robust Framework to detect moving vehicles in Indian road conditions”, Journal of Applied and Theoretical Information Technology, Vol.No. 98, January 2019.
Sim2Real Transfer: Autonomous Vehicle Dataset Generation and a Lightweight Road Perception Pipeline, Int. Journal of Vehicular Communication Systems, Inderscience (SCI)
Balaji Ganesh R, “Reliability Enhancement from HTTP Log Files in Composite Web Services”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2013 ISSN: 2249 – 8958
Balaji Ganesh R, Surya C, Raman GS, “Reversible Watermarking Based on Prediction Error Expansion and Pixel Selection on Color Image” International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Volume-2, Issue-4, April 2013, pp. 925-929.
Balaji Ganesh R, Appavu alias Balamurugan et al., “Detection and Pairing of Vehicle Headlight in Night Scenes”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, Vol.3, Issue 9, Sep.2013. (UGC approved)
Balaji Ganesh R, Appavu alias Balamurugan, “An Intelligent Video Surveillance Framework with Big Data Management for Indian Road Traffic System”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Foundations of Computer Science, Newyork, August 2015. ISSN No.0975-8887
Balaji Ganesh R, Appavu alias Balamurugan et al., “Detection and Pairing of Vehicle Headlight in Night Scenes”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and Social Sciences, Vol.3, Issue 9, Sep.2013. (UGC approved)
Balaji Ganesh R, Appavu alias Balamurugan, “An Intelligent Video Surveillance Framework with Big Data Management for Indian Road Traffic System”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Foundations of Computer Science, Newyork, August 2015. ISSN No.0975-8887
Publications in Conferences
International Conferences held abroad:
Balaji Ganesh R, Appavu alias Balamurugan, Midhun Kumar A, “Indian Road Traffic Surveillance System using Blob Tracking for ATIS Applications” Proceedings of International Conference on Secure Knowledge Management in Big Data, BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus, December 2014.
Kumar Parasuram, Balaji Ganesh R, “An Adapated Ontology Model for Web Information Gathering”, IADIS European Conference Data Mining 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, July 2013.
Balaji Ganesh R, Appavu alias Balamurugan, Midhun Kumar A, “A Robust Framework to Detect Moving Vehicles in Different Road Conditions” 25th World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, USA, 2017
Balaji Ganesh R, Michael Arock, “Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Study of Drug Interactions Using Clinical Parameters for Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease”, 2020 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES), Malaysia
Rajagopal, Balaji Ganesh, Sravya and Raju, Alfred, Low-cost Object following Robot to assist elderly people (August 25, 2024).
IEEE International Conferences in India (Scopus indexed)
Balaji Ganesh R, Ganesh Venkat, “An IoT based passenger information system optimized for Indian metros” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technologies, April 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ICECA.2017.8203650
Balaji Ganesh R, Vishak Raj, “Vision-based system for counting of moving vehicles in different weather conditions” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technologies, April 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ICECA.2017.8203649
Balaji Ganesh R, Nandhini, “Application of ARM and Linear Regression to model and predict Agricultural yield” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Technological Innovations in ICT for Agriculture and Rural Development(TIAR), April 2018.
• NDA Benchmark Reviewer for NVIDIA Jetson 4GB cards
• NVIDIA certified Instructor for ‘Fundamentals of Deep Learning’
• Best Teacher award with recognition for producing top academic results in the year 2016-2017 & 2017-2018
• Wipro Mission 10x, Dale Carnegie certified High Impact Teacher
• ISO TUV Rheinland certified Academic Auditor for ISO 9001: 2015 Standards
• 1-day NPTEL Workshop, IIT Madras, December 2012
• 1-week FDP on Computer Architecture, Anna University Chennai, June 2014
• 1-week Course on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, NIT Durgapur, June 2014
• 4-day Training program in IBM Rational Software Architect, June 2015.
• 5-day FDP on Cloud Infrastructure and Services, ICT Academy of Tamilnadu, Jan. 2016.
• 2-day Training Program on Hadoop for Big Data Analytics, CDAC Bangalore, June, 2016.
• 2-day Training on Image Processing, Computer Vision and Machine Learning (IPCVML’17) Madras Institute of Technology, Chennai, January 2017.
• 3-day Training program on “Train The Trainer (TTT)”, TechMahindra, Chennai, February 2017.
• 5-day Short term course on “Advanced Web Technologies”, NIT Trichy, December 2017.
• 3-day workshop on AI and Deep learning Technologies, Bennett University, June 2018.
• 3-day FDP at Teaching-Learning Centre, IIT Madras, December 2018.
• 3-day Internship at The Ramco Cements Limited, Alathiyur, January 2019.
• 1-week FDP on Machine Learning, NIT Warangal, May 2019.
• 1-week FDP on Neural Networks and Deep Learning using Python, Reva University, June 2020
• 1-week STTP on Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, MIET, Jammu, Jan. 2021
• Workshop on Accelerated Data Science, NSM Nodal Centre, IIT KGP, Feb. 2021
• Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and High-performance computing, NIT Mizoram & IIT KGP, NSM Nodal Centre, July 2022
• 1-week FDP on Academic Research in Global Perspective, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, October 2022
• Wipro Mission 10x, Dale Carnegie Certified High Impact Teacher
• ISO Academic Auditor (ISO 9001:2015 standards)
• Design Thinking by Intellect
1 Team Lead of RIT-AI Research Initiative, LeadingIndia.AI Bennett 2018 to 2019 Setting-up AI research Lab in RIT
Submissions of research proposals to funding agencies
Guidance for Inter-disciplinary projects in AI and Deep Learning
Conduct of Workshops, Hackathons,
AU approved Value Added courses
2 Member of Purchase Committee
(Institute Level), Data Centre In-charge 2013 to 2019 Procurement (Hardware & Software) RFQ(Limited Tender), Negotiations, Contracts
3 Member of RIT-Innovation Centre 2018 to 2019 Policy Framing, Inter-disciplinary Innovation Hub, Forming of Section-8 Company
4 Counselor, Computer Society of India 2014 to 2019 Organized Workshop, Trainings, Coding Contest
5 Examination Control Office In-charge 2013 to 2017 Scheduling and Conduct of University and Internal Examinations.
University Correspondence, Statutory Compliance (AICTE APH, NIRF, AU Affiliation)
6 AI-Centre of Excellence, NIT, Trichy May 2020 to May 2022 Administering NVIDIA DGX V100 Server with Kubernetes Cluster
● Life Member of the Indian Society for Technical Education
● Member of the European Association for Innovation
● Member of the Association for Computing Machinery
SRM institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST) Tiruchirappalli Campus , Deemed to be University (Formerly SRM University) SRM Nagar, Trichy-Chennai highway, Near Samayapuram Trichy - 621105, Tamilnadu , India.
1800 202 4565
Academic courses
Academic courses