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Soft computing, Deep Learning, Digital VLSI,Biomedical signal processing
course handled
Area of interest
Principles of communication,Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Embedded Systems, Analog and Digital electronics, Deep Learning, healthcare Analytics
Publication Details
Journal Publications:
Total Number of Journal Publications: Scopus indexed-4 +1 (Anna univ list)
1. Jothi, M., Balamurugan, N.B., Harikumar, R., “Performance Analysis of Fuzzy processor for a Healthcare Application - Diabetic Epilepsy Risk Classifier”, Asian Journal of Research in Social sciences and Humanities (AJRSSH) Anna University Updated Journal, Volume (issue):7(2), P. NO:124-140, ISSN 2249-7315.
2. Jothi, M., Balamurugan, N.B., Harikumar, R., “Performance evaluation of a fuzzy processor”, IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 2014.
3. Balamurugan, N.B., Jothi, M., Harikumar, R. FPGA synthesis of SIRM fuzzy system-classification of diabetic epilepsy risk levels from EEG signal parameters and CBF. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (LNEE) 2013, 221 LNEE (VOL. 1), pp. 313–322
4. Jothi, M., Balamurugan, N.B., Harikumar, R. Fuzzy processor based on VLSI a review, IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 2013
5. Balamurugan, N.B., Jothi, M., Harikumar, R., FPGA synthesis of SIRM fuzzy system-classification of diabetic epilepsy risk leve, Elsevier Procedia Engineering, 2012, 38, pp. 391–404
Pushparani, S., Rekha, K.S., Sivagami, V.M., Usharani, R., Jothi, M. Exploring the Effectiveness of Deep Learning in Audio Compression and Restoration
TQCEBT March 22-23, 2024 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies 2024,
Other Journals:9
International & National Conference Publications:
Total Number of Conference Publications:
Manthena, K. V.Jothi.M, Visumathi, J., Mohankumar, N., Maheshwari, S., & Sujatha, S. (2024, October). IoT and Cloud-based Solutions for Energy-Efficient Restroom Lighting Systems. Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Sustainable Expert Systems (ICSES), DOI:
Jothi.M, (2024), SVM based smart Fabric Inspection for proactive Textile defect management with IoT International Conference on Sustainability and Technological Advancements in Engineering Domain (SUSTAINED)- Association with IEEE India Council -Accepted.
Jothi.M, (2024), Parkinson's Disease Detection from Spiral and Wave Drawings using CNN - RNN With GSM alert ,(2024), IEEE Flagship International BIT CONFERENCE (BITCON-24) Accepted.
Jothi.M, (2024), Predictive Analysis of Airborne Contaminant Spread with Cloud-Connected Sensors and Deep Learning Model, 3rd Int.Conference on Communication ,Control and Intelligent Systems (CCIS 2024), IEEE Explore- Accepted
Pushparani, S., Rekha, K.S., Sivagami, V.M., Usharani, R., Jothi, M. Exploring the Effectiveness of Deep Learning in Audio Compression and Restoration,
TQCEBT 2024 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Trends in Quantum Computing and Emerging Business Technologies, Mar 22-23, 2024,
1. Traffic sign recognition based on soft Non-Maximum suppression algorithm Using SVM classification, Int, Confr on Mathematics and its Applications in Technology, SASTRA, Tanjur, AIP proceedings, Scopus indexed.-2024
2. An efficient Deep Learning framework to extractive text summarization using CBOW, ICCCI-2024 Int. Confr. on Computer Communication and Informatics, Coimbatore.
3. Partial reconfiguration Based on FPGA- A Review" VLSI ICIET 2016, K. L. N College Of Engineering, Pottapalayam
4. Design and implementation of VLSI fuzzy classifier for biomedical application VLSI, FUZZY ICIET 2014 K. L. N College Of Engineering,
5. A Comparative on matlab and its open source alternative scilab for image fusion application" Image processing ICIET 2014 K. L. N College Of Engineering, Pottapalayam International 2014
6. Fuzzy processor based on VLSI- A Review VLSI, FUZZY IMAC4S 2013 St. Joseph College Of Engg, Kottayam International 2013
7. Performance evaluation of a fuzzy processor VLSI, FUZZY ICCCNT 2013 , Vivekanandha college of Engg, Thiruchengode International 2013
8. A Study on biomedical fuzzy processor VLSI, FUZZY ICDASDC 2012, K. L. N College Of IT, Pottapalayam International 2012
10. FPGA synthesis of SIRM fuzzy system - Classification of diabetic epilepsy risk levels from EEG signal parameters and CBF VLSI, FUZZY ICSIP 2012, NPR college of Engg and Tech, Kalapatti International 20
11. FPGA Synthesis of SIRM Fuzzy System for Classification of Diabetic Epilepsy Risk Levels VLSI ICMOC-2012, Noorul Islam university, Nagerkoil International 2012
FPGA Synthesis of Heterogeneous and SIRM Fuzzy System-with reduced false levels VLSI ICSCI-2011, Pentagram research centre, Hyderabad International 2011
10 FPGA Synthesis of Heterogeneous and SIRM fuzzy system For classification of Diabetic epilepsy risk levels VLSI ICSCI-2008, Pentagram research centre, Hyderabad International 2008 11
VLSI Synthesis of Heterogeneous and SIRM fuzzy system For classification of Diabetic epilepsy risk levels VLSI NCSSS 2008, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam National 200
M. Demkah and D. Bhargava, “Gamification in Education: A Cognitive Psychology Approach to Cooperative and Fun Learning,” Proceedings - 2019 Amity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AICAI 2019, pp. 170–174, 2019, doi: 10.1109/AICAI.2019.8701264 (Sample Format) – Kindly follow IEEE format Reference manager will be helpful
Session chair:
In conferences: ICIET 2014, K.L.N College of Engineering, Madurai.
My M.E Project entitled as” A Framework and new methodology for VLSI fuzzy processor - application to classification of epilepsy risk levels for diabetic neuropathy” – Funded by AICTE RPS scheme, 2008.
Guest lecturers Delivered
Academic Experience
Total years of Academic Experience: 15 Years 2 Months
Assistant Professor, School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Faculty of Engg& Tech, SRM Institute of Science & Technology, Trichy Campus, From 14.08.2024 onwards (1 month to till now)
Associate Professor, Department of AI & DS, CARE College of Engineering, Trichy From 22.05.2023 to 10.06.2024. (1 Year)
Associate Professor, Department of IT, K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam, Madurai From 09.08.2011 to 21.08.2017(6 Years)
Asst. Professor, Department of IT, K.L.N. College of Engineering, Pottapalayam, Madurai From 18.06.2008 to 08.08.2011(3 Years)
Lecturer, Department of ECE, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, From 27.07.2004 to 09.05.2006 (1 Year 10 months)
Lecturer, Department of IT, Maharaja College of Engineering, Avinashi, From 07.06.2002 to 21.07.2004 (2 Years)
Lecturer, A.M.S Engineering College, Department of ECE ,Namakkal, From 11.06.2001 to 04.06.2002 (1 Year)
Member IEICE - From 2007-2010 year
Life Member – Computer Society Of India (CSI)
SRM institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST) Tiruchirappalli Campus , Deemed to be University (Formerly SRM University) SRM Nagar, Trichy-Chennai highway, Near Samayapuram Trichy - 621105, Tamilnadu , India.
1800 202 4565
Academic courses
Academic courses