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Dr.Vishvaksenan K S


Electronics and Communication Engineering


Total Experience 

Wireless Communication 

Signal Processing


Cognative Radio Network

THz Meta Materials

26 Years

course handled

Area of interest

Space Time Wireless Communications

Digital Signal Processing 

Digital and Systems

Education Details

  • Publication details

    Journal Publications: 

    Total Number of Journal Publications:  39

    1.  Swathika Rengasamy Radha Natarajan ,Vishvaksenan Kuttathati

    Srinivasan A 

    Miniaturized Penta-band Metamaterial THz Absorber for Sensing and Imaging Applications Plasmonics ,Volume 18,1933-1940 (2023).

    2.  Vishvaksenan KS,Kalidoss R,Partibane B, Nivetha E,” Broadband Multiple Input

    Multiple  Output antenna for sub-6-GHz 5G communications”, International

    Journal of Communication   System,PP.1-11 2023,

    3. Swathika Rengasamy Radha Natarajan ,Vishvaksenan Kuttathati Srinivasan Miniaturized Multi-Spectral Perfect Metamaterial Absorber for THz Sensing, Imaging and Spectroscopic Applications, Plasmonics 18, 643–651 (2023).

    4. B.Rammyaa, K.S.Vishvaksenan "CPW Fed Metamaterial Loaded Dual-Band Roof-Top Antenna for Vehicular Communications" in International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering,18,May,2021, Thomson Reuters indexed (IF: 1.528), Unpaid Abroad

    5. Rajendirane Rajmohan, Kuttathati Srinivasan Vishvaksenan & Rajakani kalidoss,”Compact four port slot based MIMO antenna with isolation enhancement’, International Journal of Electronics,11,Apr,2021, DOI: 10.1080/00207217.2021.1908625, Thomson Reuters indexed (IF: 2.924), Unpaid Abroad

    6. M. Saravanan , R. Kalidoss, B. Partibane and K. S. Vishvaksenan,” Design of an interlocked four-port MIMO antenna for UWB automotive communications, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies,,25,Mar,2021,Thomson Reuters indexed (IF: 0.976), Unpaid Abroad

    7. Angappan, A., Saravanabava, T.P., Sakthivel, P. and k.s.vishvaksenan,” Novel Sybil attack detection using RSSI and neighbour information to ensure secure communication in WSN. Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing , Springer, 07 July 2020,Thomson Reuters indexed (IF: 4.594), Unpaid Abroad, DOI: 10.1007/s12652-020-02276-55.

    8. Mohan Saravanan (Research scholar), Rajakani Kalidoss (Faculty-ECE) , Bactavatchalame Partibane (Faculty-ECE), Kuttathati Srinivasan Vishvaksenan (Faculty-ECE), “Reservation based resource allocation in 5G new radio standard”, Concurrency computation practice and experience, Aug, 2019, Available online, DOI:, ISSN 1532-0634, IF:1.167 (Thomson Reuters), unpaid, Abroad.

    9. Asharani Patil, G.S.Biradar and  K.S.Vishvaksenan “Up-Link : Coded Cognitive MIMO MC-IDMA System for Frequency-Selective Channel”,Asharani Patil, G.S.Biradar and  K.S.Vishvaksenan , IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, DAE-SANG OFFICE 301, SANGDO 5 DONG 509-1, SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA, ISSN: 1738-7906 VOL.19 No.8, August 2019,PP-70-77,Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), (Thomson Reuters), unpaid, Abroad.


    10. Selvam Paranche Damodaran and  K,S,Vishvaksenan Antenna Selection and Power Allocation in Massive MIMO,Radio Engineering,Vol.28(1),Pages340-346,2019

    11. B. Lakshmi Dhevi, K.S.Vishvaksenan,  K. Senthamil Selvan  and A. Rajalakshmi, “Patient Monitoring System Using Cognitive Internet of Things”, Journal of Medical Systems ,Springer,(2018) 42:229


    12.  Selvam Paranche Damodaran, Vishvaksenan Kuttathati Srinivasan , and Kalidoss  Rajakani  ,”Optimized and low-complexity power allocation and   beamforming with full duplex in massive MIMO and small-cell   networks”, Journal of super computing,  2400


    13. Selvam Paranche Damodaran, Vishvaksenan Kuttathati Srinivasan,”Mutual 

    information of   massive MIMO systems on block Rayleigh-faded channels, Cluster  computing,Springer Mar-12,2018,

    14. R. Dhilip Kumar, K. S. Vishvaksenan K. Mithra,”Cognitive radio network based DSTTD-CDMA system”, Cluster computing,Springer ,Jan,2018,,


    15. R Dhilip Kumar, KS Vishvaksenan, “Interference cancellation in cognitive radio-based MC-CDMA system using pre-coding technique”, Journal of super computing (2018).


    16.  B. Lakshmi Dhevi, Kuttathati Srinivasan Vishvaksenan  and Kalidoss Rajakani,”  Isolation Enhancement in Dual-Band Microstrip Antenna Array Using Asymmetric  Loop Resonator”,IEEE Antennas  and wireless Propagation letters , VOL. 17,   NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2018

    17. B.Rammyaa, K.S.Vishvaksenan, Sumathi Poobal  and M. Mohana Mouli Krishnan   Coded downlink MIMO MC-CDMA system for cognitive radio network: performance      results, Cluster computing,Springer,2018,DOI:10.1007/s10586-018-1815-x


    18. P. T. Vasanth Raj, K. S. Vishvaksenan,”Performance of image transmission   over   MC-CDMA based on super resolution technique”,Cluster  computing ,Springer,  2017,

    19.  S.Leela ,K.S.Vishvaksenan ,” Error-rate analysis of MIMO MC-IDMA   for  frequency-selective channels” , Cluster computing,Springer,2017, DOI 10.1007/s10586-017-1325-2


    20.   S.Leela ,Kuttathati Srinivasan Vishvaksenan ,” Performance of Adaptive MIMO   switching  for Cognitive MC-CDMA system” , Cluster  

    computing,Springer,2017,  DOI  10.1007/s10586-017-1322-5


    21.  B.Rammyaa, K.S.Vishvaksenan, Sumathi Poobal ,” Performance of Spectrum  sharing    Cognitive Radio network based on   MIMO MC-CDMA system for medical   image    transmission”,Cluster computing,Springer ,2017, DOI- 10.1007/s10586-017-1290-9

    22.  Kuttathati Srinivasan Vishvaksenan1,R.Rajmohan ,”Performance analysis of multi-carrier IDMA system for co-operative networks,

    Cluster computing,Springer, 2017,DOI 10.1007/s10586-017-1186-8


    23. K.S.Vishvaksenan, Mithra.K , R.Kalaiarasan , K Santhosh Raj,” Mutual Coupling Reduction in Microstrip Patch Antenna Arrays Using Parallel Coupled-Line  Resonators”, IEEE Antennas  and wireless Propagation letters ,Vol.14,pp.2146 – 2149,IEEE   journal,2017, DOI- 10.1109/LAWP.2017.2700521.

    24. Mithra.K and   K.S.Vishvaksenan Performance of coded STBC-IDMA system using polarization diversity for downlink transmission, Cluster computing,Springer,2017, DOI    10.1007/s10586-017-0831-6.


    25. P.T.Vasanth Raj and  K.S.Vishvaksenan, “System analysis of DSTTD-CDMA system with polarization diversity for frequency-selective channel”, Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier journal,, 2016.


    26. K.S.Vishvaksenan, R.Kalaiarasan, R.Kalidoss and R.Karthipan, “Real Time Experimental Study and Analysis of Elliott Wave Theory in Signal Strength Prediction”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, Springer journal, doi:10.1007/s40010-016-0323-8, 2016.

    27. R.Kalaiarasan and K.S.Vishvaksenan,”Mitigating Co-channel interference using transmitter pre-processing for double space-time transmit diversity aided IDMA system”, Computers and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier journal,


     28. K.S.Vishvaksenan, P.T.Vasanth Raj, “Coded Downlink Multi-user MC-CDMA system using Transmitter Pre-processing: Performance results”, IEEE Access, IEEE journal, Issue: 99, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2596774, 2016.


    29. Nelson Iruthayanathan, K.S.Vishvaksenan K.Rajendiran, “Performance of spread spectrum based Multi-carrier system in Underwater Communication using transmitter pre-processing”,IEEE Access, IEEE journal, Issue: 99, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2591587, 2016.

    30. K.S.Vishvaksenan, K.Mithra, R.Kalidoss, R.Karthipan, “Experimental Study on Elliott Wave Theory for Handoff Prediction”, Fluctuation and Noise letters, DOI:, 2016.


    31. R.Karthipan, K.S.Vishvaksenan, R.Kalidoss, Anjana Krishan,“Performance of turbo coded triply-Polarized MIMO-CDMA    System for Downlink Communication”, Elsevier Journal of computers and Electrical Engineering,Vol.56,pp.182-192,2016 


    32. I.Nelson, K.S.Vishvaksenan, V.Rajendran , Rajarajan Palanimurugan, “Mitigating ambient noise and multi-path propagation in under water communication using the DSTTD-OFDM system”, Elsevier Journal of computers and Electrical   Engineering, Vol.53,pp.409-417,2016

    33. .Rajmohan, k.s.vishvaksenan, Mira.M, sudharssun Subramanian,”Performance of a Turbo-coded Downlink IDMA System using Transmitter Pre-processing”, Elsevier Journal of computers and Electrical   Engineering, Vol.53,pp.385-393,2016


    34. R. Karthipan, K. S. Vishvaksenan, R. Kalidoss, R. Suresh Babu “Uplink Capacity Enhancement in IEEE 802.22 Using Modified Duplex Approach”, Wireless Personal  Communication, pp.:635–656 ,Springer, DOI 10.1007/s11277-015-2949-2,2016.


    35. B. Partibane, V. Nagarajan, K. S. Vishvaksenan and R. Kalidoss “Performance of Multi-User Transmitter Pre-Processing Assisted Multi-Cell IDMA System for Downlink Transmission”, Fluctuation and noise letters,Vol.14,No:3,DOI: 10.1142/ S0219477515500303


    36.  I.Nelson, K.S.Vishvaksenan, V.Rajendran Saisrinivasan Mohankumar "Performance Analysis  of Turbo-Coded MIMO-OFDM for Underwater Communication", Elsevier Journal of computers and Electrical   Engineering,Volume 43,pp.1-8,2015.


    37. R.Kalidoss, M.A.Bhagyaveni, K.S.Vishvaksenan, "A location based duplex scheme for cost effective rural broadband connectivity using IEEE 802.22 Cognitive radio based wireless regional area networks", Fluctuation and Noise letters, Vol.13, Issue 4, 2014.


    38. Kuttathatti Srinivasan Vishvaksenan , R.Seshasayanan   and ,Suddersun Subramanian ,   Performance Dual polarized DSTTD-IDMA System over correlated frequency-selective channels”,Elsevier Journal of computers and Electrical   Engineering, Vol.40 ,pp-1296-1305,2014   

    International & National Conference Publications:


    Total Number of Conference Publications: 35

    1.     Prabagarane Nagaradjane,Sai N.Chandrasekaran and Kuttathatti Srinivasan Vishvaksenan,Ramakrishnan.M,,”MIMO Multicarrier  Interleave-Division Multiple-Access System with Multi-User Detection, ”proc IEEE International conference on wireless communication and sensor computing ,Jan-2010.


    2.     Kuttathatti Srinivasan Vishvaksenan , R.Seshasayanan,”  MAP-MMSE Aided MIMO-MC IDMA System  for Uplink Transmission in Frequency Selective Channels: Performance Results”, Future Wireless Networks and Information Systems, Springer LNEE 143, pp. 609–616.   springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012.

    3.     K.S.Vishvaksenan, R.Seshasayanan   and J.Jasper Beusan Jeny,”  Performance of MUTP assisted IDMA System for Downlink Communications”,  International conference on Communication and Signal Processing,IEEE, April 3-5, 2013,   India.


    4.     K.S.Vishvaksenan, R.Seshasayanan   and ,Yuvaraj Krishnamoorthy,”  Performance of Dual-Polarized MIMO MC-IDMA System for Downlink Communications”, International conference on Communication and Signal Processing,  IEEE,April 3-5, 2013, India.


    5   K.S.Vishvaksenan, R.Seshasayanan   and , N.Abisha,” Performance of   DSTTD MC-   IDMA System for Downlink Communications”,International conference on  Communication and Signal Processing, IEEE, April 3-5, 2013, India.


    6  K.S.Vishvaksenan, R.Seshasayanan   and , N.Abisha, Suddersun   Subramanian” Performance of  Dual polarized DSTTD-IDMA System in frequency-selective channels ”,International conference on Communication and Signal Processing,   IEEE,April 3-5, 2013, India.

    7. K.S.Vishvaksenan, S.Ramyaramalakshmi, S.Sathiarani ” Performance of DSTTD-IDMA System using Polarization Diversity over correlated Frequency-Selective Channel ”,International conference on Communication and Signal Processing,IEEE, April 3-5, 2014, India


    8. K.S.Vishvaksenan, S.Sathiarani, S.Ramyaramalakshmi,” Performance of MIMO-CDMA System in Rayleigh fading channel ”,International conference on Communication and Signal Processing,IEEE, April 3-5, 2014, India


    9. K.S.Vishvaksenan, S.Ramyaramalakshmi ,S.Sathiarani, ,” Performance of MIMO-IDMA System with Imperfect channel state information”,International conference on Communication and Signal Processing,IEEE, April 3-5, 2014, India.

    10. K.S.Vishvaksenan, S.Sathiarani, S.Ramyaramalakshmi,” IWT based Image Transmission in MIMO-CDMA System: Performance Results ”,International conference on Communication and Signal Processing,IEEE, April 3-5, 2014, India.


    11. K.S.Vishvaksenan, Kamali Natarajan, M.Sathiyarajan, M.Vengatraman,” Performance of MIMO MC-CDMA System for DWT Technique based colour Image Transmission over correlated Frequency-Selective Channel ”,International conference on Communication and Signal Processing, IEEE,April 3-5, 2014, India.


    12. I.Nelson, K.S.Vishvaksenan, V.Rajendran,” Performance of turbo coded MIMO-OFDM system for underwater Communication”, International conference on Communication and Signal Processing, IEEE, April 3-5, 2014, India

    13. K.S.Vishvaksenan, Kamali Natarajan, Saisrinivasan Mohankumar, M.Vengatraman and M.Sathiyarajan ,” Performance of Relay aided Cooperative Communication based IDMA system for Downlink transmission with Transmitter Pre-processing ”,International conference on Communication and Signal Processing, IEEE,April 3-5, 2014, India.


    14. K.S.Vishvaksenan, S.Sathiarani, Saisrinivasan Mohankumar,” Performance of Transmitter Pre-processing assisted Multi-cell IDMA system over Correlated Frequency-Selective Channel ”,International conference on Communication and Signal Processing,  IEEE,April 3-5, 2014, India


    15. K.S.Vishvaksenan, K.Mithra, C.Annadurai V.Nagarajan and P.T.Vasanth Raj,”Performance of Joint VBLAST/STBC assisted MIMO-IDMA System, IInd International conference Modern Trends in Science Engineering and Technology,DUBAI,2015

    16. K.S.Vishvaksenan, D.Abidha, R.Kalidoss, M.A.Bhagyaveni  and I Nelson,”Performance of STTD-IDMA System in Frequency-Selective Channel”,IInd International conference Modern Trends in Science Engineering and Technology,DUBAI,2015

    17. K.S.Vishvaksenan and  D.Abidha ,"Performance of Turbo Coded Space-Time Transmit Diversity aided IDMA System", International conference on Communication and Signal Processing,  IEEE,April 3-5, 2015,pp.495-499, 2015,India.

    18. K.S.Vishvaksenan and  D.Abidha ,"Performance Analysis of MIMO-IDMA System using Spatial Diversity in Frequency-Selective Channel", International conference on Communication and Signal Processing,  IEEE,April 3-5, 2015, pp.1897-1990,2015,India

    19. K.S.Vishvaksenan and  V.Aswinia ,"Performance of Zero-Forcing MUTP assisted IDMA System for Downlink Communications ", International conference on Communication and Signal Processing,  IEEE,April 3-5, 2015,pp.469-473, 2015,India

    20. K.S.Vishvaksenan and K.Mithra ," Performance of coded Joint transmit scheme aided MIMO-IDMA system for secured medical image transmission ", International conference on Communication and Signal Processing,  IEEE,April 3-5, pp.799-803,2015, India


    21. K.S.Vishvaksenan and R.Nivetha ," Performance of Triply-Polarized MIMO-CDMA System for Downlink Communications ", International conference on Communication and Signal Processing,  IEEE,April 3-5,pp.409-413, 2015, India


    22. K.S.Vishvaksenan, I.Nelson, V.Rajendran and D.Abidha ," Performance of DSTTD-OFDM System in Underwater Communications ", International conference on Communication and Signal Processing,  IEEE,April 3-5, 2015, pp.1910-1914,India

    23.  K S Vishvaksenan, R Kalaiarasan,” Multi-cell DSTTD-IDMA system using transmitter pre-processing”, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), Mar-2016.


    24. R Kalaiarasan, KS Vishvaksenan, R.Kalidoss, Performance analysis of Elliot Wave Theory in wireless communication””, International Conference on Wireless Communications,

    Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), Mar-2016.


    25.  R Rajmohan, KS Vishvaksenan, Anjana Krishnan ,”Cooperative downlink Multi-Carrier IDMA system using Transmitter Preprocessing”, International Conference on Wireless

    Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), Mar-2016.


    26.  R Karthipan, KS Vishvaksenan, R Kalidoss, Anjana Krishan ,”Performance of Cognitive Radio based MC-DS-CDMA system for downlink communication”, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET),



    27. K. S. Vishvaksenan ,S. ArockiaRamya,” Downlink CDMA system using transmitter pre- Processing technique: Performance results”, International conference on Communication and  Signal Processing,  IEEE, pp.006-009, 2016, India.


    28. K. S. Vishvaksenan ,A.Nivetha, R.Kalaiarasan,” Down link IDMA system using polarization diversity and spatial diversity: Performance results”, International conference on Communication and Signal Processing,  IEEE, pp.001-005, 2016, India.


    29. B.Lakshmi Dhevi and K.S.Vishvaksenan ,” Transceiver design for Cognitive MC-CDMA system”, IEEE International   Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking,WISPNET-2017


    30. P.T.Vasanthraj,K.S.Vishvaksenan,V.Dinesh,M.Elaveni ,System analysis of STBC-CDMA technique for secured image transmission using Watermarking algorithm, International conference on Communication and Signal Processing,IEEE,2017.


    31. K.Mithra  and K.S.Vishvaksenan, Security and Resolution enhanced Transmission of Medical Image through IDMA aided Coded STTD System, International    conference on
    Communication and Signal Processing,IEEE,2017.

    32.  K.Prrethi ,K.S.Vishvaksenan ,”Gaussian Filtering Implementation and Performance Analysis on GPU”,International conference on innovative research and computing application,2018, DOI: 10.1109/ICIRCA.2018.8597299,IEEE 2018,PP.936-939.


    33.  Asharani Patil,Gangadhar S Biradar and Vishvaksenan k.s”Error-Rate Performance of Coded System for MC-IDMA Using Spatial Diversity in Cognitive Spectrum”, third International Conference on Computing and Network Communications dec (CoCoNet'19), 18-21,2019,Trivandrum,Kerale,India and is published in Procedia computer science, Volume 171, 2020, Pages 1269-1278(scopus indexed).

    34.  .Asharani Patil, G.S.Biradar and  K.S.Vishvaksenan ,”Down Link: Error-Rate Performance of Cognitive D-STTD MC-IDMA System”,Advances in Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems, 5th International Symposium, SIRS 2019 Trivandrum, India, December 18–21, 2019 and is published in Communications in Computer and Information Science book series ,Springer,vol 1209. PP-347-358, Springer, Singapore (scopus indexed).


    35  K. S. Vishvaksenan;G. Balasubramanian;L Devasena;P. Vijayaraghavan“Down link: Performance of Cognitive MC-IDMA using Spatial Diversity and      Polarization Diversity for Frequency Selective Channel”,2024 5th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Sustainable Informatics (ICMCSI), DOI: 10.1109/ICMCSI61536.2024.00109


    1. M. Demkah and D. Bhargava, “Gamification in Education: A Cognitive Psychology Approach to Cooperative and Fun Learning,” Proceedings - 2019 Amity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AICAI 2019, pp. 170–174, 2019, doi: 10.1109/AICAI.2019.8701264 (Sample Format) – Kindly follow IEEE format Reference manager will be helpful

  • Awards and Achievements

    Shortlisted in World scientist ranking for the year 2021,2022 2023 and 2024

  • Workshops / Seminars


  • Work Experience

    Academic Experience

    Total years of Academic Experience:29 years

    Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology Tiruchurappalli, June 2024 to Till Date

    Associate Professor,  Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, December 2013 to May 2024

    Assistant Professor,  Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, August 2009 to November 2013

    Senior Lecturer, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, October 2007 to July 2009

    Lecturer, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, November 1998 to September 2007

    Lecturer, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Shanmuga Polytechnic, Thanjavur, December 1994 to July 1998

  • Memberships

    • Lifetime Member, IETE: LM38996
    • Lifetime Member, AMIE: AM090110-8

  • Funded Projects


  • Ph.D. Supervision Details

    Ongoing: (02)

    1.       Name of the Scholar:  D.Lavanya (Reg No:RA2413004051003)

    Month & Year of Joining: July 2024

    Research Area: Diabetic Retinopathy detection with Deep Learning


    2.       Name of the Scholar:  M R N Saravanan (Reg No: RA2413004051002)

    Month & Year of Joining: July 2024

    Research Area: Optimizing ICU care with computer vision : A data driven approach to patient monitoring , risk prediction and personalized interventions


    Awarded: (09)

    1.     Name of the Scholar: R.Kalaiarasan (Reg.No:1514499191)

    Year of Completion: 2018

    Thesis Title: Investigation on the Performance of MIMO-IDMA system using FPGA Implementation


    2.    Name of the Scholar: R.Karthipan (Reg.No:1514399101)

    Year of Completion: 2018

    Thesis Title:  IWT based Image transmission in MIMO-CDMA system


    3.       Name of the Scholar: R.Rajmohan (Reg.No:1513499359)

    Year of Completion: 2022

    Thesis Title: Investigations on the Performance of IDMA system for co-operative communication


    4.       Name of the Scholar: B.Rammyaa (Reg.No:1524499439)

    Year of Completion: 2021

    Thesis Title: Secure Routing Scheme in Mobile Adhoc Networks


    5.       Name of the Scholar:  P.T.Vasanth Raj (Reg.No:1612499147)

    Year of Completion: 2018

    Thesis Title: Performance of Coded MIMO MC-CDMA system for secured Image transmission




    6.       Name of the Scholar:  K.Mithra (Reg.No:1622499128)

    Year of Completion: 2019

    Thesis Title: Performance of Coded joint transmit scheme aided MIMO-IDMA system for secured transmission


    7.       Name of the Scholar: I.Nelson (Reg.No:201174079)

    Year of Completion: 2019

    Thesis Title: Investigations on the Performance of MIMO-OFDM system in underwater communication


    8.       Name of the Scholar: B.Lakshmidhevi (Reg.No:1523419190)

    Year of Completion: 2021

    Thesis Title: Investigations on the performance of Cognitive radio network


    9.       Name of the Scholar: P.D.Selvam (Reg.No:17144997325)

    Year of Completion: 2020

    Thesis Title: Interference Modeling and Coexistence for next-generation LTE Cellular systems