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Electronics and Communication Engineering
course handled
Area of interest
Total Number of Journal Publications: 16
1. R. Rajasekar, “Numerical Investigation of Nanoresonator Based Ultra Narrow-Band Photonic Filters,” IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 23, pp.188-194, 2024 (IF: 2.5).
2. T. Beni Steena, R. Asokan and R. Rajasekar, “Ultrafast Optical Encoder Using Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator”, Taylor & Francis - Fiber and Integrated Optics, 42, pp.245-255,2024. (IF:1.8)
3. Elizabeth Caroline, K. Bhuvaneshwari and R. Rajasekar, “Photonic Crystal–Based Nanoscale Multipurpose Biosensor for Detection of Brain Tumours, HIV and Anaemia with High Sensitivity”, Springer-Plasmonics, pp.1-17,2023. (IF: 3.0).
4. P Agilandeswari, K Girish, R Rajasekar, G Thavasi Raja, R Periyasamy, “Coupled Nanoring Resonators Based Reconfigurable and Multifunctional Platform for Integrated Photonics Circuits,” IEEE- Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 28, pp.1-9, 2022 (IF: 4.68).
5. R. Rajasekar, G. Thavasi Raja, and S. Robinson, “Numerical Analysis of Reconfigurable and Multifunctional Barium Titanate Platform Based on Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator,” IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 20, pp.282-291, 2021 (IF: 2.5).
6. R. Rajasekar, and G. Thavasi Raja, “Ultrafast reconfigurable nanoscale optical switch based on photonic crystal waveguide,” SPIE-Optical Engineering, vol.59, pp. 1-10,2020 (IF:1.25).
7.R. Rajasekar, G. Thavasi Raja, and S. Robinson, “Numerical Investigation of Reconfigurable Photonic Crystal Switch Based on Phase Change Nanomaterial,” IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol.19, pp.545-552, 2020 (IF: 2.25).
8.R. Rajasekar, G. Thavasi Raja “High Speed Nano-Optical Encoder Using Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator”, Springer-Photonic Network Communications, vol.40, pp.31-39,2020 (IF: 1.32).
9.R. Rajasekar, Jayson K Jayabarathan and S. Robinson, “Nano-Optical Filter Based on Multicavity Coupled Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator”, Elsevier-Physica E-Low Dimensional System and nanostructures, vol.114, pp.113591-113598, 2019 (IF: 3.176).
10.R. Rajasekar, K. Parameshwari and S. Robinson, “Nano-Optical Switch Based on Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator”, Springer-Plasmonics, vol.10, pp.1-13, 2019 (IF: 2.926).
11.R. Rajasekar and S. Robinson, “Ultra-Contrast Ratio Optical Encoder Using Photonic Crystal Waveguide”, Elsevier-Materials Letters, vol.251, pp.144-147, 2019 (IF: 3.019).
12.R. Rajasekar and S. Robinson, “Nano-Pressure and Temperature Sensor Based on Hexagonal Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator”, Springer-Plasmonics, vol.1, pp.3-15, 2019 (IF: 2.36).
13.R. Rajasekar and S. Robinson, “Nano-Channel Drop Filter Using Photonic Crystal Ring Resonator for Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing Systems”, American scientific-Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, vol.14, pp.753-758, 2019 (IF: 1.06).
14.R. Rajasekar and S. Robinson, “Nano-electric field sensor based on Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal resonator”, Elsevier-Optical Materials, vol.85, pp.474-482, 2018. (IF: 2.32).
15.R. Rajasekar and S. Robinson, “Trapezoid 2D Photonic Crystal Nanoring Resonator-Based Channel Drop Filter for WDM Systems”, Springer-Photonic Network Communications, vol.36, pp.230-245, 2018. (IF: 1.22).
16. V. Senthamizhselvan, R. Ramachandran, R. Rajasekar, “Performance Analysis of DWDM-Based Fiber Optic Communication with Different Modulation Schemes and Dispersion Compensation Fiber”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, vol.03, pp.287-290, 2014.
17. F. Haddadan, M. Soroosh and R. Rajasekar, Analysis and Simulation of The Schottky Junction Using an Ensemble Monte Carlo Model." Journal of Optoelectronical Nanostructures,” vol.9, pp.1-11, 2024.
18. V. Senthamizhselvan, R. Ramachandran, R. Rajasekar, “Performance Analysis of DWDM-Based Fiber Optic Communication with Different Modulation Schemes and Dispersion Compensation Fiber”, International Journal of Research in Engineering, vol.03, pp.287-290, 2014.
19. F. Haddadan, M. Soroosh and R. Rajasekar, “Design and simulation of the charge layer effect on the Schottky junction characteristics using an ensemble Monte Carlo model. Springer-Journal of Computational Electronics, vol.24, pp.1-10, 2024. (IF: 2.2).
● Recipient of HTRA Scholarship from MHRD, India for the period 2019 to 2022.
● Recipient of Best Paper Award for the International Conference on ITDECC- 2023, organized by SRM IST Ramapuram Campus, Chennai.
FDP/ STTP Attended Details
Number of FDP/ STTPs Attended: (02)
11.07.2022 to 15.07.2022 Five days Online Faculty Development Programme on Biomedical Electronics and Telemedicine conducted by NITTTR Chennai
04.07.2022 to 08.07.2022 Five Days Online Faculty Development Programme on Solar PV Partial Shading Mitigation Techniques and its Applications conducted by National Institute of Technology, Goa
Conference Attended Details
Number of Conferences Attended: (01)
Attended & Presented Paper at IEEE Internationa Conference on Next Generation Electroncis organized by VIT Vellore from 11.11.2023 to 13.11.2023
Academic Experience
Total years of Academic Experience: 11.2 Years
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Trichy Campus, SRM Institute of Science and Technology (formerly known as SRM University), Tamil Nadu, (June 2022 – Current).
Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, Krishnasmy college of Engineering and Technology , Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu, (05.07.2010 to 31.06.2019).
Research Experience
Total years of Research Experience: 2 .11 Years
Research Scholar,Department of ECE, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, (01.07.2019 to 18.05.2022)
Industry Experience
Total years of Industry Experience: 1 Year
Quality Engineer, General Connectors India Pvt. Ltd, Pondicherry, (June 2006 – June 2007).
Other Experience
Reviewer for Journals
Doctoral Committee Member
● Life Member – IAENG
● Life Member – ISTE (LM-82737)
SRM institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST) Tiruchirappalli Campus , Deemed to be University (Formerly SRM University) SRM Nagar, Trichy-Chennai highway, Near Samayapuram Trichy - 621105, Tamilnadu , India.
1800 202 4565
Academic courses
Academic courses