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Electronics and Communication Engineering
Wireless Communications and Networks, Embedded Systems and Medical Image Processing
course handled
Area of interest
Computer Networks, Wireless Communications, Analog and Digital Communications, Smart Sensors, Control System, Digital logic circuits
BOOK Chapter: 02
1. Anandpushparaj J, Mitali Gupta, Muthuchidambaranathan P, and Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody,” Self-energizing of Full-duplex UAV-assisted Wireless Networks” Book titled” Integration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Wireless Communication and Networks -UAVs and 5G”, SPRINGER.
2. Mary X. Anitha, Lina Rose, Aldrin Karunaharan, J. Anandpushparaj “Case Studies on Medical Diagnosis Using Soft Computing Techniques” Book titled “Advances in Computerized Analysis in Clinical and Medical Imaging”, pp.105-116, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
Total Number of JOURNALS: (SCI: 05, Scopus: 02)
1. Anandpushparaj Jeganathan, Balaji Dhayabaran, Sanjaya Arunapriya Ranchagodage Don, Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody and P. Muthuchidambaranathan “An Intelligent Age of Information-Based Self-energized UAV-assisted Wireless Communication System” IET Communications. Volume17, Issue19. 2141-2151. 2023
2. Sivakannu Ganesan, Anju. R.S, Anandpushparaj Jeganathan, P. Muthuchidambaranathan, “Self Energized UAV- assisted Wireless Communication using NOMA over Nakagami-m fading channel” International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems. (Accepted for Publications)
3. Jeyakumar, P., Anandpushparaj, J., Thanapal, P. et al. Correction to: Terahertz Micro-Strip Patch Antenna Design and Modelling for 6G Mobile Communication. Springer Journal of Electrical. Engineering and Technolgy (2023).
4. Anandpushparaj Jeganathan, B. Dhayabaran, T. D. P. Perera, D. N. K. Jayakody and P. Muthuchidambaranathan, "Harvest-On-Sky: An AoI-Driven UAV-Assisted Wireless Communication System," in IEEE Internet of Things Magazine, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 142-146, March 2022,
5. Anandpushparaj Jeganathan, Muthuchidambaranathan, P. “Outage and throughput analysis of UAV-assisted wireless-powered IoT sensor networks over Nakagami-m fading channel with non-linear energy harvester”. Springer-Sādhanā 46, 154 (2021).
6. Anandpushparaj Jeganathan, Mitali, G., Jayakody, D.N.K. et al. “Outage and Throughput Performance of Half/Full-Duplex UAV-Assisted Co-Operative Relay Networks Over Weibull Fading Channel”. Springer- Wireless Personal Communication (2021).
7. Anandpushparaj J. “ANFIS based tumor detection in thoracic images.” Research Journal of Recent Sciences.
8. Anandpushparaj J, Anitha Mary. X” Lung Tumor Detection in Thoracic Images Using Beagle Board” International Journal of Engineering Research And Sports Science. Vol. 1, Issue 11, (1-4).
International & National Conference Publications: (International-06, National- 01)
1. Anju, R. S., P. Muthuchidambaranathan, and J. Anandpushparaj. "Outage Analysis of UAV-assisted Co-operative Communication System with imperfect SIC." 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (COMNETSAT). IEEE, 2022.
2. Anand Pushparaj J, Vineeth Palliyembil, Gattu Nadiminti Laxman, Maurizio Magarini and Muthu Palanivel Chidambara Nathan “Performance Analysis of UAV Cellular Communications”, IEEE International Conference on Microwave Integrated Circuits, Photonics and Wireless Networks (IMICPW-2019), May 2019.
3. AnandPushparaj J, Vineeth Palliyembil, Gattu Nadiminti Laxman, Maurizio Magarini, Muthu Palanivel Chidambara Nathan and Dush Nalin K. Jayakody “Outage Probability Analysis of Downlink UAV assisted Cellular Systems”, IFOST 2019 Conference, Russia.
4. Mitali Gupta, Anandpushparaj J, Muthuchidambaranathan P, and Dushantha Nalin K. Jayakody, ” Outage Performance Analysis of Dual-Hop Half/Full duplex UAV system over Weibull Fading Channel” International Conference on Wireless Communications Signal Processing and Networking, IEEE WISPNET 2020, Chennai.
5. S. Sudhakaran, A. Venkatagiri, P. A. Taukari, Anandpushparaj Jeganathan and P. Muthuchidambaranathan, "Metropolitan Cellular Traffic Prediction Using Deep Learning Techniques," 2020 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (Comnetsat), 2020, pp. 6-11, doi: 10.1109/Comnetsat50391.2020.9328937.
6. K. Dilip Kumar, Anandpushparaj Jeganathan, M. Gupta and P. Muthuchidambaranathan, "Outage Probability Analysis of Full-Duplex UAV-assisted Wireless System over Rician Fading Channel," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite(COMNETSAT)2021,pp.263-268,
7. AnandPushparaj J, J. Johnson “ANFIS Based Tumor and Lymph Node Detection in Thoracic Images” Emerging Innovations in Electronic Instrumentation and Automation EIEIA „13 in SRM University, Chennai (2013).
1. University Rank Holder in M.Tech (Embedded Systems) honored by Karunya University, Coimbatore
2. Recipient of HTRA Scholarship from MHRD, India for the period 2017 to 2022
3. Visited Politechnico Di Milano, Milan, Italy for a period of one Month, November 2018 under the DST Bilateral Indo-Italy project.
4. Recipient of Best Paper Award for the International Conference IEEE- IMICPW 2019, organized by National Institute of Technology, Trichy.
5. Successfully completed UHV-II Courses.
6. Trained faculty in Design Thinking Course by Intellect .
FDP/ STTP Organized Details
01 January 04-10, 2022
02 July 24-30, 2022
Recent Advancements in VLSI Modelling and IC Design Online Institute Sponsored
Workshop Attended Details
1. 18.1.2022 Advanced Multicarrier waveforms for next generation wireless networks National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli.
2. July 31 to August 04, 2023 VLSI to the System Design: Silicon to the End Application Approach AICTE and Arm Education and STMicroelectronics.
3. October 19-24, 2022 Research Opportunities in Semiconductor Materials and Devices (ROSMD-2022) SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur Campus.
FDP/ STTP Attended Details
1. June 6-23, 2023
Teaching, Learning and Assessing in 2030 SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai. Online
2. 03-07July 2023
Universal Human Values I AICTE Online
3. 10 -16 Jan 2024
Universal Human Values II AICTE & SRM KTR Offline
4. 26-30 December 2022 Recent Trends in 5G Communication Networks AICTE Online
5. 22-08-2022 to 23-08-2022
Modern Antenna Design for 5G and Its Related Applications DRDO Online
6. 08/05/2023 to 13/05/2023
Conference Attended Details
1. 2022/11/3
Outage Analysis of UAV-assisted Co-operative Communication System with imperfect SIC 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite (COMNETSAT) Paper
Academic Experience:
Total years of Academic Experience: 05 Years
1. Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli Campus. Duration from 24.08.2022 – Till Date
2. Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur. Duration from 26.06.2014 - 12.06.2017
Industry Experience:
Total years of Industry Experience: 01
1. Embedded Developer, SD PRO Solutions Pvt Ltd. Trichy. Duration from 05.06.2011 - 30.05.2012 at
Research Experience:
Total years of Research Experience: 05
1. Half Time Teaching Research Associate (HTRA), Wireless Communication Laboratory, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli. Duration from 10.07.2017 to 20.05.2022 at
Other Experience
Reviewer for Springer Wireless Personal Communication, MDPI Electronics and International Journal Of Electronics, Taylor and Francis Journals
Doctoral Committee Member for Mr. Guruprasath. J, Dept. Of ECE, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology. Sathyamangalam. Erode
Life Member – International Association of Engineers (IAENG) -146115
1. Title :
An Intelligent Age of Information (AoI) Based Unmanned
Aerial Vehicle (UAV)- assisted Wireless Powered Sensor (IoT)
Networks for Disaster Management
Funding Agency :
SRM - Selective Excellence Research Initiative
(SERI) – 2024
Budget : Rs. 200000
Role : Principal Investigator
2. Title : User Customizable Multifunctional Wheelchair for Disabled
Funding Agency : IEEE EPICS
Budget :$1600
Role : Project Mentor
Name of the Scholar: Kavitha. J (PC2513003053008)
Year of Registration: December 2024
Tentative Research Area: Deep Learning based Precoding Design
University: SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Trichy
SRM institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST) Tiruchirappalli Campus , Deemed to be University (Formerly SRM University) SRM Nagar, Trichy-Chennai highway, Near Samayapuram Trichy - 621105, Tamilnadu , India.
1800 202 4565
Academic courses
Academic courses