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Assistant Professor


+91 9944979156

Total Experience 

Area of intErest

Control Theory, Stability Analysis, Reaction-Diffusion Equation, Time-delay Systems, Differential equations.

1 Year , 5 Months

course handled

  • Calculus and linear algebra
  • Statistics and Numerical methods
  • Transforms and partial differential equations
  • Business statistics and logics

 Education Details

  • Publication details

    K. Mathiyalagan, R. Ragul, Ju H. Park and J. Palraj, “Exponential stabilisation and dissipativity analysis of semilinear parabolic systems”, International Journal of Systems Science,vol. 51, no.12, pp. 2181-2191, 2020.  (Indexing: SCIE, SJR: 1.851, IF: 4.9, Q1)

    K. Mathiyalagan, R. Ragul, “Observer-based finite-time dissipativity for parabolic systems with time-varying delays”, Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 413, 126605, 2022. (Indexing: SCIE, SJR: 1.026, IF: 3.5, Q1)

    K. Mathiyalagan, R. Ragul, G. Sangeetha and Y. K. Ma, “Exponential stability analysis of stochastic semi-linear systems with Lèvy noise”, IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 73871- 73878, 2022. (Indexing: SCIE, SJR: 0.96, IF: 3.4, Q1)

    R. Ragul, G. Sangeetha, K. Mathiyalagan and H. Zhang, “Exponential stability results for stochastic semi-Linear systems with Lèvy noise”, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 1929–1940, 2022. (Indexing: ESCI, Scopus, SJR: 0.47, Q3)

    K. Mathiyalagan, R. Ragul and Ju H. Park, “H∞ fault estimator for parabolic systems with time-varying delays and sensor faults”, 2022 13th Asian Control Conference (ASCC), pp. 889-894, 2022. 

    Manigandan Murugesan, Saravanan Shanmugam, Mohamed Rhaima, and Ragul Ravi, "Analysis of Non-Local Integro-Differential Equations with Hadamard Fractional Derivatives: Existence, Uniqueness, and Stability in the Context of RLC Models”, Fractal and Fractional, vol. 8 (7): 409,2024. (Indexing: SCIE, SJR: 0.65, IF:3.6 , Q2)

    Mathiyalagan, K., Soundarya Lakshmi, N. & Ragul, R. Backstepping-based boundary control design for reaction-diffusion equations with delays. European Physical Journal Special Topics (2024), (Indexing: SCI, SJR: 0.45, IF:2.6 , Q2)

    International and National Conferences:

    “Observer based dissipativity analysis for partial differential equations with external disturbance”, presented at international conference of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Bharathiar University and Anna University Regional campus, 2019.

    “Dissipativity results for parabolic partial differential equation with external disturbances”, presented at 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, Alagappa University, 2020.

    “Exponential stabilization of semilinear parabolic PDE: An (Q, S, R)-dissipativity approach”, presented at National Conference on Partial Differential Equation and Applications, Periyar University, 2020.

    “Observer based dissipativity of second order partial differential equations”, presented at International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Computational Intelligence Techniques, The Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed to be University), 2021.

    “Exponential stability analysis of stochastic semi-linear systems with Lèvy noise”, presented at International Conference on Mathematical Modelling, Applied Analysis and Computational Intelligence, The Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed to be University), 2022.

    “H∞ fault estimator for parabolic systems with time-varying delays and sensor faults”, presented virtually at 13th Asian Control Conference, Jeju Island, Korea, 2022.

    “Observer design for semi-linear stochastic partial differential equations”, presented virtually at Third International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, Rome, 2023.

    “Observer-based dissipativity of parabolic systems with multiple actuators and time delays”, presented virtually at 21st International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation world congress to be held at University of Rome La Sapienza, Rome, September 11-15, 2023.

  • Awards and Achievements

    • Academic Proficiency Award for the academic year 2015-2016 & 2016-2017.
    • Best Outgoing Student for the academic year 2016-2017.
    • First rank holder in M.Sc. program. 
    • Ilam Bharathi Award-2020 for Elocution from Bharathiar University.
    • Ilam Bharathi Award-2021 for Poetry from Bharathiar University.
    • Selected as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Automation control Laboratory, Kunsan National University, Republic of Korea. 2024.

  • Workshops / Seminars


    “Eighth Summer Training Programme in Mathematics”, University of Madras, May 23- June 11, 2016.

    Second National Conference on Control and Inverse Problems, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, March 01-02, 2018.

    National Workshop on “Numerical Techniques for Differential Equations”, Periyar University, March 16-17, 2018.

    Advanced Workshop on “Partial Differential Equations and Applications”, Central University of Kerala, December 16-30, 2019.

    Workshop on “Applications of Differential Equations”, Bharathiar University, February 12- 14, 2020.

    Workshop on “Academic Writing Skills”, Bharathiar University, June 15-27, 2020.

    NCM Workshop on “Control Theory for Differential Equations”, Indian Institute of Science          Education and Research, Kolkata, November 28- December 10, 2022.

    Faculty Development Program on “Practical Aspects of ICT Tools & online Teaching in current scenario”, Research foundation of India & RFI-Care, October 2-11, 2023.

    Workshop on “Identifying, writing & publishing research articles in scopus, SCI & WoS Journals”, Kongu engineering college, Erode, 16th December 2023.

    Faculty Development Program on “Inculating Universal Human Values in Technical Education”, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi, April 1-5, 2024.

  • Work Experience

    Academic Experience:

    Assistant Professor, Department of Science and Humanities, Karpagam Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu (June 1st, 2023-May 31st 2024)

    Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu (August 12th,  2024 – Till date)

    Research Experience:

    PhD in Mathematics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore (July  2019 – April 2023).

    Post-Doctoral Fellow, Kunsan National University, Republic of Korea. (June 2024 – August 2024).

  • Memberships

    Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Life Member, 2018.

  • Funded Projects
