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Dr.C. Arun Kumar

Assistant Professor



Total Experience 

Area of intErest



course handled

❖ Calculus and Lineaer Algebra

❖ Advanced Calculus and Complex Analysis

❖ Transforms and Partial Differential Equations

❖ Numerical Methods and Analysis

❖ Statistical and Quantitative Techniques

❖ Career Advancement 

 Education Details

  • Publication details

    TOPSIS Method for Solving Interval Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Decision Making Problem, International Journal of Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol. 29E (No.1), pp. 125 – 133 (2010).

    Intuitionistic Fuzzy Credibility Relation Method for Multi – Criteria Group Decision Making Problem, International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Applications, Vol. 5 (No.III), pp. 11 – 25 (2011).

    Weighted Average Rating (WAR) Method for Solving Group Decision Making Problem Using an Intuitionistic Trapezoidal Fuzzy Hybrid Aggregation (ITFHA) Operator, Int. J. PureAppl. Sci. Technol., 6(1), pp. 54-61 (2011).

    Compromise Ratio Method for Multi-Person Multi-Attribute Decision Making Under Intuitionistic Fuzzy Environment, International Journal of Ultra Scientist of Physical Sciences Vol. 23, No. 3, 675 -686 (2011).

    Fuzzy Compromise Ratio method for decision making problem, International J. of Math. Sci. & Engg. Appls. (IJMSEA) ISSN 0973-9424, Vol. 5 No. I, pp. 39 – 52 (2011).

    Weighted Average Rating (WAR) method for solving multi – criteria group decision making problem using Fuzzy Hybrid Aggregation (FHA) Operator, International Journal of Bulletin of Pure and applied Sciences, Vol. 30E (No.2), pp. 257-265 (2011).

    An index method for solving the linear complementarity problem under fuzzy environment, Appl. Math. Sci., Vol. 6, no. 41-44, 2081-2089 (2012).

    A New Method for Solving Fully Fuzzy LPP Using LCP Approach with the Special Type of Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers, International J. of Math. Sci. & Engg. Appls. (IJMSEA), ISSN 0973-9424, Vol. 7 No. I, pp. 153-166 (2013).

    A New Method for Solving Bimatrix Game Using LCP under Fuzzy Environment, Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science, ISSN 1927 – 5307, Vol. 3, No.1, 135 – 149 (2013).

    The Principal Pivoting Method for Solving the Fuzzy Quadratic Programming Problem, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 85 No. 2, 405-414 (2013).

    The Maximum Index Method for Solving the Fuzzy Quadratic Programming Problem with Interval Numbers using Different Levels of alpha cuts, "Journal of Engineering Technology", Volume No: 6, Issue No: 1, Page No: 240-247 (2017).

    A Note on Tensor Product and Tensor Extension of Lattices, "International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics", Volume No: 117, Issue No: 12, Page No: 1-6 (2017).

    The Arithmetic Geometric Mean (AGM) inequality approach to compute EOQ/EPQ under Fuzzy Environment, "International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics", Volume No: 118, Issue No: 6, Page No: 361-370 (2018).

    P. Selvarani, M. Sivaji, C. Arun Kumar, P. Rajkumar, Terminal Detour Polynomial and Terminal Wiener Polynomial of Cn+ and Kn+r, “Boletin De Literatura Oral”, Vol. 10, Page No. 4009 - 4013 (2023).

    P. Selvarani, C. Arun Kumar, M. Sivaji, P. Rajkumar, Twig Graph’s Hyper Wiener Index using C++, “ Naturalista Campano”, Vol. 28(2), Page No. 9 - 16 (2024).

    C. Arun Kumar, M. Sivaji, P. Selvarani, Solving Quadratic Programming Problems with the Criss Cross Approach, “ Journal of Chemical Health Risks”, Vol. 14(2), Page No. 2905 - 2913 (2024).

    A. R. Manikandan, C. Arun Kumar, M. Sivaji, Internally Consistent Fuzzy Linear Operator in a Fuzzy Hilbert Space, “Library Progress International”, Vol. 44 (3), Page No. 25635 - 25639 (2024).

    International and National Conferences:

    A New Vertex Method in Fuzzy Environment Published in the Proceedings of the UGC Sponsored International Conference on “Mathematical Methods and Computation”, 24th & 25th July 2009, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu.

    TOPSIS method for solving a interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy group decision making problem, National Seminar on Graph Theory, Algorithms and Modelling – GAM 2010, 19th March 2010, Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli-20, Tamil Nadu, India

    A Fuzzy Variable Dimension Algorithm for Solving the Fuzzy Linear Complementarity Problems, Published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Applications, MEPCO Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi. Dec. 16-18, 2010.

    The Maximum Index Method for Solving The Fuzzy Quadratic Programming Problem, Published in the Proceedings of the Heber International Conference on Applications of Applications of Mathematics and Statistics, Bishop Heber College, Trichy. January 5-7, 2012.

    A Linear Complementarity Approach to Solve the Fully Fuzzy Quadratic Programming Problems, Published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Modeling & Applied Soft Computing, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore. July 11-13, 2012. pp. 48 – 58, Shanga Verlag Publishers, Coimbatore.

    The Criss Cross Algorithm for solving Fully Fuzzy Linear Complementarity Problem, Published in the special issue on Jamal Academic Research Journal: An interdisciplinary, Jamal Mohamed College, Trichy, 13th & 14th February 2014. pp. 777-783.

    Presented a paper A Note on Tensor Product and Tensor Extension of Lattices, in the international conference on applicable mathematics held at Bharathiar university and published in the International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics", Volume No: 117, Issue No: 12, Page No: 1-6 (2017).

    Presented a paper The Arithmetic Geometric Mean (AGM) inequality approach to compute EOQ/EPQ under Fuzzy Environment, in the international conference on mathematics and computation held at Jamal Mohamed college and published in the "International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics", Volume No: 118, Issue No: 6, Page No: 361-370 (2018).

  • Awards and Achievements

    TNSET Qualified in the year 2017 . 

    • Received INSPIRE FELLOWSHIP support during my research period from the Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi.
    • Secured Gold Category in NPTEL (Fuzzy Logic and its applications. )
    • Received INDO ASIAN BEST TEACHER AWARD 2023, in recognition of the consistent superior performance in FUZZY OPTIMIZATION from International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation.
    • Received DYNAMIC PROFESSOR AWARD from USA Book of World Records.

  • Workshops / Seminars


    National Conference on Fuzzy Mathematics and Graph Theory held at Jamal Mohamed College, Trichy on March 27th and 28th - 2008.

    National Seminar on Graph Theory, Algorithms and Modelling, Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli-20, 19th March 2010, Tamil Nadu.

    National Seminar on Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Jamal Mohamed College (Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli-20, 09th March 2013, Tamil Nadu.

    Participated in the National Level workshop on ‘Fluid Mechanics’ sponsored by ISTE, New Delhi organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur at Mepco SchlenkEngineering College, Sivakasi on 20.05.14.

    Attended 7 days state level FDP on “Discrete Mathematics” sponsored by Anna University, Chennai at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi on 16.06.14.

    Attended a National Conference on Innovative India 2015 conference on " Make in India: Opportunities through Innovation" at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 25.02.2015.

    Attended Two weeks national level STTP on “Introduction to Design of Algorithms” sponsored by ICT, MHRD organized by Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi on 27.04.14.

    Attended one week TEQIP PHASE– II Sponsored Short Term Training Programme On Recent Advances in Process Modelling, Control and Optimization Techniques(RAPMCOT) at Dept. of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry from 13th to 18th June 2016.

    Attended one week TEW Workshop for Mathematics Teachers of Engineering Colleges (2016) organized by National Centre for Mathematics conducted at IMSc, Chennai from 21st to 26th Nov, 2016.

    Attended three days “Refreshment course on pure and applied mathematics” organized by Department of Mathematics, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi during 07.04.17 - 09.04.17.

    Attended one week workshop on Advanced Mathematical Pedagogy, organized by Coimbatore Institute of Technology during 29/10/2018 - 02/11/2018.

    Attended one-week TEW Workshop on Linear Algebra and Multi variable Calculus, organized by TIFR and IIT Bombay conducted at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi during 13/05/2019 - 18/05/2019.

    Attended 7 days FDP on Student Induction Programme organized by AICTE conducted at PSG iTECH, Coimbatore during 17/06/2019 - 23/06/2019.

    Attended 18 Webinar programs and 35 online Quizzes during the corona lockdown period.

    FDP on Software Tools using Mathematical Computation organized by Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram during 05.06.2023 – 09.06.2023.

    Attended 16-day International Online FDP on Teaching, Learning and Assessing organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, during 06.06.2023 - 23.06.2023.

    Attended Universal Human Values in Technical Education (UHV -1) organized by AICTE during 12.06.2023 to 16.06.2023

    Attended International Virtual FDP on “Frontiers of Mathematics" organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, during 5.7.2023 - 19.7.2023.

    Attended Mathematics in Real Applied and Computational Domains organized by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology during 3 to 8 July 2023.

    Attended a workshop on Applied Mathematics and Computing organized by Madhav institute of Technology & Science, Gwaliar during 12/6/2023 to 16/6/2023.

    Participated in IP Awareness/Training program under “National Intellectual Property   Awareness Mission” on 18.08.2022 organized by Intellectual Property Office, India.

    One week PDP on “Recent Research Area and its Application in Mathematics”, from 10.10.2022 to 15.10.2022,conducted by Vel Tech Multi Tech, Chennai.

    5-Day Online Faculty Development Programme on “Emerging Research Orientation in Mathematics and its Applications” Organised by Department of Mathematics, CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru from 09.01.2023-13.01.2023.

    3-Day International Virtual Workshop on “Applied Mathematics”, organised by the Department of Mathematics, SRMIST, Ramapuram, Chennai - 600089 from 06.02.2023-08.02.2023

    5-Day Online FDP on “Optimization Techniques using Mathematical Methods and Evolutionary Algorithms” organized by Division of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai from 13.02.2023-17.02.2023.

    5-Day Online Faculty Development Programme on “Essential Mathematics for Engineers and Researchers” Organized by Department of Mathematics, CMR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru from 15.05.2023-19.05.2023.

    16-Day International online FDP on “Teaching, Learning Assessing in 2030” from 06.06.2023 to 23.06.2023, organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai.

    5-Day National workshop on “Applied Mathematics and Computing”, 12.06.2023 to 16.06.2023, organized by Madhav Institute of Technology and Science, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh from. 

    5-day UHV-1 –(Online FDP) by AICTE from 12.06.2023-16.06.2023

    6-Day International online FDP on “Mathematics in Real Applied and Computational Domains” from 03.07.2023 – 08.07.2023, organized by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.

    15-day international FDP on “Frontiers of Mathematics”, organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram from 05.07.2023 to 19.07.2023.

    7-day national level FDP on “Contemporary and Innovative Teaching Pedagogy and Essential Skills for Educators”, organized by Maharishi University, from 24.07.2023 to 31.07.2023.

    One Week Faculty Development Program (Hybrid Mode) on“Unlocking Innovation: Exploring Research, Innovation andPatents (UIERIP-2023)”, 17th July to 22nd July, 2023 Organized byDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, SVERI’s College of Engineering, Pandharpur in collaboration with Institution’s Innovation Council.

    Participated in Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Awareness Program/s organized CSIR-IMMT as part of National Intellectual Property Festival (NIPF-2023) during July 01 – Aug 05, 2023.

    One week Faculty Development Program Pure and Applied Mathematics organized by the PG and Research Department of Mathematics, Jamal Mohamed College from 03.02.2024 to 09.02.2024.

    National Level 5 Days - Virtual Faculty Development Program on “Teaching Pedagogy” organized by MAR Gregorios College of Arts and Science from February 26, 2024 to March 01, 2024. 

    Five-Day Faculty Development Programme on "The Emerging Trends in Research and Teaching Technology" from 26/02/2024 to 01/03/2024, held by the Department of Electronic Media, St. Thomas College of Arts and Science, Chennai.

    Five-Day Faculty Development Programme on “ E-content Development “ Organized by the Department of Mathematics and supported under DBT star status academy from 12.02.2024 to 16.02.2024.

    Participated in “ 7 DAYS NATIONAL LEVEL FDP ON PYTHON ” organized by Star International Foundation for Research and Education on 19.03.2024 to 25.03.2024. 

    National level one week FDP on Research Methodology from 22.07.2024 to 27.07.2024 organized by IQAC, Kamla Nehru Mahavidhyalaya, Nagpur.


    A One-week Online International Faculty Development Program on

    “Exploring Innovations in Mathematical Modelling and its Applications”  from March 4th, 2024, to March 9th, 2024.

  • Work Experience

    Academic Experience:

    Assistant Professor (Senior Grade) of Mathematics from 03.07.2013 - 13.12.2019 at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College (Autonomous), Sivakasi.

    Assistant Professor of Mathematics from 16.12.2019 - 30.07.2022 at Sri Meenakshi Vidiyal College of Arts and Science, Trichy.

    Assistant Professor of Mathematics from 01.08.2022 – till date at SRM Institute of  Science and Technology, Trichy.

    Industry Experience:  NIL

    Research Experience:

    Full time research scholar from 01.04.2010 to 02.07.2013 at Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli.

  • Memberships

    ● ISTE - LM97867

    ● IAENG

  • Funded Projects


    Funded Research Projects Applied: (Worth – Rs.3,30,000/-)

    Applied a funded project as a Co-Investigator worth Rs. 3,30,000/- on 14.08.2023 from SRM Institute of Science and Technology for the Project Titled: “Ultradifferentiable Linear Canonical Stockwell transform and Paley-Wiener Theorem” to TNSCST.