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Assistant Professor



Total Experience 

Area of intErest

Graph Theory, Number Theory, Algebra

15 years

course handled

Calculus , Algebra , Complex Number , Real Analysis , Number Theory , Graph Theory , Discrete Mathematics , Linear Algebra , Operation Research , Mathematical Statistics , Allied Mathematics , Applied Mathematics

 Education Details

  • Publication details


    Harmonious Colouring of Some Graphs in HICAMS at Bishop Heber College, Trichy in the year 2011.

    Terminal Detour Polynomial and Wiener Polynomial of Cn+ and Kn+r in the International Conference on Mathematics in Engineering at Stella Maris College, Chennai in the year 2012.

    Three-polynomial in One Matrix in the International Conference on Mathematics at Vijayawada in the year 2012.

    Three Reverse Polynomial in One Matrix in the International Conference on Mathematics at Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College, Trichy in the year 2013.

    New Topological Indices Of Silicate Network, ICDMA -2020 International conference on Algebra and Discrete Mathematics ( Webinar) , June 24-26, 2020, ISBN : 978-81-944843-2-5

    Hyper Wiener Index of Certain Graphs by Computational Programs, PMTIA – 2022, International virtual Conference on, Progress in Mathematics towards Industrial Applications,  SRMIST, Ramapuram, October 28 & 29, 2022, ISBN : 978-81-957695-3-7

    A solution of Fuzzy assignment problem using standard ratio mean method – International conference on Advances in pure and applied mathematics (ICAPAM-2023), Ganpat University.


    Three-polynomial in One Matrix in Mathematical Sciences, International Research Journal, ISSN: 2278-8697.

    Detour sum and Wiener sum of Chain Diamond Silicate Network, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol.31E (Math & Stat.), Issue No.2012, pp.67-72.

    Detour polynomial and Wiener polynomial of Y-tree and F-tree, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences, Vol.31E (Math & Stat.), Issue No.2012, pp.9-13.

    Circular Index of Cartesian Product of Path graph and Cycle Graph, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,Vol:117, No.11 DEC  2017,177-182, ISSN: 1311-8080(Printed Version ), ISSN: 1311-8080  (online  Version )

    Circular Index for the Book, Fan and Tridegreed Graphs, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), July – 2019, Volume : 8 ,Issue- 2S3, 2277-3878, 743-746 ( Scopus  Indexed Journal )

    Circular Index of The Mangoldt and Circulant Graphs,  Studies  in Indian Place  Names, March 2020,Vol: 40, Issue:60,  2394-3114, 5852 – 5869,  Impact factor : 6.3 (UGC Care Listed Journal)

    Generalization of New Degree Based Topological Indices of Silicate Network Graph, Journal Of Physics(Conference Series), IOP Publishing, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1724/1/012034.

    Gourava Indices and Inverse sum indegree index of  finite super subdivision of cycle and path graph, Sambodhi, ISSN:2249-6661, Vol-43,No-03,(III) November- December  (2020)(UGC  Care Journal)

    Modified Zagreb Indices of Product of Graphs, European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, Vol:8, Issue: 02, 20 (Scopus Indexed)

    P. Selvarani, M. Sivaji, C. Arun Kumar, P. Rajkumar, Terminal Detour Polynomial and Terminal Wiener Polynomial of Cn+ and Kn+r, “Boletin De Literatura Oral”, Vol. 10, Page No. 4009 - 4013 (2023).

    P. Selvarani, C. Arun Kumar, M. Sivaji, P. Rajkumar, Twig Graph’s Hyper Wiener Index using C++, “ Naturalista Campano”, Vol. 28(2), Page No. 9 - 16 (2024).

    C. Arun Kumar, M. Sivaji, P. Selvarani, Solving Quadratic Programming Problems with the Criss Cross Approach, “ Journal of Chemical Health Risks”, Vol. 14(2), Page No. 2905 - 2913 (2024).

  • Awards and Achievements

    I Award: 

    ●  Indo – Asian Best Teacher Award 2023 by International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation, Vijayawada

    II Achievements:


    ●  Question Paper Setter in various colleges from the year 2016

    ●  Completed four courses in NPTEL

    ●  Organized member in International Conference held on 2020

  • Workshops / Seminars

    Attend 5 days National Online FDP on “Software Tools using Mathematical Computation” conducted by Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram on 5.06.2023 -9.06.2023

    Attend 16 days International Online FDP on “Teaching, Learning and Assessing” conducted by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram Campus, Chennai on 06.06.2023 - 23.06.2023

    Attend 5 days National Online FDP on “Discrete Mathematics” Conducted by VIT, Vellore on 13. 06.2023 to 17.06.2023.

    Attend 5 days National Online FDP on “Including Universal Human Values in Technical Education (UHV-1)” conducted by AICTE on 12.06.2023 to 16.06.2023.

    Attend 5 days Online Workshop on “Applied Mathematics and Computing” conducted by Madhav Institute of Technology & Science on 12.06.2023 to 16.06.2023.

    Attend 15 days International Virtual FDP on  “Frontiers of Mathematics” conducted by SRMIST, Ramapuram Campus on  05.07.2023 to 19.07.2023.

    Attend 6 days Online FDP on “Mathematics in Real Applied and Computational Domains” conducted by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai on 03.07.2023 to 08.07.2023.

    Attend One day National Workshop on “NPTEL E- Awareness workshop” conducted by IIT Madras and SRM Arts and Science College, Trichy on 24.07.2023

    Attend 6 days National Online FDP on “Unlocking Innovation: Exploring Research, Innovation and Patents(UIERIP-2023)” conducted by Department of Mechanical Engineering, SVERI’s College of Engineering, Pandharpur on 17.07.2023 to 22.07.2023.

    Attend 2 days National Workshop on “Graph Theory with Python: A Two-Day Online Hands-On Workshop to Unlock its Power” conducted by Indian Mathematics Professors Association(IMPA) and Infinity Research and Development institute on 12.08.2023 to 13.08.2023.

    Attend 5 days International Workshop on “Linear Algebra and Its Applications” conducted by The Northcap University on 21.08.2023 to 25.08.2023.

    Attend 19 days Online FDP on “Empowering Entrepreneurship for Health, Food and Technology Innovation” conducted by DST Sponsored, Organized by Academy of Maritime Education and Training deemed to be University, Chennai on 28.08.2023 to 15.09.2023.

    Attend 5 days National online FDP on “Recent Research area and its application in Mathematics” conducted by Vel Tech Multi Tech on 10.10.2023 to 15.10.2023


    Co-Organizer of the Orientation Programme for the First year Arts and Science Students in the academic year 2024-2027.

  • Work Experience

    Academic Experience:     

    Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli Campus, SRM Nagar, Irungalur,Trichy, from September 2022 to till date.

    Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Holy Cross College, Trichy from June 2015 to March 2021 (5 years and 10 maths).

    Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics,  Shri Angalamman College of Engg. & Tech., Trichy, June 2011 to September 2013 (2 Years and 3 Months). 

    Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Srimad Andavan Arts and Science College, Trichy, May 2008 to April 2011 (3 Years).

    Industry Experience:  NIL

    Research Experience:

    Part Time Research Scholar from 01.04.2012 to 12.06.2015 in Seethalakshmi Ramaswamy College, Trichy, Affiliated to Bharathidasan University.

  • Memberships

    Life Membership  at Indian Mathematical Society

  • Funded Projects
