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Assistant Professor



Total Experience 

Area of intErest

Control Theory, Stochastic Differential Equations

12 Years

course handled

  • Mathematics- I, II,
  • Transforms and Boundary Value Problems,
  • Probability Theory, Statistics and LPP, Numerical Methods, 
  • Operations Research

 Education Details

  • Publication details

    1. Controllability of neutral impulsive stochastic quasilinear integrodifferential systems with nonlocal conditions, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 86 (2011), 1-15.

    2. Controllability of nonlocal impulsive stochastic quasilinear integrodifferential systems, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, No. 50 (2011), 1-16.

    3. Controllability of Sobolev-type neutral stochastic mixed integrodifferential systems, European Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 1-No.1 (2012), 68-87.

    4. Controllability of neutral impulsive Ito type stochastic integrodifferential systems, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 41-Issue 1 (2013), 59-80.

    5. Controllability of stochastic impulsive neutral integrodifferential systems with infinite delay, Journal of Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization: Theory and Applications, 

    5-No.1 (2014), 89-101.

    6. Controllability of second-order impulsive stochastic integrodifferential evolution system, ARPN Journal of Science and Technology, 4- No.11 (2014), 693-699.

    7. Controllability of stochastic neutral quasilinear functional integrodifferential systems, International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, 3-Issue 3 (2016), 1-18.

    8. Controllability of stochastic impulsive quasilinear neutral integrodifferential systems, RA Journal of Applied Research, 3-Issue 1(2017), 822-833.

    9. Controllability of damped second-order neutral impulsive stochastic functional differential systems with infinite delay, Advances in Analysis, 2-No.2 (2017), 108-120.

    International and National Conferences:

    1. Paper presented and won first prize in One Day Intercollegiate Seminar on Recent Developments in Pure and Applied Mathematics held at Sri S Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College, Sattur on 3rd Sep 2004.

    2. Presented paper entitled Absorbing Sets of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in National Conference on Applications of Partial Differential Equations held at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, January 24th − 25th, 2007.

    3. Presented paper titled Controllability of Impulsive Stochastic Evolution Integrodifferential Systems in National Conference on Advances in Differential Equations and Applications, Periyar University, Salem, October 7th − 8th, 2010.

    4. Paper entitled Controllability of Neutral Impulsive Stochastic Integrodifferential Systems with Nonlocal Conditions presented in National Conference on Recent Frontiers in Applied Dynamical Systems, Karunya University, Coimbatore, January 21st − 22nd, 2011.

    5. Presented paper titled Controllability of Neutral Stochastic Evolution Integrodifferential Systems with Impulse Condition in National Conference on Nonlinear Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, February 18th − 19th, 2011.

  • Awards and Achievements

    • Awarded Research Fellowship in Science for Meritorious Students granted by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi-110 002 from February 2010-January 2012.
    • Gold Medalist in B.Sc Degree.
    • First Rank Holder in M.Sc Degree.
    • Secured Silver + Elite Category in 4 NPTEL Courses.

  • Workshops / Seminars

    1. Participated in Special Lectures on Navier-Stokes Equations: Solvability, Control and Stochastic Analysis held at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore during February 14th − 17th, 2011.

    2. Presented paper titled Controllability of Neutral Stochastic Evolution Integrodifferential Systems with Impulse Condition in National Conference on Nonlinear Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, February 18th − 19th, 2011.

    3. Attended Lecture Series on Large Deviations Theory, Connections to Control Theory, Fluid Dynamics, Nonlinear PDE & Statistics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore during February 16th − 22nd, 2012.

    4. Participated in Seminar on Partial Differential Equations held at Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, February 28th − 29th, 2012.

    5. Participated in Workshop on Joy on Teaching Transforms (Laplace, Fourier and Z) from Engineering Perspective held at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, August 4th, 2012.

    6. Participated in a Two-week ISTE WORKSHOP on Engineering Thermodynamics conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay from 11th to 21st December 2012.

    7. Participated in a National Conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics organised by National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli from 27th to 28th November 2014. 

    8. Participated in FDP titled Essential Mathematics for Engineers & Researchers conducted by CMRIT, Bengaluru from 15th May to 19th May 2023.

    9. Participated in 5 days Online FDP on Software Tools using Mathematical Computations, organised by Muthayammal Engineering College, Rasipuram from 05.06.2023 to 09.06.2023.

    10. Participated in 16 days International Online FDP on Teaching, Learning and Assessing in 2030 organised by SRMIST, Ramapuram from 06.06.2023 to 23.06.2023.

    11. Participated in 5 days National Workshop on Applied Mathematics and Computing organised by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, from 12.06.2023 to 16.06.2023.

    12. Participated and Completed Universal Human Values in Technical Education 

    (UHV -1) Faculty Development Programme conducted by AICTE from 12.06.2023 to 16.06.2023. 

    13. Participated in International Workshop on Data Science and Strategies with R conducted by Baba Farid Group of Institutions, Punjab from 28.06.2023 to 4.07.2023. 

    14. Completed Online learning Certification course entitled AI for Everyone: Master the Basics by IBM in the month of July 2023. 

    15. Participated in 15 days International Virtual FDP on Frontiers of Mathematics conducted by SRMIST, Ramapuram from 05.07.2023 to 19.07.2023. 

    16. Participated in 21 days International FDP on Data Science tools conducted by SRMIST, Trichy from 12.07.2023 to 01.08.2023. 

    17. Attended Faculty Orientation Programme conducted by SRMIST, Trichy from 19.06.2023 to 23.06.2023.

    18. Participated in 15 days Online International STTP on Empowering the Future: AI, Deep Learning and Machine Learning for Innovation and Transformation organised by SRMIST, Trichy from 24.07.2023 to 9.08.2023.

    19. Participated in International Online STTP on Empowering the Future: AI, Deep Learning and Machine Learning for Innovation and Transformation conducted by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli from 24.07.2023 to 09.08.2023.

    20. Attended Online Short Term course on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning conducted by CTL, NIT, Warangal from 26.07.2023 to 30.07.2023.

    21. Participated in DST sponsored 3 weeks Women Entrepreneurship Development programme on Empowering Entrepreneurship for Health, Food and Technology Innovation organised by AMET University from 28.08.2023 to 15.09.2023

    22. Completed NPTEL Certification course cum FDP entitled Introduction to Machine Learning by IITM in the month of September 2023.

    23. Participated in 5 days AICTE recognised FDP on LINUX Applications in Engineering Education organised by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Trichy from 06.11.2023 to 10.11.2023 

    24. Completed NPTEL Certification course cum FDP entitled Python for Data Science by IITM in the month of April 2024.

    25. Completed NPTEL Certification course cum FDP entitled MATLAB Programming for Numerical Computation by IITM in the month of MAY 2024.

    26. Completed NPTEL Certification course cum FDP entitled Applied Linear Algebra for signal Processing, Data Analytics and Machine Learning by IIT Kanpur in the month of October 2024.

  • Work Experience

    Academic Experience:

    Total:  10 Years  

    1. Working as an Assistant Professor in SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Trichy from May 4th 2023 to till date.

    2. Worked as a Guest faculty in National Institute of Technology, Trichy from Jan 2023 to May 2023.

    3. Worked as a Guest faculty in National Institute of Technology, Trichy from Jan 2022 to May 2022.

    4. Worked as a Guest faculty in National Institute of Technology, Trichy from July 2020 to July 2021.

    5. Worked as a Guest faculty in National Institute of Technology, Trichy from 22nd Jan 2020 to 17th  June 2020.

    6. Worked as a Temporary faculty in National Institute of Technology, Trichy from 16th July 2019 to 24th December 2019.

    7. Worked as a Temporary faculty in National Institute of Technology, Trichy from 10th August 2018 to 31.05.2019.

    8. Worked as a Temporary faculty in National Institute of Technology, Trichy from 14th August 2014 to 16th June 2016.

    9. Worked as an Assistant Professor in Sri Shanmugha College of Engineering and Technology, Sankari,from 9th July 2012 to 19th June 2013.

    10. Worked as a Lecturer in K.S.R.College of Engineering, Tiruchengode from 1st February 2007 to 30th June 2009.

    11. Worked as a Lecturer (FIP Vacancy) in P.S.G. College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore from 12th July 2006 to 31st January 2007.

    Research Experience: (3 years)

    1. Completed Ph.d in Mathematics at Bharathiar University from 2009 to 2012.

  • Memberships

    Member of “Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ISIAM)”

  • Funded Projects


    Funded Research Projects Applied: (Worth – Rs.4,30,000/-)

    Applied a funded project as a Co-Investigator worth Rs. 4,30,000/- on 16.08.2023 from SRM Institute of Science and Technology for the Project Titled: “OPTIMAL CONTROL PROBLEMS FOR NONLINEAR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY” to TNSCST.