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Dr. Balasundaram R

Professor & Associate Dean

Mechanical Engineering


Total Experience 

Area of intrest

Machining, Data Science

25 yrs

course handled

  • Engineering Graphics
  • Design of Machine Elements
  • Dynamics of Machines
  • Finite Element Analysis

 Education Details

  • Publication details


    1.Balasundaram.R, Valavan.D, Baskar.N,  (2014) ‘Heuristic Based Approach for BI-CriteriaOptimization of Minimizing Makespan and Total Flow Time of Flowshop Scheduling’, International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMME-IJENS Vol:14 No:02, pp 1-11.

    2.Balasundaram. R. Valavan,D. & Baskar,N. (2014) ‘Minimizing Total Flow Time in Permutation Flowshop Scheduling by Two-Phase Approach’, International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp 631-637.(Cite Score : 1.3) (Q4)

    3.Balasundaram R. Kannan,G. Baskar,N. & Siva Sankar.R, (2015)‘Rule Based Heuristic Approach For Minimizing Total Flow Time  in Permutation Flowshop Scheduling’,TEHNICKI VJESNIK-TECHNICAL GAZETTE – Croatia. Vol.22, No.1, pp.25-32.(IF : 0.67)(Q3)

    4.Balasundaram. R. Valavan, D. Srinivasan, D & Baskar, N  (2015) ‚ ‘Learning Effective Dispatching Rule for Minimzing Total Flow Time in Permutation Flowshop Scheduling’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 14357-14370. 

    5.Valavan  D,   Balasundaram R&  Rajkumar G, (2016),  ‘Experimental Design and Analysis of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite Drive Shaft’, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities Vol. 6, No. 11, pp. 167-178. ISSN 2249-7315  DoI No.:10.5958/2249-7315.2016.01183.7

    6.Kannan G, Balasundaram, R. Baskar, N, & Asokan. P. (2017) ‚ ‘A Hybrid Approach For Minimizing Makespan In Permutation Flowshop Scheduling’ Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, Springer- China, Vol.26, Issue No. 1, pp. 50-76,  DOI : 10.1007/s11518-016-5297-1,   ISSN 1861-9576. (IF: 1.228) (Q2)

    7.Balachandar, R.  Balasundaram R. and Rajkumar G. (2018), ‘Dry Sliding Wear Characteristics of  Aluminum 6061-T6, Magnesium AZ31, and Rock Dust Composite’,  IOP Conference Series : Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 314, Issue  no.1,

    8.Ramakrishnan, H., Balasundaram, R., Ganesh, N. Karthikeyan, M. (2018), ‘ Experimental Investigation of Cut Quality Characteristics of SS321 Using Plasma Arc Cutting’, Journal of Brazilian Society of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. No. 60, Issue No. 80, (IF : 1.75)( Q2)

    9. Rajkumar, G., Balasundaram, R., Ganesh, S., Rajaram, S. (2018), ‘Investigation of Turning Parameters of Machining INCONEL-718 Using Titanium and Carbide Inserts’, Materials today : Proceedings, Vol.5, Issue No. 5, Part. 2, pp.11283-11294,, (IF :0.57)

    10.Rajaram, S., Rajkumar, G., Balasundaram, R., Srinivasan, D. (2018) ‘Experimental Investigation of Drilling Small Hole in Duplex Stainless Steel (SS205) Using EDM’,  Journal of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 22, Issue. 1, pp. 285-293.(Cite Score : 5.22)(Q3)

    11.Balasundaram, R., Sathiya Devi, S. (2019) ‘ Genetic Algorithm-Based Hybrid Approach For Optimal Instance Selection Of Minimising Makespan In Permutation Flowshop Scheduling’, International Journal of Business Intelligence and Systems Engineering,  Vol.1, Issue No.3, pp. 197-225. DOI:

    12.Ramakrishnan. H, Balasundarm. R, Selvagapathy. P, Santhakumari P, Sivasankaran. P, Vignesh, P. (2019)Experimental Investigation Of Turning Al 7075 Using Al2O3 Nano-Cutting Fluid: ANOVA And TOPSIS Approach, SN Applied Sciences, Vol.1, Issue No. 12, DOI:

    13. Srinivasan. D, Balasundaram. R  Rajkumar. G. (2020)‘ Investigation On Turning Parameters On Machining Time And Vibration Of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Laminates’, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Issue no. 34, Issue No. 1, pp.78-96. (Cite Score : 0.7)(Q3)

    14. Balachandar. R, Balasundaram. R and Ravichandran, M. (2021) , ‘Analysis of Surface Roughness of Rock dust Reinforced AA6061-Mg  Matrix Composite in Turning “,  Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 10.08)  (Q1)

    15.Ramakrishnan. H, Balasundarm. R. (2021), ‘Experimental Investigation of Process Parameters for Pack Boronizing of SS410 using ANOVA and Machine Learning Approaches ”,Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, Vol. 9, Issue no. 2,, (IF 2.038)(Q2)

    16.Alagarsamy S.V, Balasundaram.R,  Ravichandran.M,  Mohanavel V, Alagar K, and Sathiya Devi. S, (2021),  ‘Taguchi Approach and Decision Tree Algorithm for Prediction of Wear Rate in Zinc Oxide-filled AA7075 Matrix Composites’, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties,  Vol. 9, Issue no. 3, (IF 2.038) (Q2)

    17.  Ramakrishnan H , Balasundaram R, Baskar N , Radhakrishnan B and Chellamuthu K. (2021), ‘ Surface Modification Method Of Duplex Type Stainless Steels By The Pack Boriding Process’,  Hemijska Industrija,  Vol.75, Issue No. 3, pp.  (IF 0.627) (Q4)

    18.  Sakthi Balan G,  Sridharan, M.   Balasundaram  R.  Sasikaran  Sagar A.M,  Dinesh S,  Vijayan, V,  Rajkumar, S. (2021), ‘ Degradation Analysis of Jute Fiber Reinforced Waste Tile Powder-Filled Polymer Composite on Wear Characteristics”, International Journal of Polymer Science, , Vol. 2021,  29 December,   (IF 2.67) (Q2)

    19.  Srinivasan  D,  Balasundaram  R,  Ravichandran M,   Sakthi balan G,  Vijay S and   Vishnu S,  (2022), ‘Wear behavior of hydroxyapatite reinforced polymer composite for biomedical applications’, Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties,  Vol. 10,  Issue 1, 2.038) (Q2)

    20. Balasundaram R, Sathiya Devi S, Sakthibalan G (2022), ‘ Machine learning approaches for’prediction of properties of natural fiber composites : Apriori algorithm ’, (2022) Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Published 12 Feb -2022, score 1.7) (Q3)

    21.Sakthi Balan G,  Balasundaram R,Chellamuthu K,  Nandha Gopan, S  Dinesh S, Vijayan V,  Sathish S and Rajkumar S, (2022) ‘Flame Resistance Characteristics of Woven Jute Fiber Reinforced Fly Ash Filled Polymer Composite’,  Journal of Nano Materials, Article ID 9704980 |, IF 2.9 (Q2)

    22. Vasanthkumar P,  Balasundaram R and Senthilkumar N, (2022), ‘Sliding-friction wear of a seashell particulate reinforced polymer matrix composite: modeling and optimization through RSM and Grey Wolf optimizer ’,  Transactions of Canadian  Journal of Mechanical Engineering”,, IF 1.45 (Q3)

    23. Srinivasan D, Ganesh N, Jafrey Daniel James D, Ramakirhsnan H, Balasundaram R, Sanjeevi R,(2022), ‘ Investigation of Surface Roughness and Material Removal Rate of WEDM of SS304 using ANOVA and Regression models’,  Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties,  Volume 10, Issue 2, DOI:10.1088/2051-672X/ac6c9e,   IF 2.038  (Q2)

    24.Ramakrishnan H, Balasundaram R,  Lenin K , Dhanapal C and Saravanan S, (2022)                        ‘  Experimental Investigation of Borided Kinetics on Martensitic Stainless Steel ’  Materials Today : Proceedings, , July 2022,  Cite Score 2.4

    25. Vasanthkumar P, Balasundaram R, Senthilkumar N,  Palanikumar, K, Lenin K and Deepanraj B, (2022), ‘Thermal and Thermo-Mechanical Studies on Seashell Incorporated Nylon-6 Polymer Composites ’ ,  Journal of Materials Research and Technology, November 2022, IF: 6.226 (Q1)

    26. Srinivsan D, Ramakrishnan H, Balasundaram R, Ravichandran M,  (2023), ‘ Optimization of Laser Cutting Process Parameters on SS347 Using GRA and TOPSIS’, Surface Review Letters, Vol. 30, No. 06,  IF: 1.24 (Q3)

    BOOK  CHAPTER   :   

    1.Balasundaram. R,  Baskar. N and  Siva Sankar. R, “Discovering Dispathcing Rules for Job Shop Scheduling Using Data Mining”, Published in  Springer link book Series  – Advances in Intelligent systems  and Computing , Volume178, pp. 63-72,2013  ISBN: 978-3-642-31599-2.

    2. BalasundaramR.,  Baskar.N and  Siva Sankar.R, “A New Approach to Generate Dispatching Rules for Two Machine Flowshop Scheudling using Data Mining” ,  Published in – Elsevier – Procedia Engineering Vol:38, pp. 238-245, 2012,Annexure-II.


    1.Balasundaram.R and Baskar.N,  (2010) ‘Minimizing Completion Time Variance In Single Machine System Using Scatter Search Algorithm’ ,  International Conference on Advances in Industrial Engineering Applications ICAIEA, Organized by the Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, Anna University Chennai,   January 6-8.

    2.Balasundaram.R,  Baskar.N and  Siva Sankar.R,  (2011)‘Minimizng Number Of Tardy Jobs In Single Machine Scheduling Using Decision Tree Based Approach’,  International Conferenceon Computational Intelligence and Engineering Applications, 16 -17th,October, 2011, Bhubaneswar, India. pp -24-30

    3.Balasundaram.R, Baskar.N and  Siva Sankar.R, (2011)‘Minimizng Maximum Lateness In Single Machine Scheduling Using  Data Mining  Based Approach’,  International Conference on Simulation, Modeling and Analysis (COSMA 2011), 14 -16th,December,2011, Amirtha University,  Tamilnadu, India  pp- 446 to 452.

    4.Balasundaram.R,  Baskar.N and  Siva Sankar.R,  (2012)‘ Minimizing Mean Flow Time In A Single Machine Scheduling Using Data Mining’4th International Conference & 25th  All India Manufacturing Technology, Design and Research Conference – AIMTDR 2012, December 14-16, 2012, Vol. II, PP 1253- 1258. Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.

    5. Balachander R, Balasundaram  R and  Rajkumar G, (2017) ‘Dry Sliding Wear Charactristics of Aluminum Al 6065-T6, Magnesium AZ31 and Rock Dust Composite’, International Conference On Advances In Metaullurgy, Materials And Manufacturing – ICAMMM2017, March 6-8 , pp. 347-357, Organized by Government College of Engineering, Salem, Tamilnadu, 

    6. Rajkumar G, Balasundaram R, Ganesh N and Rajaram S, (2017) “Investigation On Turning Parameters Of Machining Inconel 718 Using Titanium & Carbide Tool Inserts  ”, International Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Modeling, March 9-11, Organized by VIT, Vellore, Tamilnadu, India 

  • Awards and Achievements


  • Workshops / Seminars

    nized Two days workshop on “Quality Conscious & Quality Sustenance in Higher Education,” Sponsored by National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), Bangalore sponsored by on 16 & 17thof Feb , 2017.

    Organized One week FDP on the topic of “ Application of Data Science in Mechanical Engineering” Sponsored by AICTE – ATAL , 21 -25, of  September 2020.

    Organized One week FDP on the topic of “Application of Artificial Intelligence for Mechanical Engineering”,  Sponsored by AICTE – ATAL , 2 -6, of  October, 2021. 

  • Work Experience

    Academic Experience:

    Lecturer, Department of  Mechanical Engineering,  Shanmuga College of Engineering,  Tamilnadu (June1996 – April 1997) 

    Lecturer, Department of  Mechanical Engineering,  SRM Engineering Shanmuga College of Engineering,  Tamilnadu (November1997 – November 2003) 

    Lecturer, Department of  Mechanical Engineering,  TAFE, Sermban, Malaysia  (November 2003 – March 2006) 

    Sr.Lecturer, Department of  Mechanical Engineering,  SASTRA University ,  Tamilnadu (June2006 – October 2008) 

    Asst.Professor, Department of  Mechanical Engineering,  Shri Anglamman College of Engineering,  Tamilnadu (December 2008 – April 2015) 

    Professor,  Department of  Mechanical Engineering, K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering,   Tamilnadu (June 2015 –  August  2021) 

    Professor, & Associate Dean,  Department of  Mechanical Engineering,  SRM University- Tirucirappalli Campus,  Tamilnadu (August 2021 – till date) 

  • Memberships

    • MISTE, Indian Society for Technical Education, Life Member,2010
    • MIE, Institution of Engineers India, 2015 
    • Life Member, Indian Welding Society, 2017

  • Funded Projects

    Received Rs 30, 000/- from The Institution of Engineers (IEI) for the project  titled “ Development and Processing of Hydroxyapatite (Waste human dental teeth) into useful composite ’’ in September 2019 – Ref : RDUG2019030

    Received Rs. 18, 51, 759 /- ( Eighteen laksh fifty one thousand seven hundred and fifty Nine only) under MODROBS – AICTE for Establishment of  AR/VR Lab dated 21 /10/2020 . File No. 9-/IDC/MODROB/Policy –1/2019-20

    Received Rs 23,500 /-  from The Institution of Engineers (IEI) for the project  titled “Process Automation and Control Study on Solar Photovoltaic Thermal Water Collector System “,  in August 2022,  – Ref : RDUG2022014