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Dr. Kumaran M

Assistant Professor

Mechanical Engineering


Total Experience 

Area of intrest

Additive Manufacturing

Teaching: 08 Research: 05

course handled

  • Engineering Graphics and Design,
  • Manufacturing Technology,
  • Rapid Prototyping,
  • Machine Design,
  • Industrial robots

 Education Details

  • Publication details

    M. Kumaran, V. Senthilkumar. "Experimental characterization of stainless steel 316L alloy fabricated with combined powder bed fusion and directed energy deposition." Welding in the World. 65:1373-1388 (2021). (SCIE Indexed IF 2.4) 

    M. Kumaran, V. Senthilkumar. “Influence of heat treatment on stainless steel 316L alloy manufactured by hybrid additive manufacturing using powder bed fusion and directed energy deposition.” Metals and Materials International. 29: 467–484 (2022). (SCIE Indexed IF 3.3) 

    M. Kumaran, V. Senthilkumar, T. Sathies, C.T. Justus Panicker. “Effect of heat treatment on stainless steel 316L alloy sandwich structure fabricated using directed energy deposition and powder bed fusion.” Materials Letters. 313:131766 (2022). (SCI Indexed IF 2.7).


    M. Kumaran.  "Investigation on the repair work of the stainless steel 316L alloy manufactured using directed energy deposition on powder bed fusion and hot rolled steel substrates." Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 32: 5837–5848 (2023). (SCIE Indexed IF 2.2)


    V. Vinoth, T. Sekar, and M. Kumaran. "Investigations on the repair interface of the stainless steel 316L hot rolled steel substrate sandwich structure obtained by directed energy deposition." Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 32: 4138–4150 (2023). (SCIE Indexed IF 2.2).

    International and National Conferences:

    M. Kumaran, V. Senthilkumar. “Generative Design and Topology Optimization of Analysis and Repair Work of Industrial Robot Arm Manufactured Using Additive Manufacturing Technology.” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 1012:012036. (2021) (Scopus Indexed). 

    M. Kumaran, V. Senthilkumar, C.T. Justus Panicker, R. Shishir.  "Investigating the residual stress in additive manufacturing of combined process in powder bed fusion and directed energy deposition." Materials Today: Proceedings. 47:4387-4390. (2021) (Scopus Indexed). 

    M. Kumaran, V. Senthilkumar, C.T. Justus Panicker, R. Shishir. "Investigating the residual stress in additive manufacturing of repair work by directed energy deposition process on SS316L hot rolled steel substrate." Materials Today: Proceedings. 47:4475-4478. (2021) (Scopus Indexed). 

    M. Kumaran, T. Sathies, N.S. Balaji, G. Bharathiraja, S. Mohan, V. Senthilkumar. "Influence of heat treatment on stainless steel 316L alloy fabricated using directed energy deposition." Materials Today: Proceedings. 62:5307-5310. (2022) (Scopus Indexed).

    T. Sathies, M. Kumaran, G. Bharathiraja, N.S. Balaji, T.G. Unnikrishnan, V. Senthilkumar. "Investigations on the effect of heat treatment on laser powder bed fusion built SS316L alloy." Materials Today: Proceedings. 62:5411-5414. (2022) (Scopus Indexed).

    V Chakkravarthy, Sujin P Jose, M Lakshmanan, P Manojkumar, R Lakshmi Narayan, M. Kumaran. Additive manufacturing of novel Ti-30Nb-2Zr biomimetic scaffolds for successful limb salvage. Materials Today: Proceedings. 64, 1711-1716.  (2022) (Scopus Indexed).

    Scientific Books Published

    V. Senthilkumar, C. Velmurugan, K.R. Balasubramanian, M. Kumaran. Additive manufacturing of multi-material and composite parts. Additive manufacturing applications for metals and composites. IGI Global:127-146. (2020). (Scopus Indexed). 

    M. Kumaran, V. Senthilkumar, C.T. Justus Panicker, Shishir. R. Concept design and analysis of multi-layer and multi-process piston of SS316L and AlSi10Mg by additive manufacturing. Recent Advances in Materials and Modern Manufacturing. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. pp 441–446 (2022).  (Scopus Indexed). 

    M. Kumaran, V. Senthilkumar, C.T. Justus Panicker, Shishir. R. Investigate the microhardness values of SS316L directed energy deposition component after the micro milling process. Recent Advances in Materials and Modern Manufacturing. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. pp 89–95 (2022).   (Scopus Indexed). 

    M. Kumaran, V. Senthilkumar, T. Sathies, C.T. Justus Panicker. Design and topology optimization for additive manufacturing of multi-layer (SS316L and AlSi10Mg) piston. Advances in Metal Additive Manufacturing. Elsevier Publication.  Woodhead Publishing. pp. 203-217 (2023)  (Scopus Indexed). 

    M. Kumaran, V. Senthilkumar, T. Sathies. "Design and optimization of artificial intelligence robot arm printed by a metal-based additive manufacturing process." Advances in Additive Manufacturing: Artificial Intelligence, Nature-Inspired, and Biomanufacturing. Elsevier Publication. pp. 449-461 (2023) (Scopus Indexed). 

    M. Kumaran. "Hybrid Additive Manufacturing Technologies." Handbook of Smart Manufacturing: Forecasting the Future of Industry 4.0. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis. eBook ISBN: 9781003333760. pp 251-263 (2023). (Scopus Indexed).

  • Awards and Achievements

    Motor Vikatan Magazine appreciate and published my project. (Two-wheel drive motorcycle) November edition – 2008. 

    Best oral presentation award, international conference on emerging trends in materials science and technology (ICETMT 2022). 

    The best paper award, International Conference on Energy and Materials Technologies (ICEMT- 2021).

  • Workshops / Seminars

    Technovation 2021, Conducted by Innovation Club, Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar held on 06th – 07th of March 2021. 

    Certificate course on “Materials Characterization” held at IIT Madras, duration 25-28 July 2018. 

    Short-term Training Program on "Design for Additive Manufacturing" held at IIITDM Kancheepuram, Chennai, duration May 6-10, 2019. 

    SPARC sponsored a one-week Workshop on Additive Manufacturing. from 2nd to 7th November 2020. Organized by Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli.


    TEQIP III sponsored a Short-term course on “Advances in Fatigue, Creep, Fracture and Failure Analysis of Materials” in the Department of Metallurgy Engineering and Materials Science, from 07.12.2020 to 11.12.2020 at IIT Indore. 

    One-day national workshop on "3-D Printing in Biomedical Applications" on 13/03/2021 organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah education foundation (Deemed to be University), Vaddeswaram, Guntur. funded by the Department of Science and Technology, the Government of India. 

    Faculty Development Programme on "3D Printing & Design" from 16-11-2020 to 20-112020 organized by  AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy at Mar Athanasius College of Engineering, Kothamangalam, Kerala-686666. 

    Faculty Development Programme on "Advancement in 3D printing and its future scope" from 8-12-2020 to 12-12-2020 organized by AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy at Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Maharashtra 412115.

  • Work Experience

    Academic Experience:

    Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan University, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu. (01/09/2023 to 30/05/2024).

    Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Guru Nanak University, Hyderabad, Telangana State. (01/08/2022 to 11/08/2023). 

    Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dhirajlal Gandhi College of Technology, Salem, Tamil Nadu. (01/06/2016 to 14/06/2017). 

    Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dhirajlal Tagore Institute of Engineering and Technology, Attur, Tamil Nadu. (08/06/2012 to 11/05/2016). 

    Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dhirajlal Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu. (06/06/2011 to 07/06/2012).

    Research Experience: 

    Full-time Ph.D. scholar, National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu. (15/06/2017 to 09/06/2022).

  • Memberships


  • Funded Projects
