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Rathinavel S. Basithrahman A. Karthikeyan J, “Chemical treatment effect on hydration and mechanical properties of basalt and Kevlar fiber-epoxy-based hybrid composites” Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, (July 2024) (SCI Indexed IF 3.5).
Senthilkumar TS. Muralidharan R. Sridharan M. Senthil Kumar S. Rathinavel S. Vigneshkumar V, “AA4032‑TiC‑h‑BN‑related composites: a machine learning model‑based experimental study with performance prediction” Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, (December 2023) (SCI Indexed IF 1.80).
M. Prithviraj Rathinavel S. P. Manimaran. K Kanann, "Cellulosic fiber extraction and characterization from derris scandens (Roxb.) benth root for polymer composite reinforcements" Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, (August 2023), (SCI Indexed IF 3.5).
Rathinavel S. Senthilkumar TS. S S Saravanakumar. Senthil Kumar S. Prinsula J. Claudia Barile. "Development and analysis of environmental friendly biocomposite films with pomegranate peel as filler for conventional applications" Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, (July 2023) (SCI Indexed IF 3.5).
Rathinavel S. S S Saravanakumar. Senthilkumar TS. Claudia Barile. Senthil Kumar S. Prithviraj M, "Utilization of bio‑waste material pomegranate peel powder along with silver nitrate and polyvinyl alcohol to form a hybrid biofilm" Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, (June 2023), (SCI Indexed IF 3.5).
Senthilkumar TS. Senthil Kumar S. P. Pitchipoo. Yagya Dutta Dwivedi. N. Nagaprasad . Kuldeep K Saxena . Rathinavel S. Sayed M Eldin. Krishnaraj Ramaswamy, "Grey relational analysis and surface texture analysis of Al-based metal matrix composites" Journal of Materials Research and Technology, (June 2023), (SCI Indexed IF 6.2).
Senthilkumar TS. Senthil Kumar S. Rathinavel S. "Performance analysis of conventional and DMLS copper electrode during EDM process in AA4032-TiC composite" 3D printing and additive Manufacturing, (June 2023) (SCI Indexed IF 2.3).
Senthilkumar TS. Senthil Kumar S. Vigneshkumar V. Rathinavel S. Selvarajan L. Nagaprasad N," Worn Surface Analysis and Wear Map Mechanism of AA4032 Composites", Journal of Testing and Evaluation, (March 2023), https:// DOI: 10.1520/JTE20220149 (SCI Indexed IF 0.8).
Surendra Kumar Yadav. A Sankaran. Sovan Samanta. Rathinavel S. P Karthikeyan, P Deepak Kumar, K Sundararaj, "Methods of drag reduction by modifying landing gear system in fighter aircraft", AIP Conference Proceedings, (November 2022), (Scopus Indexed IF:0.4).
Rathinavel S. and S S Saravanakumar, “Synthesis of Silver nanoparticles through orange peel powder for antibacterial composite filler applications", Journal of Polymers and Environment, (September 2021), (SCI Indexed IF 4.7).
Rathinavel S. and S S Saravanakumar, “Development and analysis of silver nano particle influenced PVA/ natural particulate hybrid composites with thermo-mechanical properties", Journal of Polymers and Environment, (January 2021), (SCI Indexed IF 4.7).
Jeyaprakash P. Arul Marcel Moshi A. Rathinavel S. Ganesh Babu A, "Mechanical Property Analysis on Powderized Tarmarind Seed - Palm Natural Fiber Hybrid composites", (December 2020), Materials Toady: Proceedings, (Scopus Indexed).
Rathinavel S. and S S Saravanakumar, “Development and Analysis of Poly Vinyl Alcohol / Orange Peel Powder Biocomposite Films.” Journal of Natural Fibers (January 2020), (SCI Indexed IF 2.8).
Book Chapter Published
Rathinavel S, Senthil Kumar S, Senthilkumar T. S, Vignesh Kumar V. “Thermodynamics of Fluids in Motion”, Handbook of Research on Aspects and Applications of Incompressible and Compressible Aerodynamics, edited by Sathish K. Kumar and Naren Shankar Radhakrishnan, IGI Global Publisher, June 2022, Page 158-184, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4230-2.ch008. (Scopus Indexed).
3 Filed, 3 Published
Patent Application No. 202341031361, “Utilization of Biowaste prosopis Juliflora bark powder for alternate food wrapping material” filed on 02.05.2023 and published on 18/08/2023, by Rathinavel S, M P R Gokulakannan, B Kamalakannan, S Dineshkumar
Patent Application No. 202241029607, “Designing of Typical Slithering Platform for Aircraft Using Composite Materials” filed on 23.05.2022 and published on 27/05/2022, by R. Ramasamy, P. Maniarasan, Rathinavel S. S. Balaji, P. Deepak Kumar
Patent Application No. 202241020410, “Business Intelligence for the Improvisation of Airlines Key Performance Indicator (KPIS)” filed on 05.04.2022 and published on 29/04/2022, by J Karthikeyan, G Selvapreethi, J. Prinsula, T. Banu, Chandra Kumar Dixit, Rudresha S, Rathinavel S.
Training on “Curriculum framework design and Development for Autonomous Institutions” at Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology during 19-20 January 2024.
Faculty development program on “CO PO Mapping and CO PO Attainment” at Greater Kolkata College of Engineering and Management, Baruipur (online mode) during 10-14 July, 2023.
Academic Experience:
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tamilnadu (Jun 2024 – Till now)
Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, Tamilnadu (Dec 2020 – May 2024)
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Vidya College of Engineering and Technology, Tamilnadu (Jul 2016 – Dec 2020)
The Institution of Engineers (India), Life Member, 2024
Funded Research Projects: (Worth – Rs.2.5 Lakhs)
Received a fund of Rs 2.50 Lakhs, July 2022 from NSTEDB, Department of Science and Technology, (India) NGI NewGen IEDC for the Inhouse student Project Titled: “Utilization of Biowaste Prosopis Juliflora Bark Powder for Alternate Food Wrapping Materials”.
SRM institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST) Tiruchirappalli Campus , Deemed to be University (Formerly SRM University) SRM Nagar, Trichy-Chennai highway, Near Samayapuram Trichy - 621105, Tamilnadu , India.
1800 202 4565
Academic courses
Academic courses