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Dr. Senthil Kumar S

Associate Professor

Mechanical Engineering


Total Experience 

Area of intrest

Metal Matrix Composites; Materials Testing & Characterization; Machining

10 years 1 month

course handled

  • TQM and Reliability Engineering;
  • Philosophy of Engineering;
  • Basic Civil and Mechanical Workshop;
  • Engineering Graphics and Design;
  • Design Thinking and Methodology;
  • Universal Human Values II

 Education Details

  • Publication details

    L. Selvarajan., K. Venkataramanan., S. Kannan., S. Senthil Kumar., K. P. Srinivasa Perumal., P. Mathan Kumar., N. L. Parthasarathi., N. Kasthuri., Katherasan Duraisamy and C. Arun. (2024). Surface morphology of silicon nitride (Si3N4)-titanium nitride (TiN) composites using GRA-RSM strategy encompassed with EDMed parameters. Surface Review and Letters. (SCI Indexed IF: 1.2)

    Rathinavel, S., Basithrahman, A., Karthikeyan, J., T. Banu, S. Senthil Kumar and T. S. Senthilkumar (2024). Chemical treatment effect on hydration and mechanical properties of basalt and Kevlar fiber-epoxy-based hybrid composites. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. (SCI Indexed IF: 3.5)

    Jebarajan Manickam Aswin Immanuel Solomon., Gurusamy Selvakumar., Shanmugakani Senthil Kumar and Pandiarajan Narayanasamy. (2024). Experimental investigation of wire electrical discharge machining parameters on WE43 magnesium alloy. Metallurgical Research & Technology, 121(2). (SCI Indexed IF: 1.1)

    T.S. Senthilkumar., R. Muralikannan., M. Sridharan., S. Senthil Kumar*., S. Rathinavel., and V. Vignesh Kumar. (2024). AA4032-TiC-h-BN-related composites: a machine learning model-based experimental study with performance prediction. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 46(30). (SCI Indexed IF: 1.8)

    Nagaraj, N., Jule, LT., Shanmugakani, SK and Krishnaraj Ramaswamy (2024). Investigation of the performance characteristics of grinding wheel using low melting vitrified bonds. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 235(4), 986-996. (SCI Indexed IF: 2.3)

    Senthilkumar Thangarajan Sivasankaran., Senthil Kumar Shanmugakani and Rathinavel Subbiah. (2023). Performance analysis of conventional and DMLS copper electrode during EDM process in AA4032-TiC composite. 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 10(3). (SCI Indexed IF: 2.3)

    Lakshmanan, S., Rajendran, R., Shanmugakani, SK and Krishnamoorthy, V. (2023). Analyzing the geometrical errors of silicon nitride-titanium nitride on performing electric discharge machining using response surface methodology. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering. (SCI Indexed IF: 2.3)

    S. Senthil Kumar., T.S. Senthilkumar., P. Pitchipoo., Yagya Dutta Dwivedi., N. Nagaprasad., Kuldeep K Saxena., S. Rathinavel., Sayed M Eldin and Krishnaraj Ramaswamy. (2023). Grey relational analysis and surface texture analysis of Al-based metal matrix composites. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 24. (SCI Indexed IF: 6.2)

    S. Rathinavel., T.S. Senthilkumar, S.S. Saravanakumar., S. Senthil Kumar., J. Prinsula and Claudia Barile. (2023). Development and analysis of environmental friendly biocomposite films with pomegranate peel as filler for conventional applications. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. (SCI Indexed IF: 4.05)

    S. Rathinavel., S.S. Saravankumar., T.S. Senthilkumar., Claudia Barile., S. Senthil Kumar and M. Prithviraj. (2023). Utilization of bio-waste material pomegranate peel powder along with silver nitrate and polyvinyl alcohol to form a hybrid bioflm. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. (SCI Indexed IF: 4.05)

    S. Senthil Kumar*., R. Sudhakara Pandian., P. Pitchipoo., T. S. Senthilkumar., S. G. Ponnambalam. (2022). Investigation of wear and wire electrical discharge machining characteristics of Al-Mg-MoS2 composites using response surface method. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 51(2). (SCI Indexed IF: 1.2)

    Senthilkumar Thangarajan Sivasankaran., Senthil Kumar Shanmugakani., Vignesh Kumar Vijayakumar., Rathinavel Subbiah., Selvarajan Lakshmanan and Nagaprasad Nagaraj. (2022). Worn surface analysis and wear map mechanism of AA4032 composites. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 51(2). (SCI Indexed IF: 1.2)

    Shanmugavel Rajesh., Narmada Chinthakndi., Mayakannan Selvam., Naganandhan Madasamy., Senthil Kumar Shanmugakani, Anish Nair., Chander Prakash., Dharam Buddhi and Saurav Dixit. (2022). Al-Mg-MoS2 reinforced metal matrix composites: machinability characteristics. Materials, 15(13). (SCI Indexed IF: 3.1)

    Senthil Kumar, S*., Sudhakara Pandian, R., Pitchipoo, P., P, Narayanasamy and T S Senthilkumar. (2022). Surface and subsurface investigation of Al-Mg-MoS2 composite on performing wire electrical discharge machining. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 10(1), 015047. (SCI Indexed IF: 2.0)

    Senthil Kumar, S*., Sudhakara Pandian, R., Pitchipoo, P., Rajakarunakaran, S and Rajesh, S. (2021). Investigation of Al-Mg based composite incorporated with MoS2 through powder metallurgy. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 235(4), 986-996. (SCI Indexed IF: 2.3)

    Modrak Vladimir., Ranjitharamasamy Sudhakara Pandian and Shanmugakani Senthil Kumar. (2021). Parametric study of wire‐EDM process in Al-Mg‐MoS2 composite using NSGA‐II and MOPSO algorithms. Processes, 9. (SCI Indexed IF: 2.8)

    Senthilkumar, T., Muralikannan, R., Ramkumar, T and Senthil Kumar S. (2021). Studies of kerf width and surface roughness using RSM in AA 4032-TiC composites. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 235(6), 2240-2253. (SCI Indexed IF: 2.3)

    S Senthil Kumar*., R Sudhakara Pandian and P Pitchipoo. (2020). A study on tribological behavior of Al-4%Mg incorporated with MoS2. Materials Research Express, 7(1). (SCI Indexed IF: 1.8)

    T.S. Senthilkumar., R. Muralikannan and S. Senthil Kumar. (2020). Surface morphology and parametric optimization of AWJM parameters using GRA on aluminum HMMC. Materials Today: Proceedings, 22, 410-415. (SCOPUS Indexed)

    Scientific Books/Book Chapters Published

    Senthil Kumar, S., Rathinavel, S., Ramasamy. R and Senthilkumar, T.S. “High Thrust Rockets for Conservation of Ecosystem” in Vertex Research and Technology (2021). ISSN:978-93-5578-164-2

    S. Rathinavel., S. Senthil Kumar and T.S. Senthilkumar. 

    “Reciprocating Engine – A Maintenance Study” in Norton Press (2022). ISBN-13: ‎ 979-8888497678 

    S. Rathinavel., S. Senthil Kumar., T.S. Senthilkumar and V. Vignesh Kumar. “Thermodynamics of Fluids in Motion”. In “Handbook of Research on Aspects and Applications of Incompressible and Compressible Aerodynamics” in IGI Global Publisher of timely Knowledge (2022). DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4230-2.ch008.

  • Awards and Achievements

    Awarded a Gold Medal for presenting a research paper during Research Day 2024 organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur on 04.03.2024.

    Completed an NPTEL Domain Course on “PRODUCT DESIGN” (Jan-Jun ‘24)

    Obtained NPTEL Stars - NPTEL MOTIVATED LEARNERS (Jan-Jun ‘24)

    Obtained NPTEL Stars - NPTEL DISCIPLINE STARS (Jan-Jun ‘24)

  • Workshops / Seminars


    Completed the 5-day Online FDP on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from 03.04.2023 to 07.04.2023 (online).

    Participated and successfully completed the 5-day “Face-to-Face UHV-II FDP” organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur Campus, Chennai from12.12.2023 to 16.12.2023.


    FDP on “Intellectual Property Right & Patent Drafting” organized by AMET University from 04.01.2024 to 12.01.2024 (online).

    FDP on “Additive Manufacturing Advancements in Different Applications [AMADA–23]” organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram from 26.12.2023 to 31.12.2023 (online).

    FDP on “Smart Manufacturing” organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram from 18.12.2023 to 23.12.2023 (online).

    FDP on “Recent Advancements on VLSI Modelling and IC Design” Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli from 24.07.2023 to 30.07.2023 (online).

    FDP on “Emerging Techniques in 6G Wireless Communications” Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli from 04.01.2023 to 10.01.2023 (online).

    FDP on “Holistic Development and Outcome Based Education in the light of NEP-2020” organized by University of Engineering & Management, Jaipur from 13.03.2022 to 19.06.2022 (online).

  • Work Experience

    Academic Experience:

    Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu. (Since 16.05.2022)

    Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Vidya College of Engineering & Technology, Virudhunagar, Tamil Nadu (16.06.2014 – 29.04.2022)

  • Memberships

    • Powder Metallurgy Association of India, Life Member, since 2024
    • Indian Society for Technical Education, Life Member, since 2015

  • Funded Projects
