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Dr. L. R. Shobin

Assistant Professor & Division Chair


+91 9482131236,

Total Experience 

14 Years


  • Photonics
  • Quantum Optics
  • Healthcare Devices
  • Transparent Devices

course handled


  • Semiconductor Physics and Computational Methods
  • Philosophy of Engineering
  • Electromagnetic Theory, Quantum Mechanics, waves and optics
  • Radiological physics and imaging techniques
  • Smart Sensor Systems
  • Publication details

    International Peer Reviewed Journal Publications

    1. Hemant Priyadarshi & Aswin C. Gowda A. Karpagaraj, R. Sarala, L. R. Shobin, “Effect of MIG Welding Process on Hardfacing of Inconel 718 Over Stainless Steel 347”, Advances in Manufacturing, Automation, Design and Energy Technologies, 123–130 (2023). 

    2. Karpagaraj, Sarala, Manivannan, L.R. Shobin, Hemant, Murali, “Effect of different MIG welding modes on hard facing of Inconel 718 on 321 Stainless steel”, Surface Review and Letters , 1-6 (2022). [Impact Factor: 1.240]

    3. L. Raja; S. Balachandar; V. Eswaramoorthy; L.R. Shobin, R. Ramachandran; S. Sindhu, “Synthesis and fabrication of fluorescent green OLEDs based on PEDOT:PSS/Silver nanowire hybrid-composite anode and their performance”, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 036003 (2021). [Impact Factor: 2.070]

    4. M. Blauth, G. Vest, L.R. Shobin, M. Jurgensen, O. Hartwig, M. Prechtl, A. Stier, J. J. Finley, and M. Kaniber, “Ultra-compact photodetection in atomically thin MoSe2”, ACS Photonics, 6, 1902 (2019). [Impact Factor: 7.077]

    5. T. KavinKumar, L.R. Shobin and S. Manivannan, “Effect of laser irradiation on electrical and gas sensing properties of reduced graphene oxide/graphene oxide heterostructure films,”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 784, 301 (2019). [Impact Factor: 6.371]

    6. L.R. Shobin and S. Manivannan, “Enhancement of electrothermal performance of single-walled carbon nanotube transparent heater by room temperature post treatment”, Sol. Energy Mater Sol. Cells 174, 469 (2018). [Impact Factor: 7.305 ]

    7. V. Mydhili, D. Das, L.R. Shobin and S. Manivannan, “Surface analysis and electrothermal performance of highly uniform PEDOT: PSS spin-coated films using infrared thermography”, American Institute of Physics Conference Series 8, 1942 (2018).

    8. L.R. Shobin and S. Manivannan, “Silver nanowires-single walled carbon nanotubes hetero-structures for chemiresistors”,  Sens. Actuators, B 256, 7 (2018). [Impact Factor: 9.221]

    9. L.R. Shobin and S. Manivannan, “Optically transparent, electrically conducting single walled carbon nanotubes random networks for room temperature ammonia vapor sensing”, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 40, 931 (2015). [Impact Factor: 4.644]

    10. L.R. Shobin and S. Manivannan, “Carbon nanotubes on paper: Flexible and Disposable Chemiresistors”, Sens. Actuators, B 220, 1178 (2015). [Impact Factor: 9.221]

    11. L.R. Shobin and S. Manivannan, “One pot rapid synthesis of silver nanowires using NaCl assisted glycerol mediated polyol process”, Electronic Materials Letters 10, 1027 (2014). 

    12. L.R. Shobin, D. Sastikumar, and S. Manivannan, “Glycerol mediated synthesis of silver nanowires for room temperature ammonia vapor sensing”, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 214, 74 (2014). [Impact Factor: 4.291]

    13. L.R. Shobin, B. Renganathan, D. Sastikumar, and S. Manivannan, “Pure and Iso-butyl Methyl Ketone Treated Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Coated Fiber Optic Ethanol and Methanol Vapor Sensor”, IEEE Sensors Journal 14, 1238 (2014).  [Impact Factor: 4.325]

    14. L.R. Shobin and S. Manivannan, “Room temperature ammonia vapor sensing properties of transparent single-walled carbon nanotube thin film”, Proc. of SPIE 9270, 92701M-1 (2014). 

    15. S. Manivannan, L.R. Shobin, A.M. Saranya, B. Renganathan, D. Sastikumar, and K.C. Park, “Carbon nanotubes coated fiber optic ammonia gas sensor”, Proc. of SPIE 7941, 79410M-1 (2014).


    L.R. Shobin and S. Manivannan, “Gas sensor based on Nanowires and Carbon Nanotubes Heterostructure”, Patent No.: 417943 (2023).  [Granted]

    L.R. Shobin and S. Manivannan, “Improved transparent electrothermal device”, Indian Patent 2017- 41001065, (2018). 

  • Awards and Achievements


    EuroTech Postdoc Travel Grant, Netherland (Euro 700) - 2018

    TUM Foundation Fellowship, TUM, Germany - 2018

    Reviewer excellence award, Indian Academy of Sciences

    India - 2018

    ROW travel award, TUM, Germany (Euro 1,000) - 2017

    SPIE Optics and Photonics Scholarship, USA (USD 2,000) - 2014

    TEQIP International Travel Grant, India (INR 100,000) - 2014

    TEQIP Travel Grant, India (INR 10,000) - 2014

    2011-2014 DST Junior and senior research fellowships, India - 2014

    DST Junior and senior research fellowships, India - 2014

    International best poster award  - 2013

    2011-2015 Best paper awards during Ph.D program  - 2011

    Best volunteer award in YRC, India - 2006

    Best outgoing student award, India  

  • Workshops / Seminars


    Karpagaraj A, Sarala R, L.R. Shobin, Hemant priyadarshi, Aswin C Gowda (2021): Effect of MIG Welding Process on Hardfacing of Inconel 718 over Stainless Steel 347, SecOnd International Conference on Future TechnolOgies (ICOFT 2021) in Manufacturing, Automation, Design and Energy , December 16-18, 2021, National Institute of Technology Puducherry, Karaikal, India . (Oral)

    L.R. Shobin, and Manivannan, S. (2017): Transparent and flexible silver nanowires electrodes for usb heaters, National Conference on Current Advancement in Physics 2017 (CAP-2017), February 3-4, 2017, St. John’s College, Palayamkottai, India. (Poster)

    L.R. Shobin, Nivedha, M., and Manivannan, S. (2016): Transparent heaters using silver nanowires, Third International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2016 (ICNST 2016), December 15-16, 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Awarded as best Oral)

    L.R. Shobin, Nivedha, M., and Manivannan, S. (2016): Fabrication of transparent heaters using silver nanowires, International Conference on Smart Materials Technologies, May 18-20, 2016, Moscow,  Russia. (Poster)

    L.R. Shobin, and Manivannan, S. (2016): Fabrication of Transparent Conducting Networks Using Silver Nanowires", \International Conference on Frontiers in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, February 26 - 28, 2016, SASTRA University, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India. (Poster)

    L.R. Shobin, and Manivannan, S. (2014): Single-walled carbon nanotubes for gas sensing application, Winter School-2014 on Frontiers in Materials Science, December 1-5, 2014, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research Bangalore, India. (Poster)

    L.R. Shobin, and Manivannan, S. (2014):, Room temperature ammonia vapor sensing properties of transparent single-walled carbon nanotube thin films, SPIE Phonotics Asia - 2014, October 9-11, 2014, China. (Poster)

    L.R. Shobin, and Manivannan, S. (2014): Role of NaCl and temperature in glycerol mediated rapid growth of silver nanostructures, International Conference on Nanotechnology (ICN ( 2014), July 6-7, 2014, Singapore. (Oral)

    L.R. Shobin., and Manivannan, S. (2014): \Fabrication of Transparent Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube sensor for Room Temperature Ammonia Vapor Sensing", \National Conference on Nanophotonics (NCNP ( 2014)", March 6-7, 2014, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, India. (Poster)

    Bharathidason, J., L.R. Shobin, and Manivannan, S. (2014): Fabrication of semi-transparent silvernanoparticles/PVA composite free standing films, National Conference on Nanophotonics (NCNP (2014), March 6-7, 2014, Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli, India. (Poster)

    Nithyanantham, U, Boopalan, T, L.R. Shobin, and Manivannan, S. (2014): Synthesis and characterization of copper nanostructures for optoelectronics, National Conference on Nanophotonics (NCNP ( 2014), March 6-7, 2014, Bharathidasan University Tiruchirappalli, India. (awarded as the best paper)

    L.R. Shobin, KavinKumar. T., Park, K. C., and Manivannan, S. (2013): Effect of post treatment on spray coated transparent conducting single-walled carbon nanotube films, International Union of Materials Research Societies ( International Conference in Asia ( 2013 (IUMRS-ICA-2013), December 16-20, 2013, Indian Institute Of Science, Bangalore, India. (Poster)

    L.R. Shobin, Sastikumar, D., and Manivannan, S. (2013): synthesis, purification, dispersion and room temperature ammonia vapor sensing properties of silver nanowires, 3rd International Science Congress (ISC-2013), December 8-9, 2013, Karunya University, Coimbatore, India. (Awarded as the best paper)

    L.R. Shobin, KavinKumar. T., Park, K. C., and Manivannan, S. (2013): Fabrication of single-walled carbon nanotubes transparent conducting films by spray coating, National Seminar on New Materials Research and Nanotechnology (MSNMRN2013), September 25-27, 2013, Govt. Arts College, Ooty, India. (Oral)

    Kavinkumar, T., L.R. Shobin, and Manivannan, S. (2013): Synthesis and characterization of expanded graphene oxide thin films, National Seminar on New Materials Research and Nanotechnology (MSNMRN2013), September 25-27, 2013, Govt. Arts College, Ooty, India. (Awarded as the best oral)

    L.R. Shobin, Park, K. C., and Manivannan, S. (2011): Fabrication of single-walled carbon nanotube transparent conducting electrodes by spray coating for optoelectronics, National Conference on Frontier Topics in Advanced Materials (NCFTAM-2013), March 11, 2013, Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli India. (Awarded as the best oral)

    L.R. Shobin, Renganathan, B., Sastikumar, D., Park, K. C., and Manivannan, S. (2013): HNO3 treated multi-walled carbon nanotubes coated intensity modulated fiber optic sensors for ammonia vapor, Optoelectronic Materials and Thin Films for Advanced Technology, OMTAT 2013, January 2-5, 2013, Cochin University of Science and Technology Cochin, India. (Poster)

    Mohanapriya, S., L.R. Shobin, and Manivannan, S. (2012): Fabrication of single-walled carbon nanotube transparent conducting films by dip coating technique, National Seminar on Advances in Materials Science (NSAMS-2012), January 23-24, 2012, Tirunelveli, India. (Oral)

    L.R. Shobin, Renganathan, B., Sastikumar, D., Park, K. C., and Manivannan, S. (2012): Multi-walled carbon nanotubes coated intensity modulated fiber optic sensors for ammonia vapor detection, Annual Photonics Workshop 2012 (APW 2012), February 27-28, 2012, Cochin University of Science and Technology Cochin, India. (Poster)

    L.R. Shobin, Renganathan, B., Sastikumar, D., Park, K. C., and Manivannan, S. (2011) Pure and iso-butyl methyl ketone treated multi-walled carbon nanotubes coated fiber optic ethanol and methanol vapor sensor, International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), 26 June to 01 July 2011, Suntec, Singapore. (Poster)

    Manivannan, S., L.R. Shobin, Saranya, A.M., Renganathan, B., Sastikumar, D., and Park, K. C. (2011): Carbon nanotubes coated fiber optic ammonia gas sensor, SPIE-Photonics West 2011, OPTO - Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XV, San Francisco, California, USA, January 22-27, 2011. (Oral)

  • Work Experience

    SRM IST, Tiruchirappalli Campus India. 2021- Till Date

    Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Physics

    KRIND Research Lab, Tiruchirappalli, India. 2020-2021

    Scientific Officer 

    Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur, India. 2019-2020

    Assistant Professor on Contract

    Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany. 2018-2019

    TUM Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship

    Centre for Nano and Soft Matter Sciences, Bangalore, India 2016-2017

    CeNS Postdoctoral Fellow

    National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India  2013- 2014

    Senior Research Fellow 

    National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India   2011- 2013

    Junior Research Fellow 

  • Memberships

    1. L.R. Shobin and S. Manivannan, “Gas sensor based on Nanowires and Carbon Nanotubes Heterostructure”, Patent No.: 417943 (2023).  [Granted]

    2. L.R. Shobin and S. Manivannan, “Improved transparent electrothermal device”, Indian Patent 2017- 41001065, (2018). 

  • Funded Projects


Education Details