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Thin film, Nano sensors, Spintronics, Nano materials
course handled
H. Mohamed Kasim Sheit, K.S. Mohan, S. Berbeth Mary, P. Subhapriya, N. Sivanantham, Perumal Asaithambi, Durga Prasad Pabba, P. Sakthivel, Arun Thirumurugan, (2025) Assessing the anti-corrosive properties of 2,6-bis-furan-2ylmethylene-cyclohexanone as a carbon steel inhibitor in 0.5M HCl solution, Journal of Molecular Structure, 1319, 139391
V. Vasanthi, N. Sivanantham, L. Saathvika, N. Gopalakrishnan (2023) Metal oxide charge transport materials for light emitting diodes-An Overview, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 165, 107679
M. Rameshkumar, N Ananth, R. Muthuganesan, N. Sivanantham, (2023) Dynamics of quantum correlations under correlated noisy channels, Optical and quantum Electronics, 55, 732
Vasanthi Venkidusamy, Sivanantham Nallusamy, Gopalakrishnan Nammalvar, Ramakrishnan Veerabahu, Arun Thirumurugan, Chidhambaram Natarajan, Shanmuga Sundar Dhanabalan, Durga Prasad Pabba, Carolina Venegas Abarzúa and Sathish-Kumar Kamaraj (2023) ZnO/Graphene Composite from Solvent-Exfoliated Few-Layer Graphene Nanosheets for Photocatalytic Dye Degradation under Sunlight Irradiation, Micromachines, 14, 189
Arya Sukumaran, N. Sivanantham, E.Vinoth, and Gopalakrishnan Nammalvar (2022) Investigation on Ferromagnetism and Dual Donor Defects in Y doped ZnO Thin Films, Physica Scripta, 97, 105804.
Arya Sukumaran, N. Sivanantham, E.Vinoth, and Gopalakrishnan Nammalvar (2021) Ferromagnetism in Gd doped ZnO thin films mediated by defects, Bulletin of Materials Science, 44, 259.
Sivanantham Nallusamy, and Gopalakrishnan Nammalvar (2021). Triggering of ferromagnetism by amine functionalization on ZnO:Mn films grownby RF magnetron sputtering. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 32, 1623–1630
M Kirubanithy, N Sivanantham, N Gopalakrishnan, K Balamurugan (2020). Effect of heat treatment on the optical properties of layered muscovite single crystal sheets. Bulletin of Materials Science, 43(1), 1-8.
Sivanantham Nallusamy, and Gopalakrishnan Nammalvar (2019). Enhancing the saturation magnetization in Ni doped ZnO thin films by TOPO functionalization. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 485, 297-303.
Sivanantham Nallusamy, and Gopalakrishnan Nammalvar (2018). Enhancement of ferromagnetism in thiol functionalized Mn doped ZnO thin films. Materials Research Express, 5(2), 026418
11. Sivanantham Nallusamy, and Gopalakrishnan Nammalvar (2017). Fabrication of thiol-functionalized Ni-doped ZnO thin films for room-temperature ferromagnetism. IEEE Magnetics Letters, 8, 1–4.
Sivanantham Nallusamy, Balamurugan Deenadhaya, Rajan Kalpoondi, and John Bosco Balaguru Rayappan. (2012). Ag-PANI Matrix on Nanostructured ZnO: A Sensor Perspective. Journal of Applied Science, 12, 16: 1624-1629.
Book Chapters (01)
Sivanantham Nallusamy, Vasanthi Venkidusamy, Chidhambaram Natarajan, Durga Prasad Pabba, Carolina Venegas Abarzúa, Yerko Alejandro Reyes Caamaño, Arun Thirumurugan, (2023) Functionalized magnetic nanomaterials for data storage applications in S. K. Kamaraj (Eds.) Magnetic Nanomaterials: Functionalization and Applications, CRC Press, 1st ed., 255-279
Books (05)
V. Kannan, N. Sivanantham, (2023) Engineering Physics II, S. Chand Publishers, ISBN: 978-93-55017-92-5
V. Kannan, N. Sivanantham, E. Hemalatha, R. Manimegalai, (2022) Physics for Computing Science, R.K. Publishers, ISBN: 978-81-95712-60-1
The award of student travel grants honored by IEEE magnetic society - Apr. 2018
Represent a NITT OSA student Chapter in OSA Student leadership Sept. 2017 Conference at WASHINGTON DC, USA
Student Chapter President - 2017-2018
OSA (Optical Society of America), NITT-Student Chapters, National Institute of Technology, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India
Student Chapter Secretary - 2016-2017
OSA (Optical Society of America), NITT-Student Chapters, National Institute of Technology, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India
Principal Investigator - APR 2013
Project Approval: code (PS05)
Title: Synthesis and Characterization of metal Polymer nanocomposite
material- an Optical perspective
Group: Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology
Scheme: Student Project Scheme
Team Organizer (SHEPHERD) - 2007-2009
Science and Humanities for People’s Development (SHEPHERD): Organize the Education team for taking the weak end class in the Remote village school’s students and organize the competition and celebration for independence day through St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.
Representative - 2007-2008
M.Sc.(Physics)., Department. of Physics,
St. Joseph’s college, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.
Member and Volunteer (SHEPHERD) - 2004-2007
Science and Humanities for People’s Development: Helping the Remote village people and Children’s for their education and their clean environment, through St. Joseph’s College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India.
Thiol functionalized V doped ZnO films for Magnetic storage device Application Sivanantham Nallusamy and Gopalakrishnan Nammalvar. International Conference on Sustainable Energy Technologies (i-SET 2018) held at Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, India during 27-28 June 2018.
Organic Ligands Induced Ferromagnetism in Ni doped ZnO films Sivanantham Nallusamy and Gopalakrishnan Nammalvar. Intermag 2018 held at Marina Bay Sands Convention Center, Singapore during April 23-27, 2018.
Thiol Functionalized Cr doped ZnO films for enhanced ferromagnetism Gopalakrishnan Nammalvar, Sivanantham Nallusamy and Varsha Ravichandran. 4th International Conference on Nano Science and Nanotechnology (ICONN 2017) held at SRM University, Chennai, India. during 9- 11, August 2017
Fabrication of Thiol Functionalized Ni doped ZnO thin films Sivanantham Nallusamy and N. Gopalakrishnan. 2017-IEEE Magnetics summer school, Santander, Spain, July19-23, 2017.
Enhancement of ferromagnetism in Thiol functionalized Mn doped ZnO thin films, N. Sivanantham and N. Gopalakrishnan, International Conference on Magnetic Materials and Applications (ICMAGMA), DMRL and Magnetic Society of India, Hyderabad, Feb 01-03, 2017
Academic Experience:
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli campus, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
July 2024- Till dated
Department of Physics, K.Ramakrishnan College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, India. 2021-2024
Department of Physics, NEHRU MEMORIAL COLLEGE, Tamil Nadu, India. 2012-2014
Industry Experience:
Worked as TEM- Analyst/Engineer JEOL (BHEL-WRI)
Worked as XRD operator
Research Experience:
Worked as SRF in CSIR- government funded project as SRF in the title of “Doping and Capping in ZnO thin films for spintronics Applications”
SRM institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST) Tiruchirappalli Campus , Deemed to be University (Formerly SRM University) SRM Nagar, Trichy-Chennai highway, Near Samayapuram Trichy - 621105, Tamilnadu , India.
1800 202 4565
Academic courses
Academic courses