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Semiconducting nanomaterials and Carbon based quantum materials for Multifunctional applications
course handled
For B.Tech (SRMIST)
For Bachelor in Physics
Google Scholar ID:
P. Vinothkumar, T. Sivakumar, S. Praveenkumar, R. Parameshwari, Fahd Alharethy, S. Suganthi, Tae Hwan Oh and Anu Kattappana John, "Catalyst efficiency through the disorder kinetics to identify its nonlinearity in their properties of Ag3PO4@TiO2 catalyst using UV–visible spectroscopy", Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 2024, - IF.: 2.5
Nathalie Karaky, Shiying Tang, R. Parameshwari, Andrew Kirby, Andrew J. McBain, Craig E. Banks and Kathryn A. Whitehead, "Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli Remains Susceptible to Metal Ions and Graphene-Based Compounds", Antibiotics, 2024, 13(5), 381. IF.: 4.8
D.V. Anandhi, S. Selvanandan, Jhelai Sahadevan, Ikhyun Kim, R. Parameshwari, P. Sivaprakash, “Effect of Lanthanum (La) substitution on the magnetic and electrical properties of Nickel Ferrites: An investigation of its doping concentrations”, Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 2024 - - IF.: 2.5
K. Kulathuraan, Raja Venkatesan, S. Esakki Muthu, P. Sivaprakash, R. Parameshwari, Ikhyun Kim, Seong‑Cheol Kim, “Thermoplastic Polymers/Silicon Nanocomposites: Influence of Concentration on Morphological, Optical, and Electrical Properties”, Silicon, 2023, 15, 2025–2035 . IF.: 2.941
P. Sivaprakash, S. Divya, R. Parameshwari, C. Saravanan, Suresh Sagadevan, S. Arumugam, S. Esakki Muthu, “Infuence of Zn2+ doping towards the structural, magnetic, and dielectric properties of NiFe2O4 composite”, J Mater Sci: Mater Electron., 2020, 31, 16369-16378. IF.: 2.779
P. Sivaprakash, A. NitthinAnanth, V. Nagarajan, R. Parameshwari, S.Arumugam, Sujin P. Jose, S. EsakkiMuthu, “Role of Sm3+ dopant in the formation of La(1-x)SmxCrO3 solid state nanoperovskites – Correlation of its augmented physical properties”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2020, 248, 122922.IF.: 4.778
P. Justin Jesuraj1, R. Parameshwari1, K. Jeganathan, “Improved performance of graphene oxide based resistive memory devices through hydrogen plasma”, Materials Letters, 2018, 232, 62-65. (1Equally contributed). IF.: 3.574
R. Parameshwari, K. Jothivenkadachalam, Craig E. Banks and K. Jeganathan, “Acid-free co-operative self-assembly of graphene-ZnO nanocomposites and its defect mediated visible light photocatalytic activities”, Physica B., 2017, 506, 32–41. IF.: 2.988
K. A. Whitehead, M. Vaidya, C. M. Liauw, D.A.C.Brownson, R. Parameshwari, J Kamieniak, S. J. Rowley-Neale, L. A. Tetlow, J. S. T. Wilson-Nieuwenhuis, D. Brown, A.J.McBain, J. Kulandaivel and C. E. Banks, “Antimicrobial activity of graphene oxide-metal hybrids”, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2017, 123, 182-190. IF.: 4.907
P. Justin Jesuraj, R. Parameshwari, K. Kanthasamy, J. Koch, H. Pfnür, K. Jeganathan, “Hole injection enhancement in organic light emitting devices using plasma treated graphene oxide”, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 397, 144–151. IF.: 7.392
E. Vaishnavi, K. Manibalan, R. Parameshwari, K. Jeganathan and R. Renganathan, “Interaction of digestive enzymes with tunable light emitting quantum dots: A thorough Spectroscopic investigation”, Luminescence: Jour. of Biolo. Chem. Lumin. 2015, 30, 978-989. DOI 10.1002/bio.2847. IF.: 2.613
R. Parameshwari, Sai P. Teja, P. Sangeetha, V. Ramakrishnan and K. Jeganathan, “Role of deoxy group on the high concentration of graphene in surfactant/water media”, RSC Adv., 2013, 3, 2369. IF.: 4.036
P. Dharmaraj, K. Jeganathan, V. Gokulakrishnan, P. Sundara Venkatesh, R. Parameshwari, V. Ramakrishnan, S. Balakumar, K. Ramamurthi and K. Asokan, “Controlled and Selective Fabrication of Monolayer Graphene on 4H-SiC by Electron beam induced Rapid Heating”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117 (37), 19195. IF.: 4.189
R. Parameshwari, P. Priyadarshini, G. Chandrasekaran, “Optimization, Structural, Spectroscopic and Magnetic Studies on Stable Akaganeite Nanoparticles via Co-Precipitation Method”, American Journal of Materials Science. 2011; 1(1): 18.
Honors and Awards
Other Achievements:
Invited Talk
Invited Talk on "Recent Research Trends and Opportunities in Physics" at Thanthai Hans Roever College (Affiliated to Bharathidasan University), Perambalur on 28th September, 2022
Invited Talk on “There is plenty of rooms at the bottom: Nanotechnology and Opportunities in Physics” at Servite Women Arts and Science College (Affiliated to Bharathidasan University), Thogaimalai, Karur on 03.10.2023.
Invited Talk on “Influence of different molecules on chemical synthesis of Graphene” at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore in the "7th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Modern Science and Technology (ICRIMST-2024)" held during 9-11, January, 2024 in association with Elaveni organization, Indian Association for Crystal Growth (IACG) and Indian Spectrophysics Association (ISPA).
Papers presented at Conferences
Poster entitled as “Graphene coating on conducting and insulating substrates by Mechanical beating method” in the international Conference GRAPHENE-2014 held at Centre de Congres Pierre Baudis, Toulouse, France during May (06-09), 2014.
Poster presentation entitled "Surface Oxygen influence resistive memory switching behaviour of graphene derivatives" during 27-29, March 2023 in the 7th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN-2023) organized by Department of Physics and Nanotechnology, SRM IST, Chennai
Oral Presentation in International Conference on Materials Science and Technology, 01st -04th March, 2016 at the Conference Center, University of Delhi, India
Poster Presentation in Indo-French Seminar on "Women in Science" through CEFIPRA during 3-5 February 2015
Poster in ICAFM-2014 international conference entitled as “Synthesis, structural, optical and magnetic properties of graphene-ZnO nanocomposite via acid free approach” held at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, February (19-21), 2014.
Poster in IUMRS-2013 internatioanl conference entitled as “Acid-free preparation of Graphene-ZnO nanocomposite for photoca2talytic applications” held at IISc, Bangalore during December (16-20), 2013.
Oral Presentation in ICNN-2013 international conference entitled as “Influence of surfactants in the formation of graphene-ZnO nanocomposites” held at Mother Therasa Women’s University, Kodaikanal during July (11-12), 2013.
Poster - “Synthesis and Characterization of water Soluble Graphene powder” in 2012 IEEE magnetic society summer School-21st -27th July, 2012- SRM University, Chennai.
Oral presentation “Preparation of highly dispersed graphene sheets in water” in the international conference on materials science and technology (ICMST 2012) held at Department of Physics, Sts. Thomas College, Pala, Kottayam - 686574, Kerala (June 10-14, 2012).
Poster - “Effect of Deoxy group in enhancing the graphene dispersion in water” in the National seminar on advanced materials (NSMPA-2012) held in Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore on 29-30, March – 2012. (Best Poster Award)
Oral Presentation- entitled as “High concentration graphene dispersion in aqueous media” in the national seminar on “Indigenous Nanomaterials Development for industrial applications” held on 27th & 28th February 2012 at Anna University, Chennai.
Poster entitled as “Synthesis and Spectroscopic characterization of Akaganeite Nanoparticles” in the International Conference on Recent Frontiers in Applied Spectroscopy [ICORFAS-2010] held on September 22-24 in Department of Physics, Annamalai University, India.
Oral Presentation in National Symposium named as Horizon 2010 on “Nanomaterials and their Applications” conducted by Department of Chemistry, National Institute of Technology in Trichy on 23rd October, entitled as “Effect of capping agent in synthesis of “Akaganeite Nanoparticles”.
Participated Workshop /FDP /Seminar
NPTEL – Online 12 weeks course completed with FDP on “Materials Characterization”, January-April, 2024
NPTEL-Online 12 weeks course on “Physics of fundamental materials and devices” with Elite+Gold Grade with FDP, July-October, 2023
NPTEL- Online 12 weeks Course completed with FDP on "Quantum Chemistry of Atoms and Molecules", July-October, 2022
Completed the 5-day Online UHV-I - FDP on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from 18th December to 22nd December 2023.
Participated in Synergistic Training Programme Utilizing the Scientific and Technological Infrastructure (STUTI-21) funded by DST, India - entitled "One week Training Programme on R & D Equipment on the theme -Advanced Materials Characterization" organized by NIT, Warangal (HUB) and NIT, Trichy (SPOKE) during 30th January To 05 February 2023
Participated in the FDP cum Workshop entitled "One-week Faculty Development Programme on Computational Modelling of Materials" (online mode) during 08-12 May 2023, organized by Department of Physics, Madanapalle Institute of Technology and Science
Participated in Six-Day Faculty Development Progrgamme on "Advances in Analytical Techniques" organized by Department of Chemistry, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Ramapuram, Chennai in association with Society form Advancement in Chemical Sciences and Education, IGCAR, Kalpakkam during 25-30, July 2022
Participated in One-week Faculty Development Programme on "Standardization, Quality, Accreditation and Revitalizing of Teaching, Learning and Research for University Teachers" during 20-26 June 2022 Organized by Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Tiruchirappalli Campus
Participated in Six-Day Online International Faculty Development Progrgamme on Recent Trends in Applied Physics, Organized by Department of Physics, Easwari ENgineering College (Autonomous) Ramapuram, Chennai during 25-30, July 2022
Participated in the National Virtual Workshop on "Machine Learning: An Ice Breaker between Materials Research and Data Science" during 12-13 April 2023, organized by SSN Research Centre , Chennai in association with Indian Association for Crystal Growth, Chennai and Anand Memorial Trust, Hyderabad
Participated in the "Advanced Materials for Biomedical Applications"- AMBA'2021 organized by the National Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, University of Madras on 1st -11th, December 2021 under MHRD-RUSA 2.0 "Biomaterials" project
Participated in the Webinar series, "Modern Trends in Organic Synthesis" Conducted by School of Chemistry, Bharathidasan University during 27-31, 2020
Academic Experience: 3 Years 3 Months
Assistant Professor in Physics, E&T, SRMIST, Trichy from 03.06.2022 To till date.
Assistant Professor in Physics at Sri Meenakshi Vidiyal Arts and Science College, Trichy from 20.09.2021 - 30.05.2022
Research Experience: 15 Years
M. Phil Scholar - August, 2009 to November, 2010
Ph. D Scholar - April, 2011 to December, 2020
Assistant Professor - 2021 to till date
MRSI Trichy Chapter – Life time member No.: LMB2505
SRM institute of Science & Technology (SRMIST) Tiruchirappalli Campus , Deemed to be University (Formerly SRM University) SRM Nagar, Trichy-Chennai highway, Near Samayapuram Trichy - 621105, Tamilnadu , India.
1800 202 4565
Academic courses
Academic courses