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Ms. J. Swathi

Assistant Professor




Total Experience 

Area of interest

CLINICAL EXPERIENCE : 1 Year as a Fitness Trainer ACADEMIC EXPERIENC : 1 Year and 1 Month

course handled

1. BPT I year co-ordinator (Batch 2024-2025)

2. Heraizon Incharge (BPT 2023- I Year)

3. ERP Incharge for (Batch 2024-2025)

4. Member of NAAC-Criteria 2 

5. Mentor 

6. Sports Club Incharge 

7. Member in the Disciplinary Committee

8. Member in the Anti-Drug Committee



    • State-level Workshop on Diaphragm and Arthritis- Clinical Pilates (October 08, 2023) - Attended.
    • National Workshop on Research Methodology (December 12-19, 2023) - Attended . 
    • FDP on Research Methods in Health Promotion (July- Oct, 2023) - Attended.
    • International level FDP on Innovative Teaching and Learning Pedagogy (January 09-13, 2024) - Attended.
    • Continuing Education Course by ISOMT on Sports Performance- Advanced Running Assessment and Management (February 25, 2024) - Attended .
    • Continuing Education Course by ISOMT on Basic Radiological Examination for Healthcare Professionals (March 24, 2024) - Attended.
    • FDP on Health Research Fundamentals (Jan-March, 2024) -Attended.
    • FDP on Essentials of Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation (Feb-March, 2024) - Attended
    • National level conference- REVIVE 24, The Beginning for Excellence (March 02, 2024) - Attended and Presented a topic on “Innovative Teaching Pedagogy”
    • Hands-on training Spinal Manipulation focusing on Sacro-iliac joint (March 03, 2024) - Organized.
    • Webinar on Empowering Advanced & Slow Learners (April 06, 2024) - Attended .
    • International Guest Lecture on Sports and Health Sciences (April 12, 2024) - Organized.
    • International level Intercollegiate Meet (PHYSIO BEAST-2024 on June 15 & 16, 2024)  - Presented and won First Prize in Faculty Presentation on the paper “KAHOOT! - Impact of Game-Based Learning to Create Active Learning and Academic Outcomes among Physiotherapy Students”.
    • CME on Functional Biological Approach to Stroke management,
    • Smart phone overuse- A hidden cause for Musculoskeletal Injuries, Predictors of Cardio-Respiratory fitness: An overview,
    • Fear of fall among Geriaric population and Physiotherapy perspective on management of the Diabetic foot (June 15 & 16, 2024) - Attended
    • Multidisciplinary International Virtual Conference on Digital Revolution in Cultural Preservation (August 06-08, 2024) - 
    • Attended and Presented a paper on “Collaborative Learning through Digital Platforms” -  Seminar on “Process of Assistive Device Provision” (July 11, 2024) - Attended
    • CME on Enhance your Clinical Practice: Pain management with Focus Shockwave Piezo Technology (July 21, 2024) - Attended
    • FDP on Critical and Creative Thinking Skills (August 5 & 06, 2024) - Attended
    • Continuous Physiotherapy Education (CPE) Programme- For Alumni By Alumni (August 29, 2024) - Organized