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Dr. N. Kurinjivendhan

Assistant Professor

Computer Science


Total Experience 

Area of intrest

Data Mining & Machine Learning

7 Years 8 Months

course handled

  • Machine Learning
  • Data structure and algorithm
  • Python
  • Java
  • R Programming Language
  • C , C++ and .Net Programming language

 Education Details

  • Publication details

    N.Kurinjivendhan, Dr.K.Thangadurai  “Enhanced Binary Small World Optimization Algorithm for High Dimensional Datasets”, published in International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Informatics (IJCII), ISSN: 2349-6363, Vol.3, No.1, 2013, pp: 56-60.

    N.Kurinjivendhan, Dr.K.Thangadurai “A Holistic Review on Clustering Algorithms for High Dimensional Data”, published in Journal of Computer Science and Applications (JCSA), ISSN: 2231-1270, Volume 6, No.1, 2014, pp: 171-174.

    N.Kurinjivendhan, Dr.K.Thangadurai, “Design and Analysis of Pre-Processing and Clustering Algorithms for Web usage Mining”, published in International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), ISSN: 0973-4562, Vol.10, No.20, 2015, pp: 17892-17895, [Scopus].

    N.Kurinjivendhan, Dr.K.Thangadurai,”Modified k-means algorithm and genetic approach for cluster optimization”, published in IEEE Explore Digital library, 12th December 2016. ISBN:978-1-4673-8594-7. [Scopus].

    N.Kurinjivendhan, Dr.K.Thangadurai,”A Hybrid Approach to Discover Most Frequently Visited Webpages”, published in International Journal of Research in Advent Technology ( IJRAT) , ISSN: 2321-9637 ,Vol.7, No.5, May 2019 pp: 600-606.[UGC]

  • Awards and Achievements


  • Workshops / Seminars

    International Conference: [Presented]

    1. Presented a Paper entitled, “Design and Analysis of Pre-Processing and Clustering Algorithms for Web usage Mining”, in the International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems, Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering ,Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, on 19th & 20th March 2015.

    2. Presented a Paper entitled, “Modified k-means algorithm and genetic approach for cluster optimization”, in the International conference on data mining and advanced computing(SAPIENCE16), Organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sree Narayana Gurukulam College Of Engineering, Ernakulam, Kerala, India.

    3. Presented a Paper entitled, “Smart Parking Systems Using IOT: A Survey“, in the International Conference on Intelligent and Computing Systems (ICICS)-2021”, Organized by the Department of Computer Applications, Bishop Heber College, Trichy, on 22 March 2021.

    4. Presented a Paper entitled, “A Study On Clustering Algorithms For Web Usage Mining“, in the International Conference on Intelligent and Computing Systems (ICICS)-2022”, Organized by the Department of Computer Applications, Bishop Heber College, Trichy, on 22 March 2022.

    National Conference: [Presented]

    1. Presented a paper entitled “A holistic review on clustering algorithms for high dimensional data” in the National conference on Mining, Internetworking and Data Security (MINDS 2014) Organized by the Department of Computer Applications, Alagappa University, Karaikudi on 27th and 28th of march2014.

    2. Presented a Paper entitled, “An Analysis of Pre-Processing and Clustering for Web Content Mining”, in the National Conference on Recent Trends in Soft Computing and Data Mining Techniques, Organized by the Department of Computer Science , Kongu College of Arts and Science, Karur-6, on 26th February 2015.

  • Work Experience

    Academic Experience:

    Assistant Professor from 14/06/2012 to 30/04/2013 in Kongu College of Arts and Science,Karur-06.

    Assistant Professor from 18/06/2018 to 24/10/2019 in Asan College of Arts and Science, Karur-03.

    Assistant Professor from 09/12/2019 to 07/02/2021 in Jairams Arts and Science College, Karur.

    Assistant Professor from 08/02/2021 to 21/06/2024 in Bishop Heber College, Trichy-17.

    Assistant Professor from 31/07/2024 – Till Date in SRMIST Trichy.

  • Memberships
