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Funded Projects
S.No PI/CO-PI Title Name of the Scheme/Company Project Cost Date of Applied/Received Status
1 Dr.S. Kanaga Suba Raja Design and Development of Crop and Fertilizer Recommendation System for Farmers using Generative Artificial Intelligence TNSCST 405,000 2023 Applied
2 Dr.S.Kanaga Suba Raja AI - Enabled Mental Health Monitoring System for Rehabilitation Centers ICSSR-Major Project Scheme 2023-2024 1,994,000 2023 Applied
3 Dr.S.Kanaga Suba Raja An Ingenious Seasonal Crop Recommendation System for Sustainable Agriculture and Rainwater Management Driven with Artificial Intelligence Integrating Arthasastra, Based on Kautilya's Astrological Monsoon Prediction. IKS (INDIAN KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS) Competitive Research Proposals Program 2023-24 1,290,000 2023 Applied
4 Dr.S.Kanaga Suba Raja Developing an AI Based Monitoring System for Tracking Malnourished Children and Targeting Delivery of ICDS Services and Look to The Profile of 6 – 36 Months Children and Formulation of High Protein & Nutrient Biscuit and Implementation of BCC Package to Reduce Malnourishment ICMR 2,960,477 2023 Applied
5 Dr.Balaji Ganesh Application: Observational research using ChatGPT as a Decision Support To Melinda-Gates Foundation USD 18,000 5/6/2023 Applied
6 Dr.R.Jagadeeshkannan Design of intelligent Systems based on Deep Learning to analyze EEG/fMRI Brain Signals of Sanskrit Pandits and Purohits for Cognitive Studies MSME Incubation centre 15 lakh per idea to a max of 1crore 17/07/2023 Approved Host Institute (Jan 2024)
7 Dr.R.Deebalakshmi Dr.S.Padmapriya Unveiling Cognitive Influences on E-Learning Preferences ICSSR Minor Projects 10,00,000 October 18 2023 Applied