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Networking and Communication

Take student experience to the next level

Department of Networking and Communications under School of Computing intend to meet the expectations of the aspiring students and to add more value to the degrees offered. The Department ensures to provide quality and value-laden education for students in the traditional and contemporary areas of Cloud Computing, Computer Networks, Cyber Security, Information Technology and Internet of Things.

The programs are introduced in partnership with reputed IT companies like Amazon Web services, K7 Security, Virtusa etc. The department consists of a medley of faculty members with industrial and academic experience. The Department’s keen focus is towards “networks” domain specific and specialization-based placement drives for its students. The department inculcates entrepreneurial skills in budding aspirants to pitch their innovative ideas through SRM Innovation and Incubation Center. Our International and alumni connect intrigue in bridging the gap between the trio: Academics-Industry -Research.

  • Branch- specific Electives
  • Open Electives
  • Industrial Electives
  • Minor Courses
  • Value added Courses

Know More

  • Faculty
  • Facilities
  • Industrial Connectivity
  • MoU
  • Industrial Visit
  • Professional Activities

    • Workshop
    • Guest Lectures
    • Conferences
    • Faculty Development Programmes
    • Webinar
    • Seminars
    • ThonEvents
    • Value Added Programme
    • Project Expo


To Nurture as globally recognizable department in imparting the students high quality education and providing high confidence, unique knowledge and research experience in the field of networking, cyber security, forensics, information technology, cognitive computing and internet of things.


To provide world-class IT professionals with appropriate industry and research-based curriculum.

To train the students, that leads to entrepreneurship and develop societal need-based industries.

To nourish the students as socially responsible professionals by providing them training in personality development, ethics, and leadership program.

Meet our Faculty


The institution maintains a computerized central library spanning 720 sq m, which is accessible to students. The library caters to the needs of both students and faculties, with a collection of over 15,000 books. Additionally, it subscribes to 80 specialized national journals and reputed newspapers for their benefit. The central library serves as a valuable resource for students to expand their knowledge and expertise.


The department includes Smart Classrooms, equipped with audio-visual facilities that enable instructors to deliver engaging lectures and presentations. Smart Classrooms are part of a digital initiative that is rapidly transforming the way teachers teach and students learn.

Smart Classrooms

  • 24x7 Optical fibre communication which provides 1Gbps Internet Connectivity (both wired and wi-fi).
  • 256 Nos. of Lenovo Think Centre Desktop computers with Intel i7-12700F, 12th Gen. processors 3.60Ghz, 1 TB HDD, 16 GB DDR4 RAM, 22’ Monitor.
  • 36 Nos. of NVIDIA RTX 3060 GPU powered Workstations.

Hardware for Computing

  • Microsoft Campus Agreement for 200 User Licenses.
  • Microsoft Windows Operating System 11 GGS.
  • Ubuntu OS.

Software for Computing